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رقابة نوعية لأدوية عشبية مختارة من السوق الليبي Quality Control of Herbal Remedies Selected from the Libyan Market

تلعب الأعشاب دائماً الدور الرئيسي في الطب التقليدي في المجتمعات القديمة حول العالم، وزادت شعبيتها مرة اخرى ليست فقط في الدول النامية، ولكن أيضاً في الدول المتقدمة، حيث أن الناس يكافحون للبقاء أصحاء في وجه المرض باستخدام الأدوية الطبيعية التي تعمل متناغمةً مع دفاعات الجسم. وعلى نحو متزايد أيضاً تم تجميع الأدلة العلمية لإثبات أن طب الأعشاب قادر على تقديم معالجة فعالة كالأدوية الحديثة ولكن ببعض التأثيرات الجانبية، ولذلك ارتفعت مبيعات الأدوية العشبية بشكل مفاجئ حتى أصبحت الآن العديد من شركات الأدوية تصنع وتسوق المنتجات العشبية. في ليبيا، ممارسة طب الأعشاب توسعت ولكن بدون تطور موازي في المعايير الوطنية وطرق التقييم الملائمة، ولهذا من الأهمية التأكيد على أنه لم تكن هناك دراسات طويلة المدى على مراقبة الجودة، ومراقبة التسويق وتنظيم التحضيرات العشبية المصنعة والمستوردة إلى حد كبير،حيث أنه لا توجد حتى الآن جهة مسئولة لمتابعة التصنيع الجيد وتوحيد معايير التحضير العشبي للحصول على منتجات ذات جودة عالية. ولهذا كان الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة الحالية تركيز الأضواء على هذه المشكلة بالتقييم ومراقبة الجودة لخمسة أدوية عشبية مختارة من السوق الليبي. بدأ التقييم لهذه المنتجات بفحص تعريف المنتج، تقييم لحجم الجزيئات وانتشارها، التقييم المجهري فحص الخواص الفيزيائية، تقييم لمحتوى الرطوبة، قيمة الرماد، دراسة للخواص الكيميائية والفحص الكروماتوغرافي لإثبات الجودة وتبيان ما إذا كانت مغشوشة أم لا . ومرت المنتجات بفحوصات أعقد مثل فحص التلوث الميكروبي، والكشف عن المواد الغريبة، السموم الفطرية الأفلاتوكسينات المعادن الثقيلةِ بقايا المبيدات الحشرية والكشف النوعي للنشاط الإشعاعي لضمان سلامتها. أشارت النتائج إلى أن كل الأدوية العشبية غير صالحة للتداوي بها فهي تُجمع وتُجَهز بدون طرق علمية حيث أن بعضها تجاوزت العدد القانوني للنباتات المسموح بها في كل منتج بالإضافة لعدم إدراج كم وحدة لكل نبات في الخلطة، وعدم ذكر التأثيرات الجانبية لها. علاوة على ذلك وجدت ثلاث منتجات لا تحتوي على أرقام التسجيل، ولهذا معظمها لم تستوفِ المتطلبات الأساسية للجودة والأمان، حيث تجاوز البعض الحد المسموح به في قيم الرماد، وثلاثة منها تحتوي على نشاط إشعاعي بعد الفحص النوعي لها.


