كلية الطب البيطري

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حول كلية الطب البيطري

تأسست كلية الطب البيطري عام 1975م كأول كلية للطب البيطري في ليبيا. تعد الكلية من قلاع العلم و المعرفة الهامة بجامعة طرابلس ومؤسسة علمية تلبي إحتياجات المجتمع من الأطباء البيطريين وتساهم في دعم الإقتصاد الوطني من خلال العناية بصحة الحيوان وزيادة الإنتاج الحيواني والمحافظة على صحة الإنسان وحماية البيئة.

حقائق حول كلية الطب البيطري

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





البرامج الدراسية

ماجستير أمراض الدواجن
تخصص أمراض الدواجن

يُنفذ هذا البرنامج من خلال دراسة مقررات دراسية، بحيث لا يقل عدد وحداتها عن (24) وحدة دراسية، وأن لا تزيد عن (30) وحدة دراسية على مدى 3 فصول، بالإضافة إلى إنجاز رسالة بحثية...

ماجستير أمراض الاسماك
تخصص أمراض الاسماك

يُنفذ هذا البرنامج من خلال دراسة مقررات دراسية، بحيث لا يقل عدد وحداتها عن (24) وحدة دراسية، وأن لا تزيد عن (30) وحدة دراسية على مدى 3 فصول، بالإضافة إلى إنجاز رسالة بحثية...


من يعمل بـكلية الطب البيطري

يوجد بـكلية الطب البيطري أكثر من 86 عضو هيئة تدريس

staff photo

أ.د. إبراهيم محمد امحمد الدغيس

إبراهيم الدغيس هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الاحياء الدقيقة والطفليات بكلية الطب البيطري. يعمل السيد إبراهيم الدغيس بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ منذ 2017-02-20 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في كلية الطب البيطري

Exploiting serological data to understand the epidemiology of bluetongue virus serotypes circulating in Libya

The epidemiological patterns of Bluetongue (BT) in North Africa and Mediterranean Basin (MB) dramatically changed by emergence of subsequent episodes of novel bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes with highly pathogenic indexes and socio-economic impacts. The objective of the study was to investigate the sero-prevalence and serotype distribution of BTV in Libya. During 2015-2016, a total of 826 serum samples were collected from domestic ruminants in Libya. All sera were assayed by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (c-ELISA). C-Elisa-positive samples (43.3%; 173/400) were further analyzed by virus neutralization assay to identify BTV serotypes and determine the antibody titre of positive samples. An overall BTV sero-prevalence was 48.4% (95% CI: 45.0%-51.8%). Neutralizing antibodies were detected against the following BTV serotypes namely: BTV-1, BTV-2, BTV-3, BTV-4, BTV-9 and BTV-26. While BTV-1, BTV-2, BTV-4 and BTV-9 circulation was unsurprising as they have been responsible of the last year outbreaks in Northern African Countries, the detection of BTV-3 and BTV-26 was definitely new and concerning for the animal health of the countries facing the Mediterranean Basin. It is crucial that European and Northern African authorities collaborate in organizing common surveillance programmes to early detect novel strains or emerging serotypes in order to set up proper preventive measures, and, in case, develop specific vaccines and plan coordinated vaccination campaigns.
Ibrahim Eldaghayes(11-2018)
Publisher's website

A Study of Bacterial Contamination on Libyan Paper Banknotes in Circulation

Paper currency is one of the potential vectors to transmit diseases, since banknotes continuously pass through different hands, as a medium of exchange, which increases the possibility of transferring pathogenic microorganisms and thus cross contamination. This study was carried out on one hundred and ninety-eight paper currency notes that were collected randomly in the city of Tripoli, Libya, from different communities namely, petrol and gas stations, supermarkets, mini markets, cafeterias and fast food restaurants, etc. The samples consist of four pieces, each of currency (Dirham) denominations (250, 500, 1.000 and 5.000 notes). Conventional and current microbiological techniques were used in order to isolate and identify the species of microorganisms that resulted in the following percentages: Enterobacter agglomerans 19%, Pseudomonas spp. 16%, S. aureus, Enterobacter cloacae 11%, Klebsiella pneumonia 11% and E. coli 10%. These results indicate that Libyan banknotes are commonly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, which have the possibility of spreading human diseases. Higher denomination currency showed lower contamination. Consequently, great care should be taken during the handling of money for the safety of human health. arabic 10 English 65
Abdulgader Dhawi Alfitouri Dhawi(1-2021)
Publisher's website

Normal biodistribution of canine leukocytes labeled in whole blood with technetium-99m stannous fluoride colloid and their ability to localize induced inflammatory foci

This study assessed the biodistribution of autologous leucocytes radiolabelled with technetium-99m stannous fluoride colloid (99mTcSnC) for detection of foci of induced inflammation in dogs. Venous blood was collected from seven healthy dogs and incubated with 99mTcSnC for 1 h at room temperature. Radiolabelled samples were injected intravenously (IV) and the dogs were scanned using a gamma camera. Another seven healthy dogs were injected intradermally with tumour necrosis factor α and then IV with 99mTcSnC radiolabelled autologous blood 3 h later before being scanned. The radiolabelled leucocytes localised to sites of inflammation by 30 min post-injection. IV injection of autologous leucocytes radiolabelled with 99mTcSnC appears to be a sensitive method for localisation of induced foci of inflammation in dogs.
Mohamed Hamrouni S. Abushhiwa, Nouria S.Salehi, Meir Lichtenstein, Peter M. Lording, Peter J. Finnin, Robert C. Whitton, Jennifer A. Charles, Bruce W. Parry (8-2010)
Publisher's website

قناة كلية الطب البيطري

بعض الفيديوات التي تعرض مناشط كلية الطب البيطري

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