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احصائيات كلية الطب البيطري

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First seroprevalence investigation of epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus in Libya

Abstract Background: Epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD) is a vector-borne viral disease of domestic and wild ruminants. Epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) is transmitted by Culicoides spp. EHDV is a member of the Orbivirus genus within the Reoviridae family. It shares many morphological and structural characteristics with other members of the genus, such as the bluetongue virus, African horse sickness virus, and equine encephalosis virus. Aims: The purpose of our study was to investigate the epidemiological situation of EHDV in Libya in order to gain some knowledge about the presence of this virus in the country. Methods: In this study, we investigated the seroprevalence of EHDV in Libya, testing 855 blood samples collected during 2015. The samples were collected from domestic ruminants (cattle, sheep, and goats) originating from 11 provinces of Libya. Sera were tested by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and positive samples confirmed by serum neutralization test. Results: The overall seroprevalence of EHDV was estimated to be 4% (95% confidence intervals = 2.8%–5.4%). Small ruminant seroprevalence was significantly (p = 0.016) higher than that found in cattle. Neutralizing antibodies against EHDV-6 were detected in a sheep from the western region of Libya. Conclusion: This study suggests that EHDV has circulated or is circulating in Libya, and sheep could play an important role in the epidemiology of EHDV, and the virus may still be circulating in North Africa. Keywords: EHD, EHDV-6, Seroprevalence, Libya.
Abdusalam Sharef Abdusalam Mahmoud(6-2021)
موقع المنشور

Exploiting epidemiological data to understand the epidemiology and factors that influence COVID-19 pandemic in Libya

There were only 75 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) reported in Libya by the National Center for Disease Control during the first two months following the first confirmed case on 24 March 2020. However, there was dramatic increase in positive cases from June to now; as of 19 November 2020, approximately 357940 samples have been tested by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, and the results have revealed a total number of 76808 confirmed cases, 47587 recovered cases and 1068 deaths. The case fatality ratio was estimated to be 1.40%, and the mortality rate was estimated to be 15.90 in 100000 people. The epidemiological situation markedly changed from mid-July to the beginning of August, and the country proceeded to the cluster phase. COVID19 has spread in almost all Libyan cities, and this reflects the high transmission rate of the virus at the regional level with the highest positivity rates, at an average of 14.54%. Apparently, there is an underestimation of the actual number of COVID-19 cases due to the low testing capacity. Consequently, the Libyan health authority needs to initiate a large-scale case-screening process and enforce testing capacities and contact testing within the time frame, which is not an easy task. Advisably, the Libyan health authority should improve the public health capacities and conduct strict hygienic measures among the societies and vaccinate as many people against COVID-19 to minimize both the case fatality ratio an
Abdusalam Sharef Abdusalam Mahmoud(1-2021)

Covid-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Preliminary Questionnaire Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes in Libya