: Herbs which have always been the principal form of traditional medicine in the old societies around the world, have again become popular not only in the developing countries, but also in the developed world, where people strive to stay healthy in the face of illness with natural medicines that work in concert with the body defenses. Increasingly too, scientific evidence are accumulating to show that herbal medicine can provide treatment that is effective as conventional medicine but with few side effects. Therefore, sales of herbal remedies have grown dramatically and several mainstream pharmaceutical firms now manufacture and market the herbal products. In Libya the practice of herbal medicine was developed but without parallel development in the national standards and appropriate evaluation methods so it is important to emphasize that there have been no long-term studies of the quality control, marketing monitor, that highly regulate the imported and manufactured of herbal remedies. There are no regional organized mechanisms for good manufacturing practices (GMP) and standardization of good herbal preparation. Thus the main target of presented study is to focus on this problem by conducting evaluating and conducting quality control for five selected herbal remedies sold in the Libyan market. Starting with labeling estimation, evaluation of particle size distribution, microscopic evaluation, organoleptic evaluation, moisture content, ash valuesphytochemical screening and chromatographic screening for adulteration to prove their quality. While more complicated determinations as; microbial and foreign materials detection, such as aflatoxins, pesticide residues, heavy metals, and radio activity were performed as well to prove safety. The results indicated that all the selected herbal remedies do not comply with the pharmacopoeias standard. They are exceeding the legal number of plants and their labels are not listing how many units of each plant in the products and neither any adverse effect was mentioned. Moreover three of the samples did not contain batch numbers, while most of them did not fulfilling the basic requirements for the quality and safety. They exceed the allowed ash values and three of them contained radioactivity after qualitative determination.
رجب عبد السلام التريكي (2009)

دراسة فارماكولوجية لتأثير مثبطات الالتهاب غير الستيرويدية على التأثير المضاد للتشنجات لعقار الديازبم في الفئران


Benzodiazepines are frequently prescribed as anxiolytics, sedatives hypnotics, and muscle relaxants as well as anticonvulsants. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also the most widely used for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities. Because of the chronic nature of epilepsy, NSAIDs may be used with benzodiazepines in patients with epilepsy. Therefore, there’s a probability of an interaction of NSAIDs and benzodiazepines in clinical practice. In order to study such interactions experimentally, an animal model was used. Thus, this thesis was aimed to explore pharmacological interactions between selective and non selective NSAIDs and diazepam anticonvulsant effect. Convulsion was induced in male albino mice by picrotoxin in two different doses (6 and 8 mg/kg), NSAIDs were used according to selectivity to cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX): Aspirin at 10 mg/kg (COX-1 selective inhibitor) and Aspirin at 100 and 200 mg/kg, diclofenac 10 and 20 mg/kg (non selective COX inhibitors) and celecoxib 20 mg/kg (COX-2 selective inhibitor). Diazepam at 1 and 2 mg/kg were chosen as low doses and parameters of convulsive behavior of picrotoxin deviation. psy, NSAIDs may be used with benzodiazepines in patients with epilepsy. Therefore, there’s a probability of an interaction of NSAIDs and benzodiazepines in clinical practice. In order to study such interactions experimentally, an animal model was used. Thus, this thesis was aimed to explore pharmacological interactions between selective and non selective NSAIDs and diazepam anticonvulsant effect. Convulsion was induced in male albino mice by picrotoxin in two different doses (6 and 8 mg/kg), NSAIDs were used according to selectivity to cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX): Aspirin at 10 mg/kg (COX-1 selective inhibitor) and Aspirin at 100 and 200 mg/kg, diclofenac 10 and 20 mg/kg (non selective COX inhibitors) and celecoxib 20 mg/kg (COX-2 selective inhibitor). Diazepam at 1 and 2 mg/kg were chosen as low doses and parameters of convulsive behavior of picrotoxin were observed in this thesis: onset time, episode frequency and death occurrence within post-injection of picrotoxin for 24 hrs. Aspirin in low dose (10 mg/kg) showed protection against death to about 50%. This protection which seems to be partially effective as anticonvulsant agent, however, higher dose of Aspirin (100 mg/kg) did not produce any significant change against convulsing in mice, Aspirin 200 mg/kg showed highly significant reduction of episode frequency (P < 0.001) and decreased percent of death. Furthermore, Aspirin 200 mg/kg in combination with diazepam has potentiated the effect of diazepam to complete protection against convulsion induced by picrotoxin. With respect to diclofenac, diclofenac pretreated-mice did not show any significant effect at 10 and 20 mg/kg with picrotoxin but in combination with diazepam showed significant potentiated effect of diazepam. Moreover, COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) alone delayed onset of convulsion without significant influence against the control but significantly decreased episodes and percent of death. Also in combination of celecoxib and diazepam, a highly potentiation of the effect and almost complete protection against convulsion behavior were noted (P < 0.001). Thus, it can be concluded that the studied NSAIDs have anticonvulsant behavior-like activity alone and in combination with diazepam. The most profound effect of anticonvulsant activity was showed in low episodes and mortality rate. In combination with diazepam, NSAIDs have more positive potential role in diazepam anticonvulsant effect. The present findings may also suggest that NSAIDs most likely COX-2 selective inhibitor is more potentiated diazepam’s anticonvulsant activity than COX-1 selective and non-selective inhibitors and such interaction could be more likely to be pharmacodynmic type.
نجمية محمد الزواوي (2014)

