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المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ودورها في تعزيز سوق العمل. ( الواقع والرؤية المستقبلية )

تناول الباحث في هذه الدراسة ، المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ودورها في دعم سوق العمل ( دراسة حالة ليبيا ) كأحد السياسات للقضاء على البطالة والفقر والاستفادة من الموارد البشرية المعطلة، حيث يعتبر العنصر البشري ذو أهمية إستراتيجية فاعله ومؤثرة على النمو الاقتصادي في مختلف المجالات وذلك من خلال التعرض إلى البنود التالية : 1 – المفاهيم الأساسية في المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة. 2 – المتغيرات العالمية وأثرها على المشروعات الصغيرة. 3 – واقع المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في ليبيا. 4 – آفاق تطوير المشروعات الصغيرة وانعكاسها على سوق العمل في ليبيا. وقد أوصت الدراسة بتوصيات أهمها : تأسيس مراكز دعم للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة مناط بها : * تقديم الخدمات الاستشارية للمشاريع القائمة والجديدة، تعريفها بالفرص التجارية والتسويقية. * توفير المعلومات المتعلقة بالنشاط الاقتصادي وحركة السوق وتغيراته ووضعية المنافسين ومصادر الحصول على المواد الأولية والمعدات والتكنولوجيا ومعلومات عن الموارد البشرية. * إعداد دراسات ميدانية حول المشاكل التي تواجه المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، والقيام بإيجاد الحلول لهذه المشروعات. arabic 100 English 0
د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم(12-2012)

Using agile practice under the CD-ERP model: A hybrid approach

This paper examines the applicability of agile practice in the Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (CD-ERP) Model. This model has been proposed as a solution to develop Information Systems (ISs) for public universities in Libyan Higher Education (LHE) following the community-source paradigm and based on ERP. The study took place between 2016 and 2020. The purpose of the article is to discuss the possible impact and success of implementing agile practice in such an environment, while a hybrid approach involving agile practice and a predictive method was introduced. The risks and challenges associated with adopting the CD-ERP model are discussed using a SWOT analysis. Finally, the lessons learnt, recommendations, and directions for future work are presented. arabic 11 English 51
موقع المنشور

Using the SERVQUAL model to assess service quality and students' satisfaction: (an empirical study of the online registration system at the University of Tripoli)

This paper comes as a part of an exploratory study with a goal to investigate the applicability of Collaboratively-Developed, Enterprise Resource Planning [ERP](a CD-ERP Approach) within Libyan public universities. The purpose of the research presented was to evaluate the new online system launched recently at the University of Tripoli (UOT) in order to investigate 1) what students expect from such a service, 2) whether or not they are satisfied with the service offered, 3) how important security issues are to the users. To answer these questions, quantitative data was collected using questionnaires based on the instruments of the SERVQUAL model via online questionnaires. Based on our results, students' expectations were higher than their perceptions of the quality of the services (QoS). The results indicate that students are obviously unsatisfied with the services provided by UOT's new online system. W arabic 27 English 135
موقع المنشور

Approach to the Methodological Assessment of the Performance of Information Systems at Libyan Universities (Based on Multiple Case Studies)

The CD-ERP model describes an approach to the collaborative development (CD) of information systems based on the framework of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This approach is proposed to solve the problem of IS development in Libyan Higher Education (LHE). This paper presents an assessment of IS performance at three Libyan Universities. The findings from these cases are analysed and discussed on the basis of selected models. This analysis indicates that the level of both the ISs implemented in LHE and the capability for in-house system development is low. arabic 20 English 119
موقع المنشور

An Empirical Analysis of Critical Success Factors for CD-ERP Model

Collaboratively-Developed ERP (CD-ERP) is an intermediate model between two well-known models, namely: closed-and open-source systems. This model is based on the community-source paradigm and ERP packages. It has been proposed for Libyan higher education (LHE) to be governed by a consortium of LHE institutions. To investigate the applicability of this model in LHE, this paper presents an analysis of critical success factor (CSFs) based on both a review of the relevant literature and lessons learnt from similar projects. Using the literature review, the title of the model was proposed on the basis of its fundamental elements. Cases of other projects which follow a similar approach show that communitysource has been adopted by many universities and government bodies worldwide. Also, many of the issues observed in such projects are similar to those that appear in the literature, especially in regards to distributed and collaboratively working environments. arabic 10 English 56
موقع المنشور

Evaluation of the Performance of Information Systems Implemented at the University of Tripoli, Libya

Evaluating the performance of information systems (ISs) has emerged from the increasing influence of information technology on the effectiveness and efficiency of work processes in an organization (Bryman and Bell 2007). The aim of the overall study is to overcome a lack in the literature regarding the assessment of information systems (IS) in Libyan Higher Education (LHE), especially universities. The aim of this initial article is to focus on the University of Tripoli (UOT), a study that will be extended to other Libyan public universities. A description of the study, its significance and objectives and the methodology followed are presented, together with an analysis of the findings on the basis of appropriately chosen models. Finally, we assess the current level of ISs implemented in UOT by analyzing the findings based on these models. arabic 14 English 86
موقع المنشور

A Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (CD-ERP) Approach in Libyan Higher Education

Like other HE institutes in the world, Libyan universities have continuously been working on developing their own ISs or adopting commercial solutions. Both models have shown negative results to some degree. This research was aimed, therefore, to introduce a new model, called: Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (CD-ERP) to be applied in Libyan Higher Education (LHE). Generally, the model is based on two main principles: ERP packages and community-source. This study comes as the conclusion to a series of studies in a project to assess the CD-ERP model. After investigating the applicability of this model in the Libyan context, a CD-ERP model for LHE is proposed in this paper, including: the business model of the consortium, cloud architecture, alongside several recommendations for successful and efficient transformation from the current systems to the CD-ERP model. arabic 14 English 87
موقع المنشور

Information Management in a Collaboratively-Developed Approach to Enterprise Resource Planning – A Higher Education Perspective

This paper comes as a part of an exploratory study with the goal of investigating the applicability of Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (the CD-ERP Approach) within Libyan public universities. Since it is being proposed in order to overcome the topical issue of Information System (IS) development in Libyan Higher Education (LHE), Libyan universities were investigated to assess IS performance using the approach of methodological assessment. Accordingly, three public universities were chosen to be studied, namely: the University of Tripoli (UOT), Misurata University (MU) and Sirte University (SU). UOT was run as an initial study to identify practical problems in conducting a formal study. Previous papers have discussed the formal study, in which a methodological assessment of IS performance at Libyan universities was conducted. The findings from all three cases are discussed and analysed on the basis of selected techniques and models. This analysis indicates the low level of the ISs implemented in LHE at university-level, as well as the lack of system development capabilities within these universities. This paper focuses on the management of information flow between universities during student exchange. Business process maps are presented and improvements based on the CD-ERP approach are proposed. arabic 18 English 111
Tareq Almigheerbi(1-2020)
موقع المنشور