Department of Poultry & Fish Disease

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About Department of Poultry & Fish Disease

An overview of the department:

Department of Poultry and Fish Diseases is categorized by the clinical departments in the College, where two divisions fall under it; Poultry Diseases division and Fish Diseases division which was a requirements of bachelor's degree in veterinary medical sciences. The department awards a Master's degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences (MVSC) in the following specialization programs:

1) Poultry diseases study program.

2) Fish diseases study program.

Facts about Department of Poultry & Fish Disease

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Master of Poultry diseases
Major Veterinary medicine

This program is implemented through the study of academic courses, so that the number of units is not less than (24) and not more than (30) units of study over 3 semesters, in addition to the completion of a specialized scientific research thesis with (6) credits. The legal period required to obtain...


Who works at the Department of Poultry & Fish Disease

Department of Poultry & Fish Disease has more than 8 academic staff members

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Dr. EHAB ِِAbdalla Tayeb Sharif

الأسم رباعي: إيهاب عبدالله الطيب الشريف مكان الميلاد: 1966 طرابلس – ليبيا الوضع الإجتماعي: متزوج المؤهـل العـلمي الحـالي:- درجة الدكتوراة البحثية. مجـــال التخصص في: مجال علوم البحار وأحياء البيئة البحرية. سنة الحصول عليه: 2013 – 2017 من معهد البيئة البحرية الساحلية (IAMC-CNR) – إيطاليا. - دبلوم متقدم في مجال البيئة المائية سنة 2011 من جامعة كولونيا – ألمانيا. - دبلوم العلاقات الدبلوماسية و السياسية و المنازعات ذات الطابع الدولي. المـؤهل الجـامعي : بكالوريس طب بيطري – كلية الطب البيطري - جامعة طرابلس – ليبيا سنة الحصول عليه: 1990-/ 1991 جامعة طرابلس. المجالات و الإهتمامات:  أمراض الأسماك , البيئة والتلوث البحري .  مراقبة و جودة المنتجات السمكية.  الهندسة الوراثية والتقنيات الحيوية البحرية.  الزراعات المائية.  المتاحف البحرية الخبرة, التعين والتاريخ الوظيفي: 1. العمل كطبيب بيطري بمستوصف عين زارة البيطري من سنة 1990 - 1993. 2. العمل كطبيب بيطري بمحطات أبحاث الأبقار والأغنام بكلية الزراعة / جامعة طرابلس من 1993 – 1995. 3. باحث مختص أمراض الأسماك والأحياء الدقيقة بمركز بحوث الأحياء البحرية من 1995 حتى 2019. 4. مدقق بالمركز الوطني لضمان جودة وإعتماد المؤسسات التعليمية. 5. عضو(سابق) باللجنة الفنية المتخصصة في مجال مواصفات وجودة السلع والمنتجات البيطرية التابع للمركز الوطني للمواصفات والمعايير القياسية. 6. عضو اللجنة الدائمة لمنح المؤسسات تراخيص تصدير المنتجات السمكية الليبية وضبط الجودة للأسماك ومنتجات الصيد البحري المصدرة بمركز تنمية الصادرات الخاصة. 7. عضو باللجنة العليا لتسجيل الأدوية والمستحضرات الطبية البيطرية. 8. عضو لجنة إدارة الهيئة العامة للثروة البحرية.


