بكالوريوس هندسة جيولوجية

تخصص الهندسة الجيولوجية

جامعة طرابلس - قسم الهندسة الجيولوجية

وصف البرنامج

يحتوي البرنامج الدراسي على 152 وحدة دراسية وتنقسم المقررات الدراسية الى مقررات اجبارية ومقررات جامعية مقررات اختيارية يحتاج الطالب الى دراسة عدد 95 وحدة تخصصية وعدد 57 وحدة من المقررات العامة، وعدد 15 وحدة اختيارية. فيما يلي الخطة الدراسية للمقررات الدراسية موزعة على المدة الدراسية المقررة للبرنامج.

أهداف البرنامج

مخرجات البرنامج

المؤهل العلمي الذي يتحصل عليه الطالب

يتحصل الطالب على شهادة بكالورويس في الهندسة الجيولوجية

متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج

يجب على الطالب الحصول على نسبة 60 % فما فوق في المرحله الثانوية للإلتحاق بقسم الهندسة الجيولوجية كما يجب على الطالب تجاوز إمتحان قبول خاص بقسم الهندسة الجيولوجية

الخطة الدراسية

الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج الدارسي موضحة على الفصول الدراسية التالية:

'3الفصل الثالث
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 CHE 211 Physical chemistry 03 إجباري

Some experiments related to CHE 211 course.Measurements of density; viscosity; phase-equilibria; kinetics of first order reaction (inversion of sucrose); refractive index; equilibrium constant (by means of electrical conductivity, Ka of succinic acid; molecular weight determination (Victor Mayer); thermodynamics of galvanic cells (Zinc-Copper electrodes). 

2 GEOE 110 Physical Geology 03 إجباري

Geology and the earth, Plate Tectonics, Minerals, Igneous Rocks, Plutons and Volcanoes, Weathering and Soil, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Geologic Time, Earthquakes and Earth’s Structure,  Ocean Basins, Geologic Structures, Mass Wasting, Streams and Lakes, Groundwater, Deserts. Glaciers and Ice age, Coastlines, Geologic Resources.

3 CE 231 General Surveying 03 إجباري

Introduction ;theory of measurements and errors, type of measurements, type of errors, error propagation, survey field notes , linear measurement , taping, EDM, leveling , curvature and refraction, instruments, differential leveling , trigonometric leveling , angles , bearing , azimuths, the compass survey, theodolite instrument, field operations with theodolite, traversing , traverse computations, areas and volumes.

'4الفصل الرابع
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GS 200 Computer Programming 03 إجباري

Introduction: Computer system function point of view (hardware and structure).Desktop (PC), supper computer, embedded systems. Problem solving and algorithms, Elementary program organization. Arithmetic statement: Constants, Variables, Data types, Intrinsic functions, Arithmetic statements and expressions, Arithmetic operators, Hierarchy of operations, Use of parentheses. Basic Input/Output: PRINT statement, READ statement, WRITE statement, Formatted WRITE statement. Program controls: IF constructs and statements, Named and nested IF Constructs, SELECT CASE Construct, The DO construct, Conditional Exit Loop, Conditional Cycle Loops, Named and Nested Loops, Indexed DO Loops. Arrays: Array Declarations, array input and output, Implied do statement, multidimensional arrays, Allocatable array. File processing Sequential files, random access files. Program Units: Statement Function, FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, Modules, Common variables. Introduction to High performance computing (HPC).

2 GEOE 230 Mineralogy and Petrology 03 إجباري GEOE 110

Crystallization, crystal symmetry, crystal systems, forms, habits, elements of crystal chemistry, Bravais Lattice.  physical properties of minerals, chemical properties of mineral crystals (Isomorphism, Polymorphism. psedomorphism), ionic substitution, solid solution, descriptive mineralogy, native minerals, Sulfides, Oxides……, and Silicates. Studying physical properties, occurrence, and uses of important economic and rock-forming minerals. Studying Igneous rocks, origin, composition, texture, and classification. Studying Metamorphic rocks, origin of contact and regional metamorphism, properties and classification. Studying Sedimentary rocks, origin of detrital and chemical sedimentary rocks, composition, texture, and classification. Lab: Crystal models to identify symmetry and form. Identification and description of the important of some portant economic and rock forming minerals and their thin sections. Hand specimens of ore and rock-forming minerals to identify minerals using physical Properties. Field trips to recognize some rock-forming minerals.

