كلية الصيدلة

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حول كلية الصيدلة

تأسست كلية الصيدلة سنة 1975م وتعتبر الكلية الأقدم في ليبيا للعلوم الصيدلانية، تهدف منذ بداية تأسيسها إلى المساهمة في الرفع من مستوى الخدمات الصحية للمواطن بليبيا والبدء جدياً في تطوير الخدمات الدوائية والدخول في هذا المجال على أسس علمية وبعد مُضي ما يزيد عن ثمانية وثلاثين عاماً على مولد هذه القلعة العلمية، لازالت هذه المؤسسة تزود المجتمع بشباب مؤهل ومؤمن بدوره في ليبيا الحرة ليقود مجالات الصناعة والرقابة الدوائية والتحاليل الطبية وترشيد استعمال الأدوية والاستفادة القصوى من الأعشاب والنباتات الطبية وبدأت الدراسة بالكلية مع بداية العام الدراسي 1976/1975م. واستمرت الدراسة بالمبنى القديم والذي تشغله الآن كلية الإعلام والفنون. وفي العام 1983م، تـــم إبـــرام عقد إنشاء مبنى جديد لكلية الصيدلة بجامعة طرابلس. وقد تم بناؤه على مساحــة تبلغ أربعـين آلف متر مربع “ 40.000 م2 “جنوب جامعة طرابلس. ويعتبر مبنى الكلية من أجمل مباني الجامعة حيث تم اختياره كأحد أجمل المباني التعليمية في العالم حسب تقرير أعدتـه المنظـــمة العــالمية للثقافــة والعلــــوم “اليونسكو“. يحد الكلية من ناحية الشرق كلية الطب البشرى لتشكل مع مركز طرابلس الطبي نموذجاً متميزاً للكليات الطبية التخصصية. هذه المؤسسة لا تزال ترعى منسبيها من الطلاب ليكونوا صيادلة المستقبل ولكي يشاركوا في بناء ليبيا.

حقائق حول كلية الصيدلة

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـكلية الصيدلة

يوجد بـكلية الصيدلة أكثر من 87 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ.د. البهلول زايد الشتيوي عوين

البهلول الشتيوي هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الكيمياء الطبية والصيدلية بكلية الصيدلة. يعمل السيد البهلول الشتيوي بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ منذ 2003-11-01 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في كلية الصيدلة

Balticols A-F, new naphthalenone derivatives with antiviral activity, from an ascomycetous fungus

Six new naphthalenone derivatives, balticols A-F and the known metabolite altechromone A were isolated from the AcOEt extract of the culture broth of fungal strain 222 belonging to the Ascomycota, which was found on driftwood collected at the coast of the Greifswalder Bodden, Baltic Sea, Germany. All structures were elucidated on the basis of NMR spectroscopic data and mass spectrometric analyses. The balticols were found to exhibit inhibitory activity against influenza virus A and herpes simplex virus. The most potent antiviral activity was observed for balticol E with an IC(50) value of 0.01 microg/ml against Herpes simplex virus type I. arabic 14 English 83
Muftah A. Shushni, Renate Mentel, Ulrike Lindequist, Rolf Jansen(2-2009)
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Effects of the oil and mucilage from flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) on gastric lesions induced by ethanol in rats

The anti-ulcer activity of the oil and mucilage obtained from flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) was evaluated in a rat model of ethanol-induced gastric ulcer. Our results show that pretreatment of rats with flaxseed oil and flaxseed mucilage significantly reduced the number and length of gastric ulcers induced by ethanol. Flaxseed oil was more effective than flaxseed mucilage in reducing the number of ulcers. The reduction in ulcer severity (cumulative length in mm) provided by an oral dose of flaxseed oil (5 ml/kg) was more prominent than that obtained by ranitidine (50 mg/kg). This study indicates that both flaxseed oil and flaxseed mucilage can provide a cytoprotective effect against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. arabic 19 English 94
A Dugani, Aisha Mohamed Ali Dugali(1-2008)
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إعداد وتحضير وتقييم النشاء العشبي كمادة مضافة للشكل الدوائي الصلب

Abstract The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry.Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of .rbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index. The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry. Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of carbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index.The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The granules were pressed into tablets by the usage of Apress of 15KN in order to determine the disintegration time. The granules were prepared by wet and dry granulation techniques. The concentrations of the starch were (3%, 9%). Then they were evaluated by pharmaceutical evaluations previously mentioned.The granule was transformed into tablets weight variation, thickness, hardness and disintegration times were determined. From the study results, we noticed that the results of the physiochemical screening are similar to the parameters of Syrian Arab Organization and Metrology. The results revealed the contamination of the starch because of its hygroscopic nature.The results of the wet granulation method was better than dry granulation method and the results of pharmaceutical evaluation were acceptable.The sample with the largest particle size the shortest disintegration time, decrease the concentration of starch lead to rapid penetration of water and an increase in disintegration time.The result of dissolution test was good within the limit of British pharmacopeia
بثينة يوسف مهنى (2016)
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