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تأثير الكائنات الحية الدقيقة النافعة والاكسينات على تجذير عقل نباتي الفيكس العادي (Ficus nitida L ) والفيكس البنغالي Ficus bengalensis L.) )
This study was carried out inside aplastic greenhouse in a private farm at AL-Zawiah region during the period from March to August 2008. The objective of this research was to study the effects of auxins (100 ppm IBA and 50 ppm NAA) and suspention of two clones of beneficial microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis (107ml) and Tricoderma herzianum (106 ml),and 3 types of cuttings of the both plants (Terminal ,middle and base cuttings). The treatments were arranged in a split –split plot design with three replicates ,as follows The number of cuttings were treated with IBA , NAA , Bacillus subtilis, Tricoderma herzianum alone ,other cuttings were treated with IBA+Tricoderma, IBA+Bacillus, NAA+Bacillus, NAA+Tricodema and control treatment (Distiller water).The results indicated that the individual treatment of cuttings with auxins and microorganisms increased the adventitious roots of Ficus nitida cuttings (65%) while ,the interaction between IBA ,NAA and the beneficial microorganisms caused significant increases in adventitious root percentage of base cuttings of Ficus nitida( 90%), and led to increase in the number of roots(26-34 roots/cutting) Leading to increase the number of branches by 4.3-12.3 branches/ cutting for Ficus nitida. Also, the obtained results indicated that the individual treatments of cuttings with auxins and beneficial microorganisms of Ficus bengalensis responded the same as in Ficus nitida, which increased the adventitious roots of basal cuttings (46.6%) while the interaction between treatments between (auxins and microorganisms) caused an increase of adventitious roots by (63.3 %) of middle cuttings.The results also indicated that the effects of beneficial microor- ganisms and auxins on adventitious roots of plants cuttings were different with type of cutting, type of microorganism and type of auxin for each species. Also, it was found that a significant difference in the percentage of adventitious roots within a single species according to the kind of cutting. The base cuttings of Ficus nitida gave better adventious roots than the middle and terminal cuttings, while the middle cuttings gave better results than the terminal and base cuttings in Ficus bengalensis.مصطفى ابوزيد محمد ابوخدير (2010)
استعمال نوى التمر في تغذية المجترات
The study was carried in Abo-sheba agricultural and production project- Tripoli- Libya , to evaluate the effect of using date seeds meal in the ration of sheep on the performance ,and digestion of nutrient. Nutrition trail in which were used 48 heads local male Barbari lambs with averagc weight of 31 ± o.22 kg and mean age of 8 months , The animals were assigned randomly on four treatments (12 animals / treatment ) , which are 0,15,30,and45% Date seeds meal instead of the concentrates ,and all treatments were given 0.5 kg roughage ( residue of sorghum millets harvesting) , and the lambs were weighted weekly till the end of the trail. The trail lasted for 84 dags througout the data related to the weight increase , the rate of feed consumption ,and the nutrional efficiency ,were collected. The Chemical analyses indicated that the date seeds used in this study contain 5.9% crude protein, 1.2% crude fat, 14.4% crude fiber,and 1.65% ash,but the moisture was 4.9% and the soluble carbohydrates reached to 72.0 % The tral results indicated no significant differences ( p ≥ 0.05 ) in daily - weight gain among the different treatments , which were 0.208, 0.224, 0,220, and o,220 gm respectively ( 0 , 15 , 30 , 45 % ). It was evident that the rate of total weight gain takes the same trend , 17.525, 18.866, 18.516,and 18.518 kg. Also there are no significant defferences in daily feed consumption rate 1.405 , 1.524 , 1.518 , and 1.507 kg / day , and perhaps the previous results were reflccted completely in the nutrional efficiency rep resented in the rate of food conversion , which were 7.127 , 7.030 , 7.004 , and 7.210 kg feed/kg growth omong the treatments, Digestion trail : it was used in it 12 head 0f Libyan Barbari breed with age ll months , and average weight 49±0.22 kg assigned randomly