المستودع الرقمي لـكلية الاقتصاد و العلوم السياسية

احصائيات كلية الاقتصاد و العلوم السياسية

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The Treaty of Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Libya and Italy: From an Awkward Past to a Promising Future

On August 30, 2008 in Benghazi, Libya and Italy signed the Treaty on Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation,2 after a long negotiating process that began under previous Italian governments and was signed by the contemporary Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. The treaty entered into force on March 2, 2009, when ratifications were exchanged during Prime Minister Berlusconi’s visit to Libya. The signing of the Benghazi Treaty by the Italian and Libyan leaders resulted in varied reactions from politicians, scholars, commentators, and prominent figures from international organizations.3 While some may have opposed or had reservations on certain provisions of the treaty, others supported it and considered it a first step towards the process of narrowing the gap of differences between the two sides. As the Benghazi Treaty is a bilateral partnership agreement, it reflects political-security, economic-financial, and social-cultural dimensions simultaneously. But, the description and analysis of the Benghazi Treaty reflect the methodological aspects of this study; therefore, the next subsection will explore the dimension of data and methodology. arabic 20 English 101
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2010)
موقع المنشور

The Treaty of Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Libya and Italy: The Forgotten Past and the Promising Future

The Treaty of Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Libya and Italy represents a new era for both countries. Italy apologized for its colonial heritage in Libya and pledged to finance a highway in the Western into the Western border with five-hundred million Euro arabic 19 English 103
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2009)

The Impact of Arab Nationalism upon Arab Solidarity in the New Millennium: Reality and Dimension

Arab's nationalism unifies the Arab countries to vote as one block when their common interests are involved. This study examines this assumption by examining the voting behavior of the Arab states on issues of common concern. arabic 15 English 81
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2009)

Towards an EU-Libyan Agreement that Serves the Interests of Both Parties

Despite the criticism of the EU-Libyan Agreement, it may say it Serves the Interests of Both Parties. Collaboration with the European Union enhance the role of Libya in regional and global politics. arabic 11 English 61
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2009)

The Coordination and Cooperation of the Arab States Towards the Process of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

As a result of the negative effect of the Barcelona process, the Arab states increased their level of coordination and cooperation. Bilateral and multilateral joins meeting is noticeably increased. arabic 14 English 91
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2021)

The Impact of Globalization upon Africa

The Impact of Globalization upon Africa is a new phenomenon examined by scholars. While some scholars argues that globalization has a positive effects other emphasizes the opposite impact. However, globalization left both positive and negative effects on political and economic levels. arabic 5 English 34
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2021)

The Role of the IMF in the International Debt Management: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa

The IMF is playing a crucial role in the process of International Debt crisis Management .of the Sub-Saharan Africa The IMF developed a cohesive structural program to achieve economic growth in developing countries. Decreasing the public sector and increasing the taxes are among the most requiring conditions for the African countries. arabic 18 English 72
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1995)
موقع المنشور

The Voting Behavior of UN Clusters: A Conceptual Dimension of Voting Cohesion

A Conceptual Dimension of Voting Cohesion help scholars to understand the dynamic interactions among voting clusters on the one hand and the United Nations politics on the other hand. Thus, this study developed a theoretical framework to understand the voting behavior of different clusters on the levels of the UN, group, and state. The voting behavior may be described and analyzed according to sub-groups, issue clusters, voting agreement, and voting distinctiveness arabic 12 English 65
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1992)