Background: The pre-vaccination survey is considered an important tool for assessing and evaluating knowledge, attitudes and determine vaccine hesitancy. Throughout many decades the world had faced a challenge in fighting against the endemic, epidemic, and pandemic diseases that have been emerging and re-emerging special those that constitute a great potential risk on humanity’s life. Still, after more than one year and half of scientific milestones of COVID-19 pandemic, there are many countries scarifying and struggling to mitigate the impacts of SARS-CoV-2 among their societies. Objectives: Our study was conduct to address, assessing and evaluate COVID-19 vaccine literacy (VL) prior to and during the vaccination campaign in Libya. Material and Methods: The cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted during April 2021 one week prior COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Libya. All relevant data was obtained and collected by online and face-to-face interview. The sampling method with an online Microsoft form questionnaire resulted in collecting only 33 valid questionnaires. Further, the survey carried out also during vaccination campaign however, any participants who had already taken the COVID-19 vaccine were not indorsed in questionnaire survey. Results: A total of 243 participants were involved in this study. The overall response rate (45.6%). This study enrolled (58.8%) and (41.2%) of participants from male and female respectively. Considering the age classes, the results revealed that (35%, 18-30 year), (43.6%, 31-50 year), (18.5%, 51-65 year) and (>65 year, 2.9%). The results revealed that, 29.2% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 25%-33.44%) of the respondents were confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection, while and 70.8% (95% CI: 66.56%-75%) participants were not sure if they had contracted the virus. Regarding the recurrent COVID-19 infection, our questionnaire survey reported that, at least 5.8% (95% CI: 3.60%-7.92%) of the respondents had got infected twice by SRAS-CoV-2. Regarding the currently available COVID-19 vaccines (Sputnik V, AstraZeneca and Sinovac) in the country, the vast majority (43.2%) of the participants, they would like to prefer the Sputnik V, followed by (19.3%) AstraZeneca and (2.5%) Sinovac vaccines, while (35%) of the respondents refused to be vaccinated by three of these vaccines that have been provided by the Libyan healthy authorities under the supervision of NCDC. A proximately 33% (95% CI: 28.56%-37.28%) of the respondents refused to be vaccinated due to mistrust in the vaccine safety. Clearly, the vaccine safety was the main cause for the refuse and delay time of the vaccination from the most of the population. Conclusion: Our study highlights that, the vaccine hesitancy is underestimated issue in Libya, and clearly there is misleading and misinformation about SARS-CoV-2 from unauthorized media sources. According to the metadata analysis of high efficacy, safety and successes of COVID-19 vaccines for mitigate and minimize both the case fatality rate (CFT) and transmission rate across the entire of the global, still there is a controversies around potential safety concerns of the COVID-19 vaccines. Urgently, the Libyan healthy authority needs to enforce the public health education about vaccine safety, and Libyan healthy authorities should be implement an effective vaccination strategies that complement with international standard criteria for the vaccination policy to improve the vaccination efficacy and the vaccine coverage rate. Consequently, The Libya national deployment and vaccination plan for the COVID-19 vaccine should implement National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) in every municipality for collecting and processing information, and producing periodic reports during COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
Abdusalam Sharef Abdusalam Mahmoud(6-2021)

Patellar luxation in Hejazi goats

Background: Patellar luxation (PL) is a common orthopedic affection among farm and pet animals with mostly congenital (environmental and/or genetic) background. Aim: We report here the first observation of lateral PL in Hejazi goats bred in Libya. Methods: Five Hejazi goats aged between 4 months and 2 years with severe hind limb lameness were admitted to Al-Sorouh veterinary clinic in Tripoli during the period from 2016 to 2018. The goats were thoroughly examined clinically and radiographically. Two goats were surgically treated, and the other three cases were not because of either the cost limitation or expected poor prognosis. The surgical intervention involved femoral trochlear sulcoplasty, medial joint capsule imbrication, and tibial tuberosity transposition. Results: The clinical examination showed grade III–IV lateral PL. Radiologically, there were unilateral or bilateral, ventrocaudal, and dorsal PLs. Two cases were referred to surgical correction. One case almost restored the normal movement of stifle joint together with a good general status 1 year postsurgery. However, the surgical treatment was not effective in correcting the luxated patella in the second case. Conclusion: Lateral PL is common among orthopedic affections in Hejazi goats in Libya, and its surgical treatment provided a quite convenient approach. An association between inbreeding and the PL was suggested in those cases. arabic 4 English 29
Taher N. Elmeshreghi, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Mouna Abdunnabi Abdunnabi Abdunnabi, Emad M R Bennour(6-2021)
موقع المنشور

الكشف عن البكتيريا السبحية )ستربتوكوكس( الشائعة التي تصيب اسماك المرجان في المنطقة الساحلية لطرابلس ليبيا Detection of the Most Common Streptococci Affecting Seabream Fish at the Coastal Area of Tripoli, Libya