Phytochemical, Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Nutritional value of Cucurbita maxima D (Cucurbitaceae) grown in Tripoli– Libya

ABSTRACT Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima D.) is an angiosperm belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family generally characterized by climbing herbaceous vine with tendrils. The fruits vary in size, colour, shape and weight and have a moderately hard rind, with a thick edible flesh, and numerous seeds in the fruit which are either plump and tan or soft white.Preliminary phytochemical evaluation on different extracts of seed and fruit of C.maxima reveals the presence of proteins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, steroids, coumerins, phenolic compounds, terpenoids, and glycosides. A C.maximum contains antioxidants (such as: tocopherols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, carotenoids or ascorbic acid) which are molecule that are capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. They may protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions by being oxidized themselves.Free radical scavenging or antioxidant activity of the extract was determined on the basis of their scavenging activity of the stable 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical. Antibacterial activity of the crude extract was determined by Cup-cut agar diffusion method.The pulp and seed extracts showed significant antioxidant activity in a dose-dependent manner with good IC50 values. For the pulp IC50(s) were 4.25 ± 0.05, 3.84 ± 1.18 and 4.12 ± 0.32 for petroleum ether, chloroform and Methanol extracts, respectively. In addition the the seed IC50(s) were 9.22 ± 0.20, 14.5 ± 0.14 and 5.97 ± 1.70 for petroleum ether, chloroform and Methanol extracts, respectively. C.maxima extracts contains antioxidants that prevent the oxidative damage to DNA in presence of DNA damaging agent (Sybr Gold) at a high concentration. The percentage of hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of C. maxima determines the ability of antioxidant to scavenge the hydroxyl radicals. The antioxidant activity of C. maxima extracts has high scavenging activity (thermodynamic property) and relatively high reaction rate (kinetic property); therefore, the second order rate constant (ks) of the H-atom transfer from antioxidant to the hydroxyl radical was seen. The seed extract showed antibacterial properties on both Gram- positive and Gram-negative bacteria used in this study. This means that C. maxima are useful as potential antibacterial agents. It was also observed from this study, the variations in the antibacterial activities of the C. maxima may be due to the differences in their bioactive compositions or concentrations. In conclusion, the physicochemical and preliminary phytochemical evaluation of fruit and seeds of C.maxima provide valuable information regarding their identification, authentication and chemical constituents which may be useful for the standardization and preparation of medicinal plants. The constituents of fruit and seeds of C. maxima may have several medicinal properties and can be utilized for the treatment of various diseases. Further research on this species in Libya may help in the isolation of therapeutically potent compounds which can be finally be subjected to pharmacological activities, thus leading to opening up new avenues in the use of natural products for therapeutic purpose.
إيناس عبدالله السعداوي (2016)

إعداد وتحضير وتقييم النشاء العشبي كمادة مضافة للشكل الدوائي الصلب


The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry.Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of .rbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index. The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry. Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of carbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index.The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The granules were pressed into tablets by the usage of Apress of 15KN in order to determine the disintegration time. The granules were prepared by wet and dry granulation techniques. The concentrations of the starch were (3%, 9%). Then they were evaluated by pharmaceutical evaluations previously mentioned.The granule was transformed into tablets weight variation, thickness, hardness and disintegration times were determined. From the study results, we noticed that the results of the physiochemical screening are similar to the parameters of Syrian Arab Organization and Metrology. The results revealed the contamination of the starch because of its hygroscopic nature.The results of the wet granulation method was better than dry granulation method and the results of pharmaceutical evaluation were acceptable.The sample with the largest particle size the shortest disintegration time, decrease the concentration of starch lead to rapid penetration of water and an increase in disintegration time.The result of dissolution test was good within the limit of British pharmacopeia
بثينة يوسف مهنى (2016)