Some of publications in Department of Poultry & Fish Disease

Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Libya and Saudi Arabia During 2013 Due to an Exotic O/ME-SA/Ind-2001 Lineage Virus

Foot-and-mouth disease viruses are often restricted to specific geographical regions and spread to new areas may lead to significant epidemics. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the VP1 genome region of recent outbreak viruses from Libya and Saudi Arabia has revealed a lineage, O-Ind-2001, normally found in the Indian subcontinent. This paper describes the characterization of field viruses collected from these cases and provides information about a new real-time RT-PCR assay that can be used to detect viruses from this lineage and discriminate them from other endemic FMD viruses that are co-circulating in North Africa and western Eurasia.
Abdulwahab Kammon(1-2014)
Publisher's website

Seroprevalence study of respiratory viral diseases in chickens in Tripoli region and Zliten of Libya

This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Newcastle Disease, Avian Influenza, Infectious Bronchitis, and Infectious laryngotracheitis in some regions of Tripoli-Libya. Serum samples were collected from Four broiler farms in Wadi Alrabea area, two layer farms and one backyard farm in Gaser Bin Gasher, two layer farms in Alswani and one backyard farm in Zliten City and screened for the presence of antibodies against LPAI-H9, HPIA-H5, HPIA-H7, ND, IB 4/91 strain using the HI test and antibodies against ILT virus by ELISA. The overall seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7, ND, IB4/91 and ILT was 26.5%,0%,0%,, 29.5%,43% and 30% respectively. All sera tested for AI-H5 and AI-H7 were negative. In Wadi Alrabea flocks, seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7, ND, IB4/91 and ILT was 44%, 0%, 0%, 16.28%, 32.56% and 0% respectively. Where as in Gaser Bin Ghasher, was 24%,0%, 0%, 33.87, 36.29% and 39% respectively. In Alswani, the seroprevalence was 8.70%, 0%, 0%, 52.17%, 54.35% and 54.3%. The seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7 in Gaser Bin Ghasher backyard chickens was 23%, 0%, 0% respectively and the seroprevalence of H9, H5, H7, ND, IB4/91 of Zliten backyards was 12%, 0%, 0%, 12%, 96% respectively. Further investigations are recommended to identify the circulating virus genotypes and models of transmission for better understanding of these viruses epidemiology in backyard chickens in Libya. Vaccination of backyard chickens against ND using heat resistant strain is highly recommended.
Housen Ashareef Mohammed, Abdulatif Abdulaziz Asheg (10-2021)
Publisher's website

In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Clove Oil against Gram Negative Bacteria Isolated from Chickens

Abstract The use of antibiotics as growth promotors to enhance animal production is banned in many countries around the world due to antimicrobial resistance. There is a need therefore, for new alternatives to antibiotics in medicine and veterinary medicine practices. The antibacterial activity of clove oil and some antibiotics were tested in vitro against three isolates of E. coli {1 avian pathogenic (E. coli 6.2) and 2 non-pathogenic (E. coli 6.1 and E. coli X)}, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella spp., by disk diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) methods. All bacteria tested showed intermediate susceptibility to clove oil using disk diffusion method except the non-pathogenic E.coli 6.1. The inhibition zones measured were 0mm, 12mm, 13mm, 15mm and 15mm for E. coli 6.1, E. coli 6.2, E. coli X, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella spp., respectively. E. coli 6.1 was resistant to Ampicillin, and Lincomycin with multi antibiotic resistance (MAR) index of 0.2. E. coli 6.2 was resistant to Ampicillin, Doxycyclin and Lincomycin with MAR index of 0.3. E. coli X was resistant to Ampicillin and Colistin with MAR index of 0.2. Salmonella enteritidis was resistant to Amoxycillin/Clavulinic acid, Ampicillin and Lincomycin with MAR index of 0.3. Salmonella spp was susceptible only to Neomycin but was resistant to 9 out of 10 antibiotics with very high MAR index of 0.9. The MICs of clove oil were 6.25mg/ml for the avian pathogenic E. coli and 3.12mg/ml for non-pathogenic E. coli and Salmonella spp. and 12.5mg/ml for Salmonella enteritidis. It is concluded that clove oil has promising antibacterial activity and more studies are needed to investigate its in vivo activity as alternative to antibiotics in poultry arabic 13 English 85
Abdulwahab Kammon, Ali Almaeyoufi , Abdulatif Asheg(7-2019)
Publisher's website

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