الإلقاء المستمر لمياه الصرف الصحى في المنطقة الساحلية للبحر المتوسط بمدينة طرابلس و التى تمتد من تاجوراء الى جنزور قد ادى الى حوث تأثيرات سلبية مستمرة على كل من الأحياء المائية و المستهلك بصورة اصبحت ظاهر في تلك المنطقة الساحلية. لقد عرف التلوث الكيميائي المرتبط بتركيبة الصرف الصحى بتأثيره الشديد على جهاز المناعة في الاسماك مما يؤدى الى زيادة في قباليتها للإصابة بالبكتيريا المرضية. في الدراسة الحالية تم عزل أربعة عترات من الميكروب السبحى "ستربتوكوكس" من أسماك المرجان العادى التى تم تجميعها من المنطقة الساحلية لشاطئ طرابلس في المنطقة الممتدة من تاجوراء الى جنزور. توضح النتائج ان ميكروب ستربتوكوكس ايناى (Streptococcus iniae) كان الأكثر شيوعا فى فصلى الصيف و الربيع يليهم على الترتيب ميكروب ستربتوكوكس ديسجلاكتيا (Streptococcus dysgalactiae) أما ميكروب ستربتوكوس فوكى (Streptococcus phocae) فقد كان الأكثر شيوعا في موسم الشتاء.


: The continuous dumping of municipal sewage into the coastal zone of the Mediterranean Sea has been reported to have greater negative impacts on both aquatic animals as well as human consumer. The chemical pollutants in the sewage composites would have deleterious damaging effects on the fish immune system with consequent vulnerability to bacterial invasions. In the current study, four Streptococcal bacterial species were successfully isolated from the Common Pandora fish (Pagellus erythrinus) collected from the coastal zone of Tripoli through the area from Tajourah to Janzour localities. Strept iniae was the most prevalent Streptococci in examined fish during summer and spring seasons followed by Strept dysgalactiae then Enterococus fecalis. Streptococcus phocae was the most prevalently isolated Streptococci from examined fish during the winter season, while Enterococcus fecalis was recorded to be the second on the list.
طارق دخيل حسن (2015)

الكشف عن فيروس مرض الانفلونزا وفيروس مرض النيوكاسل من مسحات القصبات الهوائية والمذرقية للدواجن المنزلية في طرابلس، ليبيا Detection of avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus from tracheal and cloacal swabs of backyard poultry in Tripoli – Libya


: In Libyan state, the history of backyard poultry rearing goes back to several lapsing decades in which the human life style was still in its simpler forms. The uncontrolled rearing of backyard poultry has resulted in catastrophic spread of viral diseases in many countries throughout the world. In this study a new questioner by Mobil software “EpiCollect plus” was used for the first time in Libya. It is an easy program to use and can store information about all farms and samples in the phone during sample collections at field “without internet connection”, then send to the computer via the network. The surveillance of backyard poultry for both avian influenza type a virus (AIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) has covered four main geographical regions throughout the greater city of Tripoli. The surveillance was fulfilled through testing the cloacal and tracheal swabs for the presence of viral antigens using the direct ELISA for AIV and RT-PCR techniques for NDV. A total number of 500 samples from non-vaccinated backyard poultry flocks were collected from different geographical locations within the area of Tripoli (Qasr Ben Ghashier, Alsawani, Souq Al-Gomaa, Tajourah, and Einzara). Samples were collected mainly from local breed chicken (244) and native ducks (6). Results have indicated that incidences of infection with AIV in backyard poultry populations during the summer season 2013 were 0%. During early winter 2013, the AIV has been detected in 11 out of 90 samples with an incidence of 12.2%. Among the 11 positive samples: 3 samples were from Souq Al-Gomaa, 4 from Tajourah, 1 from Qasr Ben Ghashier and 3 from Al-sawany. In contrast to AIV during summer 2013, NDV were detected from the backyard chickens, 104 out of 154 backyard poultry were found positive for the virus (67.5 %). Positive samples were distributed over various regions into: 14 from Tajourah, 60 from Qasr Ben Ghashier and 30 from Al-sawany. In the early winter 2013, 21 out of 90 samples were positive for NDV (23.3%). Among the 21 positive samples: 3 were from Tajourah, 13 were from Qasr Ben Ghashier and 5 from Al-sawany. It is obvious that the southern region is the most affected regions within the greater Tripoli. In the Greater Tripoli, many local districts are well known for their dense distribution of commercial poultry farms as well as backyard poultry rearing. Most of poultry farms in Tripoli are found in Tajourah, Qasr Ben-Ghashier, and Al-sawany. Thus, it is expected to face the problems of avian diseases with special concerns to viral diseases such as AI and ND among both commercial and backyard populations in such districts.
هشام عبدالجليل الصيد (2015)

