كلية الطب البيطري

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حول كلية الطب البيطري

تأسست كلية الطب البيطري عام 1975م كأول كلية للطب البيطري في ليبيا. تعد الكلية من قلاع العلم و المعرفة الهامة بجامعة طرابلس ومؤسسة علمية تلبي إحتياجات المجتمع من الأطباء البيطريين وتساهم في دعم الإقتصاد الوطني من خلال العناية بصحة الحيوان وزيادة الإنتاج الحيواني والمحافظة على صحة الإنسان وحماية البيئة.

حقائق حول كلية الطب البيطري

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





البرامج الدراسية

ماجستير أمراض الدواجن
تخصص أمراض الدواجن

يُنفذ هذا البرنامج من خلال دراسة مقررات دراسية، بحيث لا يقل عدد وحداتها عن (24) وحدة دراسية، وأن لا تزيد عن (30) وحدة دراسية على مدى 3 فصول، بالإضافة إلى إنجاز رسالة بحثية...

ماجستير أمراض الاسماك
تخصص أمراض الاسماك

يُنفذ هذا البرنامج من خلال دراسة مقررات دراسية، بحيث لا يقل عدد وحداتها عن (24) وحدة دراسية، وأن لا تزيد عن (30) وحدة دراسية على مدى 3 فصول، بالإضافة إلى إنجاز رسالة بحثية...


من يعمل بـكلية الطب البيطري

يوجد بـكلية الطب البيطري أكثر من 86 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. هدى حسن المختار القريو

هدى القريو هي احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الاحياء الدقيقة والطفليات بكلية الطب البيطري. تعمل السيدة هدى القريو بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر منذ 20-06-2012 ولها العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصها. تم تكليفها كرئيس مكتب خدمة شئون البيئة والمجتمع بكلية الطب البيطري / جامعة طرابلس في 2020 . ثم تكليفها بمنصب وكيل الكلية للشؤون العلمية بموجب قرار وزاري رقم 541 لسنة 2021 بتاريخ 28. 9. 2021

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في كلية الطب البيطري

How are countries prepared to combat the COVID-19 pandemic during the armed conflict? the case of Libya

Since its emergence, COVID-19 has greatly affected all aspects of life, and no country can be considered safe. Furthermore, it has resulted in great consequences, politically, economically, socially, and even ethically, which will be difficult to contain. Even highly developed countries have struggled to tackle this pandemic, and not all COVID-19 death cases were accurately reported. Strikingly, countries that reported the lowest numbers of cases at the early stage of the pandemic are the poorest and have the least resilient health systems, often ravished by civil war such as Libya, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen [1]. In Libya, the ability to react to the crisis is in doubt because of civil war and internal disarray. The health care system has been seriously affected, the country is divided, and two counterattack governments were appointed. The Ready Score parameter recommended by the WHO's Joint External Evaluation (JEE) applied to determine, stop, and prevent epidemics
Daw MA, Ahmed MO, ET AL.(1-2021)
Publisher's website

Salmonella Enteritidis’ Proteins produce in Vitro and in Vivo Protection against Colonization

Salmonella enterica can be considered as one of the most important causes of foodpoisoning with poultry thought to be the main source. Although S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis and the vast majority of other Salmonella serovars generally produce little systemic disease in adult chickens, they are able to colonize the alimentary tract of poultry. The two caeca are the main sites of the colonization of Salmonellae in chickens, and the bacteria can be easily harvested from the caeca for analysis. Bacterial proteins analysed utilizing SDS-PAGE showed differences between in vitro and in vivo that out of about 40 protein bands of in vitro preparation only a few (3-5) bands can be visualized from in vivo preparations. We suggested that some avian proteases might be responsible. Accordingly, and to investigate the hypothesis that bacterial-precipitated protein harvested from chickens is thought to be more protective than bacteria grown in broth culture, the immunogenicity of protein-precipitated vaccines harvested from chicken intestine and those from broth culture (in vitro), were compared using bacterial proteins as an orally inoculated vaccine candidate in chicken. The results demonstrated that the in vitro sonicated proteins obtained from a nutrient broth culture had a much better protective vaccine effect than the in vivo sonicated proteins preparations harvested from bacteria grown in chickens arabic 14 English 81
Altayeb Elazomi, Elhadi Araibi, Abdulgader Dhawi, Hatem Khpiza, Susan Liddell, Margret Lovell, Paul Barrow(12-2016)
Publisher's website

Load redistribution in walking and trotting Beagles with induced forelimb lameness

Objective: To evaluate the load redistribution mechanisms in walking and trotting dogs with induced forelimb lameness. Animals: 7 healthy adult Beagles. Procedures: Dogs walked and trotted on an instrumented treadmill to determine control values for peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse for all 4 limbs. A small sphere was attached to the ventral pad of the right forelimb paw to induce a reversible lameness, and recordings were repeated for both gaits. Additionally, footfall patterns were assessed to test for changes in temporal gait variables. Results: During walking and trotting, peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse were decreased in the ipsilateral forelimb, increased in the contralateral hind limb, and remained unchanged in the ipsilateral hind limb after lameness was induced. All 3 variables were increased in the contralateral forelimb during trotting, whereas only mean vertical force and vertical impulse were increased during walking. Stance phase duration increased in the contralateral forelimb and hind limb during walking but not during trotting. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Analysis of the results suggested that compensatory load redistribution mechanisms in dogs depend on the gait. All 4 limbs should be evaluated in basic research and clinical studies to determine the effects of lameness on the entire body. Further studies are necessary to elucidate specific mechanisms for unloading of the affected limb and to determine the long-term effects of load changes in animals with chronic lameness arabic 10 English 72
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(1-2013)
Publisher's website

قناة كلية الطب البيطري

بعض الفيديوات التي تعرض مناشط كلية الطب البيطري

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