Department of Pharmacognasy

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Dr. Muftah A. M. Shushni

د.مفتاح علي الشوشني هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم علم العقاقير بكلية الصيدلة. تحصل على الدكتوراة من دولة ألمانيا 2009.يعمل د.مفتاح الشوشني بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ مشارك وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه


Some of publications in Department of Pharmacognasy

دراسة الكيمياء النباتية لنبات الشيح Phytochemical Investigation of Artemisia Herba Alba Asso (Asteraceae)

نبات الشيح وأسمه العلمي "Artemisia herba alba" يتبع الفصيلة المركبة "Asteraceae" هو نبات حولي عشبي، ذو رائحة عطرية ينمو في شمال أفريقيا بما فيها " ليبيا " ومعظم دول أوروبا وأسيا. الجزء الهوائي من نبات الشيح تم تجميعه من جنوب طرابلس " مدينة ترهونه " في شهر أي النار لعام 2007 إفرنجي. تم ٳستخلاص الجزء الهوائي المطحون "1 كجم " لنبات بواسطة جهاز "Soxhelt apparatus" وذلك تعاقبيا بزيادة القطبية للمذيبات العضوية من الأقل ٳلي الأعلى قطبية " الهكسان العادي، الكلوروفورم تم الميتانول ". ثم تجزئة مستخلص الكلوروفورم لنبات بواسطة العمود الكروماتوغرافي وكروماتوغرافيا الطبقة الرقيقة المجهزة مما ينتج عنها فصل المركب "β-sitosterol" الذي تم التعرف عليه بواسطة " جهاز الرنين المغناطيسي، جهاز تحت الحمراء، جهاز طيف الكتلة " وكذلك بالمقارنة بعينة نموذجية. تم دراسة تاثيرثلاتة أنواع من المستخلص كمضادات حيوية على ثلاثة أنواع من البكتريا سالبة لصبغة الجرام (Escherichia coli-Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella spp) ونوع واحد من بكتريا موجبة لصبغة الجرام بالإضافة ٳلى قرص "' Impenem كسلالة مرجعية باستخدام طريقة ٳنتشار القرص وطريقة التركيز المانع الأدنى. أظهرت النتائج أن الاختلاف في قطر المنطقة المانعة يعتمد على نوع البكتريا ونوع المستخلص، يتراوح معدل قطر المنطقة المناعة من 8-12 ملم, 14 -16ملم لمستخلص الكلوروفورم والميتانول كان 6.25 ملغم /مل ضد البكتريا العنقودية بينما كان أعلى تركيز كان 100,50 ملغم /مل ضد الأنواع الأخرى من بكتريا سالبة لصبغة الجرام. Abstract: Artemisia herba Alba Asso. (Asteraceae) is strongly aromatic shrubby perennial that grown in North Africa including Libya, most of Europe and Asia the aerial parts of Artemisia herba Alba Asso. Were collected from the south of Tripoli (Tarhona area) aon January 2007. The powder of aerial parts (1Kg ) were extracted successively with n-hexane chloroform, and methanol by soxhelt apparatus .The crude chloroform extract was subjected to column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography resulted isolation of two compounds β- sitosterol and mixture of terpenoids which were not further separated . The structures identification was determined by spectroscopically [H1 -NMR, 2D (COSY, HMBC), Mass spectra], in comparison with an authentic sample of β- sitosterol and Stigmasterol compounds using TLC plate. Disk diffusion and Micro dilution techniques were used to determine the antibacterial activity of (n-hexan, Chloroform, Methanol) extracts of Artemisia herba alba against one species of gram positive strain (Staphylococcus aureus) and three species of gram negative strain (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp and Pseudomonas aerugenosa ). Imipenem discs was used as reference strain. The zone of inhibition varies depending on bacterial species and type of extract. The average diameter of inhibition zone ranges from 8-12mm, 14-16 mm for chloroform and methanol extract respectively. Chloroform and methanolic extracts were effective against gram-positive strain (Staph. aureus) with the least concentration (MIC = > 6.25), while the higher concentrations (100,50mg lml) was effective against the other gram-negative strains.
عائشة مصطفي اللافي (2009)
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Experimental study comparing burn healing effects of raw South African Shea butter and the samples from a Libyan market

Background: The fat extracted from the nut of the African Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) is called Shea butter. It has multiple uses at the local level as it is used in cosmetic products and as a cocoa butter substitute in chocolate industries. It has a high nutritious value and is also a valuable product on the local, national, and international markets, making it the ideal candidate to research and invest in. Aim: This study is a comparative experimental study of the possible burn healing effects between imported South African raw Shea butter and samples in a Libyan market. Method: The control samples were brought from South Africa (Benin traditional markets). A total of 18 different samples were collected from different sale centers in Tripoli, including pharmacies, beauty shops, and spices shops, in addition to one sample brought from Poland. Animal experiment on burn healing effect was carried out on nine male Sprague Dawley (350–400 g) rats aged 6–8 weeks old. After shaving the animal’s dorsum hair, a metal cube was used to create a deep second degree burn wound, and the cube was heated to 100°C for 20 seconds. Medication with Shea butter (control, T1, and T2) was initiated daily for one for these groups by the application of a thin film of the Shea butter samples on the burned areas. On days 1, 3, and 7, the rats were anesthetised and a sample from the burned scar tissue and skin adjacent were evaluated using pathological parameters. Results: The histological study indicates that the use of Shea butter T1 as topical treatment induces an immune response, which enhances the form of the presence of a large number of inflammatory cells in the epidermis and dermis layers. The treatment of burned skin with T2 lasted for 72 hours and it showed slightly significant healing in the normal structure of proliferative granulation tissue with accumulation of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells surrounding the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Small areas of the epidermis which formed few layers were observed and some hair roots were grown. This was well seen in cases of T1 and T2. Shea butter bought as raw might have a bad effect on burned skin. Conclusion: Shea butter bought as raw might have bad effect on burned skin. On the other hand, the sample from Poland had a therapeutic effect, which was because of the additives such as avocado oil, grape seed oil, and others. arabic 18 English 101
Sakina Salem Mohammed Saadawi, Soad Ali Abdulsalam Treesh, ٍSuhera Mehemed Abdulsalam Aburawi, , , (11-2020)
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Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Some Commercial Brands of Metronidazole 500mg Tablets Marketed in Tripoli Libya

Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal drug which is also effective against anaerobic bacteria. The availability of several brands of Metronidazole tablets in Libyan pharmacies today places health practitioners and a pharmacist in a problem of drug substitution in case of a particular brand is not available. The aim of the present study was the evaluation and comparison of pharmaceutical equivalence of five different Metronidazole coated tablets 500 mg, which are commercially available in the private pharmacies in Tripoli city, produced by various pharmaceutical companies with different trade names. The pharmaceutical quality of five brands of Metronidazole tablets was analyzed using official and unofficial quality control tests prescribed in different Pharmacopoeia including uniformity of weight, thickness, hardness, disintegration time, drug content as well as dissolution rate and assay. Acceptable external features as well as uniformity in diameter and thickness were revealed for all the tablets. The entire selected brands complied with the official specifications for uniformity of weight, hardness and disintegration, they released more than 75% of their drug content within 45 minutes. It can be concluded that all the brands could be regarded as bioequivalent and therefore can be interchanged in the clinical practice; this sort of study is good indicator for the evaluation of the idealness of commercial products and showed the importance of post marketing investigation for the drugs imported and distributed in Libya.
Sakina Salem Saadawi(12-2021)
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