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Protective Effect of the Methanolic Extract of Malva parviflora L. leaves on Acetic Acid-induced Ulcerative Colitis in Rats

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general term describing chronic, idiopathic relapsing, inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown etiology. Previous studies have indicated that Malva parviflora leaf extract possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiulcerogenic activity. activity. This work aimed to investigatee the anti-inflammatory effect of the methanolic (MEMP) and aqueous (AEMP) extracts of M. parviflora leaves on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats. arabic 19 English 104
Aisha Mohamed Dugani, Soad Treesh(5-2016)
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Experimental study comparing burn healing effects of raw South African Shea butter and the samples from a Libyan market

Background: The fat extracted from the nut of the African Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) is called Shea butter. It has multiple uses at the local level as it is used in cosmetic products and as a cocoa butter substitute in chocolate industries. It has a high nutritious value and is also a valuable product on the local, national, and international markets, making it the ideal candidate to research and invest in. Aim: This study is a comparative experimental study of the possible burn healing effects between imported South African raw Shea butter and samples in a Libyan market. Method: The control samples were brought from South Africa (Benin traditional markets). A total of 18 different samples were collected from different sale centers in Tripoli, including pharmacies, beauty shops, and spices shops, in addition to one sample brought from Poland. Animal experiment on burn healing effect was carried out on nine male Sprague Dawley (350–400 g) rats aged 6–8 weeks old. After shaving the animal’s dorsum hair, a metal cube was used to create a deep second degree burn wound, and the cube was heated to 100°C for 20 seconds. Medication with Shea butter (control, T1, and T2) was initiated daily for one for these groups by the application of a thin film of the Shea butter samples on the burned areas. On days 1, 3, and 7, the rats were anesthetised and a sample from the burned scar tissue and skin adjacent were evaluated using pathological parameters. Results: The histological study indicates that the use of Shea butter T1 as topical treatment induces an immune response, which enhances the form of the presence of a large number of inflammatory cells in the epidermis and dermis layers. The treatment of burned skin with T2 lasted for 72 hours and it showed slightly significant healing in the normal structure of proliferative granulation tissue with accumulation of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells surrounding the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Small areas of the epidermis which formed few layers were observed and some hair roots were grown. This was well seen in cases of T1 and T2. Shea butter bought as raw might have a bad effect on burned skin. Conclusion: Shea butter bought as raw might have bad effect on burned skin. On the other hand, the sample from Poland had a therapeutic effect, which was because of the additives such as avocado oil, grape seed oil, and others. arabic 18 English 101
Sakina Salem Mohammed Saadawi, Soad Ali Abdulsalam Treesh, ٍSuhera Mehemed Abdulsalam Aburawi, , , (11-2020)

Selective Adenosine A2A receptor inhibitor SCH58261 reduces oligodendrocyte loss upon brain injury in young rats

Cellular elements of maturing brain are vulnerable to insults, which lead to neurodevelopmental defects. There are no established treatments at present. Here we examined the efficacy of selective adenosine A2A receptor inhibitor SCH58261 to combat brain injury, particularly oligodendrocyte (OL) lineage cells, in young rats. Wistar rats (n = 24, 6.5 days old) were randomly divided into equal groups of four. The sham (SHAM) group received no treatment, the vehicle (VEHICLE) group received 0.1% dimethylsufoxide, the injury (INJ) group was exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation insult, and the injury+SCH58261 (INJ+SCH58261) group was exposed to the insult and received 1 μM SCH58261. Immunocytochemical experiments revealed that there was a significant reduction in the populations of mature OL (MBP+ OLs) and immature OL precursors (NG2+ OPCs) in the INJ group compared to SHAM group. Furthermore, there was also a significant increase in the percent of apoptotic MBP+ OL and NG2+ OPC populations as evidenced by TUNEL assay. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the proliferation rate among NG2+ OPCs, which was confirmed by BrdU immunostaining. On the other hand, treatment with SCH58261 significantly enhanced survival, evidenced by the reduction in apoptotic indices for both cell types, and it is preserved the NG2+ OPC proliferation. Activation of adenosine A2A receptors may contribute to OL lineage cell loss in association with decreased mitotic behavior of OPCs in neonatal brains upon injury. Future investigations assessing ability of SCH58261 to regenerate myelin will provide insights into its wider clinical relevance.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Rabia O. Alghazeer, Nuri Awayn, Ghalia Shamlan, Areej A. Eskandrani, Afnan M. Alnajeebi, Nouf A. Babteen, Wafa S. Alansari(1-2020)
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Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Potential of Flavonoids from Arbutus pavarii against CCl4 Induced Hepatic Damage