3 GEOE 220 Structural Geology 03 إجباري GEOE 110

Motivations and opportunities, Structural mapping techniques and tools, Characterizing structures using differential geometry, Physical quantities, fields, dimensions, and scaling, Deformation and flow, Force, traction, and stress, Conservation of mass and momentum, Elastic deformation, Brittle behavior, Viscous flow, Rheological behavior, Model development and methodology.

'5الفصل الخامس
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GEOE 240 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation 03 إجباري GEOE 220

Intro to Sedimentary Processes and Sedimentary Rocks, Terrigenous Clastic Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks, Biogenic, Chemical and Volcanogenic Sediments and Rocks Sediments,  Sedimentary Structures, Environments and Facies, Siliciclastic Depositional System, Carbonate Depositional System, Diagenesis: An Introduction, Stratigraphic Concepts: An Overview, Stratigraphic Techniques: Fossils and Other Dating Methods, Sequence Stratigraphy and Sea-level Changes,  Summary: Cycles and Sequence Stratigraphy

2 GEOE 353 Geochemistry 03 إجباري CHE 211 GEOE 230

Application of chemical principles to geologic processes, this includes chemical equilibrium, acids, basis well as ph, solubility of minerals and solution chemistry, carbonate and silicate equilibria, chemical weathering process, minerals and rock alteration, hydrolysis reactions of carbonates and silicates, oxidation and reduction reactions, carbonate sediments, phosphate sediments and evaporates, clay mineral formation, genesis and structure, distribution of elements in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, free energy and ph-eh relations, introduction to organic geochemistry, alternative energy sources. lab: solving problems about chemical equilibrium, and solubility of minerals, studying stability of rock-forming minerals at surface and near surface environments, solving problems concerning chemical weathering and concentration of elements in the lithosphere using wt. %, ppm or mg/l, plots of ph-eh boundaries for some mineral species.  

3 GEOE 350 Geomechanics I 03 إجباري GEOE 220

Overview of rock engineering problems, Index properties of rock system, Engineering classification of rocks, define the characteristics and classification of rock masses, the mechanical properties (strength and failure criteria) of rock discontinuities, Modes of rock failure, Common laboratory strength test for characterizing criteria, Stress-strain behavior in compression, moher-Coulomb failure criterion, The effect of water, deformation behavior of rock masses, The influence of the principal stress ratio on failure, Stress in a rock mass, Initial stresses in rock and their measurement, normal and shear stresses on a plane, problem-solving assign­ments, Exalt sheet.

4 GEOE 315 Fluid Mechanics 03 إجباري

Introduction and definitions, Importance and development of fluid mechanics, Mathematics and physical background, Fluid Static: Pascal Law, Fluid dynamic: Classification of flow, laminar and turbulent, continuity, bernolli, momentum. Open channel flow, Flow through porous media.

'6الفصل السادس
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GEOE 331 Geology of Libya 03 إجباري GEOE 220 GEOE 240

Regional study of the geology of Libya through the geological formations from Precambrian to Quaternary with emphasis on tectonic framework, stratigraphy, geologic structures, geomorphology, mineral deposits, groundwater and hydrocarbons.  Lab. work includes reading assignments, Analysis of Mapping and Cross Sections.

2 GEOE351 Hydrology 03 إجباري GEOE 240 GEOE 315

Hydrological cycle. Precipitation. Evaporation and Transpiration. Infiltration. Stream flow. Stream flow hydrograph. Precipitation and run off relations. Hydrological design (Reservoir and Dams). Hydrological statistics. Climatic change impact on hydrological environment. Laboratory consists of Precipitation measurements. Evaporation and transportation measurements. Infiltration measurements. stream flow measurements. hydrograph analysis statistics analysis.

3 GEOE 470 Geoengineering I 03 إجباري GEOE 350

Introduction of geoengineering, Strength of discontinuities of rock masses, Description of jointed rock masses, Description and rock masses classification, Types of failure: Plane failure; Circular failure; wedge failure, Lab:  Rock mass classification; Plane failure; Circular failure; Wedge failure, Excel software application.