دراسات لبعض مستويات الإكتروليتات ( الشوارد) في مصل الإبل ذي السنام الواحد في ليبيا Studies of Serum Levels of Some Electrolyte of One-Humped Camel (Camelus Dromedarius) in Libya


: The objective of this study was to determine the Serum levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphorus were determined in one-humped camels (Camelus Dromedarius) of different age, sex and maternal status of female camels. Eighty-seven of apparently healthy one-humped camels aged from less than two years old to fifteen years old were used in this study. Animals were categorized into three age groups [< 2years (23), 2-5 years (14) and > 5 years (50)], two sex groups [males (37) and females (50)] and three maternal status groups [non-pregnant (13), pregnant (12), lactating (12)]. The total levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate were 148.1, 6.4, 112.3, 9.4, 2.2 and 7.2, respectively. The age of camel was found to be significantly effect the level of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. While, the sex of camel had a significant effect on phosphorus. Meanwhile, the maternal status of female did not affect the blood electrolytes. It conclude that, the calcium, magnesium and phosphorus concentration change with advance age. While, sex of animal had only a significant effect on phosphorus.
أنس عبدالله احمد سلامه (2016)

القولونيات في الحليب و بعض منتجات الألبان المباعة بأسواق طربلس مع إشارة خاصة إلى الاشريكية القولونية الممرضة Coliforms in Milk and Some Dairy Products Sold in Tripoli Markets with Special Reference to Pathogenic Escherichia coli


: This study was carried out to detect different coliforms members with special reference to the occurrence of the pathogenic Escherichia coli existing in raw cow`s milk and some dairy products. 105 samples (35 raw milk, 35 fermented milk, and 35 ricotta cheeses) were randomly collected from different markets in Tripoli-city /Libya. In this study, two methods for coliform counting were used. The first one was the most probable number technique MPN using liquid Lauryl Sulphate Tryptone broth (LST) with a three-tube series and the second method was the plate count method using violet red bile lactose agar VRBA. Also different techniques were used to find comparative results by using the BD phoenix system, the VITEK® 2 Compact system and KB003Hi25™ Enterobacteriaceae Identification Kit methods for coliform counts in raw milk, fermented milk and ricotta chesses. The coliform bacteria were positive in all 35 (100%) samples of both raw milk and fermented milk, while 33 (94.3%) samples out of 35of ricotta cheese by using MPN-technique. Whereas, Coliform bacteria were positive in 25 (71.4%) samples of raw milk, 34 (97.1%) samples of fermented milk and in 22 (62.9%) samples of ricotta cheese by using VRBA-technique. However, the fecal Coliform bacteria were recorded in 30 (85.7%) samples of raw milk, 32 (91.4%) samples of fermented milk and in 24 (68.6%) samples of ricotta by the used MPN-technique. Whereas, fecal Coliform bacteria were detected in 11 (31.4%) samples of raw milk, 19 (54.3%) samples of fermented milk and in only 9 (25.7%) samples of ricotta cheese by the VRBA-technique. Moreover, the most commonly identified important pathogenic bacteria Gram-negative isolated the highest overall incidence rate was for Escherichia coli 117(58.5%) and Klebsiella pneumonia spp pneumonia 47(23.5%) out of 200 randomly selected from 900 isolates. These findings results revealed that a high number of bacteria, which provide an evidence for the lack of milk hygiene either during milking or transporting and storages Statistical analyses revealed significant T-test at level P
خديجة مختار التواتي (2015)