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جودة استخدام معلمات الجغرافيا بالمرحلة الثانوية للتقنيات التعليمية في متطلبات جودة التعليم

تهدف الدراسة للتعرف على جودة استخدام معلمات الجغرافيا بالمرحلة الثانوية للتقنيات التعليمية في متطلبات جودة التعليم، ولتحقيق ذلك تم استخدم المنهج الوصفي، كما تم اعتماد (الاستبيان) البالغ عدد فقراته (36) فقرة كأداة لجمع البيانات من عينة قوامها (11) معلمة بنسبة (68%) من إجمالي (17) معلمة، وأظهرت النتائج أن استخدام المعلمات للتقنيات التعليمية محدود جدًا. كما أظهرت النتائج عدم توفر التقنيات التعليمية بمدارس عينة الدراسة بصورة كافية، وأوصت الدراسة بإجراء الدورات التدريبية لاستخدام التقنيات في التدريس.
BASHIR ELHADE M, نفيسة ساسي ابوالقاسم جالوتة(1-2017)

بحث بعنوان: جودة استخدام معلمات الجغرافيا بالمرحلة الثانوية للتقنيات التعليمية في متطلبات جودة التعليم

تهدف الدراسة للتعرف على جودة استخدام معلمات الجغرافيا بالمرحلة الثانوية للتقنيات التعليمية في متطلبات جودة التعليم، ولتحقيق ذلك تم استخدم المنهج الوصفي، كما تم اعتماد (الاستبيان) البالغ عدد فقراته (36) فقرة كأداة لجمع البيانات من عينة قوامها (11) معلمة بنسبة (68%) من إجمالي (17) معلمة، وأظهرت النتائج أن استخدام المعلمات للتقنيات التعليمية محدود جدًا. كما أظهرت النتائج عدم توفر التقنيات التعليمية بمدارس عينة الدراسة بصورة كافية، وأوصت الدراسة بإجراء الدورات التدريبية لاستخدام التقنيات في التدريس.
نفيسة ساسي ابوالقاسم جالوتة(1-2017)

Clusa, M., Carreras, C., Cardona, L., Demetropoulos, A., Margaritoulis, D., Rees, A.F., Hamza, A.A., Khalil, M., Levy, Y., Turkozan, O. and Aguilar, A., 2018. Philopatry in loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta: beyond the gender paradigm. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 588, pp.201-213.

ABSTRACT: Marine turtles have been traditionally considered model organisms to study sex-biased behaviour and dispersal. Although female philopatry has been identified in the loggerhead turtle, with adult females returning to specific locations to nest, studies on the philopatry and breeding migrations of males remain limited. In this study we analysed 152 hatchlings using 15 microsatellite markers. Each individual came from a different nest from samples taken at 8 nesting grounds in the Mediterranean. Our results revealed the existence of 5 genetically differentiated units, mostly due to restricted gene flow for both sexes. This supports existing satellite tracking studies that suggest that mating occurs close to nesting grounds in this region. The 5 management units identified within the Mediterranean included nesting grounds from (1) Libya and Cyprus, (2) Israel, (3) Lebanon, (4) Turkey and (5) Greece. The genetic similarity between distant nesting areas (i.e. Libya and Cyprus) suggests the presence of a more complex pattern of breeding behaviour. Three possible hypotheses, that remain to be tested in future studies, could explain this result: (1) mating might take place in common foraging grounds; (2) mating could occur en route while migrating to/from the breeding grounds; or (3) recent colonisation events could connect the 2 nesting grounds. Overall, our work suggests that widespread male-mediated gene flow between loggerhead nesting grounds is likely to have been previously overstated although opportunistic breeding patterns might connect some widely separated areas.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(1-2022)
publisher's website

SPA/RAC-UNEP/MAP, 2021. Marine Turtle Research and Conservation in Libya: A contribution to safeguarding Mediterranean Biodiversity. By Abdulmaula Hamza. Ed. SPA/RAC, Tunis: pages 77.

