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الإدارة الإلكترونية مدخل لتحقيق الجودة الشاملة بالتعليم حالة خاصة (جامعة طرابلس ليبيا)

يمر العالم بمرحلة انتقالية تموج بتحولات جذرية عميقة وشاملة في كافة المجالات، مرحلة تنكسر فيھا القيود وتلغى الحدود وتنفتح الأسواق ، وتشتعل المنافسة، ويتعاظم دور التكنولوجيا الحديثة التي تلعب دوراً رئيسا ً في إحداث ھذه التحولات وأھمھا التحول من الأساليب التقليدية في الإدارة إلى الأساليب الإلكترونية، وبات مصطلح الحكومة الإلكترونية ھو عنصر تميز المؤسسات والهيئات والدول. يسعى هذا البحت إلى إتاحة المحتوى العلمي للإدارة الإلكترونية وذلك من خلال سرد لمحة تاريخية عنها ومميزاتها وسبيل الإستفادة منها بجميع المجالات وخاصة بمجال التعليم والتطرق الي جامعة طرابلس كحالة دراسية.
وائل صالح محمد أبوغريس, عطية محمود البحباح, محمد أحمد مغيدر(6-2022)
موقع المنشور


Since Open Education Resources (OER) approved in the early 2000s, it has grown as a major source of free learning materials for higher education; it is available for anyone to reuse, revise and redistribute based on the Creative Commons (CC), ready to give people worldwide equal access to collective knowledge and quality education by making good quality lectures, curricula, and books. In this paper, a brief history of OER is stated, then focused on categories of OER, ending with a discussion of the impact on reducing spending money on books compared to (Open Access) OA and OER
wael saleh mohamed abughres, عطية محمود البحباح, Mohamed A. Mgheder(6-2020)
موقع المنشور

The effect of Gamma Rays radiation on silicon solar cells

Experimental investigation has been carried out to study the effect og gamma ray radiations on silicon solar cells. The measured experimental data are compared with the theoretical results obtained by computer simulation programs before and after radiation. P-N junction silicon cell samples were used for the study showing degradation behavior for the output power and the short circuit current with less effect on the open circuit voltage as the radiation doses increases. Enhanced series resistance was added to the solar cell model due to deformation of I –V characteristics resulting from gamma ray radiations. Wide spread spectrum of doses were employed to study the effect of the radiation on the crystal deformation and damages on different parameters of solar cells. Study reveals an improvement in the output power and short circuit current due to post annealing effect of gamma ray radiations. The conclusion consist of suggestions to protect the solar cells in space satellites.
موقع المنشور

أدوات وأساليب تنظيم بيئة العمل ومدى تأثيرها على مستويات الأداء (دراسة ميدانية في شركة الواحة للنفط)

تناقش هذه الورقة مستوى التنفيذ الحالي لتقنيات 5S التي يتم ممارستها في شركة الواحة للنفط، الغرض من القيام بهذه الدراسة هو التعرف فعلياً على مستويات تطبيق هذه التقنيات على مستوى هذه الشركة، على اعتبار أن هذه التطبيقات من أكثر الأدوات فعالية لتحسين مستويات الأداء المُختلفة. ممارسة هذه التقنيات يُهدف أيضًا إلى تقليل كافة أنواع الفواقد والنفايات الأمر الذي عن طريقه يمكن رفع مستويات السلامة والصحة المهنية في بيئة العمل، كما أنها تدعم تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة، ويمكن استخدامها كخطوة أساسية لتطبيق برامج الصيانة الإنتاجية الشاملة، وبالتالي تعزيز كافة البرامج من أجل التحسين والتطوير المستمر داخل بيئة العمل في جميع أقسام الشركة. لتحقيق أهداف هذه الدراسة، تم تصميم استبيان صُمم خصيصاً لهذا الغرض وتم تحليل كافة البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها، حيث أشارت النتائج إلى ضعف وتواضع في مستويات التطبيق لممارسات تقنيات 5S في بيئة العمل داخل الشركة المستهدفة. ونتيجة لذلك، اقترحت الدراسة أن يتخذ متخذو القرار والهيئة الإدارية في هذه الشركة إجراءات فعالة وبشكل جدي نحو تطبيق وممارسة مفاهيم 5S في جميع أنحاء الشركة، بدءًا من تضمين هذه المفاهيم في برامج التدريب والتطوير المهني، مع الاستمرار في برامج التحسين والتطوير وخلق بيئة عمل مناسبة لتطبيق أحدث الأساليب والتقنيات العلمية.
رجب عبدالله عبدالقادر حكومة, المعتصم بالله العكاري(4-2022)
موقع المنشور

Self-Healing Concrete as a Prospective Construction Material: A Review

Concrete is a material that is widely used in the construction market due to its availability and cost, although it is prone to fracture formation. Therefore, there has been a surge in interest in self-healing materials, particularly self-healing capabilities in green and sustainable concrete materials, with a focus on different techniques offered by dozens of researchers worldwide in the last two decades. However, it is difficult to choose the most effective approach because each research institute employs its own test techniques to assess healing efficiency. Self-healing concrete (SHC) has the capacity to heal and lowers the requirement to locate and repair internal damage (e.g., cracks) without the need for external intervention. This limits reinforcement corrosion and concrete deterioration, as well as lowering costs and increasing durability. Given the merits of SHCs, this article presents a thorough review on the subject, considering the strategies, influential factors, mechanisms, and efficiency of self-healing. This literature review also provides critical synopses on the properties, performance, and evaluation of the self-healing efficiency of SHC composites. In addition, we review trends of development in research toward a broad understanding of the potential application of SHC as a superior concrete candidate and a turning point for developing sustainable and durable concrete composites for modern construction today. Further, it can be imagined that SHC will enable builders to construct buildings without fear of damage or extensive maintenance. Based on this comprehensive review, it is evident that SHC is a truly interdisciplinary hotspot research topic integrating chemistry, microbiology, civil engineering, material science, etc. Furthermore, limitations and future prospects of SHC, as well as the hotspot research topics for future investigations, are also successfully highlighted.
Hakim S. Abdelgader (4-2022)
موقع المنشور