4 GEOE 365 Petroleum Geology I 03 إجباري GEOE 240 GEOE 315

Identify the geological origins of petroleum reservoirs and reservoir fluids, describe the history of the oil and gas industry, explain the structure of the modern oil and gas industry, list the various disciplines that make up the petroleum engineering profession; illustrate the differences between conventional and unconventional reservoirs, analyze rudimentary engineering methods, interpret semi-log aapply linear interpolation and regression, analyze statistical descriptions of reservoir data, identify and solve problems requiring simple iteration, and discuss the role of environmental stewardship in the petroleum engineering profession.

5 GEOE 364 Prop. Of Construction Materials 03 إجباري GEOE 230 GEOE 350

Introduction to the physical and mechanical properties of highway construction materials. Properties of building stones. Aggregate for concrete. Cement. Lime and its types. Industrial gypsum. Bricks and Tiles and their specifications. Laboratory testing of material properties according to standard specifications.

6 GEOE 361 Well Logging I 03 إجباري GEOE 240

Basic formation evaluation concepts, borehole environment, principles of resistivity, radiation, thermal and elastic wave measurements and measuring tools, applications to formation evaluation using commercial software packag, lithology plots, saturation, irreducible saturation and porosity studies from well logs. shale sand analysis, complex reservoir analysis, wire-line formation testing, cementing quality monitoring.

'7الفصل السابع
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GEOE 362 X-Ray 03 إجباري GEOE 230

Wave theory, interference of waves, electromagnetic spectrum, review and principles of crystallography, physics of x-ray including generation, properties, and hazards, uses and applications of x-rays in geology, mineralogy and engineering, x-ray diffraction, bragg’s law, diffraction methods, basal spacing determination, diffraction directions, determination of mineral phases by powder diffraction methods,  x-ray fluorescence, purpose, theory and use of xrf spectrometers, sample preparation and qualitative chemical analysis of rock and mineral samples using xrf techniques, scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis, lab: analysis of rock samples using xrd techniques, interpretation of their resulted xrd patterns, to determine mineral phases, this well is done through home assignments and term papers, quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis of rock samples using xrf techniques, this also well be done using xrf analyzed rock samples to determine chemical analysis of these samples, contacting research centers to let students know analyzing x-ray facilities.

2 GEOE 354 Photogeology 03 إجباري GEOE 240 GEOE 331

Air photographs and stereoscopy. Characteristics of aerial photographs. Methods of photo interpretation. Lithological mapping. Igneous and metamorphic rocks mapping. Applications. Laboratory consists of aerial photographs analysis using stereoscopes, measurement of height and orienta­tions. Applications for rock types and natural res­ources.

3 GEOE 355 Numerical Analysis 03 إجباري GS 200

Mathematical Preliminaries, Error Analysis, Linear Systems, Nonlinear Equations, Interpolation by Polynomials, Differentiation and Integration, Differential Equations. Differential Equations

4 GEOE 360 Soil Mechanics 03 إجباري GEOE 220

This course covers the principles of soil mechanics and fundamentals of application in geotechnical engineering, This course covers origin of soil and grain size, soil behaviors and mechanical properties of soil, engineering classification of soil, soil compaction, permeability and seepage, in situ stresses, stresses in soil mass, compressibility of soil, shear strength. Other topics such as lateral earth pressures, fundamentals of retaining structures, soil bearing capacity, slope stability, pile foundation, and soil improvement will be touched upon briefly in this course and will be fully covered in advanced soil mechanics course (Soil mechanics II) GEOE583.

5 GEOE 363 Economic Geology 03 إجباري GEOE 230

Study of the nature, classification, mineral association and origin of ore deposits, a brief history of the use of minerals and the development of economic geology, migration of ore-bearing fluids, structural and chemical controls on ore deposition, zoning in ore minerals, magmatic segregation (cr, ti, fe, ni, cu, pt) deposits, mineral texture and paragenesis, mineral deposits of pegmatites, hydrothermal deposits including epithermal, telethermal, mesothermal, xenothermal. volcanogenic deposits, contact and regional metamorphic deposits, open space filling and replacement, sedimentary deposits, mechanical and chemical, supergene enrichement, examples of economic mineral deposits in the world including placers, precambrian quartz pebble conglomerates, pb-zn deposits, and unconformity-related u deposits, roll front u, and porphery cu deposits, kemberlite pipes, carbonatite ore depoite, and albitite, microclinite, and greisen or deposit, resources ore deposits from the ocean floor, mn- bearing deposits, mineral deposits and plate tectonic, brief studying nonmetallic ore deposits (ground water and oil, natural gas), and ore deposited in libya, lab: maps and cross sections of mineral bodies using drill hole data. study of polished sections of some economic ore deposits, mineral textures of ores.