Effect of Ion Channel Blockers on the Pharmacological Action of Paracetamol Using Albino Mice

Paracetamol is one of the most widely used drug as antipyretic and analgesic for mild to moderate pain. Currently, paracetamol is the first-line choice for pain management and antipyresis. Ion channels are pore-forming proteins that allow the flow of ions across membranes and involved in many cellular processes; drugs acting on ion channels have long been used for the treatment of many diseases. Objective: To estimate the effect of voltage gated ion channel blockers on analgesic activity of Paracetamol and explore the interaction between ion channel blockers and paracetamol on pain behaviour. Materials and Methods: Male albino mice were used. The central antinociceptive activity was determined by hot plate test and formalin test (Phase I; neuropathic pain). Antiinflammatory activity was determined by formalin test (Phase II). Intraperitoneal injection was adopted. Five groups of mice were used. Group 1; control group (1% T80), group 2; treated with (200mg/kg) paracetamol, group 3; treated with different drugs of ion channel blockers, group 4; received standard drugs, Aspirin (200mg/kg) for formalin test (phase II) or tramadol (5mg/kg) for hot plate test and formalin test (phase I), group 5; received combined treatment of ion channel blockers and paracetamol. Results: Pain produced by noxious stimuli (heat and formalin) was significantly reduced by acute administration of paracetamol. Inflammation pain produced by formalin injection was significantly decreased by acute administration of paracetamol. Acute administration of nifedipine showed significant decrease in nociception and inflammation pain. Combined treatment of nifedipine and paracetamol produced antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity but less than the additive effect. Verapamil has no analgesic effect in the two models, and did not change the affect of paracetamol analgesic activity when administered together. Phenytoin produces significant decrease in nociceptive pain using hot plate but not in formalin test (Phase I), and produce significant decrease in inflammatory pain (Phase II). The combined treatment of phenytoin and paracetamol showed analgesic activity less than the additive effect. 4-Aminopyridine produces significant antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity. The combined administration of 4-aminopyridine and paracetamol showed analgesic activity, which is less than the additive effect using formalin test, while paracetamol analgesic activity is potentiated by 4-aminopyridine using hot plate test. Conclusion: Paracetamol has antinociception and anti-inflammatory activity on pain model used (Hot plate test and Formalin test). Ion channel blockers produce antinociception and anti-inflammatory activity. Verapamil has no effect on nociception or inflammation pain and no effect on paracetamol analgesic activity. Nifedipine, phenytoin and 4-aminopyridine interact with paracetamol producing less additive analgesic effect, except 4-aminopyridine in thermal stimuli (Hot plate) is more sensitive compared to chemical stimuli (formalin test – phase I), where potentiates paracetamol action.
هناء مدحت الزقلعي (2014)

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Biocides on Bacterial Strains Isolated from Tripoli Medical Centre (TMC) تقييم فاعلية المضادات غير الحيوية على السلالات البكتيرية المعزولة من مركز طرابلس الطبي

