كلية الصيدلة

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حول كلية الصيدلة

تأسست كلية الصيدلة سنة 1975م وتعتبر الكلية الأقدم في ليبيا للعلوم الصيدلانية، تهدف منذ بداية تأسيسها إلى المساهمة في الرفع من مستوى الخدمات الصحية للمواطن بليبيا والبدء جدياً في تطوير الخدمات الدوائية والدخول في هذا المجال على أسس علمية وبعد مُضي ما يزيد عن ثمانية وثلاثين عاماً على مولد هذه القلعة العلمية، لازالت هذه المؤسسة تزود المجتمع بشباب مؤهل ومؤمن بدوره في ليبيا الحرة ليقود مجالات الصناعة والرقابة الدوائية والتحاليل الطبية وترشيد استعمال الأدوية والاستفادة القصوى من الأعشاب والنباتات الطبية وبدأت الدراسة بالكلية مع بداية العام الدراسي 1976/1975م. واستمرت الدراسة بالمبنى القديم والذي تشغله الآن كلية الإعلام والفنون. وفي العام 1983م، تـــم إبـــرام عقد إنشاء مبنى جديد لكلية الصيدلة بجامعة طرابلس. وقد تم بناؤه على مساحــة تبلغ أربعـين آلف متر مربع “ 40.000 م2 “جنوب جامعة طرابلس. ويعتبر مبنى الكلية من أجمل مباني الجامعة حيث تم اختياره كأحد أجمل المباني التعليمية في العالم حسب تقرير أعدتـه المنظـــمة العــالمية للثقافــة والعلــــوم “اليونسكو“. يحد الكلية من ناحية الشرق كلية الطب البشرى لتشكل مع مركز طرابلس الطبي نموذجاً متميزاً للكليات الطبية التخصصية. هذه المؤسسة لا تزال ترعى منسبيها من الطلاب ليكونوا صيادلة المستقبل ولكي يشاركوا في بناء ليبيا.

حقائق حول كلية الصيدلة

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـكلية الصيدلة

يوجد بـكلية الصيدلة أكثر من 87 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ.أ. مصباح علي المختار الماجري

مصباح الماجري هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الصيدلة الصناعية بكلية الصيدلة. يعمل السيد مصباح الماجري بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ مشارك منذ 25-06-05 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في كلية الصيدلة

Separation of complexed semi-synthetic flavonoids by using fused core column in short time

Hydroxyethylrutosides (Troxerutin) is a standardized mixture of semi-synthetic flavonoids obtained by substituting hydroxyethyl groups in the naturally occurring flavonol rutin. Because there are four dissociation hydroxyls in rutin, some fifteen kinds of hydroxyethylrutins can be theoretically synthesized. The good quality of the raw material of a drug and the finished product must include the related impurities in an analytical investigation, and this seemed particularly important to the quality control of Troxerutin. According to the literature, it is clear that, the chromatographic analysis of Troxerutin still problematic as its sample can be considered as a complex sample as it contains plenty of different components. In this study, new HPLC technology named fused- core column was used to separate the major components of Troxerutin bulk powder. Fused – Core silica stationary phases represent key technological advancement in the area of fast HPLC separations. These phases are made by fusing 0.5 μm porous silica. The reduced intra – particle flow path of the fused particles provides superior mass transfer kinetics and better performance at high mobile phase velocities, while the fused – core particles provide lower pressure than sub – 2 μm particles. arabic 13 English 77
Sakina Salem Mohammed Saadawi, AMAL .A ABOALLA AMMAR, Mohamed Nouri Mansour El Attug, Amal Khalifa Ali Belaid, ٌRuwida Mohamed Ali Kamour, Tariq Khalifa Masoud Almog(1-2016)
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إعداد وتحضير وتقييم النشاء العشبي كمادة مضافة للشكل الدوائي الصلب

Abstract The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry.Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of .rbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index. The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry. Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of carbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index.The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The granules were pressed into tablets by the usage of Apress of 15KN in order to determine the disintegration time. The granules were prepared by wet and dry granulation techniques. The concentrations of the starch were (3%, 9%). Then they were evaluated by pharmaceutical evaluations previously mentioned.The granule was transformed into tablets weight variation, thickness, hardness and disintegration times were determined. From the study results, we noticed that the results of the physiochemical screening are similar to the parameters of Syrian Arab Organization and Metrology. The results revealed the contamination of the starch because of its hygroscopic nature.The results of the wet granulation method was better than dry granulation method and the results of pharmaceutical evaluation were acceptable.The sample with the largest particle size the shortest disintegration time, decrease the concentration of starch lead to rapid penetration of water and an increase in disintegration time.The result of dissolution test was good within the limit of British pharmacopeia
بثينة يوسف مهنى (2016)
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Experimental study comparing burn healing effects of raw South African Shea butter and the samples from a Libyan market

Background: The fat extracted from the nut of the African Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) is called Shea butter. It has multiple uses at the local level as it is used in cosmetic products and as a cocoa butter substitute in chocolate industries. It has a high nutritious value and is also a valuable product on the local, national, and international markets, making it the ideal candidate to research and invest in. Aim: This study is a comparative experimental study of the possible burn healing effects between imported South African raw Shea butter and samples in a Libyan market. Method: The control samples were brought from South Africa (Benin traditional markets). A total of 18 different samples were collected from different sale centers in Tripoli, including pharmacies, beauty shops, and spices shops, in addition to one sample brought from Poland. Animal experiment on burn healing effect was carried out on nine male Sprague Dawley (350–400 g) rats aged 6–8 weeks old. After shaving the animal’s dorsum hair, a metal cube was used to create a deep second degree burn wound, and the cube was heated to 100°C for 20 seconds. Medication with Shea butter (control, T1, and T2) was initiated daily for one for these groups by the application of a thin film of the Shea butter samples on the burned areas. On days 1, 3, and 7, the rats were anesthetised and a sample from the burned scar tissue and skin adjacent were evaluated using pathological parameters. Results: The histological study indicates that the use of Shea butter T1 as topical treatment induces an immune response, which enhances the form of the presence of a large number of inflammatory cells in the epidermis and dermis layers. The treatment of burned skin with T2 lasted for 72 hours and it showed slightly significant healing in the normal structure of proliferative granulation tissue with accumulation of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells surrounding the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Small areas of the epidermis which formed few layers were observed and some hair roots were grown. This was well seen in cases of T1 and T2. Shea butter bought as raw might have a bad effect on burned skin. Conclusion: Shea butter bought as raw might have bad effect on burned skin. On the other hand, the sample from Poland had a therapeutic effect, which was because of the additives such as avocado oil, grape seed oil, and others. arabic 18 English 101
Sakina Salem Mohammed Saadawi, Soad Ali Abdulsalam Treesh, ٍSuhera Mehemed Abdulsalam Aburawi, , , (11-2020)
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