6 GEOE 373 Drilling Technology 03 إجباري GEOE 220 GEOE 315

Drilling fluids and hydraulics, Casing and Cementing, Bit technology, Drill string basics, Stuck pipe: stuck pipe problems, Well control, Rotary drilling, Directional drilling, Horizontal drilling, Cost analysis, Technical writing, Drilling in Libya problems.

'8الفصل الثامن
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GEOE 472 Applied Geophysics 03 إجباري GEOE 240

Seismic methods, seismic refraction method, reflection method. Magnetic method, Electrical method, Gravity method. Field measurement and analyses of geophysical data, problem-solving assignments.

2 GEOE 473 Ground Water Flow 03 إجباري GEOE 315

Principles and physical properties of groundwater, principles of groundwater flow, groundwater flow equations, flow nets, groundwater geology, radial flow, salute transport, concepts of diffusion and dispersion, flow management, solv­ing some problems.

3 GEOE 475 Computer Application 03 إجباري GEOE 355

Using Microsoft Word and Excel (using Excel for graphics and statistics). Drawing maps using Surfer. Applying rockwork for different geologic presentations.

4 GEOE 477 Remote Sensing and Geological Applications 03 إجباري GEOE 240

Remote sensing fundamentals. Satellites and sensors. Passive systems. Active microwave (RADAR). Image processing and enhancement. Applications of remote sensing to geological engineering problems. Laboratory work consists of slide shows for images. Analyses of land sat. Satellite, and radar images. Analyses of lineament, and lithology. Applications.

'9الفصل التاسع
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GEOE 588 Petroleum Geology II 03 إختياري GEOE 365

Origin and occurrence of hydrocarbons, Basic Petroleum Geology, Origins of Oil and Gas, Hydrocarbon Types, Gibbs Phase Rule, Reservoir Types, Temperature in sedimentary basins, thermal conductivity, geothermal gradient, Subsurface Pressure, Enhance oil recovery Drillsteam and transient testing, Geological factor in water flooding, Evaluation of an oil discovery: how to locate the second, third and fourth wells

2 GEOE 597 Special Topics 03 إجباري

This course covers electives and special applications in mineral resources, water resources geotechnical or petrophysical branch. Lectures as given in special assignments and term papers are prepared by students.   

3 GEOE 596 Basin Analysis 03 إختياري GEOE 365

Introduction, Foundations of Sedimentary Basins, Mechanics of Sedimentary Basin Formation, Sedimentary Basin-Fill,  Application of Petroleum Play Assessment.

4 GEOE 595 Petrophysics 03 إختياري GEOE 365

Introduction, Porosity and Permeability (Klinkenberg Effect), Statistical Analysis of reservoir Data, Reservoir Rock Heterogeneity, Application of Darcy's Equations,  Skin Factor, Rock Fluids Interactions, Electrical Properties of Rock-Fluid Systems, Fluid Saturations.

5 GEOE 594 Geomechanics II 03 إختياري GEOE 350

Design of underground openings and tunnels in various rock masses, design of underground openings and tunnels in stratified rocks, design in fractured rock masses, some of the other concepts of open, supporting and reinforcement the rocks, analysis and problem-solving assignments for the stability of different rocks during the opening process of underground.

6 GEOE 593 Site Investigation 03 إختياري GEOE 360

Introduction of site investigation, Planning and procurements, Description and classification, Disk study and walk-over survey, Subsurface exploration: engineering geophysics, Subsurface exploration: boring, drilling, propping …etc., Sampling and sample disturbance, Undisturbed sample technique, Labrotarty testing, in situ testing, Basics field instrumentation, Assignments.

