وصف البرنامج
أهداف البرنامج
مخرجات البرنامج
المؤهل العلمي الذي يتحصل عليه الطالب
متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج
الخطة الدراسية
الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج الدارسي موضحة على الفصول الدراسية التالية:
'1الفصل الاول
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | GE121 | Engineering Mechanics | 03 | عام |
Statics of particles; forces in plane and space; statics of rigid bodies Equivalent system of forces; equilibrium in two and three dimensions, work and energy, analysis of trusses, frames, and machines, free body diagram; kinamatic; stability friction, centroids and center of gravity-lines, areas and volumes. Moment of inertia of areas and masses.
2 | GE125 | Engineering Graphics | 02 | عام |
Methods of projection: projection drawing, types of projections; orthogonal project; the straight line, the plane; polyhedrons, sphere, cone, cylinder, intersection of curved surfaces, introduction to indexed projection.
3 | GH141 | English I | 03 | عام |
Review about Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, use & forms of the ultimate tense, interrogative formations, negative of verbs, passive constructions, adjective clauses, gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, listening comprehension.
4 | GS101 | Math. I | 03 | عام |
Limits, continuity, chain rule, higher derivatives, implied differentiation, trigonometric functions, maxima, minima, point of inflection, curve sketching, Role's theorem, mean value theorem. Definite, and indefinite integral's: Definition, area under a curve area between two curves, volume of solids of revolution. Methods of integration: integration by substitution, integration by parts.
5 | GS111 | Physics I | 03 | عام |
Waves: Wave equations, traveling waves and stationary waves, principles of superposition, Doppler effect.Sound: Definitions, velocity of sound in air and material media and its variation. Velocity of transverse & longitudinal vibrations in wires and rods. Echoes briefly. Optics: Properties of light, the electromagnetic character of light; sources of light and their spectra, absorption & scattering, dispersion, polarization of light.
6 | GS115 | Chemistry | 03 | عام |
Measurements and SI units; chemical equations and stoic structures of atoms and periodic relationships, chemical compounds: the gaseous state; solutions-electrolytes and non-electrolytes; acids and bases; thermo chemistry; chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibrium I and II; organic chemistry.
'2الفصل الثاني
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | GS112 | Physics II | 03 | عام | GS111 |
Electrostatics : charges and fields, the electric potential; electric current; the magnetic fields, electric field in matter. Photoelectric effect, Einstein's explanation and quantum theory of the hydrogen atom. Radioactive decay law derivation.
2 | GE127 | Engineering Drawing | 02 | عام |
Revision of the drawing lines, Third angle projection, Deduction of the three views from isometric, Deduction of a third view from two views, completion of missing lines in the views, Types of sections, Drawing the full, half and partial section views.
3 | GE129 | Workshop Technology | 02 | عام |
Industrial Safety; Engineering Materials and their Mechanical, and Physical Properties. Material Classifications: Ferrous, and Non- ferrous metals, natural and synthetic materials. Introduction to manufacturing processes; casting, welding, forging, rolling, extrusion, sheet metal working methods, metal machining.
4 | GH142 | English II | 03 | عام | GH141 |
Review of English language structure and grammar. Augmentation of specialized vocabulary & aspects of selected topics in scientific and technical English used in the different departments of engineering, listening comprehension. Case study (technical writing) in specific engineering discipline.
5 | GH150 | Arabic Language I | 02 | عام |
أهمية دراسة اللغة العربية ،الحاجة لإتقان اللغة العربية، أهمية اللغة العربية في الإطار القومي والديني والحضاري والثقافي، دور الاستعمار في طمس اللغة العربية، بعض القواعد النحوية: الكلمة، ترتيب الجملة، الجملة الفعلية، بعض القواعد الإملائية، طرق الكشف.
6 | GS102 | Math. II | 04 | عام |
Methods of integration : By partial fractions, by successive reduction formulai, Transcendental functions; differentiation and integration of transcendental functions. Complex numbers, partial differentiation applications on relative maxima and minima, the method of Long-Range multiplier. Multiple integration with applications.
