قسم الانسجة والوراثة

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Dr. Abdul Hakim Shaban Shaban Elnfati

عبد الحكيم النفاتي هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم علم الانسجة و الوراثة بكلية الطب البشري يعمل السيد عبد الحكيم النفاتي بجامعة طرابلس كـاستاذ مساعد منذ 15-1-2016 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه


Some of publications in قسم الانسجة والوراثة

وثيقة اخلاقيات لبحث لعلمي

ا كان لإلنسان أن يخطو، يف فترة وجيزة تقارب القرن من الزمن، هذه اخلطوات العمالقة يف مجال العلوم واملعرفة، بدون البحث العلمي الرصني الذي يعتمد الطريقة العلمية يف التفكير، وليس غريبا أن تكون إحدى أهم ركائز تصنيف اجلامعات العاملية مدى قدرة اجلامعة على اإلسهام الفاعل يف إثراء املعرفة االنسانية من خالل ما جتريه من بحوث. وانطالقا من اإلحساس مبسؤولياتها، ويف سبيل السعي إلى احلصول على موطأ قدم لها بني جامعات العالم، شكلت جامعة طرابلس جلنة من أساتذتها؛ لوضع مشروع وثيقة ألخالقيات البحث العلمي داخلها تلزم باحثيها اتباع االشتراطات، واملعايير، واملتطلبات األخالقية املنبثقة أس�اس�ا م�ن املفاهيم وامل�ب�ادئ العليا التي تقوم عليها املجتمعات، وتقرها الديانات واألعراف والتشريعات والثقافة واملواثيق الدولية ذات العالقة والتي تضبط وتنظم السلوك اإلنساني وتصنف املمارسات واألفعال والعالقات والسياسات، فيما إذا كانت مقبولة، أو غير مقبولة، ولتحافظ على أعلى مستوى ممكن من الشفافية واملصداقية يف العملية البحثية.
بسمة محمد خليفة دورو, خالد الهادي عبدالسلام الرفاعي, عبدالكريم امحمد احمد احتاش, محمد عبدالسلام محمد القريو , محمود احمد امحمد الديك, ضو خليفة محمد الترهوني, (1-2017)
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Paternal bisphenol A exposure induces testis and sperm pathologies in mice offspring: Possibly due to oxidative stress?

Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine and metabolic disruptor, is widely used to manufacture polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Accumulating evidence suggests that paternal BPA exposure adversely affects male germlines and results in atypical reproductive phenotypes that might persist for generations to come. Our study investigated this exposure on testicular architecture and sperm quality in mouse offspring, and characterised underlying molecular mechanism(s). A total of 18 immature male Swiss albino mice (3.5 weeks old) were randomly divided into three groups and treated as follows: Group I, no treatment (sham control); Group II, sterile corn oil only (vehicle control); Group III, BPA (400 μg/kg) in sterile corn oil. At 9.5 weeks old, F0 males were mated with unexposed females. F0 offspring (F1 generation) were monitored for postnatal development for 10 weeks. At 11.5 weeks old, the animals were sacrificed to examine testicular architecture, sperm parameters, including DNA integrity, and oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonylation (PC), and nitric oxide (NO)). Results showed that BPA significantly induced changes in the body and testis weights of the F0 and F1 generation BPA lineages compared to F0 and F1 generation control lineages. A decrease in sperm count and motility with further, increased sperm abnormalities, no or few sperm DNA alterations and elevated levels of MDA, PC, and NO were recorded. Similar effects were found in BPA exposed F0 males, but were more pronounced in the F0 offspring. In addition, BPA caused alterations in the testicular architecture. These pathological changes extended transgenerationally to F1 generation males’ mice, but the pathological changes were more pronounced in the F1 generation. Our findings demonstrate that the biological and health BPA impacts do not end in paternal adults, but are passed on to offspring generations. Hence, the linkage of seen testis and sperm pathologies in the F1 generation to BPA exposure of their parental line was evident in this work. The findings also illustrate that oxidative stress appears to be a molecular component of the testis and sperm pathologies. arabic 18 English 101
Mohamed A. Al-Griw(11-2020)
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Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Potential of Flavonoids from Arbutus pavarii against CCl4 Induced Hepatic Damage

Flavonoids have been shown to have antioxidant factors and effective against hepatotoxicity. This in vivo study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of flavonoids rich extracts in a model of chemicalinduced liver cell injury. Materials and Methods: Flavonoids were extracted from leaves and flowers of Arbutus pavarii using Microwave assisted extraction method. Different concentrations of extracted flavonoids (200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000mg/kg bw) were evaluated up to two weeks on mice model. The hepatoprotective effects of the extracts were examined using mice pretreated orally with 200 and 400 mg/kg bw of flavonoids extracted from leaves and flowers as well as their combination (200 mg/kg; 1:1) for 28 days. At day 28, the mice were received orally a single dose of 1ml/kg CCl4 in corn oil. Forty-eight hours after Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) treatment, the animals were sacrificed and their liver and blood samples were collected for determination of biochemical parameters (Alkaline phosphatase (ALT), Aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine-aminotransferase (ALP)), histopathological investigation and antioxidant status. Results: Treatment of the mice with a daily dose of flavonoids extracts up to 5 g/kg bw did not cause mortality and did not show hepatotoxicity. Pretreatment with extracts decreased the increased serum levels of ALT, AST, and ALP, decreased lipid peroxidation and maintained the levels of glutathione and antioxidant enzymes status in the CCl4 treated mice, especially in the group treated with combined extracts. The hepato-protcitve effects were confirmed by histopathological examinations. Conclusion: The results shown by the extracted flavonoids need further investigation.
Rabia Alghazeer, Sana Elgahmasi, Abdul Hakim Elnfati, Mohamed Elhensheri, Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Nuri Awayn, Mariuma El- Nami(3-2018)
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