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Système IGF et croissance fœtale.

La croissance fœtale est un processus complexe dépendant de facteurs génétiques, environnementaux, nutritionnels et hormonaux d’origine maternelle, placentaire et fœtale. Le système IGF est l’un des systèmes hormonaux les plus importants pour la régulation de la croissance fœtale et placentaire [1]. Le gène IGF-II est régulé par le phénomène d’empreinte parentale et est exprimé seulement à partir de l’allèle paternel dans la majorité des tissus pendant la vie fœtale. Les gènes soumis à empreinte parentale sont régulés de manière spécifique et sont particulièrement vulnérables aux signaux environnementaux et nutritionnels. La dérégulation d’un groupe de gènes de la région 11p15 soumise à empreinte parentale, incluant le gène IGF-II, est responsable de deux pathologies de croissance fœtale (les syndromes de Silver-Russell, OMIM 180860 et de Wiedemann-Beckwith, OMIM 130650) qui ont une présentation phénotypique opposée. Ces deux syndromes représentent d’excellents modèles de pathologies humaines pour l’étude de la régulation de l’empreinte parentale. arabic 9 English 26
- Demars, J , S. Rossignol, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, I. Netchine, S. Azzi, A. El-Osta, Y. Le Bouc, C. Gicquel(1-2012)
موقع المنشور

Evaluation of Thoracic Limb Loads, Elbow Movement, and Morphology in Dogs Before and After Arthroscopic Management of Unilateral Medial Coronoid Process Disease

Objective To (1) evaluate thoracic limb loads and symmetry, and elbow function and morphology, before and after arthroscopic treatment of unilateral medial coronoid process disease (MCPD), and (2) determine if functional variables correlate with morphologic findings.Study DesignProspective case series.AnimalsDogs (n = 14) with thoracic limb lameness.Methods Dogs were included when unilateral MCPD was confirmed as the cause of lameness. Kinetic analysis of both thoracic limbs, along with kinematic analysis and goniometry of both elbows were carried out before, and 60, 120, and 180 days after partial coronoidectomy by arthroscopy. Radiography and computed tomography of both elbows were performed before and 180 days after arthroscopy.ResultsA nonsignificant (P = .11) increase in the peak vertical loads (PFz), and a significant (P = .022) increase in the vertical impulse (iFz) applied by the affected limb were seen. Symmetry indices improved, with significant differences between sessions (PFz: P = .019; iFz: P = .003). Kinematic variables showed no significant differences, between sessions or when comparing both elbows within sessions. Goniometry revealed no significant differences between sessions, but some significant differences were identified when comparing both elbows within sessions. Osteophytosis and degree of lameness showed no correlation, before (rs = −0.077; P = .79) or after arthroscopy (rs = 0.27; P = .35).Conclusions Kinetic variables improved after arthroscopy, without full restoration of function. Kinematic variables did not change significantly. Osteoarthritis and goniometric measurements in the affected joint worsened. Functional variables did not correlate with morphologic findings. arabic 23 English 137
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(7-2004)
موقع المنشور

Fore-Aft Ground Force Adaptations to Induced Forelimb Lameness in Walking and Trotting Dogs

Animals alter their locomotor mechanics to adapt to a loss of limb function. To better understand their compensatory mechanisms, this study evaluated the changes in the fore-aft ground forces to forelimb lameness and tested the hypothesis that dogs unload the affected limb by producing a nose-up pitching moment via the exertion of a net-propulsive force when the lame limb is on the ground. Seven healthy Beagles walked and trotted at steady speed on an instrumented treadmill while horizontal force data were collected before and after a moderate lameness was induced. Peak, mean and summed braking and propulsive forces as well as the duration each force was exerted and the time to reach maximum force were evaluated for both the sound and the lame condition. Compared with the sound condition, a net-propulsive force was produced by the lame diagonal limbs due to a reduced braking force in the affected forelimb and an increased propulsive force in the contralateral hindlimb when the dogs walked and trotted. To regain pitch stability and ensure steady speed for a given locomotor cycle, the dogs produced a net-braking force when the sound diagonal limbs were on the ground by exerting greater braking forces in both limbs during walking and additionally reducing the propulsive force in the hindlimb during trotting. Consistent with the proposed mechanism, dogs maximize their double support phases when walking. Likely associated with the fore-aft force adaptations to lameness are changes in muscle recruitment that potentially result in short- and long-term effects on the limb and trunk muscles. arabic 13 English 78
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(12-2012)
موقع المنشور

Load redistribution in walking and trotting Beagles with induced forelimb lameness

Objective: To evaluate the load redistribution mechanisms in walking and trotting dogs with induced forelimb lameness. Animals: 7 healthy adult Beagles. Procedures: Dogs walked and trotted on an instrumented treadmill to determine control values for peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse for all 4 limbs. A small sphere was attached to the ventral pad of the right forelimb paw to induce a reversible lameness, and recordings were repeated for both gaits. Additionally, footfall patterns were assessed to test for changes in temporal gait variables. Results: During walking and trotting, peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse were decreased in the ipsilateral forelimb, increased in the contralateral hind limb, and remained unchanged in the ipsilateral hind limb after lameness was induced. All 3 variables were increased in the contralateral forelimb during trotting, whereas only mean vertical force and vertical impulse were increased during walking. Stance phase duration increased in the contralateral forelimb and hind limb during walking but not during trotting. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Analysis of the results suggested that compensatory load redistribution mechanisms in dogs depend on the gait. All 4 limbs should be evaluated in basic research and clinical studies to determine the effects of lameness on the entire body. Further studies are necessary to elucidate specific mechanisms for unloading of the affected limb and to determine the long-term effects of load changes in animals with chronic lameness arabic 10 English 72
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(1-2013)
موقع المنشور

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome caused by maternally inherited mutation of an OCT-binding motif in the IGF2/H19-imprinting control region, ICR1.

