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Paternal bisphenol A exposure induces testis and sperm pathologies in mice offspring: Possibly due to oxidative stress?

Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine and metabolic disruptor, is widely used to manufacture polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Accumulating evidence suggests that paternal BPA exposure adversely affects male germlines and results in atypical reproductive phenotypes that might persist for generations to come. Our study investigated this exposure on testicular architecture and sperm quality in mouse offspring, and characterised underlying molecular mechanism(s). A total of 18 immature male Swiss albino mice (3.5 weeks old) were randomly divided into three groups and treated as follows: Group I, no treatment (sham control); Group II, sterile corn oil only (vehicle control); Group III, BPA (400 μg/kg) in sterile corn oil. At 9.5 weeks old, F0 males were mated with unexposed females. F0 offspring (F1 generation) were monitored for postnatal development for 10 weeks. At 11.5 weeks old, the animals were sacrificed to examine testicular architecture, sperm parameters, including DNA integrity, and oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonylation (PC), and nitric oxide (NO)). Results showed that BPA significantly induced changes in the body and testis weights of the F0 and F1 generation BPA lineages compared to F0 and F1 generation control lineages. A decrease in sperm count and motility with further, increased sperm abnormalities, no or few sperm DNA alterations and elevated levels of MDA, PC, and NO were recorded. Similar effects were found in BPA exposed F0 males, but were more pronounced in the F0 offspring. In addition, BPA caused alterations in the testicular architecture. These pathological changes extended transgenerationally to F1 generation males’ mice, but the pathological changes were more pronounced in the F1 generation. Our findings demonstrate that the biological and health BPA impacts do not end in paternal adults, but are passed on to offspring generations. Hence, the linkage of seen testis and sperm pathologies in the F1 generation to BPA exposure of their parental line was evident in this work. The findings also illustrate that oxidative stress appears to be a molecular component of the testis and sperm pathologies. arabic 18 English 101
Mohamed A. Al-Griw(11-2020)

Vitamin D mitigates adult onset diseases in male and female mice induced by early-life exposure to endocrine disruptor BPA

Background: During early development, environmental compounds can induce adult onset diseases and disrupt the circulating vitamin D (VitD) levels. Aim: This study aimed to examine the protective role of VitD against the adverse effects of BPA on male and female mice. Methods: A total of 60 male and female Swiss Albino mice (3 weeks old) were randomly divided into 5 groups; each consisted of 12 mice (6 males and 6 females) and was treated as follows: Group I received no treatment (sham control); Group II, sterile corn oil only (vehicle control); Group III, BPA (400 μg/kg); Group IV, VitD (2,195 IU/kg); and Group V, BPA + VitD. At 10.5 weeks, the animals were sacrificed to conduct histological examinations. Results: BPA-exposed mice were found to have neurobehavioral abnormalities, heart, kidney, and lung diseases with increased apoptotic indices in both sexes. On the other hand, the treatment of BPA mice with VitD altered this scenario with modulated motor activity, enhanced body and organ weights, and preserved the heart, kidney, and lung architecture, alongside a decreased percent apoptotic index. Conclusion: Our findings illustrate that VitD protects mice against BPA-induced heart, kidney, and lung abnormalities. arabic 20 English 103
Mohamed A. Al-Griw(8-2021)
موقع المنشور

Incidence of Clinical Venous Thromboembolism in Spinal Trauma with and without Spinal Cord Injury

Introduction: the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) after Spinal injuries was largely realised but the true incidence of which is still variable and unclear. Abstract Patients & method: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 374 consecutive patients who sustained traumatic spinal injury and admitted acutely to a comprehensive care spinal injuries centre. 159 patients had spinal trauma with spinal cord injury (SCI) and 215 were neurologically intact. The majority of these patients were treated non-surgically and received the same thromboprophylactic regimen started within a median of 2 days post injury. The incidence of clinical VTE (deep Vein thrombosis DVT & Pulmonary Embolism PE) was determined and some risk factors discussed. Results: Among the neurologically intact group one patient developed clinical PE (0.5%). Out of 159 patients with SCI, 23 developed clinically evident VTE (14.5%), 15 had DVT (11.9%), 4 PE (5%) and 4 had both DVT & PE). There was no fatality. Complete SCI lesions were associated with higher incidence of VTE compared to incomplete lesions, 17.6 % & 11% respectively (p
Nabil Alageli, Aheed Osman(7-2021)
موقع المنشور

