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“A Study Of The Effect Of Temperature And Frequency On Electric Conductivity Of Zinc Ferrite Added To It Manganese Iron Impurity

In this research paper it was studied the electric behaviour of ferrite zinc material[1][3][5] [9][12][16][19][24] added to it manganese iron (Mn+2) [2][4][11][13][19][20][25] according to the chemical formula: Mnx, Zn1-x, Fe2O4; X= 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6, which was prepared by the traditional ceramic method. This matter is classified as one of the ferromagnetic [9][14][16][17] materials of multi-crystalline structure. X-ray diffraction technology was used for all samples and the electric conductivity [1][3][5][6][7] was measured at a certain range of temperatures and frequencies. arabic 23 English 107
Abdusalam Emhemed Ibrahim Abubkr(8-2019)
موقع المنشور

TL Characteristics and Dosimetric Aspects of Mg-Doped ZnO

Dosimetry characterization and the evaluation of kinetics parameters of trapping states of Mg-doped ZnO phosphors synthesized by Sol-Gel technique. The thermoluminescence response of Mg-doped ZnO samples showed a linear response when exposed to X-ray radiation and the optimum annealing condition was 400oC/4h for the three concentrations. A broad-shaped TL glow curve with an upper bound of 270 °C, which shifts to lower temperatures with increasing dose, indicating that general order (GO) kinetics thermoluminescence processes are involved. We conclude that the ZnO doped Mg phosphors under study are promises to develop dosimeters for high radiation dose measurements. Kinetic parameters, such as activation energy (E), frequency factor (s), and order of kinematic order (b), were estimated by the Glow Curve Deconvolution (GCD) method. ZnO:Mg phosphor has a great potential as a dosimeter for monitoring in the fields of ionizing radiation. arabic 9 English 49
Fawzeia Khamis, , (1-2021)
موقع المنشور

Density functional theory study of substitutional oxygen in diamond

A few studies have been recently presented for the existence of oxygen in diamond, for example, the N3 EPR centres have been theoretically and experimentally assigned the model made up from complex of substitutional nitrogen and substitutional oxygen as nearest neighbours. We present ab initio calculations of substitutional oxygen in diamond in terms of stability, electronic structures, geometry and hyperfine interaction and show that substitutional oxygen with C$_{2v}\,$, $S=1$ is the ground state configuration. We find that oxygen produces either a donor or acceptor level depending on the position of the Fermi level. arabic 8 English 59
Khaled Mohamed Ramadan Etmimi(12-2015)

Effect of Doping with Cobber on Optical Properties of Zinc Oxide Thin Films Prepared by So-Gel Method

Thin films of cobber doped ZnO have been prepared on glass substrate using the Sol-Gel spin coating technique. The effect of doping percentage of Cu to ZnO thin films on the optical properties and optical constants are concluded from absorption and transmission measurements which are obtained by using double beam UV-Visible 1800 spectrophotometer in the wavelength (300-800)nm. It was found that the transmittance increases with increasing the doping percentage (0.01, 0.02,0.03 and 0.04)mol%, while the Absorbance is decreased. The optical energy band gaps have been evaluated and their values seem to be decreased by increasing the doping concentration level in the range (0.01, 0.02, 0.03)mol% followed by a rise with increasing the doping level to 0.04mol%. arabic 17 English 84
Fawzeia Khamis(9-2020)
موقع المنشور

Optical Properties of Pure Zinc Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method

Thin films of pure ZnO have been prepared on glass substrate using the Sol–Gel spin coating technique. Transmittance and absorbance spectra have been measured by using double beam UV-Visible 1800 spectrophotometer in the wavelength range (300-800)nm. It was found that the absorbance decreases with increasing the wavelength, while the transmittance increases with rising the wavelength. The transmittance exceeds 90% in the visible light region and in the near-infrared. The obtained results have shown that intrinsic ZnO is a semiconductor of wide optical energy band gap estimated to be 3.33eV. Furthermore, some optical properties and optical constants have been calculated from absorption and transmission measurements such as absorption coefficient, Urbach energy, extinction coefficient, refractive index and dielectric constant. arabic 12 English 63
Fawzeia Khamis(8-2020)
موقع المنشور

Radiation Induced Defects and Thermoluminescence Characteristics in Eu, Dy and Eu/Dy Doped-Quartz Sol-Gel by 2 Gy Beta and 2 MeV 4He+ Irradiations

Thermoluminescence (TL) of pure and Eu3+ and Dy3+ doped synthesis quartz was synthesized and their ion beam and thermoluminescence properties were investigated. The as prepared, doped and co-doped quartz and the effects of imparting 2 Gy beta dose and 2MeV 4He+ ion beam irradiation is investigated. The basic model proposed and can explain our observations is that, the dominant signals from the as prepared material arise from the incorporation of the transitions within the RE dopants enhanced by the intensity from the intrinsic or host defect sites within the synthesis quartz network. The complex shape TL glow curves indicate that irradiation causes major distortions to the lattice with the incorporation of extrinsic impurities and RE doping processes, induce perturbations and alter the energy levels pattern of the free ions and assigned transitions probabilities in a manner that that depends on the dopants, their concentrations and the host material. The larger Eu ions stabilize the emission more than that of the Dy ions. The TL peak temperatures are commonly correlated via charge transfer processes and scale with the ions size, in such a manner that the close proximity (or shallow traps) allows lower temperature electron release, whereas the more distant variants (deep traps) are less distorted, but are still able to couple to the higher energy orbitals of the Eu ions. arabic 26 English 120
Fawzeia Khamis(10-2020)
موقع المنشور

Improved Thermoluminescence Properties of Natural NaCl Salt Extracted From Mediterranean Sea Water Relevant to Radiation Dosimetry

Thermoluminescence (TL) technique has been used to characterize and determine the dosimetric properties of natural sodium chloride (NaCl) salt extracted from the Seawater of the Mediterranean Sea. The TLD grade material was prepared by evaporation and annealing the powder obtained from the aqueous solution. The TL properties include the response to theb-irradiation dose and the effects resulting from annealing up to 700oC, heating rate and fading. The analysis involve using total Glow Curve Deconvolution (GCD) to separate the inherent overlapping TL-peaks and determine the TL characteristics and the trapping parameters using general order (GO)kinetics (activation energy, kinetic order, peak position of trap and the frequency factor). The GL-curves exhibit well defined TL-peaks around 140oC, 225oC and 380oC and response depending on the annealing temperature due to variations due to formation of the structural defects. A linear response was noticed over the delivered range of absorbed doses up to 4Gy. The fading results gave evidence that TL emission is due to a redistribution of trapping levels and indicate that the prominent TL-peak near 225oCis useful for TL-dosimetric applications. arabic 15 English 115
Fawzeia Khamis(5-2020)
موقع المنشور

Assessment of different Growth Techniques of Strained Germanium Heterostructures for Electronic and spintronic Devices

This paper, emphasis different growth techniques of two-dimensional hole gas of strained germanium (sGe) heterostructure, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). sGe heterostructure has become an important material as a replacement material to Silicon in P-type devices because of its higher hole mobility and lower effective mass. Researchers study this material in terms of electrical and spintronic devices according to technology demands for devices with higher efficiency and low power consumption. High hole mobility up to 1×10cm/Vs at temperature of 1.5 K has been reported for normal structure declaring high quality samples with low density dislocation and low interface roughness. arabic 14 English 105
Adel Diyaf, A.H. A. Hassan , U. Elfurawi , A. E. Abubkr (6-2019)
موقع المنشور