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Bacteriology Screening of Roasted and Raw Chicken Sold in Tripoli

Aims: This work was carried out to screen for the presence of bacteria in roasted chicken sold in the market, poultries shop and restaurants in Tripoli. Study Design: A total of 25 roasted chicken and 25 raw chicken parts randomly collected from different selling points in Tripoli. Place and Duration of Study: Microbiology laboratory in microbiology and immunology department in the faculty of pharmacy in university of Tripoli, January 2013 to September 2013. Methodology: Bacteriologically examined using the standard microbiological method according to Based on the colonial morphological and biochemical test, the following bacteria species were isolated. Results: Prevalence of Salmonella was higher in raw chicken samples (100%) compared to the roasted one (28%), E. coli was detected in both raw and roasted chicken (32%), whereas Shigella and E. coli O157:H7 were detected only in roasted chicken [(8%) and (24%)] respectively. Conclusion: The study found that the raw chicken samples were more susceptible to bacterial contamination than the roasted chicken samples, therefore special strategies are needed to decrease the prevalence of bacterial pathogens in chicken samples present in Tripoli area. Therefore good handling/hygiene in processing and preheating of roasted chicken before consumption is recommended.
Basma Mohamed K Doro(1-2022)
موقع المنشور

وثيقة اخلاقيات لبحث لعلمي

ا كان لإلنسان أن يخطو، يف فترة وجيزة تقارب القرن من الزمن، هذه اخلطوات العمالقة يف مجال العلوم واملعرفة، بدون البحث العلمي الرصني الذي يعتمد الطريقة العلمية يف التفكير، وليس غريبا أن تكون إحدى أهم ركائز تصنيف اجلامعات العاملية مدى قدرة اجلامعة على اإلسهام الفاعل يف إثراء املعرفة االنسانية من خالل ما جتريه من بحوث. وانطالقا من اإلحساس مبسؤولياتها، ويف سبيل السعي إلى احلصول على موطأ قدم لها بني جامعات العالم، شكلت جامعة طرابلس جلنة من أساتذتها؛ لوضع مشروع وثيقة ألخالقيات البحث العلمي داخلها تلزم باحثيها اتباع االشتراطات، واملعايير، واملتطلبات األخالقية املنبثقة أس�اس�ا م�ن املفاهيم وامل�ب�ادئ العليا التي تقوم عليها املجتمعات، وتقرها الديانات واألعراف والتشريعات والثقافة واملواثيق الدولية ذات العالقة والتي تضبط وتنظم السلوك اإلنساني وتصنف املمارسات واألفعال والعالقات والسياسات، فيما إذا كانت مقبولة، أو غير مقبولة، ولتحافظ على أعلى مستوى ممكن من الشفافية واملصداقية يف العملية البحثية.
بسمة محمد خليفة دورو, خالد الهادي عبدالسلام الرفاعي, عبدالكريم امحمد احمد احتاش, محمد عبدالسلام محمد القريو , محمود احمد امحمد الديك, ضو خليفة محمد الترهوني, (1-2017)
موقع المنشور

 Effect of Ciprofloxacin on S. aureus and E. coli Growth in Presence of Vitamin C Using Cup Cut Diffusion Method

