كلية الصيدلة

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حول كلية الصيدلة

تأسست كلية الصيدلة سنة 1975م وتعتبر الكلية الأقدم في ليبيا للعلوم الصيدلانية، تهدف منذ بداية تأسيسها إلى المساهمة في الرفع من مستوى الخدمات الصحية للمواطن بليبيا والبدء جدياً في تطوير الخدمات الدوائية والدخول في هذا المجال على أسس علمية وبعد مُضي ما يزيد عن ثمانية وثلاثين عاماً على مولد هذه القلعة العلمية، لازالت هذه المؤسسة تزود المجتمع بشباب مؤهل ومؤمن بدوره في ليبيا الحرة ليقود مجالات الصناعة والرقابة الدوائية والتحاليل الطبية وترشيد استعمال الأدوية والاستفادة القصوى من الأعشاب والنباتات الطبية وبدأت الدراسة بالكلية مع بداية العام الدراسي 1976/1975م. واستمرت الدراسة بالمبنى القديم والذي تشغله الآن كلية الإعلام والفنون. وفي العام 1983م، تـــم إبـــرام عقد إنشاء مبنى جديد لكلية الصيدلة بجامعة طرابلس. وقد تم بناؤه على مساحــة تبلغ أربعـين آلف متر مربع “ 40.000 م2 “جنوب جامعة طرابلس. ويعتبر مبنى الكلية من أجمل مباني الجامعة حيث تم اختياره كأحد أجمل المباني التعليمية في العالم حسب تقرير أعدتـه المنظـــمة العــالمية للثقافــة والعلــــوم “اليونسكو“. يحد الكلية من ناحية الشرق كلية الطب البشرى لتشكل مع مركز طرابلس الطبي نموذجاً متميزاً للكليات الطبية التخصصية. هذه المؤسسة لا تزال ترعى منسبيها من الطلاب ليكونوا صيادلة المستقبل ولكي يشاركوا في بناء ليبيا.

حقائق حول كلية الصيدلة

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـكلية الصيدلة

يوجد بـكلية الصيدلة أكثر من 87 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ. نهلة الصغير الابيض محمد

نهلة الصغير الابيض محمد الشريف احد اعضاء هيئة تدريس بقسم العقاقير ، كلية الصيدلة، تحصلت على درجة الماجستير من بريطانيا 2008 . تقوم بتدريس عدة مواد أساسية ، ومهتمة بعدة مجالات بحثية متعلقة بالنباتات الطبية وتطبيقاتها ، ونشرت عدة أوراق بحثية في هذا المجال.

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في كلية الصيدلة

Microscopical Characters, Heavy Metals Level and Histopathological Effects of Lawsonia inermis L. Leaves in Female Mice

Aims: The study is intended to compare the freshly collected henna (Lawsonia inermis L.) and the market henna in term of microscopical key elements and heavy metals contamination. Moreover, this study is aimed to investigate the effect of henna and its oily additives on kidney histology in female mice. Study Design: Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tripoli and Animals House, Biotechnology Research Center in 2010. Methodology: The powders of collected and market henna have been subjected to a microscopical study with magnification of 5x then 40 x to investigate the henna key elements, which are calcium oxalate clusters, anomocytic stomata, starch grains and fibers. Three elements: arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pd) were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAs) for the collected and market henna. For histopathological study, an aqueous extracts of L. inermis leaves and L. inermis leaves-oils were prepared by maceration. Eighteen female Albino Wister mice (3-4-months, 20-25 gm) were injected with the prepared extracts subcutaneously by dose 50 ml/kg/day for 5 days. Kidneys were collected and subjected to histopathological study. Results: From this study, the microscopical investigation exhibited the presence of some elements which are never mentioned as the henna key elements. Both market and collected henna were contaminated with a high level of heavy metals specially lead (Pd). The histopathological findings implied that there are many histological changes on the kidney tissues such as aggregation of round cells and congestion of blood vessels. Conclusion: The market henna might be adulterated with other types of plant. The presence of a high concentration of lead (Pd) in the collected henna as well as the market henna might be considered as the cause of some L. inermis adverse effects. L. inermis leaves and L. inermis leaves-oils aqueous extracts implied many abnormalities in the kidney tissues. arabic 17 English 102
Sakina S. Saadawi, Hanin N. Mughrbi, Mukhtar R. Haman, Surur A. Ahmed, Laila A. Ghashout, Elsayed R. Elattar(5-2020)
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Phytochemical Screening of Methanolic Extract of Five Libyan Date Varieties (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) And Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity

More than 2000 cultivars of Phoenix dactylifera L. are known to grow around the world. Date is an essential fruit in North Africa, and in Libya in particular, it represents an important national food resource. Recently, researchers discovered the medicinal value of different parts of palm tree beside the well known nutritional value of the fruit edible part. In this study five Libyan date seeds (Bestian, Deglet, Abel, Khadrai and Hamrai) were collected from Aljofra region and were screened for phytochemical components and their antimicrobial activity. The phytochemical analysis of methanolic extract of five different Libyan date palm seeds showed the presence of aflavnoids, glycosides, phytosterols, phenolic compound, tannins, and fixed oil, absences of alkaloids and saponine. The susceptibility of bacterial species to five methanolic extracts of Phoenix dactylifera L seeds by cup-cut agar method exhibited Inhibition zones (IZD). That inhibition zone diameters are vary from 15.0 0.3 to 3.02 0.01 against MRSA; 16.040.1 to 6.0  0.7 against Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 14.2 0.1 to 6.00.7 against Proteus vulgaris; 18.3 0.2 to 6.0 0.1 against Staphylococcus aureus; 14.04 0.2 to 2.0 0.02 against E. coli; and 18.0 0.1 to3.2 0.02 against Klebsiella pneumonia. The results of current study shows the antibacterial properties of five Libyan samples of date seed extract against a wide spectrum of bacteria. arabic 21 English 126
Basma Doro, Nahla Labyad, Fadia Gafri(1-2020)
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Blood donors status of HIV, HBV and HCV in Central Blood Bank in Tripoli, Libya

virus infection continues to be an important public health concern with regard to blood transfusion in Libya and in Africa. This concern is related to the screening test. Objectives: The main aim of this study to investigate the blood donors samples for HIV, HBV and HCV infections in Tripoli-Libya, North Africa during the first five months of 2015. Methods: The total of 686 blood samples obtained from healthy blood donors who attended Tripoli’s central blood bank, were tested for HBsAg, HCV and HIV using the VITROS® 3600 Immunodiagnostic System. Results: From the 686 samples examined, the frequency of HBsAg positive cases was 0.8%, the number of anti-HBc positive samples was found to be particularly high in the age group 29 and 36 years (p= 0.0001). The number of anti-HBc positive samples was found to be particularly high in the age group 30-39 years (p= 0.01). Most occupation that had positivity with anti-HBc and HBV-DNA were free workers and was less in students. Most positive cases were from east of Tripoli the capital (Tagora, Soq-Aljomaha). Conclusion: The frequency of HBsAg positive blood donors and anti-HBc among this sample was 0.8% and 0.7% respectively, which is low compared with the international findings. The current study estimated the expected exclusion rate of anti-HBc and HBsAg positive donated blood, as this would be an important factor to consider before donation. arabic 16 English 63
Basma Mohamed K Doro(9-2015)
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