The results of marine turtle research and conservation in Libya have not been very well promoted or shared at the regional level, as always claimed by the scientific community. However, this did not affect the commitment of the authority, research institutes, and even civil society towards Marine turtle conservation to safeguard Mediterranean Biodiversity. Indeed, close collaboration at national and regional levels made possible the edition of the present book, which will fill some gaps to further complete the marine turtle picture in the Mediterranean. Furthermore, The National Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Turtles and Their Habitats in Libya has been updated , reviewed and adopted by the main stakeholders in Libya (sea users, professionals, fishermen, public institutes, individual researchers, NGOs active in marine conservation) during an online national workshop held on the 9th of December 2020 within the framework of the implementation of phase 1 of the Mava Marine turtles project (2017-2020). Through the second phase of the project (2020 - 2022), SPA/RAC will continue supporting Libya to implement its national action plan for the conservation of marine turtles and its habitats, besides the nesting monitoring, the national stranding network will be set up and promoted at a national level. The LibSTP team will focus on working with key actors, mainly the local communities, in Sirte and Farwa to achieve effective and sustainable protection of these priority areas
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(1-2021)
publisher's website

Hamza, A., David, G., Mcafee, A., & Abdullah, M. T. (2018). Annotated checklist of avifauna in Pulau Bidong, Malaysia. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 13(1), 103-116.

Avian diversity study focusing on islands in Malaysia is generally scarce compared to the unsurprisingly wealth of information on mainland birds. Similarly, Pulau Bidong is one of these islands with scarce ornithological information. It is located to the northwest of Kuala Terengganu, East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. A series of field surveys were conducted on the island between August 2014 and August 2016, using both point counts and mist netting methods to assess the bird species diversity at coastal area and within the forest canopy of the island. Unpublished data from 2006 were also added as it covers the Bidong trail area. Our results indicate that the total count is 26 species, belonging to 18 families and 23 genera. This species list is not exhaustive because the survey did not cover the main migration season from October to February, when it coincides with the monsoon season and rough weather. Further surveys will be needed to cover the nearby small islands in the archipelago.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(6-2018)
publisher's website

Hamza, A., Mamat, I. B. H., & Abdullah, M. T. (2019). Results of a seabird survey at the southern Seribuat Archipelago, Johor, Malaysia. Marine Ornithology, 47, 49-53.

Thirty-one seabird species are found in Malaysia; a few still breed on rocky outcrops and small islands in the southern Seribuat Archipelago. A century-long egg harvest by local fishermen in the area is believed to have caused extirpation of several breeding populations. To update the status of seabirds in the southern section of the Seribuat Archipelago, a two-day survey was conducted in August 2017. Twenty-two islands were selected and surveyed using boat observation and colony visits. In total, over 6 200 birds were counted, representing five tern species: Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus, Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana, Great Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii, Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii, and the Lesser Crested Tern T. bengalensis. The first two species are confirmed breeders, whereas the remaining species are either passage migrants or unconfirmed breeders. The survey led to the rediscovery of a small population of Roseate Terns at Pulau Yu (one of the species' two historic breeding sites in Malaysia). The islands surveyed are not legally protected (except for the Pulau Tinggi group). The protection of selected sites is highly recommended to conserve these remaining seabird populations.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(4-2019)
publisher's website

Hamza, A., & Ho, W. C. (2020). Updates on seabirds of the northern Seribuat Islands, Pahang, Malaysia. Marine Ornithology, 48, 1-7.

Because of a lack of systematic surveys since the 1950s, information on seabird diversity and the status of seabird colonies along the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is mostly outdated. The Seribuat Archipelago is composed of many islands, which are located off Pahang state in the north and Johor state in the south. The northern section of the archipelago was surveyed during July-September 2017 to document active seabird colony sites and to assess species richness and the potential threats facing these colonies. Seven islands were found to host significant numbers of terns (Black-naped Terns Sterna sumatrana, Bridled Terns Onychoprion anaethetus, Greater Crested Terns Thalasseus bergii, Lesser Frigatebirds Fregata ariel, and other bird species. We provide details of each site and its suitability for seabirds. Pulau Labas and Pulau Tokong Bahara have the highest species richness (five species each) followed by Pulau Tokong Burung and Pulau Gut (four species each). Tokong Burung (made up of three islands) hosts the largest colony of Bridled Terns in the region, with more than 10 000 pairs estimated, making it one of the largest colonies of the species in Southeast Asia. Egg harvesting by local fishermen, human disturbance, marine litter, and oil pollution are the main threats to seabirds in the Seribuat Archipelago. We make recommendations regarding measures needed for further protection of the area.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(4-2020)
publisher's website

نحو استراتيجية واقيعية لأندماج الفئات الخاصة في المدارس العادية

أن الأساليب التربوية لدوي الاحتياجات الخاصة تشغل مجالًا مهمًا من مجالات التفكير الحديث. لذلك تهدف الورق إلى تنبيه المسؤولية والمعلمين وأولياء الأمور والمهتمين بهذه الشريحة إلى أمرين: الأول: المسؤولية التربوية والوطنية الخطيرة الملقاة على عواتقهم. الثاني: إمكانية استخدام غرف المصادر لنجاح الدمج داخل المدارس العادية.
bashir alhade m(1-2017)