7 | Gs115L | .Chemistry Lab | 01 | عام |
.Selected experiments about the course determined by the department
'3الفصل الثالث
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | GS112L | .Physics Lab | 01 | عام | GS111 |
Experiments about sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat and electrochemical convention.
2 | GS200 | Computer Programming | 03 | عام | GS102 |
Program design using C, data types and operators. Control structures: If statement, If...else, While loops, Case statement. 1–D and 2-D Arrays, File I/O, Functions (Ready functions and User Defined Function), Engineering applications: Matrix Operations. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Introduction to Mat lab Commands: Handling requests, Performing basic calculations and displaying results. Use of Mat lab in Matrix Operations: Matrix addition, Subtraction.
3 | GS203 | Math. III | 03 | عام | GS102 |
Vector analysis, div, grad, curl, Green's, Gauss's and Stake's theorems and their applications. Linear algebra, matrices and their applications. Nickelodeon space, vector space. Matrices, algebra of matrices, rank of a matrix, linear transformation, system of linear equations, equivalent and similar matrices, eigen-values and eigenvectors.
4 | GS206 | Probability & Statistics | 03 | عام |
Probability: concept of random experiment and a sample space, addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence. Bay's theorem and its application. Random variables and their probability distribution; Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Gamma, Exponential, Uniform and Cauchy distributions and their properties. Basic statistical concepts: Statistical data, measure of central tendency, dispersion, skwness and hurtosis. Regression and correlation simple linear regression, regression coefficient and correlation coefficient, nonlinear regression to data. Multiple linear regressions and multiple correlation coefficients.
5 | EE280 | Fundamental of Electrical Engineering | 03 | متطلبات الجامعة | GS102 |
Kerchief's laws & applications. Network theorems, applied electromagnetism & magnetic circuits, self and mutual inductance, rise & fall of current in an inductive circuit. Capacitance, charging and discharging of capacitors, stored energy in capacitors and inductors. Alternating voltages and currents, average & r.m.s. values. Phasors, complex notation, R-L-C circuit resonance, quality factor, power calculations . Principle of operation, equivalent circuit and efficiency of single-phase transformers.
6 | GE133 | Properties of Materials | 03 | عام |
Atomic structure, types of bonds, metallic bonds, Co-ordination, crystalline and amorphous materials, crystal system, structural disorder, metallic and non-metallic (wood-plastics) materials. Properties of materials in tension, compression, hardness, shock, and shearing torsion, and bending tests, strain measurements methods, failure fracture of material.
7 | GE129L | .Work Shop Lab | 01 | عام | GE129 |
.Selected experiments about the course GE 129 determined by the department
8 | EE200 | Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | 03 | إجباري | GS102 GS112 |
Kerchief's laws and applications, network theorems, applied electromagnetism and magnetic circuits, rise and fall of currents, in an inductive circuits, capacitance, charging and discharging of capacitors, stored energy, alternating voltages and currents, average and r.m.s voltages, phasors complex notation, R-L-C circuits, self and mutual inductances, principle of operation and applications of transformers.
'4الفصل الرابع
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | GS204 | Math. IV | 03 | عام | GS203 |
Ordinary differential equations, differential equations of first order and first degree, deferent forms, nonlinear differential equations of first order, Linear differential equations with constant coefficients; homogeneous case, method of variation of parameters, method of undetermined coefficient, methods of Lap lace transforms, simultaneous differential equations solution of differential equations in series; Gamma, Beta functions, Bessel functions; hyper geometric function.
2 | GH151 | Arabic Language II | 01 | عام |
بعض القواعد النحوية، الجملة الاسمية ( المبتدأ والخبر والمطابقة بينهما، النواسخ )، الإضافة، العدد وتمييزه، التوابع، بعض القواعد الإملائية، المعاجم، الأسلوب العلمي والأدبي من الناحية التطبيقية.
3 | ME210 | Thermodynamics | 03 | عام |
Introduction: Definition, units, equation of state for ideal gases, properties of pure substance; the first law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes; the second law of thermodynamics, carnot cycle, entropy reversible steady flow processes; power and refrigeration cycles.
