Prof.Dr. AbdulhamidAltubuly

Department of Microbiology faculty of Medicine

Full name

Prof.Dr. Abdulhamid Ahmed Ismail Altubuly


Doctor of Phiosophy

Academic Rank



ABDULHAMID A ALTUBULY, MB, BCh, PhD DATE OF BIRTH: 8 January 1966 NATIONALITY: Libyan CIVIL STATE: Married, Father of 4 children. PRESENT APPOINTMENT: Professor of Immunology, Department Microbiology and Immunology (DMI), Faculty of Medicine, Tripoli University, Tripoli, Libya. EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1997 PhD in Immunology, Department of Immunology, Hammersmith Hospital, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, R.P.M.S., London University, London, United Kingdom. 1995 MBSI, membership of the British Society of Immunology. 1994 MPhil in Immunology, Department of Immunology, Hammersmith Hospital, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, R.P.M.S., London University, London, UK. 1993 completed a year of internship at hospitals approved for internship training in Libya. 1992 Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.) and Bachelor of Surgery (B.Ch.), Faculty of Medicine, Al-Fateh University for Medical Sciences, Tripoli, Libya. 1986 College Certificate (A level), Zawyat Al-Dihmanny High School, Tripoli, Libya. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: From April 1992 until April 1993, I held several House Officer (HO) positions at the Central Hospital and other major teaching hospitals in Tripoli, Libya (including Al-Khadra, Tajora, Al-Jala, and Salahudeen hospitals) in the following specialities: Medicine, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, and Community Medicine. From April 1993 until August 1993, I held a Senior House Officer (SHO) position at the Department of Medicine, division of Respiratory Medicine & Medical Oncology (The Central Hospital, Tripoli). From December 1993 until July 1997, I have been a full time MPhil and later on a PhD student at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School (RPMS), Hammersmith Hospital (London, UK). From July 1997 until July 1998, I worked with Professor F. Fortune (also with Dr. M. Cochrane and Dr. J. Rees) as an Honorary Clinical Associate and Research Fellow in the department of Clinical Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, division of Asthma & Allergy at Guy’s Hospital, London. From February 1999 to September 2004, I held the positions of Lecturer and latter on Assistant Professor of Immunology at the department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (DMI), University of Al-Fateh, Tripoli, Libya. Then latter in 2004 I was promoted to Associate Professor of Immunology. In September 2008 I gained my Professorship in Immunology where I teach clinical Immunology to medical students. Since February 1999 to December 2007: Clinical Immunologist and consultant Allergiologist (Asthma, Allergy and Respiratory Medicine Specialist) at Dar AlShifa Clinic of Tripoli. Since December 2007 to May 2010: Clinical Immunologist and consultant Allergiologist (Asthma, Allergy and Respiratory Medicine Specialist) at Fashloom Clinic in Zawyat El-Dihmany, Tripoli. PUBLICATIONS: 1) Bakoush O , Al-Tubuly AA, Ashammakhi N, Elkhammas EA. (2007). PubMed Medical Publications from Libya. Libyan J Med, AOP: 070625 2) El-Bousefy A, Al-Tubuly AA, Dawi E, Zaroog S, and Schulze I. (2006). Libyan Boy with Autosomal Recessive Trait (P22-phox Defect) of Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Libyan J Med, AOP: 0600905. 3) Al-Tubuly AA (2006). The four phenomenons of oral exams in our medical schools: a personal point of view. JMJ, 6, No. 1, 63 4) Al-Tubuly AA and Al-Tubuly RA (2006). Avian Influenza: a timeline of events. JMJ, 5, No. 1, 8 5) Al-Tubuly AA and Al-Tubuly RA (2005). New evidence suggesting cigarette smoking may cause asthma and not just aggravates it. JMJ, 4, No. 3,167 6) Ronchetti R., Pia Villa M., Bohmerova Z., Martella S., Falasca C., Barreto M., Lesiak-Bednarek A., Al-Bousafy A., Al-Tubuly A.A., Zakrzewski J., Haluszka J. (2004) skin reactivity to histamine and codeine in unselected 9-year-old children from Italy, Poland and Libya. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2004;135:136-142 7) Al-Tubuly A.A., Al-Bousafy A., Dawi E., Grera A., Bousafy M., El-Barouni I., and Aboulgasem A. (2004). Skin reactivity to histamine in Libyan children: The Azizia-Samno study, Abstract book, Scientific Conference on Pediatrics, 14-16 February 2004, Tripoli, Libya. 