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Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Libya/14VIR2749-16/2014(H5N1)) segment 4 hemagglutinin (HA) gene, partial cds

Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Negarnaviricota; Polyploviricotina; Insthoviricetes; Articulavirales; Orthomyxoviridae; Alphainfluenzavirus.
Abdulatif Asheg, Abdulwahab Kammon(5-2015)
publisher's website

Newcastle disease virus isolate 13VIR/7225-1 fusion protein (F) gene, partial cds GenBank: KP719224.1

Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Negarnaviricota; Haploviricotina; Monjiviricetes; Mononegavirales; Paramyxoviridae; Avulavirinae; Orthoavulavirus.
Abdulatif Asheg, Abdulwahab Kammon(5-2015)
publisher's website

Enterococcus faecalis strain Enter2021 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence

Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Enterococcaceae; Enterococcus.
Abdulatif Asheg, Eldin Eissa,A.(9-2021)
publisher's website

Streptococcus phocae strain pho2021 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence

Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Streptococcaceae Streptococcus.
Abdulatif Asheg, Eldin Eissa,A(9-2021)
publisher's website

Detection and molecular characterization of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in laying hens in libya

LOCUS KF632582 547 bp DNA linear VRL 07-DEC-2013 DEFINITION Gallid herpesvirus 1 strain ILT-1 glycoprotein G gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KF632582 VERSION KF632582.1
Abdulatif Asheg(9-2013)
publisher's website

Investigation of the invasiveness of Salmonellae isolated from layer hens and Murine fecal pellets infesting poultry farms in Tripoli- Libya

ِAbdulatif Asheg, Khalid Fathi Almasri (1-2020)

Prevalence study of Salmonella enteritidis in some chicken slaughterhouse in Tripoli-Libya

This study amid to determine the prevalence of Salmonella enteritidis and multi-drug resistant in some chicken slaughterhouses in Tripoli -Libya. The study include three regions of Tripoli namely south, East and West regions. Five slaughterhouses were selected from each region. every chicken slaughterhouse was visited 3 time for sample collection with 2 weeks interval. Samples were collected from neck skin, crop and spleen from 5 chicken. Total of samples from all regions were 675. Every 5 samples were processed for isolation and identification by biochemical identification and serotyping and antibiotic sensitivity test. The total rate of isolation of Salmonella spp was found to be 15% and Salmonella enteritidis was 7%. The highest prevalence 9% of Salmonella enteritidis was recorded in south region of Tripoli, however, the highest prevalence of Salmonella spp was found in West region. the prevalence of Salmonella was significantly (P
Abdulatif Asheg, ’ohamed Fayz Othman(1-2019)

Seroprevalence study of respiratory viral diseases in chickens in Tripoli region and Zliten of Libya

This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Newcastle Disease, Avian Influenza, Infectious Bronchitis, and Infectious laryngotracheitis in some regions of Tripoli-Libya. Serum samples were collected from Four broiler farms in Wadi Alrabea area, two layer farms and one backyard farm in Gaser Bin Gasher, two layer farms in Alswani and one backyard farm in Zliten City and screened for the presence of antibodies against LPAI-H9, HPIA-H5, HPIA-H7, ND, IB 4/91 strain using the HI test and antibodies against ILT virus by ELISA. The overall seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7, ND, IB4/91 and ILT was 26.5%,0%,0%,, 29.5%,43% and 30% respectively. All sera tested for AI-H5 and AI-H7 were negative. In Wadi Alrabea flocks, seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7, ND, IB4/91 and ILT was 44%, 0%, 0%, 16.28%, 32.56% and 0% respectively. Where as in Gaser Bin Ghasher, was 24%,0%, 0%, 33.87, 36.29% and 39% respectively. In Alswani, the seroprevalence was 8.70%, 0%, 0%, 52.17%, 54.35% and 54.3%. The seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7 in Gaser Bin Ghasher backyard chickens was 23%, 0%, 0% respectively and the seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7, ND, IB4/91 of Zliten backyards was 12%, 0%, 0%, 12%, 96% respectively. Further investigations are recommended to identify the circulating virus genotypes and models of transmission for better understanding of these viruses epidemiology in backyard chickens in Libya. Vaccination of backyard chickens against ND using heat resistant strain is highly recommended.
Housen Ashareef Mohammed, Abdulatif Abdulaziz Asheg (10-2021)