4 | EE234 | Introduction to Digital Systems | 03 | إجباري | GS102 GS112 |
Introduction to digital computers, number systems and codes, Logic gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR), Boolean algebra (Rules & Laws), De Morgan’s theorem, Simplification and Expressions, Karnaugh map, flip-Flops, counters and registers (Design and Applications), Arithmetic processes (Adders, Subtractors, etc.).
5 | EE219 | Basic Electronic Circuits | 03 | إجباري | EE200 EE202 |
Diodes: Introduction to semiconductor materials (qualitative), device structure, basic operation, diode Characteristics, diodes applications: rectifier diodes, half- wave rectifiers, full- wave rectifiers, clipper and clamper circuits, voltage multipliers; special diodes applications: Zener diodes, photodiode, light emitting diodes (LED), solar cells. Bipolar junction transistor BJT: Device structure, basic transistor operation, graphical representation of BJT characteristics. Analysis of BJT circuits at DC. Field effect transistors FET: Device structure, basic transistor operation, graphical representation of FET characteristics, analysis of FET circuits at DC.BJT's small signal amplifiers (single stage). FET's small signal amplifiers (single stage).
6 | EE202 | Electric Networks | 03 | إجباري | EE200 GS112 |
Loop and node equations, signal wave forms, formulation of network equations and their solutions (natural, forced and complete responses), impedance and admittance, Steady state a.c. circuits, network theorems, quality factor, complex power, series and parallel resonance, ploy-phase circuits, concept of two port networks.
'5الفصل الخامس
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | EE201L | Electrical Laboratory | 02 | إجباري | EE200 GS112L |
Selected experiments related to fundamentals of electrical measurements, correlation of theoretical and experimental results with regard to basic direct and alternating current circuits, transient current circuits, network theorems, power measurements, transformers, poly-phase circuits.
2 | EE302 | Signals and Systems | 03 | إجباري | EE202 GS204 |
Classification and representations of signals. Signal analysis: Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Lap lace transforms, introduction to z-transform, DFT, FFT. System representation by: block diagrams, transfer function, impulse response, differential equations, and difference equations. Classification of systems, typical examples. System analysis: time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, s-domain analysis, transmission over linear systems. Two port parameters, network functions, (poles and zeros).
3 | EE303 | Numerical Methods with MATLAB Applications | 03 | إجباري | GS200 GS203 |
Computer Arithmetic's and Error Analysis: Basic Concepts of Taylor's Theorem, Functions expansion [such as:,, cos(x)…], Infinite Power Series, Error Sources and Error Propagation, Absolute, and Relative Errors. Solving Systems of Linear Equations: Quick Review of Matrix Algebra, Gaussian Elimination, LU Decomposition, Norms and Error Analysis, Condition Numbers and ill-Conditioned Matrices. Singular Value Decomposition. Solutions to Non-Linear Equations: Bisection, Newton's Method, Approximating Functions: Curve Fitting using Linear Equations, Lagrangian Polynomials, Divide Difference, Least Square Fittings. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal, (,and ) Simpson's Rule of Integration, Double Integration. Numerical Solution to Ordinary Differential Equations: Taylor Series, Euler Method, Rung-Kutta, Gauss Quadrature. Practical Case Study using MATLAB.
4 | EE313 | Electromagnetic I | 03 | إجباري | EE200 GS203 |
Co-ordinate systems, curl, diverge, differential volume, surface and line. Electric field due to, point charge, charge distributions, Maxwell’s equations, electric polarization, magnetization, boundary conditions, magnetic circuits, electro statistics, magnetostatics.
5 | EE319 | Analog Electronic Circuits | 03 | إجباري | EE202 EE219 |
Review of single stage amplifier circuits and bias stability, multistage amplifiers, Feedback amplifiers, Oscillator circuits. FET’s and BJT’s amplifiers frequency response, operational amplifiers, Power amplifiers.