The imprinted expression of the IGF2 and H19 genes is controlled by the imprinting control region 1 (ICR1) located at chromosome 11p15.5. DNA methylation defects involving ICR1 result in two growth disorders with opposite phenotypes: an overgrowth disorder, the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (maternal ICR1 hypermethylation in 10% of BWS cases) and a growth retardation disorder, the Silver-Russell syndrome (paternal ICR1 loss of methylation in 60% of SRS cases). In familial BWS, hypermethylation of ICR1 has been found in association with microdeletion of repetitive DNA motifs within ICR1 that bind the zinc finger protein CTCF; but more recently, ICR1 point mutations were described in BWS pedigrees. We present a case report of two brothers with BWS and prolonged post-pubertal growth resulting in very large stature. A maternally inherited point mutation was identified in ICR1 in both brothers, which altered binding of OCT transcription factors. The same mutation was present on the paternally inherited allele of their unaffected mother. This is a second report of a point mutation causing ICR1 hypermethylation by altering an OCT-binding motif. The atypical growth phenotype of the brothers may be connected to the unusual underlying cause of their BWS. arabic 24 English 118
Rebecca L Poole, Donald J Leith, Louise E Docherty, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Christine Gicquel,, Miranda Splitt, I Karen Temple, Deborah J G Mackay(2-2012)
موقع المنشور

Antimicrobial Sensitivity Patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates Obtained From Foot Ulcer Diabetes Patients in Tripoli, Libya.

Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most invasive organism that causes severe tissue damage in diabetic foot ulcers. A major problem in P. aeruginosa infection because of that it is commonly exhibits a high degree of resistance to antimicrobial agents .To improve appropriate antimicrobial therapy and reduce the incidence of antibiotics resistant bacteria, information on the antibiotic susceptibility to this bacterium is urgently needed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to isolate and determinate the antimicrobial susceptibility of the P. aeruginosa in diabetic foot ulcers patients. Methods: This study was carried out over the period between June 2014 to April 2015 at Tripoli Medical Center. A total of 120 bacterial isolates were cultured onto bacteriological media such as nutrient agar, MacConkey agar and blood agar. Identification of retrieved bacterial isolates was done using standard diagnostic microbiological laboratory methods and antibiogram was determined by VITEK ® 2 compact automated system. Results: Twenty one strains of P. aeruginosa from 120 diabetic foot ulcers were detected. P. aeruginosa isolates exhibited multidrug resistance to Ampicillin, Augmenting, Cefuroxime, Cefoxitin, Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Trimethoprim/sulfamethzole, Piperacillin. However, all isolates of P. aeruginosa were 100 % sensitive to Imipenem. Conclusion: P. aeruginosa infections of diabetic foot ulcers patients have multi-drug resistant. Imipenem is the empirical antibiotic of the choice. Key words: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, diabetic foot ulcer, antibiotics resistance arabic 17 English 114
Abdulkareem Elbaz, Abdulkareem Elbaz, Abdulgader Dhawi, Asma K. Elramalli, Ibrahim A. Algondi, , , Mustafa Saieh(12-2018)

Salmonella Enteritidis’ Proteins produce in Vitro and in Vivo Protection against Colonization

Salmonella enterica can be considered as one of the most important causes of foodpoisoning with poultry thought to be the main source. Although S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis and the vast majority of other Salmonella serovars generally produce little systemic disease in adult chickens, they are able to colonize the alimentary tract of poultry. The two caeca are the main sites of the colonization of Salmonellae in chickens, and the bacteria can be easily harvested from the caeca for analysis. Bacterial proteins analysed utilizing SDS-PAGE showed differences between in vitro and in vivo that out of about 40 protein bands of in vitro preparation only a few (3-5) bands can be visualized from in vivo preparations. We suggested that some avian proteases might be responsible. Accordingly, and to investigate the hypothesis that bacterial-precipitated protein harvested from chickens is thought to be more protective than bacteria grown in broth culture, the immunogenicity of protein-precipitated vaccines harvested from chicken intestine and those from broth culture (in vitro), were compared using bacterial proteins as an orally inoculated vaccine candidate in chicken. The results demonstrated that the in vitro sonicated proteins obtained from a nutrient broth culture had a much better protective vaccine effect than the in vivo sonicated proteins preparations harvested from bacteria grown in chickens arabic 14 English 81
Altayeb Elazomi, Elhadi Araibi, Abdulgader Dhawi, Hatem Khpiza, Susan Liddell, Margret Lovell, Paul Barrow(12-2016)

Human diseases versus mouse models: insights into the regulation of genomic imprinting at the human 11p15/mouse distal chromosome 7 region

The 11p15 region is organised into two independent imprinted domains controlled by imprinting control regions, which carry opposite germline imprints. Dysregulation of 11p15 genomic imprinting results in two human fetal growth disorders (Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS, MIM 180860) and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS, MIM 130650)) with opposite growth phenotypes. The mouse orthologous region on distal chromosome 7 (dist7) is well conserved in its organisation and its regulation. Targeted mutagenesis in mice has provided highly valuable clues in terms of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of genomic imprinting of the 11p15/dist7 imprinted region. On the other hand, the recent identification of unexpected genetic defects in BWS and SRS patients also brought new insights into the mechanisms of 11p15 imprinting regulation. However, some mouse models and human genetic defects show contradictions in term of growth phenotypes and parental transmission. In this review, we extensively analyse those various mouse and human models and more particularly models with mutations affecting the two imprinting centres, in order to improve our understanding of regulation of 11p15/dist7 genomic imprinting. arabic 21 English 117
Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, C. F. Gicquel(1-2013)
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