according to a complete random disgn (RCD) on 4 treatmentes ( 0, 15, 30, 45% ) (3 animals /treatment ) in a digestive trail to evaluate the coefficient of the digeston of nutrients ,dry matter, and TDN . The digestive trail indicated no significant differences ( p ≥ o.o5 ) omong the treatments of dry matter digestion ,or other rnutrients , as it were ( 33.95 , 39.49 , 37.86 , 39.35 % ) for the dry matter, ( 34.48 , 39.30 , 34.23 , 33.15 % ) crude protein , but the extracted ether ( 46.68 , 37.03 , 39.79 , 44.62 % ) , the crude fibers were ( 25.66 , 24.12 , 22.18 , 30.13 % ) , and the extract free of nitrogen ( 41.13 , 46.97 , 46.43 , 48.01 % ) , it is evident also that the total digestive nutrients ( TDN ) of the studied treatment do not differ significantly too as it were ( 30.83 , 36.97 , 36.04 , 38.27 % ) for the treatment respectively , It concludes from this study the possiblity of use the date seeds meal in the rations of sheep in ratio reaches to 30% of concentrates , which lead to improvement in general performance of animals in one hand , and cleaning the enviroment from these wastes in the other hand ,and reduce the nutrition costs thr ought theميلاد فرج مسعود أحمد الفليت (2013)
تأثير نوى التمر مع اليوريا على الأداء والإنهضامية في الأغنام المحلية
This study was conducted at Bear Al-Ganim agricultural Research station to evaluate the effects of different levels of urea treated (4%) and untreated date seeds in Barbari lambs ration on performance, and in vivo nutrients digestibility. Feeding Trail: 35 male Barbari lambs with average weight of 29±2.3 kg and 7-9 months age were randomly assigned to five treatments (7 animals/ for each treatment). The treatments were 0%(T1); 20%(T2);30%(T3), crushed dates seed and 20% (T4); 30%(T5) urea treated (4%) crushed dates seed to replace part of The Concentrate. All treatment animals fed alfalfa hay as basal ration (ad libitum). Lambs were weighed every two weeks through the end of the trail which lasted 84 days. The chemical analysis of dates results showed that date seeds contain 6.8% crude protein,2.78% crude fat,15% crude fiber ,71.56% NFE and 3.86% Ash The treated date seeds with urea contain 28.3% crude protein ,5.53% crude fat ,12% crude fiber, 40.9% NFE and 13.27% Ash, . Average daily intake indicated no significant different between the treatment .The results also shows significant different in the feed conversion of treated date seeds with urea compared with untreated seed dates. The trail results indicated significantly in daily weight gain and total weight gain to treatments (T4; T5) compared to (T1;T2;T3 ) . Digestion trail 15 male of Barbari sheep were used in this digestion trail they assigned randomly on 5 feed treatment(0%(T1), 20%(T2), 30%(T3) date seeds and 20%(T4),and 30%(T5) urea treated date seeds) (3 animals/for each treatment) this trail is to evaluate the coefficient of the digestion of nutrient and calculate the total digestion nutrient TDN of each treatment, the crude protein in digestive trail indicated significantly were ( 66.77, 57.47, 55.68, 65.99, 66.50) respectively for (T1;T2; T3;T4;T5).while the dry matter , ether extracted, crude fibers, NFE and TDN of digestion trail shows no significant different between the different treatments. We can conclude from the result of This study The treating crushed date seeds with urea 4% in the rations of sheep in place of 20- 30% of concentrates lead to improvement in general performance of animals in one hand and cleaning the environment from these wastes in The other hand and reduce the nutrition costs due to reduce of concentrates quantity.خالد علي عيسى الزلعوطي (2014)
تأثير تقديم قوالب اليوريا - أملاح و قوالب اليوريا - مولاس على الإنهضامية و الأداء في حملان البربري المحلية
P) للمعاملات UMB (147.14 ± 11.038) وULB (124.28± 3.181) مقارنة بالشاهد (83.43 ± 7.080)، متوسط معدل التحويل الغذائي (كجم علف/كجم زيادة وزنيه)كان الأقل معنوياً (0.05>P)للشاهد (11.40 ± 0.977 ) مقارنة بمعاملات UMB (6.21± 0.451) و ULB (7.39 ± 0.198) التي لم تختلفا معنوياً (0.05
)بين المعاملات، في تجربة الهضم تسعة من حملان البربري وزعت عشوائيا على ثلاثة معاملات (3حملان/معاملة) وهى بدون قوالب (الشاهد) و قالب يوريا - أملاح (ULB) و قالب يوريا - مولاس (UMB) ، حيث أشارت نتائج هذه التجربة إلى أن متوسطات معامل هضم المادة الجافة (DDM) كانت 71.2 ± 2.120 و78.567 ± 4.486 و77.3 ±1931.% لكل من الشاهد وULB وUMB على التوالي بدون وجود فروق معنوية بين المعاملات (0.05