6 | EE342 | Electrical Power Engineering I | 03 | إجباري | EE202 |
Generation systems: primary sources of electrical energy, steam, gas, nuclear and diesel power plants, renewable energies, environmental considerations. Transmission of electrical energy: equivalent circuits and performance of short, medium and long over head transmission lines, line and bushings. Poles & Towers. Tension & sag, mechanical aspects economic considerations. Distribution insulatorors of electrical energy: distribution systems, voltage drop, electrical cables. Corona discharge. Principles of electrical protection systems: relays, circuit breakers, substations.
'6الفصل السادس
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | EE304 | Measurements and Instrumentation | 03 | إجباري | EE202 EE219 |
Measurement and error in d.c. and a.c. ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters and multimeters, instruments for measuring power, R. F. energy, phase and frequency; oscilloscopes: construction, operation and use; d.c. and a.c. bridges; signal generators; electronic analog and digital voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters and multimeters, counters, wave and spectrum analyzers, transducers and measurement of non electrical quantities.
2 | EE311L | Electronics Laboratory | 02 | إجباري | EE219 |
Selected experiments in electronics concerning diodes, transistors (BJT & FET), amplifiers, differential amplifiers, operational amplifiers, oscillators.
3 | EE316 | Communication Engineering I | 03 | إجباري | EE302 GS204 |
Spectral analysis and correlation, base band transmission systems, linear modulation systems (AM, DSB, SSB, VSB), nonlinear modulation systems (FM, PM), introduction to FDM, sampling and pulse modulation system (PAM), introduction to TDM, introduction to basis of binary base band digital modulation techniques, quantization,encoding (PCM, DM, DPCM).
4 | EE334 | Introduction to Microprocessors | 03 | إجباري | EE234 GS200 |
Review of the numbering systems, Introduction to Microcomputer system, Microcomputer architecture, Microprocessor, Memory, I/O memory map, Microprocessor instruction, Types of instruction and programming structure (assembly language), the use of interrupts, Microprocessor applications.
5 | EE352 | Electrical Machines I | 03 | إجباري | EE202 |
Transformers: principles, equivalent circuits, testing, efficiency, voltage regulation, three phase transformer, three winding, transformer. Energy conversion: energy balance, electrical, electromechanical and mechanical energy, losses, dynamic equations. Introduction to synchronous, induction and DC machines. Single phase and linear induction motors, fractional horse power motors.
6 | EE362 | Control Systems | 03 | إجباري | EE302 GE127 |
Introduction to control systems theory, plant representation, transfer function, signal-flow graph, mathematical model of dynamical systems, state-space representation, characteristic of feedback control systems, time response analysis, stability, frequency response, Stability in frequency domain, Root-Locus method, Application of computer software packages.
'7الفصل السابع
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | EE419 | Digital Electronic Circuits | 03 | إجباري | EE319 |
Diodes and transistors as switching elements; Multivibrators: bitable, monostable, astable, Schmitt trigger (using discrete and IC components); Sweeping circuits, voltage and current sweep circuits. Negative devices switching circuits. Logic gates: DTL, TTL, ECL and MOST and CMOS gates, characteristics (Noise margins, fan-in, fan-out, power dissipation and propagation speed).
2 | EE331L | 02 | إجباري | EE234 |
3 | GH152 | Technical writing | 01 | عام |
تعريف وأهمية الكتابة التقنية وأهداف الكتابة التقنية وخصائصها، أسس الكتابة التقنية، عناصر التقارير الهندسية ومحتوياتها، مراحل وطرق إعداد التقارير التقنية وأعداد الأشكال، إعداد الجداول، كتبة الإعداد، إخراج وعرض التقارير، مناقشة التقارير.
4 | EE413 | Electromagnetic II | 03 | إجباري | EE313 |
Normal incidence. Wave reflection and transmission at plane boundaries. Oblique incidence, polarization Breuster & critical angles with applications. The pointing vector and electromagnetic power –Mode theory of wave guides, resonators. TEM waves on two- conductor transmission lines: analysis of reflective transmission lines . Load matching (single and double stub tuners).