Lithology Investigation of Shaly Sand Reservoir by using Wire Line Data," Nubian Sandstone" SE Sirt Basin

dentify the rock lithology has important meaning for estimating the reserve of petroleum as reservoir capacity and storage ability. The lithology identification from well log based on not conventional cross plot proposed and studied, which is more easier instead of rock core data observation results. However, this work carried out comparison between chart and analytical solution of matrix parameter (ρma and ΔTma) estimation values of producer shaly sand reservoir, and present the main depositional environment affects. In addition to influences of pyrite, ferruginous encrustations, organic material throughout this studied reservoir. Consequently, variety of matrix parameters values is contributed by clay minerals present in this reservoir type. This study based on wire line data measured over than 750 feet produced Upper Nubian Sandstone belong to two oil fields, SE Sirt Basin. This shaly reservoir divided into three main units (R, E and F), and each unit has been subdivided into three subunits (F3, F2, F1, E3, E2, E1, R3, R2 and R1) from bottom to top according to depositional and petrophysical properties.
Bahia Muftah Ben Ghawar(12-2016)
موقع المنشور

An ultra-lightweight cellular concrete for geotechnical applications – A review

For decades, lightweight concrete has been used in various civil engineering applications. Cellular concrete is a type of lighweight concrete that is an emerging composite in materials engineering still. However, due to its low weight, it can be integrated with industrial by-products to develop more advanced composites such as ultra-lightweight cellular concrete (ULCC). ULCC is sustainable and regarded as a potential candidate due to its simplicity of use and other benefits. A systematic review of the potential applications of ULCC in geotechnical construction are presented in this review article. Due to technological breakthroughs and changes in environmental conditions, and their material property is one of the variables that influence the degradation of roadway. Several investigations have been conducted by incorporating different materials into pavement structures to achieve longer-lasting and better pavement infrastructures than those at present. Sustainability benefits, workability, low prices, time, and structural capacity are factors that have been widely focused. This study focuses on the raw materials, production techniques, types, and properties of the ULCCs. The boundary densities of the ULCCs were considered from 400 to 1600 kg/m3. Structures all across the globe have benefited from the usage of cellular concrete in some form or another. However, much work in this field should be focused on, particularly in geotechnical applications. Geotechnical applications need specific attention to develop this kind of concrete with enhanced qualities. In order to address this need, this review paper has extensively focused on raw materials, manufacturing procedures, cellular concrete characteristics, types and uses of ULCC, particularly in geotechnical applications. Furthermore, several limitations and gaps in ULCC application in highway construction are highlighted, and recommendations on further improving its use and performance are provided.
Hakim S. Abdelgader(6-2022)
موقع المنشور

Effect of slag coal ash and foamed glass on the mechanical properties of two-stage concrete

Two-stage concrete (TSC) is known by various names such as colcrete, Polcrete, preplaced aggregate concrete and prepacked concrete. It is different from traditional concrete in two fundamental ways, namely method of construction and mix proportion. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is defined as firstly, coarse aggregates are placed into the formwork and grout is applied to fill in the between coarse aggregate particles voids. Secondly, the percentage of coarse aggregates in the mix proportion of TSC is higher than that in normal concrete. The typical value is about 60% as compared with 40% in traditional concrete. As coarse aggregates are preplaced first, they can occupy up to 60–70% of the total volume. As coarse aggregates are not involved in the mixing process, TSC is environmentally friendly with lesser consumption of energy. With a higher content of aggregates, TSC reduces the use of cement by 20–30% and may minimize the temperature rise. Engineering properties of TSC, including its stress–strain relationship, is mainly governed by the properties of coarse aggregates as stress is transferred from the skeleton of aggregates to hardened grout. Main advantages of TSC include a higher volume of coarse aggregates and the ability to use larger size coarse aggregates. The latter also reduces the cost of crushing. TSC has beneficial properties such as low drying shrinkage, high bonding strength, high modulus of elasticity, and excellent durability. The method of TSC has proved particularly useful in a number of applications like underwater construction, and masonry repair, where placement by conventional methods is extremely difficult. The method is also applicable in case of massive concrete where low heat of hydration is required. It is studied the feasibility of casting two stage concrete with 100% steel slag as coarse aggregate. In term of formulation, to adopt two stage concreting method we could minimize the risk of concrete bleeding and segregation due to high water absorption and quite high density of slag aggregate. The effect of slag coal ash and foamed glass on the mechanical properties of two-stage concrete has rarely been reported. Thus, the development of an eco-efficient alkali-activated grout for two-stage concrete is a new research topic that has no robust results to draw solid conclusions and it should blaze the track towards a cleaner production of building materials with outstanding sustainability.
Hakim S. Abdelgader(1-2022)
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