أحمد حسين إمحمد حسين (2013)
تقييم وتخريط ملوحة التربة للمحاصيل المروية بإستخدام طرق اﻹحصاء المكاني (Geostatistics) والدراسات الحقلية بمنطقة سواوة . سرت
The study conducted in Alswawa area in Sirte, with a total area of 7500 (Ha), with latitudes of (31°.11׳ 64 30״) (31°.11׳ 55 27״) North and longitudes of (16°.45׳ 74 08״) (16°.36׳ 69 36״) East during the spring season 2013. The objectives of this study are: 1) To evaluate the irrigation water sources affecting soil salinity and the study of the spatial distribution of soil salinity using Geoststistical methods; 2) To evaluate and mapping soil salinity and major dissolved ions in the study area. Based on the results of chemical analysis of water samples. we conclude that the ECiw of the wells ranges from (dS/m 2.33-16.88) for wells (1,2,3,4), but for the made river water resouiors (1,2,3,4) were (dS/m1.05), and the range of pH for all irrigation water is between (pH=7.6-7.8) and it is adequate range for plant growth. According to (USDA,1954) water quality critria to assess water suitability for irrigation, shows that the wells (1,2,3) fall within the water class (C4-S2) water is of very high in sodium and it is medium in salinity, and the well (4) falls within the water class (C4-S1) it is of very high in sodium and it is low in salinity, as for man made river water (1,2,3,4) all fall within the water class (C3-S1) water is of high in salinity, it is low in sodium, according to (USDA,1954). Based on the results of soil samples analysis collected to a depth (0-30, 30-60, 60-90 cm), the (ECe) ranges between (dS/m 0.23-2.17) of cultivated soils to a depth (0-30, 30-60, 60-90 cm), and (ECe) of uncultivated soils to depths (30,60,90 cm) ranges between (dS/m0.27-1.16), the salinity of the soil in the study areas classified as non-saline soils and suitable for all crops by American Classification of Soils salt affected soils. Except for some soil farms cultivated fruits, reached a value of ECe to (dS/m 2.17) and this is due to irrigation water has salinity of 7.04 dS / m, hence it is classified as saline soil It was conducted exploratory data analysis, that included histogram and Normal QQplot to achieve the data distribution naturally. Data that showed a normal distribution, includes (pH) data of uncultivated and cultivated soils to a depth of (0-30cm) and HCO3- cultivated soils to a depth (30-60 cm), but data did not show a normal distribution, has been conducting (Log-Transformation), that included the following properties of soils, HCO3- for uncultivated and cultivated soils to a depth (0-30cm), and Mg2+ in cultivated soils to a depth (60-90cm). The results of Geostatistical analysis (Kriging) to produce spatial distribution of salinity and dissolved ions maps of soils in the study area are as follows: Semivariogram is the basis of the analysis process in the (Kriging), have found the best mathematical models (Variogram) were fitted to the measured data are (Gaussian model) to non-planted soils for pH at depth (0-30cm), but Kriging (exponential model) was the best model for evaluating of HCO3- in uncultivated soils and (spherical model) in cultivated soils to a depth (0-30cm). The (Stable model) was the best suitable for estimating of soil pH , HCO3- and Mg2+ in cultivated soils at depths (30-60-90 cm), and the results showed of the interpolation for method (IDW) showed considerable variation in the quality of the maps produced with (Power) inverse distance (1) the properties of different soils. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Root Mean Square Standardized Error (RMSSE) were used to evaluate the models (Variogram). The results showed that two methods of inverse distance weighting (IDW) and (Kriging) were similar in results to estimate soil properties based on RMSE."مفتاح علي محمد إمحمد (2015)
إستخدام المياه المصاحبة لإنتاج النفط في استنبات نبات القصب