Flavonoids have been shown to have antioxidant factors and effective against hepatotoxicity. This in vivo study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of flavonoids rich extracts in a model of chemicalinduced liver cell injury. Materials and Methods: Flavonoids were extracted from leaves and flowers of Arbutus pavarii using Microwave assisted extraction method. Different concentrations of extracted flavonoids (200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000mg/kg bw) were evaluated up to two weeks on mice model. The hepatoprotective effects of the extracts were examined using mice pretreated orally with 200 and 400 mg/kg bw of flavonoids extracted from leaves and flowers as well as their combination (200 mg/kg; 1:1) for 28 days. At day 28, the mice were received orally a single dose of 1ml/kg CCl4 in corn oil. Forty-eight hours after Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) treatment, the animals were sacrificed and their liver and blood samples were collected for determination of biochemical parameters (Alkaline phosphatase (ALT), Aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine-aminotransferase (ALP)), histopathological investigation and antioxidant status. Results: Treatment of the mice with a daily dose of flavonoids extracts up to 5 g/kg bw did not cause mortality and did not show hepatotoxicity. Pretreatment with extracts decreased the increased serum levels of ALT, AST, and ALP, decreased lipid peroxidation and maintained the levels of glutathione and antioxidant enzymes status in the CCl4 treated mice, especially in the group treated with combined extracts. The hepato-protcitve effects were confirmed by histopathological examinations. Conclusion: The results shown by the extracted flavonoids need further investigation.
Rabia Alghazeer, Sana Elgahmasi, Abdul Hakim Elnfati, Mohamed Elhensheri, Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Nuri Awayn, Mariuma El- Nami(3-2018)
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Maternal Exposure of Mouse to Low-Dose of Trichloroethane is Associated with Increased Birth Weight and Early Neonatal Neurobehavioral Abnormalities

Maternal exposure to environmental chemicals can adversely affect fetal health. This study aims to identify, in-vivo, the risk of maternal exposure to trichloroethane (TCE) on the birth weight and the neurobehavioral performance of newborns. Groups of female albino mice (F0 generation) were injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400 µg/kg BW). Animals were followed up for signs of toxicity and mortality. Neonate's motor behavior including large movement (crawling, pivoting, righting) and small movement (tremor) were assessed. No toxicity adverse signs or mortality were observed in the animals (F0 generation) treated with TCE. The results showed that TCE exposure led to a significant increase in the F1 mouse body weight compared to controls. The results also showed that tremor of neonates of dams exposed to TCE (100µg/kg and 400µg/kg BW) were significantly increased when assessed on postnatal day-1 (PND-1). These findings provide support to a role of the environmental toxicant, TCE, in abnormalities in birth weight and neonatal neurobehavior.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Massaud S. Maamar, Naser M. Salama, Lubna N. Algadi, Abdul Hakim S. Elnfati, Emad M. Bennour(9-2015)
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Mode of Cell Death in Mouse Brain Following Early Exposure to Low-Dose Trichloroethane: Apoptosis or Necrosis

The goal of this study was to investigate, in-vivo, the predominant mechanism of cell death, apoptosis versus necrosis, in the mature mouse brain exposed early to a ubiquitous environmental toxicant trichloroethane (TCE). A subset of male albino mice was injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400µg/kg). All animals were followed up for signs of toxicity and mortality. Changes in neural tissues were histpathologically evaluated. Biomarkers of brain cell number were also studied. The results showed that TCE insult triggered significant alterations in the microstructure of the brain tissues compared to controls. Mitotic figures and apoptotic changes such as chromatin condensation and nuclear fragments were also identified. Cell death analysis demonstrates that cell apoptosis with necrosis was evident in the TCE-treated groups. The percent of necrosis was quantified as 20.09 ± 2.57% at 100µg/kg TCE, 30.57 ± 5.18% at 400µg/kg TCE, and 12.67 ± 1.25% in controls. However, the percent of apoptosis was quantified as 29.18 ± 1.51% at 100µg/kg TCE, 20.14 ± 2.12% at 400µg/kg TCE, and 8 ± 1.25% in controls. There was also a significant reduction in the brain DNA content in the TCE-treated groups. Agarose gel electrophoresis is also provided further biochemical evidence of apoptosis by showing internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. These results correlated with neurobehavioral impairment. These findings indicate that TCE induces degeneration and apoptotic cell death in mouse brain, suggesting a crucial role played by apoptosis in TCE neurotoxicity.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Abdul Hakim Elnfati, Naser M. Salama, Massaud S. Maamar, Soad A. Treesh, Taher Shaibi(10-2015)
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دور إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين أداء مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي

تهدف هذه الورقة إلى التعرف على إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وتأثيرها في تحسين أداء مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي والعالم العربي، وبيان الانعكاسات الايجابية في الأداء نتيجة لتطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة المتمثلة في (التحسين المستمر، واعتماد الإدارة على المعلومات عند اتخاذ القارارت، ودعم الإدارة العليا لتطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وتركيز الجهود على تلبية حاجات ورغبات الزبائن). إذ توضح هذه الورقة أن إدارة الجودة الشاملة هي أسلوب إداري حديث متميز، ويتطلب من جميع الباحثين في المؤسسات التعليمية في ليبيا، رفع مستوي المنتج التعليمي من خرجين، وبحوث ودارسات، بما يتناسب مع متطلبات مجتمعاتها كما تهدف هذه الورقة لتوضيح مدى تحقيق جودة التعليم حيث ا عتمد ، العالي في المؤسسات التعليمية العربية والليبية من خلال منهج نظري وصفي يستعرض في هذه الورقة الباحثين في هذه الورقة على الأدبيات، والدارسات السابقة المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مفهوم إدارة الجودة الشاملة في التعليم العالي، ومميازته، ومتطلباته، ومعوقاته، والتحديات التي تواجه التعليم العالي في العالم العربي بما فيهم دولة ليبيا بالتحديد. كما تتجلي أهمية الدارسة من خلال تناولها لموضوع يتسم بالحداثة ويعد تطبيق المبادئ والأساليب الحديثة على مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي في غاية الأهمية، وذلك من أجل الارتقاء بها إلى معدلات عالية من الأداء والجودة ورفع كفاءة الخدمات المقدمة للطلبة والعاملين والباحثين وأعضاء هيئة التدريس. من خلال هذه الدارسة التي قام بها الباحثين تم استخلاص نتيجة مفادها ان تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة يساهم في تعزيز القدارت التنافسية للمؤسسات وبالدرجة التي تمكنها من تحقيق أداء متميز لمواجهة حدة المنافسة التي يتميز بها عصرنا الحالي. وقد توصل الباحثين في هذه الورقة من خلال الدارسات السابقة لاقتارح عدد من التوصيات من أهمها: نشر ثقافة الجودة، الاهتمام بدعم البحث العلمي، دعم الإدارة العليا لتطبيق معايير وا جارءات اعتماد مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي الصادرة من المركز الوطني لضمان الجودة.
محمد عبدالسلام محمد القريو , , (12-2018)
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Fertility and Reproductive Outcome in Mice Following Trichloroethane (TCE) Exposure

Exposure to trichloroethane (TCE), an industrial solvent, has been shown to be negatively associated with reproductive performance. The present study was performed to assess the effects of TCE exposure on the reproductive performance and outcome in mice during a critical developmental window of later reproductive life. A group of female mice were injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400 µg/kg). Mice were followed up for signs of toxicity and death. Changes in uterine tissues have also been investigated by histopathology. The results showed that TCE exposure has reduced the number of F0 fertile females comparing to controls. Moreover, TCE exposure resulted in a decreased pups number and changed sex ratio in the litter of F0 TCE­treated dams. Histopathological examination revealed a TCE­induced uterine toxicity appeared as a severe endometrial hyperplasia with squamous cell metaplasia and adenomyosis. These results indicate that TCE exposure during a critical reproductive developmental window could affect the fertility and interfere with the reproductive outcome in mice.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Seham A. Azreg, Emad M. Bennour, Salem A. El-Mahgiubi, Ali R. Al-Attar, Naser M. Salama, Abdul Hakim Elnfati(10-2015)
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