Prevalence of H63D and C282Y mutations in hereditary hemochromatosis (HFE) gene in Tripoli region of Libya

Background and Aims: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by increased intestinal absorption of iron. Excessive amount of iron accumulates in the liver, pancreas, and heart, etc., and eventually leading to organ failure due to iron toxicity and death if untreated. The most common causes of HH are the C282Y and H63D mutations in HFE gene. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of H63D and C282Y alleles among the Libyan population in Tripoli region and to compare the results with other published data. Materials and Methods: This study included 300 randomly selected unrelated Libyan male blood donors, aged between 18 and 50 years. In‑house hydrolysis probe real‑time polymerase chain reaction and high‑resolution melting analysis protocols were developed and employed as screening tools for H63D and C282Y genotyping, respectively, and direct DNA sequencing was used to confirm the results. Results: Seven subjects (2.33%) were detected as homozygous H63D mutation and 72 (24%) were detected as heterozygous, and only one subject was detected as a heterozygous C282Y mutant (0.33%) and no homozygous C282Y mutation was detected. Conclusion: In Libyans residing in Tripoli region, the allele frequency of C282Y was very rare and allele frequency of H63D was common arabic 17 English 89
Laila Mohamed Elghawi, Abdulla Bashein(7-2021)
موقع المنشور

Prevalence of Gram-negative Bacterial Infections among Preterm Neonates in Tripoli-Libya

Preterm neonates are highly vulnerable and most susceptible to Infections. Gram-negative bacterial (GNB) infection is an increasing problem among hospitalized neonates. It is showing periodic and geographic variations in the distribution and antibiotics resistance which necessitate continuous surveillance. In present study surveillance of Gram-negative bacterial colonization and infection among preterm neonates was carried out between July, 2008 and January, 2009 at AL Jala Hospital of Obstetric and Gynecology, Tripoli. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Gram negative infections among preterm neonates, correlate colonization with the onset of subsequent infection, and to determine the antibiotics susceptibility of Gram-negative isolates. Surveillance swabs from mouth, nose, rectum, axilla and umbilicus were collected from 112 preterm neonates twice at first week, the first swab was taken before the preterm receive any antibiotics, then once per week. Clinical samples from preterm neonates who developed infection were collected according to the site of suspected infection. Samples transport, isolation and identification of GNB were conducted according to standard microbiological methods. Infection is the cause of death in 25% of cases. 19.6% of neonates colonized at the first day, 63.2% at third day and 66.7% at the second week. 25 of 74 colonized neonates and one of 38 noncolonized neonates developed infection. Rectum was the commonest site of colonization. A. baumannii is a permanent colonizer, K. pneumoniae and E. coli are early colonizers and E. cloacae and Pseudomonas spp. are late colonizers. Isolates specially K. pneumoniae and E. coli showed high resistance to most used antibiotics mainly ampicillin and gentamicin. 26 (23%) neonates developed infection mainly caused by E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Only eight cases using microbiological culture proved infections. In conclusion Gram-negative infection could be a major cause of death among preterm neonates. Acquisition of GNB increased with hospitalization and it is an important step in developing infection. Preterm neonates were heavily colonized at 3rd day of hospitalization by most GNB. K. pneumoniae and E. coli were found to be the most resistant strain to antibiotics and were associated with high rate of infection. Rectum could be used as a surveillance site instead of the other sites.
زينب عبد الله كريمه (2013)

Histological and Histochemical Study on the Effects of Malathion on the Liver of Adult Male Albino Rat and the Possible Protective Role of Atropine