The aim of conducting this study is to apply specific method to treat saline water that associated with oil production. In this method, Saline water mixed with Fresh water in different ratios to give the following percentages (0%, 5%, 10% , 20% , 30% , 40% , 50%). Electric water conductivity was measured in each case and the results are as following (1.4 , 4.4 , 7.2 , 13, 18.2, 23.1 , 28.1 dS/m), in order to study the possibility of utilizing the huge quantities of oil associated water in growing plants and make green areas, which can reduce pollution from accumulating wasted water in huge areas .The experiment in this study was designed and implemented according to CRD method. For which a period of Three months Phragmites Australis plants was irrigated with all mixture percentages mentioned above . Then total weight of green material, and roots were measured.Heavy metals as (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb) was determined in both plant and in soil in beginning and at the end of this experiment. Lastly, evaluation of mineral concentration in oil associated water in JALO Field (59) was made and compared to international standards.From the results of this evaluation we concluded that oil associated water in JALO Field (59) is not suitable for irrigation due to high level of salts. The conductivity level of this water was (61 dS/m) which exceeds the allowable standards for irrigation .The heavy metals concentrations in this water, doesn’t met the allowable standards for irrigation.There was no significant differences for the dry total weight of the plant between the fresh water (A) (1.4 dS/m), and either (B) (4.4 dS/m) and (C) (7.2 dS/m) treatments (D) (13 dS/m) . Also, the plant could tolerate salinity up to (13 dS/m) meanwhile the there was big difference between treatment (A) (1.4 dS/m) and both (E) (18.2 dS/m) and treatments (F) (23.1 dS/m) and treatment (G) (28.1 dS/m) in the negative direction.Also , it was noticed that there were significant differences for the dry total weight of the green side of the plant between the treatment (1.4dS/m) and treatments which their conductivity (18.2, 23.1, 28.1 dS/m) although, there was no significant differences between treatment (1.4) and the treatments which their conductivities (4.4, 7.2, 13 dS/m). However, the plant could grow very well until salinity level (13 dS/m) . The results showed, that there was a decrease of total weight of the plant as the oil-associated water increased, which led to increase the salinity in water, which in turn affected the plant growth, and also plant weight decreased. These were also confirmed by both researchers (Balba and S0liman 1969), (إسماعيل 1985). From other side, there was no significant difference for the dry weight of the roots between the treatment (A) (1.4 dS/m), and either treatment (B) (4.4 dS/m) and treatment (C) (7.2 dS/m) and treatment (D) (13 dS/m) and treatment (E) (18.2 dS/m). Mean while there is no significant different between treatment (A) (1.4 dS/m) and both treatment (F) (23.1 dS/m) and treatment (G) (28.1 dS/m) were in the negative direction.The plant roots was able to resist salinity of up to (18dS/m), and this higher than the green part which reach to (13dS/m). This may led to increase salinity resistance of the plant by increasing root parts, which led to more water absorption from soil; therefore, the plant try to surpass the osmotic potential resulted from high salinity.The total content of Cupper, manganese, and zinc metals do not exceed the normal levels for growth of these plants. As for Iron, it exceeds the normal levels and reached up to (210.3 ppm) in the treatment (13 dS/m), but the normal levels which does not affect the growth is (50 -100 ppm). Also, the lead (Pb) exceeds the normal levels and reached up to (593 ppm) in the treatment (13 dS/m), as the normal levels (2-7 ppm). Therefore, the lead (Pb) level exceeds the allowable limit as the toxicity level of this element in the dry plant tissues ranges between (30 – 300 ppm) and the reason behind in Zinc and Iron is due to the ability of plant to resist these minerals in its tissues. A therefore, this plant could be used to purifies water from these heavy metals.عبد الرحمن محمد السوري (2012)
تأثير العمليات الزراعية على خواص التربة الكيميائية والطبيعية لمشروع المزارع الكبيرة بسهل القرضابية بمنطقة سرت