5 | EE416 | Communication Engineering II | 03 | إجباري | GS206 |
Noise representation, Linear filtering of white Gaussian noise, Narrowband Gaussian noise representation. Noise in base band, linear and nonlinear modulation systems. Noise (quantization, thermal) in PCM and DM systems. Error rates in base band digital modulation systems. Optimum filter and correlation receivers. Digital carrier modulation schemes: ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, and MSK. Introduction to M-ary base band digital systems, QPSK, QAM, performance and comparison. Basic concepts of information theory, introduction to coding: Block and convolution coding.
6 | EE429 | Semiconductor Electronics | 03 | إجباري | EE319 |
Introduction to semiconductor material: Crystal structure, growth of semiconductor crystal. Energy bands and charge carrier in semiconductor: Conductivity, mobility, Hall Effect. Doping, free carriers transport (drift and diffusion), Excess carriers, Poisson's equation, current density equation, continuity equation. PN junction diode: I-V equation, capacitance, breakdown mechanism. Bipolar junction transistor: Transport factor, emitter efficiency, Eber's-Moll model. Field effect Transistor: I-V Equation, conductance, transconductance. Transient and switching speed: diode, transistor.
'8الفصل الثامن
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | EE421L | Communication and Electronics Laboratory I | 02 | إجباري | EE304 EE311L EE316 |
Selected experiments in the areas of communication, solid state electronics, Digital, Electronic electromagnetic waves.
2 | EE423 | Active Networks | 03 | إجباري | EE319 |
Primary and secondary building blocks of active networks, the ideal op-amp, the controlled sources, the gyrator, the NIC, the GIC, the FDNR, the summer, the integrator, and the differentiator. General analysis of active networks. Design and realization of passive filters. The sensitivity. Design and realization of the different types of active filters.
3 | EE513 | Electromagnetic III | 03 | إجباري | EE413 |
Antennas fundamental concepts (radiation patterns in three dimensions, beam width, gain, impedance, effective aperture, reciprocity) Elementary antenna (EHD& MHD). Linear antennas half wave dipole radiation from apertures, traveling waves antennas. Passive microwave devices, scattering matrix and its use to explain few passive device properties, directional couplers, magic (hybrid) Tee, ring junction ; shorts, bends, matched loads attenuators; phase shifters, propagation in ferrites isolators, circulators and gyrators. Active microwave devices. Two cavity klystron, multi-cavity klystron, reflex klystron, traveling wave's tubes, magnetrons and gyrators.
4 | EE516 | Communication Systems I | 03 | إجباري | EE416 |
Review of digital modulation schemes. Multiplexing techniques (FDM, TDM, statistical TDM, and SDM) emphasizing on: concept, hierarchy, standards, specifications and implementation. Coaxial cable systems: cable construction, characteristics, system and repeater design, thermal and intermodulation noise considerations. Fiber optics cable systems: cable construction and characteristics, transmission parameters, TX/RX repeater system, design parameters and system design. Telephone transmission: cables, properties of cables conductors, transmission parameters, signal distortion and conditioning, subscriber loop design. Data transmission over telephone cables; voice band modems: types, characteristics and standards. Telephone network distribution in buildings. User equipments (AM/FM receivers, FAX, data terminals, and TV) with emphasis on: principles of operation, characteristics, types, standards and implementation.
5 | EE519 | Semiconductor Devices | 03 | إجباري |
Introduction to quantum mechanics: Probability and the uncertainty principle, the Schrodinger wave equation, potential well problem, tunneling. Carrier lifetime and photoconductivity: Direct recombination of electrons and holes, indirect recombination, trapping, steady state carrier generation. Metal semiconductor junction: Schottky barriers, rectifying contacts, ohmic contacts. Bipolar junction transistors: Frequency and voltage limitations. Metal oxide semiconductor transistors. Solar cells: Principles of solar cell operation, light absorption and carrier generation, short circuit current, open circuit voltage, efficiency, system applications. Introduction to semiconductor lasers.
6 | EE527 | Optical Electronics | 03 | إختياري | EE429 |
Review of fundamentals; Photoconductors; PIN diode detectors; Light emission; Light emitting diodes; Optical couplers; Semiconductor Lasers; Optical fibers; Liquid crystal display; Integrated optoelectronics.
