Mr. abdouraofalosif

Department of Forest faculty of Agriculture

Full name

Mr. abdouraof mustafa omr alosif


Master degree

Academic Rank

Assistant Lecturer


Contact Information

روابط التواصل


الكل منذ 2017


Master degree

4 ,2015


Effect of Minerals and Biofertilization on Growth of Acacia saligna Seedlings

ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to figure out the effect of some fertilizers on the growth parameters of Acacia saligna seedlings. This study was carried for 14 months at the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria-Egypt. In this study, six levels of mineral fertilization treatments were used [F0-F5]. The results of this study showed that Acacia saligna seedlings treated with F2 & F3 fertilizers recorded the highest shoot height, whereas, treatment with F1 fertilizer displayed the highest leaf dry weight [9.729 g.], such treatment has no significant differences of that treated with F0 [control]. Moreover, treatment by F1 fertilizer showed the highest value of shoot / root ratio [4.793]. Whereas, treatment with F1 & F2 fertilizers showed the highest leaf number / plant. Seedlings fertilized with F1 & F2 displayed the highest total dry weight [26.067 & 25.630 g.] respectively. In addition to that, seedlings of Acacia saligna treated with halex biofertilizer showed no significant effect on the growth parameter, but its affect can be observed when mixed with mineral fertilizer as in treatment F4
abdouraof mustafa omr alosif(5-2020)
Publisher's website

Effect of Mineral and Biofertilizers on Nutritional Values of Acacia salignaSeedlings

The present study was conducted to figure out the effect of some mineral and biofertilizers on nutritional value of Acacia saligna seedlings. This study was carried for 14 months at the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University-Egypt. Three commercial mineral fertilizers were used in this study: Urea, Calcium superphosphate, and Potassium sulphate as a source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). In this study, six levels of mineral fertilization treatments were used [F0-F5]. The results of this study showed that Acacia saligna seedlings treated with F2& F3 fertilizers recorded the highest value of crude protein, whereas, treatment with F2 fertilizer showed the highest value of crude fat. In addition to that, the lowest content of crude fat was found in the seedlings of Acacia saligna treated with F5 (halexbiofertilizer). Seedlings treated with F4 fertilizer showed no significant difference in content of crude protein from that treated with F5fertilizer. i.e., the crude protein and crude fat were found to respond to mineral fertilizers, whereas, crude fiber and total ash are not effected by adding fertilizers.
Abduraof Mustafa Omar Alosif(4-2021)
Publisher's website