7 GEOE 592 Slope Stability 03 إختياري GEOE 350

Shear strength of rock, introduction of rock slope engineering, plane failure, groundwater flow permeability and pressure, wedge failure, circular failure, toppling failure, blasting, factor of safety for reinforced rock slopes, lab: plane failure; circular failure; wedge failure; toppling failure, application software, practical examples and extensive assignments. 

8 GEOE 591 Groundwater Management 03 إختياري GEOE 589

Definition of groundwater management, Groundwater basin investigation and development, Managing groundwater supplies and alternative basin yields, Water-energy-food nexus, Impact of groundwater exploitation on the environment. Groundwater basins of  Libya.

9 GEOE 590 Water Well Design and Maintenance 03 إختياري GEOE 580

Review of water wells functions and drilling, Explaining design parameters (casing, screen, gravel pack and selecting pump depth and power), Development completion and disinfection, Water well maintenance (courses, methods, materials, frequency), Lab: Calculating length diameter of casing and screen, Selecting proper screen pores, Design gravel pack for installation, Calculating proper pressure for maintaining the well.

10 GEOE 589 Principles of Groundwater Modeling 03 إختياري GEOE 355

Introduction to groundwater models, finite difference (steady state), finite difference (Transient flow), Advective-Dispercive solute transport, case studies by the application of picket-Linguist. And Trescottpender-Iarson Models Using Real Data. Laboratory consists of Use of Various Modeling Packages-MODFLOW.

11 GEOE 587 Reservoir Rock Properties 03 إختياري GEOE 365

Petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks and measurement procedures: Coring and core handling, sandstone and carbonate reservoir rock and pore types, fundamental porosity, grain density, permeability and saturation properties, special core analysis such as mechanical, acoustic and electrical properties, multiphase rock and fluid interactions, interfacial tension, capillary pressure, wettability and relative permeability properties, The course is complemented by relevant lab experiments where the students get hands on experience on measuring some of the single and multiphase flow properties of reservoir rocks

12 GEOE 586 Well Logging II 03 إختياري GEOE 361

This course covers cased-hole logging including; Cased hole logs for Formation Evaluation are principally those from the radiation-measuring tools; e.g., the Thermal Decay Time (TDT), Gamma Ray Spectrometry (GST), Compensated Neutron (CNL), standard gamma ray (GR), and Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry (NGS*) tools. Well Integrity include: (1) Cement Evaluation are cement bond log (CBL), Cement Evaluation Tool (CET). (2) Corrosion Evaluation of Casing and Tubing are types of inspection Equipment (Mechanical Calipers, Acoustic Devices, Electromagnetics Tools, Borehole Video Cameras and Casing Potential Profiles). Production logging include: Flow Regimes, Flow Meters, and Laboratory analyses of cased-hole and production logging.

13 GEOE 585 Ore Evaluation 03 إختياري GEOE 584

Surface geological evaluation of the ore, geological surveying, structural and geomorphological features and geographic location of the ore, subsurface geological evaluation of metallic and non-metallic ore bodies, design of drill hole patterns and spacings, sampling, channel sampling, grab sampling, bulk and placer sampling, drill cores and cuttings, estimation of mineral reserves, conditions and methods of ore evaluation, as arithmetic average method, block method, longitudinal and cross section method, types of mineral reserves, determination of shape and volume of ore bodies using  thickness , density, extension …etc. drawing geological maps and cross sections, industrial evaluation, amount morphology and quality of the ore, ore variability including shape, quality, and pinch out of ore bodies, economic analysis of mineral deposits, risk analysis. lab: case studies of ore evaluation using data for ore reserves estimation, field training to evaluate gypsum reserve in Bir El Ghanam and cement raw material in Al Khoms and Suq el Khamees.

14 GEOE 584 Mining Geo-Engineering 03 إختياري GEOE 597

Mineral deposits in the subsurface environment, ore and gangue minerals, economic mineral associations. Mineral and metal zoning,  geochemical zoning, wall-rock alteration,  mineral deposits in the zone of weathering. Mining methods,  surface and subsurface mining, solution mining and related methods, marine mining, environmental engineering. Mining and mineral economics, national mineral policy, national mineral policy, transportation and marketing of minerals. Engineering economic analysis in exploration and mining. Geologic mapping in surface and underground mines. Evaluation of prospects and mines, sampling of ore bodies, type and thickness of overburden, lab: studying open-pit geology. Geological mapping of surface mines, studying environmental impact of open-pit mine exploitation and solving this environmental problem.