8) Al-Tubuly A.A., and Ritter M.A. (2003). Prostatic epithelial cells do not express the interleukin-4 receptor-associated molecule (gp200-MR6, CD205). JMJ, 2, No. 3, 31. 9) Al-Tubuly A.A., (2003). Diagnostic Applications of Immunology. JMJ, 2, No. 3, 12. 10) Al-Tubuly A.A., (2002). Cloning: How Far Can We Go? JMJ, Volume 2, No. 2, 8. 11) Al-Tubuly A.A. (2000). SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting. In: George A.J.T., and Urch C.E. (eds.), Diagnostic and Therapeutic Antibodies. The Molecular Medicine Series, Humana Press, USA. 12) Imami N., Ladyman H., Vincents B., Al-Tubuly A.A., Freysdottir J., Sedibane M., Foxwell B., and Ritter M.A. (1998). K21-Antigen: a molecule shared by the microenvironments of the thymus and germinal centers in human. Dev. Immunol., 6, 41. 13) AL-Tubuly A.A. (1997). The Role of Interleukin-4 Receptor Associated Molecule GP200-MR6 In Normal and Transformed Human Epithelial Cells. Ph.D. Thesis, London University. 14) Al-Tubuly A.A., Spijeker R., Kirkland S.C., Pignatelli M., and Ritter M.A. (1997). Inhibition of proliferation and enhancement of differentiation of human colorectal cell lines by MAb MR6 and interleukin-4. Int. J. Cancer, 71, 605. 15) Al-Tubuly A.A., Luqmani Y.A., Shousha S., Melcher D., and Ritter M.A. (1996). Down-regulation of the IL-4 receptor-associated molecule gp200-MR6 in invasive carcinoma and differential expression in benign hyperplasia of the breast. Br. J. Cancer, 74, 1005. 16) Al-Tubuly A.A.*, Spijeker R., Kirkland S.C., Pignatelli M., and Ritter M.A. (1996). The effect of MAb MR6 and IL-4 on the proliferation and differentiation of human colorectal cell. Kos, Greece, 3-5 October 1996. Int. J. Oncology, 9, Supplement, 834. 17) Imami N., Ladyman H., Vincents B., Al-Tubuly A.A., Freysdottir J., Sedibane M.,Foxwell B., and Ritter M.A. K21-Antigen. The 12th Germinal Center Conference, Graz, Austria, July, 1996. 18) Al-Tubuly A.A.*, Expression of the IL-4 receptor-associated molecule gp200- MR6 in the human breast. Invited Speaker by Departments of Immunology and Cell Biology, The National University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10 April 1996. 19) Al-Tubuly A.A.*, Luqmani Y.A., Shousha S., Melcher D., and Ritter M.A. (1995). Analysis of the IL-4 receptor-associated molecule gp200-MR6 expression in the human breast. The 2nd Annual Meeting of BSI, December 1995. Immunology, 86, supplement 1, 34. 20) Freysdottir J., Ladyman H., Al-Tubuly A.A., and Ritter M.A. (1995) Analysis of the influence of soluble and/or cell mediated signals on growth and differentiation of cultured human thymic epithelial cells. The 8th International Conference for Immunology, San Francisco, July 1995. Submitted Work and Manuscripts in Preparation: 1) Al-Tubuly A.A. Rapid Lateral Flow Test: a possible tool in monitoring progress of Covid-19 infection in fully vaccinated individuals. submitted to Libyan Journal of Medical Sciences (12 February 2022) 2) Al-Tubuly A.A. and Ritter M.A. Analysis of the signalling pathways utilised by the IL-4 receptor-associated molecule gp200-MR6 in human colorectal carcinoma cells. Manuscript in preparation. Publications in Arabic Language: __________________________________________________ 1 .عبدالحميد الطبولي .إصابات اإلجهاد المتكرر 2 :الىقاية و العالج. مجلة ليبيا لإلتصاالت و التقنية .السنة . 00 صفحة- 2002 فبراير - الثالث العذد- األولى 2 .عبدالحميد الطبولي .إصابات اإلجهاد المتكرر الناتجة عن سىء إستخذام الحاسىب. مجلة ليبيا لإلتصاالت و . صفحة - 2002 أغسطس - الثاني العذد - األولى السنة. التقنية no2.pdf REFEREES: 1) Professor M. A. Daw, Bpharm, MB, BCh, MPS, PhD Professor of Infectious Medicine and Head of the DMI. Faculty of Medicine, Tripoli University, Libya. 2) Professor M. Ritter, MA, DPhil, Professor of Immunology and Vice Dean of Education, Department of Immunology, Division of Medicine, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine (previously the R.P.M.S), Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK. 3) Professor F. Fortune, BDS, MBBS, FRCP, FDSRCS, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Honorary Consultant in Immunology, Unit of Medicine in Relation to Oral Disease, UMDS, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK.

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