7 | EE525 | Acoustics and Audio Engineering | 03 | إختياري | EE313 |
Plane and special acoustic waves. Waves in tubes and resonators. Analogies. Transducers: Loud speakers, microphones, hearing and noise. Acoustic of enclosures. Audio amplifiers, Public address systems. Noise reduction, measurement. Sound distribution in auditoriums, introduction to sound recording.
'9الفصل التاسع
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | EE521 | Communication and Electronics Laboratory II | 02 | إجباري | EE419 |
Selected experiments in the fields of communications, electronics, electromagnetic, digital electronic systems and control.
2 | EE491 | Computer Applications and Design Laboratory | 02 | إجباري | EE421L |
This course is aimed to expose student to understand and use the frequently used application software programs in the analysis, design, or simulation tasks in his field of specialization and also to enable student to design, implement and test mini project through making use of the available components, equipments and facilities.
3 | EE529 | Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing | 03 | إختياري | EE316 EE362 |
Introduction to DSP, Discrete Time Signals and Systems, The Frequency Response, Convolution and Impulse Response, Introduction, Properties & Inversion of z-Transform, Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series & Fourier Transform, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform. Sampling: Representation of sampling in the frequency domain, Recovery of continuous domain signals from discrete samples, Discrete-time processing of continuous signals, Quantization errors and other sources of error. Digital Filters: FIR Filter Structure, FIR Filter Design, IIR Filter Structure, IIR Filter Design, Digital Signal Processing Systems. Application of DSP. Simulation and projects.
4 | EE528 | Electronics Communication Circuits | 03 | إختياري | EE319 |
Power amplifiers; tuned amplifiers, power supplies and voltage regulators, operational amplifiers: characteristics and applications, A/D and D/A converts, Basic digital / analog communication circuits and systems.
5 | EE526 | Communication Systems II | 03 | إجباري | EE416 |
This course concentrates on radio communication transmission. It covers HF radio; LOS communication that covers VHF, UHF and microwave; and communication satellites, and introduction to mobile land communication system. In each of the above systems, emphasis is on configuration, subsystems, design parameters, system engineering and design, link equations and performance. For satellite communication systems examples of some applications are also introduced, such as VSAT, DBS and its DTH terminals. For all of the above systems, digital and analogue transmission will be considered wherever applicable.
6 | EE524 | Data Communication & Networking | 03 | إجباري | EE416 |
Data Communication Basics: Definitions, Network types, Communication Protocols, Closed System and Open System, ISO reference model, Data Transmission impairments, Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Transmission. Transmission Media and Data Encoding, Interface Standards, DTE and DCE. Line codes, Data Link Control: Flow Control, Error Detection, Performance Issues. Wide Area Networks: Switching Networks, Concepts, Circuit Switching Networks, Packet Switching, Soft switch. Local Area Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Topologies, MAC, Hubs and Switches, Performance issues: effect of data rate, propagation and queue delay, Transmission delay, Utilisation and Throughput. Introduction to Internetworking: architectures, Internet protocol Standard, IPv4 Routing, IP addresses (Addressing plan), Introduction to IPv6 Addressing Notation. Routing Strategies, Static and Dynamics addressing. Experiments have to be conducted on: Basics of data communication. Understand the wiring infrastructure of the Lab. Find out and assign the Ethernet and IP addresses stations. Monitor traffic at specific port Data Transmission. Test connectivity between computers. IP-Lab: Observe the need for router configuration. Understand the subnet mask Understand the need of a routing mechanism in a router. Learn how to configure a router with the static routing.
7 | EE523 | Microwave Engineering | 03 | إختياري | EE513 |
Introduction to propagation; Transmission lines; Terminated transmission lines, Wave guide matching; Theory of small reflections ( tapered lines ); Passive microwave components.
'10الفصل العاشر
رقم | الرمز | اسم المقرر | الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الاسبقيات |
1 | EE599 | B.Sc. Project | 03 | إجباري |
Projects is an in-depth theoretical and/or experimental investigation of a specific problem in electrical engineering.