تستخدم مطهرات الارضيات ومطهرات الايدي على نطاق واسع في المستشفيات ومرافق الرعاية الصحية الأخرى لمجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات. ومع ذلك، لا يتم دائما ذكر فعاليتها المضادة للبكتيريا بشكل جيد من قبل المنتجين والمستهلكين حيت يجدون صعوبة في اختيار المنتج المناسب وفقا لاحتياجاتهم. لذلك، كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة تقييم فعالية التضاد البكتيري لمطهرات الارضيات ومطهرات الايدي المختارة من مركز طرابلس الطبي باعتباره أحد اهم المستشفيات الليبية.  أربعة عشر (14) نوعا من مطهرات الارضيات ومطهرات الايدي.(Dex36, Dex50, Dex53, Mzid-S, Mzid-AF, Deson-AF, Dettol, Seem, Chlor and Wipol, HiBi, Esept, Emed and Desman) . تم تقييمها باستخدام أربعة أنواع من التجارب المعملية العيارية وهي: (capacity test, diffusion test, in-use test and suspension test) ضد ستة من السلالات البكتيرية ، ثلاثة من البكتيريا إيجابية الجرام وثلاثة من البكتيريا سالبة الجرام.(Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebscilla pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). هذه السلالات تم عزلها من بيئات مختلفة من اقسام مركز طرابلس الطبي ، وقد تم دراسة حساسيتها لمطهرات الارضيات ومطهرات الايدي بتراكيز مختلفة و فترات تحضين مختلفة ، وأظهرت النتائج أن استخدام التراكيز الموصى بها من مركبات (Dex 50 & 53 and Deson-AF) كان لها تأثير كبير على تثبيط الأنواع البكتيرية التالية:Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa..تشير النتائج الإجمالية ان مركبات (Dex50 & 53, Mzid-S, Mzid-AF, HiBi) عد استخدامها وفق التخفيفات الموصى بها ، كانت الأفضل كمطهرات ضد البكتيريا التالية:Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aemolyticus, staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa إن الاستخدام الجيد والصحيح للمطهرات ضروري لتجنب الإصابة بالأمراض التي قد تنشأ من جراء انتشار مثل هده الميكروبات الممرضة.


Biocides (disinfectants and antiseptics) are used extensively in hospitals and other health care settings for a variety of applications. However, their .ntibacterial effectiveness is not always well stated by the manufacturers and consumers find it difficult to choose the right product according to their .eeds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate practically achieves disinfection efficacy of locally available disinfectants and antiseptics on surfaces and infectious microbiological utilities of Tripoli Medical Center (TMC). Fourteen biocides; Ten disinfectants (Dex36, Dex50, Dex53, Mzid-S, Mzid-AF, Deson, Dettol, Seem, Chlor and Wipol) and four antiseptics (HiBi, Esept, Emed and Desman) were tested at concentrations .commended by manufacturers on surfaces, walls and different utilities that were ontaminated by locally circulating six isolates of .cilluscereus,Staphylococcus haemolyticus, staphylococcus aureus, Klebscilla pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa using four standard evaluation test procedures (capacity test, diffusion test, in-use test and suspension test). Results showed the highest average log reduction (7.4) of test bacteria was given by quaternary ammonium based disinfectants; Dex50, Dex53, Deson-AF and Mzid-S. A comparable average log reduction of test bacteria was noted (7.0, 7.2 and 7.3) for Deson-AF, Dex.50 and Dex.53 respectively. In contrast HiBi as an alcoholic based antiseptic gave the highest average log reduction (7.2) gainst tested bacteria. Desman, Emed and Wipol antiseptics had poor antibacterial activity on tested bacteria causing almost undetectable log reduction in cell viability. From contamination point of view, five critical departments in Tripoli Medical Centre (TMC) namely; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Surgical ICU, Dermatology, Oncology, and Urology departments were found contaminated with six types of bacteria. Bacillus cereuses followed by lebscilla pneumonia were the most bacteria spread in whole five mentioned departments, particularly in dermatology department. Staphylococcus haemolyticus was next most widespread bacterium and almost isolated qually from the five medical departments. Acinetobacter baumannii had been isolated from Neonatal ICU; whereas Staphylococcus aureus and seudomonas aeruginosa had been isolated from Oncology Department and Surgical ICU respectively. In addition, Dex36, Chlor, Chlor, Wipol, Desman and E-med exhibited bacterial contaminationin both capacity and in-use ests.
آمال منصور إبراهيم (2016)

