Department of English Language

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Department of English Language has more than 27 academic staff members

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Mr. Esanossi Mohammad Esanossi Haroon

السنوسي محمد هارون هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم اللغة الانجليزية بكلية التربية طرابلس. يعمل السيد السنوسي هارون بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر مساعد.


Some of publications in Department of English Language

Fostering Quality in the Graduation Research Project at the Libyan Faculties of Education: Libyan Teacher-Educators’ Perspectives

One of the Libyan Faculty of Education exit requirements is the graduation research project. Review of the current literature shows that there exists a dearth of literature on the quality of the graduation project in the Libyan context. To address this shortcoming, the present study investigated the opinions of the faculty members of the Faculties of Education at various Libyan public universities on achieving quality standards in the graduation research projects. The design of the study was exploratory sequential mixed methods as we gathered both quantitative and qualitative data to get accurate and detailed picture of the Libyan teacher-educators’ views on fostering quality in the graduation research project. The context of the study is the Faculties of Education at eight Libyan universities. The participants were 62 Libyan teacher-educators who were faculty members at the Libyan Faculties of Education. Data were collected through documents, questionnaires, and follow up interviews. The results showed that the participants’ views were opposite to the document analysis and revealed that the participants were not sure whether the regulations covered all the points related to the graduation research projects, so they preferred to be neutral. They also perceived several factors as the issues that hindered the quality of the graduation research projects. The participants suggestions as ways of fostering quality in the graduation research projects included achieving quality by following the quality standards described by the quality assurance department among other suggestions. arabic 21 English 111
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, FUZIA AHMED MOFTAH ELHSAN(3-2021)
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Returning to Graduation Project: Attitudes and Perceived Challenges of Students and Staff at a Libyan EFL Department

In 1997, the Department of English (Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli) canceled Graduation Project (GP) as a graduation requirement primarily due to growing student plagiarism. Two decades on, the Department decided it is time for Returning to Graduation Project (RGP). In preparation for this, a Research Methods (RM) module was delivered to students, and an intense ‘research design and methodology’ course was taken by the staff. In this exploratory mixed-methods case-study research, the main question focuses on attitudes and perceived challenges facing students and staff concerning RGP. The aim is to tackle negative attitudes and perceived obstacles in anticipation of a successful RGP, which spells out the significance of the research. Data were collected through a questionnaire (n=52) and a focus group discussion with seventh-semester students (10); semi-structured interviews with staff (13). A small majority of students (54%) supported RGP; the remaining 46% raised two kinds of concerns: realistic challenges of lacking resources, inadequate RM skills, and supervisor issues; unrealistic challenges involved time constraints, fear of presenting, and problems of determining research topics. Staff members were receptive to RGP but raised numerous concerns. Whereas experienced members expressed cynicism due to low students competencies and lacking resources, others saw RGP as an opportunity for students to gain practical research experience ahead of postgraduate study. Several challenges were perceived, chief among them are students lack of research skills, inexperienced supervisors, inadequate resources, and an ever-lasting concern with plagiarism. New staff reported the need for tuition in ‘data analysis and interpretation’, and ‘supervision practice’. Peculiarities characteristic of the case milieu emerged. arabic 18 English 99
ٌٌReda Khaled Emhemmed Elmabruk(1-2020)
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Literature Review on the Use of First Language During Second Language Writing

The paper discusses how L2 writers use their L1 while writing in L2. It investigates L1use in L2 by exploring the results of ten studies that examined it from different perspectives and in different contexts. By introducing the results of L1 use by L2 writers,ESL/EFL teachers will play a great role by helping students use their L1 positively andavoid the negative impacts of L1 use. This kind of research is of significance because thestudied research results showed that further research is needed in this area. This reviewwill provide a basis for ideas to investigate L1 use in L2 writing.The paper focuses on an important skill in English language teaching which is writing.The focus of the paper is L1 use which has been considered as taboo. This would targetthe interest of most of HLT audience, especially writing teachers. The main mission is tointroduce the role of L1 use in L2 writing. This paper reviews the second language (L2)writers’ use of the first language (L1) while composing in the second language (L2) inten studies. Those studies looked at three proficiency groups that included adult high- proficient, intermediate, and low-proficient writer’s use of L1. The results indicated thatL1 is used frequently while writing in L2 by translating, language-switching, and backtracking. It was also noticed that L1 use had positive effects on L2 text. arabic 11 English 66
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif(12-2012)
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