يعتبر الملاثيون من المركبات الفوسفورية العضوية الأكثر شيوعا كمبيد حشري لآفات المحاصيل الزراعية و يستخدم أيضا في المنازل و الحدائق و المستشفيات و المشاتل و الصوبات, و يتيح هذا الانتشار الفرصة لتعرض الإنسان له بمختلف الطرق عن طريق البلع أو التنفس أو الجلد. ولقد وجد أن هناك علاقة بين انتشار و تأثير الملاثيون في الأعضاء المختلفة و طريقة إعطائه, حيث زادت تأثيراته عند إعطائه بالحقن عنه بالفم أو عن طريق الجلد. الهدف من البحث هو دراسة وتقييم تأثير الملاثيون تجريبيا على كبد ذكور الفئران البيضاءالبالغة من الناحية الهستولوجية والهستوكيميائية وكذلك دور الأتروبين كوسيلة وقائية وعلاجية لتلك التأثيرات. أجريت الدراسة على 32 من ذكور الفئران البيضاء البالغة يتراوح أوزانها ما بين 200-225 جرام وقد تم إتباع النظافة والعناية اللازمة للمحافظة عليها وقد تم وزن الفئران عند بداية التجربة وتسجيل الأوزان في جدول إحصائي كما تم تسجيل الحالة الصحية للفئران خلال التجربة وتم تقسيم الفئران إلى أربعة مجموعات. المجموعة الأولى (المجموعة الضابطة): تم إعطائهم الماء المقطر عن طريق الفم أو بالحقن. المجموعة الثانية (المعالجة بالملاثيون): تم إعطائهم الملاثيون (57%) من تحضير شركة النصر عن طريق الفم. المجموعة الثالثة (المعالجة بالاتروبين): تم إعطائهم الاتروبين بالحقن في العضل. المجموعة الرابعة (المعالجة بالاتروبين بعد وقف علاج الملاثيون): تم إعطائهم الملاثيون عن طريق الفم لمدة شهر ثم بعد ذلك تم حقنهم في العضل بالاتروبين لمدة شهر. .بعد انتهاء فترة العلاج تم وزن الفئران، ثم التضحية بها وتم استخراج الكبد لعمل قطاعات شمعية وقطاعات بواسطة الكريوستات لغرض الدراسة النسيجية والهستوكيميائية. لوحظ في قطاعات الكبد للفئران المعالجة بالملاثيون فقدان للترتيب الهيكلي للفصيصات الكبدية مع وجود تدمير لبعض خلايا الكبد وتضخم في بعضها الأخر الذي أظهر تراكمات من الدهون، وقد لوحظت تغيرات عديدة في أنويه الخلايا الكبدية وتشمل ضمور بعضها وتحلل بعضها. كما وجد احتقان وتمدد في مختلف الأوعية الدموية في الكبد مع تسلل ملحوظ لخلايا الدم وتدمر في عدة مناطق أخرى من الكبد. وقد أظهرت القطاعات الكبدية في الفئران بعد توقف المعالجة بالملاثيون تحسنا جزئيا مع استمرارية الاحتقان والتسلل الخلوي وقد كان ذلك أكثر سوءا من تلك الفئران المعالجة بالاتروبين بعد توقف فترة العلاج بالملاثيون من حيث تمدد واحتقان الأوعية الدموية والتسلل الخلوي حيث أصبحت تلك القطاعات مقاربة لقطاعات المجموعة الضابطة. أظهرت المجموعة المعالجة بالملاثيون زيادة ملحوظة في كمية الجليكوجين في سيتوبلازم الخلايا وانخفاض ملحوظ في تفاعل الأحماض النووية و الفوسفاتيز القلوي و السكينيك ديهيدروجنيز وقد زاد نشاط إنزيم الفوسفاتيز الحامضي. وقد لوحظ تحسن كامل في محتويات الجليكوجين و تفاعل الأحماض النووية ونشاط إنزيم الفوسفاتيز القلوي والسكينيك ديهيدروجنيزوانخفاض في نشاط إنزيم الفوسفاتيز الحامضي في الفئران المعالجة بالاتروبين بعد توقف فترة العلاج بالملاثيون مقارنة بالمجموعة التي توقف فيها العلاج بالملاثيون. أن زيادة استخدام المبيدات الكيميائية في العالم الحديث على نطاق واسع للأغراض المنزلية والزراعية أدى إلى الكثير من التركيز على احتمال تلوث بيئي خطير. والملاثيون من المبيدات الحشرية الضارة الواسعة الانتشار ولذا يجب أن تتخذ الاحتياطات المناسبة لتجنب التعرض للملاثيون أثناء وبعد عمليات الرش المختلفة ويجب أن يؤخذ في الاعتبار برامج التوعية العامة ضد الآثار السامة للمبيدات الحشرية ومحاولة تقييد استخدام الملاثيون لحماية البشر والبيئة من الخطر مع توفير كل ما يلزم من معدات الحماية للعاملين في عمليات الرش المختلفة. وأخيرا مما سبق تتضح الآثار المدمرة للملاثيون على الكبد والتي لا يمكن استردادها بالكامل بوقف التعرض للملاثيون وضرورة استخدام ترياق الاتروبين. لذا من المستحسن تقييد استخدامه لحماية البشر والبيئة أو محاولة استبداله بمواد بيولوجية أخرى.
هيفاء بشير بن سعيدان (2007)