Carriage and Genetic Profile of MRSA Isolated from Pediatric Hospital

تشكل البكتيريا العنقودية الذهبية المقاومة للميتاسلين، والتي تعرف اختصارا "بالمرسا" MRSA وهي واحدة من أكثر البكتيريا الممرضة المقاومة للمضادات الحيوية، والتي تشكل مشكلة صحية خطيرة بين البالغين والأطفال، الدراسة لمثل هذا النوع من البكتيريا محدود جدا في ليبيا، وغالبا ما تكون مقتصرة على البالغين، ولا توجد أي بيانات توضح مدى انتشارها بين الأطفال. أجريت هذه الدراسة الاستطلاعية في مستشفى الأطفال بطرابلس، واستهدفت تحديد معدل تواجد هذه البكتيريا في الأنف، والتحقق من بعض خصائص المقاومة والعدائية لهذه البكتيريا، بإتباع الطرق الظاهرية والجزيئية. لتعريف عزولات بكتيريا "المرسا"، تم استخدام طرق سريعة و تقليدية، وذلك وفقا للأساليب التوجيهية القياسية فمنها ما يتعلق بتحديد النمط الظاهري مثل (طريقة انتشار القرص Kirby-Bauer's، و CRA، و (TCP، وأخرى للكشف عن النمط الجيني مثل (تفاعل البلمرة(PCR ، وذلك لفحص هذه البكتيريا، و تحديد قدرتها على إنتاج الشريط الحيوي "biofilm"، ومدى مقاومتها للمضادات الحيوية، بالإضافة إلى اختبار MATs لتحديد درجة الإسترطاب "hydrophobicity"، كما تم استخدام PFGE لتحديد النوع الجزيئي لعزولات بكتيريا "المرسا".استغرقت مدة الدراسة16 شهرا، أظهرت النتائج خلالها، أن أجمالي معدل التواجد العام لهذه البكتيريا كان%9.23 ، وفي الوقت نفسه كان معدل انتشارها بين المرضى في الأقسام (%8.3) ، وأمهات المرضى %11))، و المرضى في العيادات الخارجية (%2.19)، و موظفي الرعاية الصحية %12.36)). أوضحت النتائج أيضا ، أن هناك فرق واضح في معدل انتشار بكتيريا "المرسا" بين المرضى داخل الأقسام، والمرضى في العيادات الخارجية (P = 0.044)، كما لوحظ أن أعلى معدل لهذه البكتيريا كان يحمله مرضى العناية المركزة، وقد تم تصنيف %64من عزولات هذه البكتيريا على أنها مكتسبة من المستشفيات والمرافق الصحية، كما بينت هذه الدراسة ، أن ما نسبته 30.7 % من بكتيريا "المرسا" وجد في المرضى نزلاء المستشفى، وكانت لها مقاومة متعددة للدواء "multi-drug resistance".باستخدام طريقتي CRA و TCP وجد أن: 45.71% من عزولات بكتيريا "المرسا" كانت مكونة للشريط الحيوي ْ"biofilm" باستخدام طريقة CRAوعندما تم استخدام طريقة TCP، كانت نسبة عزولات بكتيريا "المرسا" القادرة على تكوين الشريط الحيوي هي 48.57 %، كافة الأجناس من بكتيريا "المرسا"، أظهرت أن لها خاصية الاسترطاب "hydrophilic character"، كما أن نتائج تفاعل البلمرة PCR بينت أن %100 من هذه البكتيريا التي تم فحصها هي حاملة للجين mecA، جينات أخرى تم الكشف عنها بنسب مختلفة، وهي كالتالي luksPV ، fnbA ، icaA/icaD ، cna ، بنسب مئوية هي: 28.57%، %71.82، 60.0% 34.28% ، على التوالي ، بينما الجين نوع clfA لم يتم الكشف عنه ، كان الجين ermCالأكثر وجودا بنسبة 69.23%، ثم يتبعه الجين ermBبنسبة 46.15%، وبعدها الجين msrA بنسبة 38.46%، وأخيرا الجين ermA بنسبة 15.38%.كما برهنت هذه الدراسة، أن أجناس بكتيريا "المرسا" المفوعة، التي تحوي الجين المسؤول عن PVL، والتي لها القدرة على تكوين الشريط الحيوي، هي من أكثر الأجناس احتمالية في زيادة ظهور الالتهابات الحادة، كما أوضحت هذه الدراسة أيضا، أن غالبية بكتيريا "المرسا" تحتوي على جين التصاق واحد على الأقل من نوع fnbA، ولكن ليست جميعها قادرة على تكوين الشريط الحيوي، وقد وجد أن النوع A هو الأكثر تواجدا في PEGE. دراسات أخرى مطلوبة لتعيين جميع خصائص النمط الجيني لعزولات بكتيريا "المرسا".
اميمه حسن الحداد (2012)