This study was conducted at Al-Mazaraa AL-Kabeera project in Al-Kardabia valley. The project was located in (31o 10' N) and (16o 40' E) and the area of this project was (320 hectare); however, only (18 hectare) was selected for this study. The Soil samples were collected from (0 – 30 cm) depth where Geographic position system (GPS) was used to determine the position of samples. The site was subjected to irrigated cultivate of agricultural crops such as (Barley – wheat – corn – oat) for (20 years). (Gefile Company in 1972) did the Soil studies under scale scoping level then in (1984) Soil and Water Department in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli has studied the Soil of this site. The aim of this study was to study the effect of agricultural processes (tillage – fertilization – irrigation) during (20 years) on Soil properties where the reports and data were used as reference for comparison. The results showed that the CaCO3, EC and ESP values were decreased due to leaching processes. As well as, the cations and anions were clearly decreased as result to irrigation, tillage and crops utilization. However, the cation exchange capacity (CEC), phosphorus, potassium, sulfate and Soil organic matter were significantly increased due to application of both chemical and organic fertilizers during (20 years). On the other hand, the Soil physical properties was found not significant change during the (20 years).أبوعذبة موسى عبدالرحمن أبوعذبة (2015)
دراسة الصفات الخضرية والكيميائية لبعض أصناف نخيل التمر المنزرعة في سبها
This study was conducted during the autumn of 2007 in the experimental station of date palm and olive development center which is located about 4km east of Sebha. The farm contained 12 cultivars (cvs), which were planted 17 years of ago on a sandy soil and drip irrigated, organic manure was added once yearly, plus chemical fertilization once a year until the Trees were 5 years old. Eight (cvs) were selected as, sample study namely: Asbir, Adoui, Aourig, Tasfert, Taghiat, Talis, Saidi and Khdray. Vegetative traits of date palm as well as physical and chemical traits of both fruit and leaves were included in this study.The result showed a significant effect of (cvs) on vegetative traits. On one hand, both Aourig and Adoui (cvs) had the highest length of trunks of date palm while, the Saidi (cvs) had the lowest length value in the previous trait, the other (cvs) came in between. Trunk circumference of Taghiat was medium in diameter which were 159.3 cm. while, the rest of the ranged between 187.25 to 233.5 cm. the number of leaves, both of Khdray and Saidi (cvs) had the lowest no. about 65 leaf /tree while, the rest of (cvs) were nearly had equal value about 78 leaf/ tree. The number of leaflets per leaf ranged between 123.25 to 187.25, the leaves was short in Adoui and Khdray (cvs) and medium in length for the rest of (cvs). The leaves length were short in Adoui and Khdray and medium in other (cvs). Also results indicated that short leaflets medium width for Saidi, Khdray and Talis (cvs). The spines area ranged in length for Saidi, Khdray and Talis (cvs)to medium width for the rest of (cvs). No of spines for leaf ranged between medium number for Saidi (cvs) and high number for the other (cvs). Number of bunched Spins the ranged from 5 to10 bunches/ tree, the tallest bunch/ stalk was of Talis and the lowest length for Tasfert and Aourig. The highest length of stalk for Saidi and the lowest length of stalk for Tasfert and Aourig and other (cvs) came in between. The fruit physical properties demonstrated significant differences, some had short spherical like Adoui, others were long ovoid rectangular as Talis, while the rest were between. Fruit weight and size was recorded highest in Saidi with 12.25 gm and 11.5 cm3, while the lowest was recorded in Aourig with 7.02 gm and 5.6 cm3, while the rest were in between. Percentage of fruit moisture in rutab stage superior compared to other (cvs) in most of fruit properties. The chemical analysis of leaves showed significant differences between (cvs). The means in leaves mineral content were as follows: 1.09 % N, 0.64% Ca, 0.27% Mg, 0.62% K, 0.066 P, 0.32% Cl, 0.027% Na, 160.23 ppm Fe, 2.48 ppm Cu, 13.52 ppm Zn and 36.33 ppm Mn.Also, it was found that the fruit pulp contains the highest value of reduced sugars (Glucose and Fructose) in rutab stage, this value ranged between 58.28% and 70.26%. On the other hand, the percentage of unreduced sugars (Sucrose) ranged between8.31% to 15.22% while, the total sugars ranged between 74.29% to 80.30%.ابوبكر علي ارحيم ابوبكر (2010)