Seroprevalence of Pertussis in School-entry Age Children in Libya, A Cross-sectional Study

Objective: In Libya, no pertussis booster doses are administered to children after 18 months of age. In light of evidence of waning of vaccine-induced immunity to pertussis, this study aimed to evaluate the waning of immunity in vaccinated school-entry age children, as measured by susceptibility to infection at population level. For this purpose, IgG and IgA levels were measured as markers of recent (infection in the last 6 months) and non-recent infections (infection in the last 12 months). Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional study undertaken in Tripoli, in February 2015. Children of school-entry age (> 5 to ≤ 7 years) were recruited on convenience basis at vaccination centers. Sera were tested for antibodies to pertussis. Results: Samples from791 children (421 males and 370 females, mean age 6.50 were tested). All of the participants had received 4 doses of Whole cell pertussis containing vaccine in the first 2 years of life. The prevalence of recent and non-recent pertussis infection were 4.8% and 2.5%, respectively. The proportion of children with undetectable level of IgG was 76.1%. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed significant circulation of Bordetella pertussis among vaccinated children by school-entry age. The circulation of B. pertussis in this population may be an indirect sign of waned immunity, which is simply corroborated by the absence of detectable antibodies in 76.1% of the children. arabic 14 English 76
Suleiman Abusrewil, Abdulla Bashein(1-2019)

Impact of Maternal Diabetes Mellitus on Early Morbidity and Mortality of Preterm Babies at Al Jala Maternity and Gynecology Hospital, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Tripoli, Libya)

ABSTRACT Studying burden of maternal diabetes mellitus on preterm babies is an important step to improve outcomes of these babies. The study was designed to compare morbidity and mortality in preterm babies (28-36 wks) born to `mothers with and without diabetes mellitus (DM). An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted at Al Jala Maternity Hospital, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) department; all preterm babies with gestational age (GA) (28-36 wks) were enrolled in the study, from January 1st 2016 to December 31st 2016. The study sample was divided to two groups according to maternal health; preterm infant of diabetic mother (IDM) and preterm non-IDM. The information retrieved and analyzed were; sex, gestational age, birth weight, mode of delivery (MOD), Apgar score at 1st and 5th minute, hypoglycemia, respiratory illness, hyperbilirubinemia, sepsis, major congenital anomalies , length of stay (LOS), and neonatal death. Collected data coded and SPSS software was used for analysis. A total of 378 preterm babies were enrolled in the study period divided into: preterm IDM group 79(20.9%) babies and preterm non-IDM group 299(79.1%) babies. The preterm IDM group had significant high frequency of large for gestational age (LGA) and unexpectedly significantly low frequency in respiratory diseases (P= 0.047), perinatal asphyxia (P=0.021) and neonatal mortality (P=0.007); and no statistical significant difference in rate of hyperbilirubinemia (P= 0.145), congenital anomalies (P= 0.187) and sepsis (P= 0.468). Preterm babies born to diabetic mothers do not appear to be at an excess risk of mortality or early morbidity, except for birth weight for which diabetic mothers need more antenatal care. arabic 29 English 150
Najwa Fituri(10-2018)