Antithrombotic Effect of Repeated Doses of the Ethanolic Extract of Local Olive Leaves in Rabbits

شجرة الزيتون والمعروفة علميا بإسم Olea europaea موطنها حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط. وتعتبر منتجات شجرة الزيتون من العناصر المهمة في الغذاء الصحي ودلك لاحتوائها علي مركبات الفينول. العديد من الدراسات على أوراق وزيت الزيتون بينت إن لهذه المشتقات من شجرة الزيتون فعالية في إنقاص معدل حدوث أمراض القلب. كما بينت نتائج التجارب المعملية و التي تم فيها استخدام خلاصة أوراق الزيتون على الحيوانات العديد من التأثيرات: مثل التأثير المضاد للأكسدة، المضاد للجراثيم والفيروسات ،و خافض لضغط الدم ومنظم لخفقات القلب وخافض لمستوى السكر في الدم ومنع تكدس الصفائح الدموية. كما بينت الدراسات أن إتباع نظام غدائي تقليدي كما هو الحال في منطقة حوض البحر المتوسط يودي إلي نقص ملحوظ في عدد الوفيات الإجمالي. ومن خلال مراجعة مانشر من أبحاث عن منتجات شجرة الزيتون وجدنا أن أغلبها ركزت على زيت الزيتون وخاصة تأثيره على الجهاز الدوري وعلاقته بالدم وتجلطه ومن هنا رأينا إن نقوم بدراسة التأثير المضاد للجلطة الناتج عن إعطاء المستخلص الكحولي لأوراق الزيتون المحلية على الأرانب. تم تقسيم حيوانات التجارب ( الأرانب ) إلى أربع مجموعات كل مجموعة تحتوي علي ستة أرانب. وتم إعطاء الدواء و الدواء الكاذب عن طريق الفم . المجموعة الأولى والثانية أعطيت جرعات متكررة 100 و 200 مليجرام/كيلوجرام من المستخلص الكحولي لأوراق الزيتون عن طريق الفم المجموعة الثالثة أعطيت جرعة من الدواء الكاذب (الماء) أما المجموعة الرابعة فأعطيت عقار الوارفارين 1.5 مليجرام/كيلوجرام/اليوم . وتم إستحداث الجلطة الوريدية عن طريق عقار الترومبوبلاستين وربط الوريد الأجوف (الأبهر). تم قياس التأثير الدوائي بعد ثمانية أسابيع من إعطاء الجرعة اليومية. وتم قياس وزن الجلطة وزمن التجلط Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time (PT and APTT). وأظهرت الدراسة إن المستخلص الكحولي لأورق الزيتون يزيد من الزمن اللازم لحدوث الجلطة (PT) و ليس له تأثير على وزن الجلطة ولكن له تأثير على شكلها ومكان تواجدها في داخل الوريد.


Olive tree, botanically known as Olea europaea (native to Mediterranean regions). Its products have been recognized as important components of a healthy diet because of their phenolic content. Olive leaves and olive oils in the Mediterranean diet have been the focus of many epidemiological studies and have been shown to reduce the incidence of heart diseases and adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet is associated with a significant reduction in total mortality. The aim of our study is to investigate (in vivo) the antithrombic effect of locally cultivated olive leaf ethanolic extract on the rabbits. The rabbits were divided into four groups, two groups were treated with repeated oral doses of OLE of 100 and 200 mg/kg for eight weeks, the third group was treated with distilled water and the fourth group was given warfarin (1.25 mg/kg/day).The effect of the treatment was evaluated on thrombus weight, and coagulation parameters Prothrombine time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). Our results showed that OLE had no effect on thrombus weight compared with control group treated with distilled water. Prothrombin time was significantly prolonged in the OLE- treated rabbit. However, the APTT was not significantly affected by this treatment. The shape of thrombus was also affected in rabbits treated with OLE. In conclusion the effect of OLE may be attributed to an improvement in endothelial function.
عبدالله محمد الدب (2010)