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تقييم لمدى إصابة سمكة الصاورو (Linnaeus,1758) Trachurus trachrus بيرقة بالنيماتوداNematoda: Anisakidae) ) في جنوب البحر المتوسط (الساحل الليبي الغربي)

ركزت هذه الدراسة على نسبة إصابة الأسماك Trachurus trachrus (بيرقةNematoda: Anisakidae) وعلاقتها بالنمو، وتم تجميع 249 عينة عشوائية من الساحل الغربي الليبي ، وكانت نسبة إصابة الأسماك (بيرقةNematoda: Anisakidae) 91.6%خلال فترة الدراسة، و مدى الطول للأسماك المصابة 14.1-31سم ومدى الوزن 29.5 - 223.85 جم ،و نسبة الإصابة في فصلي الربيع والخريف 100% وفصل الشتاء 86% وفصل الصيف61.5 % ، وجدت أن النمو في الأسماك المصابة باللومتري سالب وغير المصابة باللومتري موجب،كما ظهر أن معامل الحالة الصحية انخفض خلال فصلي الربيع والخريف .
هالة محمد الاسود(5-2022)

دراسة المحتوى الغذائي و نشاط التغذية لنوعين من أسماك الصاورو Trachurus trachurus (Linneaus,758) & Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) في جنوب البحر المتوسط )الساحل الليبي الغربي(.

تم تجميع 235 عينة من النوعين منها 128من النوع Trachurus trachurusو107 منTrachurus mediterraneus من الساحل الغربي الممتد من ساحل مدينة صرمان شرقاً إلى رأس أجدير غرباً ودرس محتوى المعدة والنشاط الغذائي باستخدام مؤشر الأهمية النسبية ومعامل الانفراغ و قياس معامل الحالة الغذائية خلال فصلي الشتاء والربيع ،وجد أن النوع T. trachurus يتغذى على القشريات (shrimp , isopoda) و يرقة Megalop larvae و الديدان الحلقية (polychaeta)، اما النوع T.mediterraneus يتغذى على Teleostei،و القشريات و يرقاتها Shirmp,Isopoda,megalop larvae) ) , كان الغذاء الرئيسي للنوعين القشريات والغذاء العرضي الديدان متعددة الأشواك ، كما أن نشاط التغذية ونوع الغذاء يتأثر بتغير الفصل .
هالة محمد الاسود(12-2021)

تصنيف الأخطبوط في الساحل الغربي الليبي لمدينتي صرمان وصبراتة.

هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى معرفة الأنواع المنتشرة في الساحل الغربي الليبي ، وتحديد النسبة بين الجنسين ( ذكور و إناث )، وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود ثلاثة أنواع من الأخطبوطات في الساحل الغربي لمدنيتي صرمان،وصبراتة وهي: Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier,1797)و Eledonemoschata (Lamarck,798)وPteroctopustetracirr-hus (DelleChiaje,1830) و كان مدى الأطوال الكلي لها 18-78سم، 29- 46سم ،32- 71سم على التوالي،وكان النوع O.vulgaris أكثر انتشاراً،وكانت نسبة الإناث أعلى من الذكور .
هالة محمد الاسود(9-2020)

Financial Assessment and The Impact of Government Incentives on Contract Broiler Farming in Peninsular Malaysia

The broiler industry in Peninsular Malaysia has undertaken significant structural changes; mainly there has been a gradual move towards contract farming with an increasing number of broiler farmers working under contract arrangements for commercial firms and integrators. DVS indicated that the broiler contract farming system dominated around 75% of the domestic broiler production in Malaysia. Private Profitability plays a vital role in the sustainability of the broiler industry. To enhancement the agricultural performance in the country, the Malaysian government has been introduced several policies. Financial profitability is gauged using three agriculture incentives namely Pioneer Status (PS), Investment Tax Allowance (ITA) and Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA). Though, the lack of effectiveness of the program is still of concern to the agricultural sector given the significance of poultry in Malaysia. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which those incentives affect the feasibility of the industry and financially assisting the viability of the project of contract farming in Peninsular Malaysia. Financial evaluation instruments were used to compute the assessment of firm’s financial projection mainly, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PBP) and Profitability Index (PI). The questionnaire used as a tool for data collection and a face-to-face interview was organized for the 206 broiler contract farmers as respondents. The result reveals that the stock farmers who involve in contract farming are viable; highly profitable and rapidly recover its initial investment Moreover, with Government Incentives, the …
Zineb Abdulaker Benalywa , Mohd Mansor Ismail , Mad Nasir Shamsudin , Zulkornain Yusop (11-2018)
publisher's website

Competitiveness of Malaysia’s Palm-Based Finished Products.

The palm oil industry is one of the key economic drivers and contributors to Malaysia's national economy. Currently, Malaysian palm oil products are exported to more than 150 countries worldwide. However, the industry faces significant challenges, including labor shortages and declining cultivable lands due to deforestation and environmental degradation concerns. For this purpose, this study aims to assess Malaysia's relative trade competitiveness in palm-based finished products using the Revealed Trade Advantage (RTA). The export of high-value-added downstream products could hopefully help improve the country's export, national income, and overall quality of life.
Zineb Abdulaker Benalywa , Zulkornain Yusop , Norashida Othman(3-2022)
publisher's website

Impact of technology and government incentives on the performance of broiler contract farming in johor

Broiler farming project valuation has been widely assessed although contract farming term has not been considered. This study tends to evaluate the government incentives’ impact on the broiler contract farming in Johor (the leading chicken producer in Peninsular Malaysia) under different technologies using capital budgeting techniques. The study surveyed 70 farms in Johor. The result demonstrated that broiler contract farming overall was financially viable. These results showed that by using closed technology, the chance to provide higher profit and reduce the business risk is visible. Moreover, when the government executed tax incentives, the feasibility of the project is significantly enhanced.
Zineb Abdulaker Benalywa , Mohd Mansor Ismail , Mad Nasir Shamsudin , Zulkornain Yusop (1-2019)
publisher's website


In this paper, the level of competitiveness and comparative advantages of broiler meat products from Malaysia and selected counties have been analysed. The level of competitive advantage was measured using four different indices: RXA, RTA, ln RXA, and RC for a period from 2009 to 2017. For each index, the existence of a correlation between them has been investigated to ascertain which of the four chicken meat products stand out with a definite competitive advantage. This research establishes the presence of the international trade market share with products from the Malaysian broiler industry. The results found that, in Malaysia, only HS020712 (whole chickens and capons, frozen) showed an increase in competitiveness over the period 2012 to 2017.
Zineb Abdulaker Benalywa , Mohd Mansor Ismail , Mad Nasir Shamsudin , Zulkornain Yusop (1-2019)
publisher's website

Assessing the comparative advantage of broiler production in Peninsular Malaysia using policy analysis matrix

Broiler meat is the largest and cheapest protein source in Malaysia. Using the policy analysis matrix (PAM), this study examines the comparative advantage of broiler production in Peninsular Malaysia. Three hundred and ten farms in Peninsular Malaysia were involved in a field survey. The results of the domestic resource cost (DRC) show that Malaysia has a comparative advantage in all scales of broiler production. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the changes in input prices have a significant effect on comparative advantage. Nonetheless, the industry should reduce its dependence on corn-based feed, which is expensive and has an unstable price, to increase competitiveness in further securing its comparative advantage.
Zineb Abdulaker Benalywa , Mohd Mansor Ismail , Mad Nasir Shamsudin , Zulkornain Yusop (2-2019)
publisher's website