15 GEOE 583 Soil Mechanics II 03 إختياري GEOE 360

This course covers the principles of soil mechanics and fundamentals of application in geotechnical engineering, This course covers origin of soil and grain size, soil behaviors and mechanical properties of soil, engineering classification of soil, soil compaction, permeability and seepage, in situ stresses, stresses in soil mass, compressibility of soil, shear strength, Other topics such as lateral earth pressures, fundamentals of retaining structures, soil bearing capacity, slope stability, pile foundation, and soil improvement. Laboratory consists of extensive problem-solving assignments and some Lab. testing.

16 GEOE 582 Geoengineering II 03 إختياري GEOE 470

pen excavation, underground chamber, rasis, and anchor foundation. Grouting and shallow foundation on rock. Karsts formation and engineering. Subsidence and sub­sidence types. Bridges and pavements and their clas­sifications. Beach engineering. Engineering seismology, earthquakes, and geotechnical earthquake engineering. Laboratory includes mapping and cross sections of geo­technical exercises, problem-solving assignments. 

17 GEOE 581 Groundwater Geochemsirty 03 إختياري GEOE 353

Chemical and physical properties of ground water, Geochemical processes that describe solution complexation reaction, solutions, gas interactions, mineral dissolution, precipitation, adsorption, description, Ground water Quality and contaminant, Contamination impact on environment, Lab: how to apply appropriate sampling and analytical approaches to collect and interpret of hydro-chemical data.

18 GEOE 580 Water Well Hydraulics 03 إختياري GEOE 355

Definitions of aquifer types, properties, flow equation types, pumping test analysis for steady state flow, pumping test analysis for unsteady state analysis, step test pumping analysis, boundary effects on pumping well, lab: radial steady state flow (Theim), radial un steady state flow (theis, jacob, hautush), step test analysis, excel sheet for pumping test analysis.

19 GEOE 579 Exploration Methods 03 إختياري GEOE 472

Philosophy of exploration, planning prospecting and exploration programs. Integration of exploration tools as different geophysical methods, applications of different remote sensing techniques as well as photo geologic maps with various geochemical techniques in order to interpret surface and subsurface lithologies and structure  in search for oil and gas, economic mineral deposits, groundwater, or to integrate these results in geotechnical studies. Lab: Includes map interpretation to delineate geologic structures. Field training to delineate mineralogical and geochemical anomalies using exploration tools and equipment, Summer training in the field with exploration companies. 

20 GEOE 577 Clay Minerals 03 إختياري GEOE 362

Structure and composition of clay minerals. Clay mineral formation and occurrence in rocks and soils. Clay mineral properties and relation of these properties to industrial uses. Clay mineral diagenesis. Methods used to identify and study common clays as XRD, DTA, electron microscopy and infrared absorption. Lab.: Identification of clay mineral samples using XRD and DTA techniques, Textural preparation of rock samples to better identifying pure clay samples, Studying clay mineral properties in relation their industrial uses.

21 GEOE 575 Industrial Rocks and minerals 03 إختياري GEOE 363

Features of industrial rocks and minerals, genetic classification, economic classification, and their origin, search and exploitation for them, studying their economic feasibility with emphesis on non-metallic minerals, applied chemistry, studying examples of such rocks and minerals in libya as granites, basalts, marbles, sands, diatomites, clays, bentonites, olivines, feldspars, calcites, dolomites, and gypsum, lab: testing of various rock and mineral samples to be used as  industrial materials for different purposes, field trips to some localities of industrial rocks and minerals.

'10الفصل العاشر
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 GEOE 578 Filed Geology 03 إجباري GEOE 331

The course work presented in 2 weeks field trip. In the first part, the field trip work included reconnaissance geology, exploration of the stratigraphy, the main rock units, intrusions, structure geology with training of columnar sections, bearing and measurements of orientation. The second part included training on geological mapping.  

2 GEOE 598 Seminar 03 إجباري

The student has to present his B. Sc. Project in a seminar attended by staff members and senior students.

3 GEOE 599 B.Sc. Project 03 إجباري

Two semester project should be done and advised by staff member. The student prepared his project within his branch especially for example, mineral resources, water resources geotechnical or petrophysical branch.