Abstract: Ciprofloxacin is a second-generation of fluoroquinolone, broad-spectrum antibiotic with bactericidal activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. It is one of the most widely used antibiotics, because of its efficacy, safety, and relatively low cost. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is water-soluble monosaccharide antioxidant; it is essentially required by the body for its various biochemical and physiological processes. S. aureus is Gram-positive cocci; widely distributed in the environment, it is a member of the normal flora of the body. S. aureus is not always pathogenic; it is a common cause of skin infections including abscesses, respiratory infections such as sinusitis, and food poisoning. E. coli is Gram-negative bacteria, found in the environment, foods, and intestines. Most E. coli strains are harmless; it is part of the normal microbiota of the gut. However, some serotypes of E. coli cause serious food poisoning in their hosts; it can cause diarrhea, while others cause urinary tract infections, respiratory illness and pneumonia, and other illnesses. Method: Cup cut diffusion method was applied. Experiment I: is carried out to choose the concentration of vitamin C to be used in experiment II. The negative control is normal saline, added in cup in each plate, vitamin C (100 mg/mL, 200 mg/mL, 400 mg/mL) was added, the volume in each cup was 100 μL. Experiment II: Eight groups of treatments were applied. The first is the negative control (1% normal saline), the second group is the positive control of vitamin C (200 mg/mL). The third, fourth and fifth groups are ciprofloxacin with different concentrations (10 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL); the sixth, seventh and eighth are the combination of vitamin C with each concentration of ciprofloxacin (10 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL). Each group includes six petri dishes. Bacterial plates were incubated at 37 o C for 24 h and 48 h. Zone of inhibition is measured in mm. Results and conclusion: Ciprofloxacin produces dose dependent increase in zone of inhibition of S. aureus and E. coli growth, after 24 and 48 hours incubation. While vitamin C in the concentration used produced inhibitory effect on the growth of S. aureus and E. coli, after 24 hours incubation, vitamin C effect was not changed after 48 hours incubation. After 24 hours incubation, vitamin C potentiated the effect of ciprofloxacin at low concentration (10 mg/mL); while vitamin C antagonized the effect of ciprofloxacin at higher concentrations (20 and 40 mg/mL) on S. aureus growth. In the same time, ciprofloxacin antagonized the inhibitory effect of vitamin C on S. aureus growth. After 48 hours incubation, S. aureus produced resistance against ciprofloxacin alone, and that combined with vitamin C compared to zone of inhibition after 24 hours. Ciprofloxacin produced dose dependent inhibition of E. coli growth after incubation for 24 and 48 hours. Vitamin C potentiated the inhibitory effect induced by ciprofloxacin (additive effect). The inhibitory effect of ciprofloxacin, vitamin C and the combination was not changed after 48 hours compared to 24 hours.
Bassma M. Doro, Suhera M. Aburawi(7-2019)
موقع المنشور

Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of Libyan Globularia alypum

Aims. The aim of this study was to assess the phytochemical screening and antibacterial effect of the aerial parts of G. alypum cultivated in Libya. Methods. The methanolic extract of G. alypum (at concentrations 100 mg/ml, 300 mg/ml, 500 mg/ml and 700 mg/ml) were tested against 13 different strains of standard bacteria (ATCC) by four different methods; paper disc diffusion method, well diffusion method, broth dilution method and finally study the effect of extract on growth curve of bacterial cell were studied. Results. The results of phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, phenols, reducing sugars, tannins, saponins, coumarins, steroids, terpenoids, carotenoids, antraquinones and glycosides. While the results of antibacterial tests showed remarkable inhibition of the bacterial growth, with maximum inhibition on growth of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus aureus. Moderate effect on growth of Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Aeromonas hydrophila and Salmonella poona. While, the lowest inhibition showed in Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes. However, the extract did not have any effect on Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium and Klabsiella pneumonia. Conclusion. The methanolic extract of Globularia alypumaerial parts contain the most important constituents with positive results during phytochemical screening, and have antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Basma Doro, Abdulruzag Auzi, Suad Shanab(5-2021)
موقع المنشور

Screening of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and Risk factors among Patients in Asabieh City, Libya

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Risk factors include consumption of undercooked meat, raw vegetables, and unfiltered water. Aim: This study aims to screen antibodies titer in toxoplasmosis positive patients in Asabieh city in Libya and to screen risk factors associated with infection in this area. Study design: Data were collected using a cross-sectional design. Study Duration and Location: Data were collected from patients of different ages and gendersattending Ali Omar Ascar hospital, Asabieh, during the period of January 2017 to January 2018. Methodology: A single blood sample was collected from 150 patients and spun at 3000 rpm to obtain serum. The serum samples were analysedto detect anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies using enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA, BioChec) kit according to manufacturer’s instructions. A self-structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on farm animal’s contact, the process of vegetables washing, meatcooking, Water resource and raw water consumption. Results: The total seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis was 78.6%,out of which IgG and IgM were 68%, and 77.4% respectively. Several risk factors were identified, including daily contact with farm animals (82.6% were +ve, P = .0.01), unfiltered water (61.3% were +ve; P = 0.003). Conclusion: asabieh area showed a high prevalence of toxoplasmosis, and many environmental risk factors associated with the infection as animal hosts, human lifestyle were also identified, that could help to reduce the risk of spreading and transmission of infection among the populations in the future.
Basma Doro, Hend Shubar, Asma Ramadan, Badereddin Annajar(8-2019)
موقع المنشور

3D-printable alkali-activated concretes for building applications: A critical review

The construction sector has embraced digitalization and industrialization to boost production, reduce material consumption, and improve workmanship. The 3D-printed concrete technology (3DPCT), more broadly recognized as the design of a 3D object via a computer-aided design (CAD) model or a digital 3D model, has accelerated considerable progress in these areas in other industries. Although 3DPCT has advanced remarkably in recent years, producing an appropriate 3D printing material that improves performance while reducing material consumption, which is really important for CO2 reduction, is urgently needed. The present 3DPCT faces many obstacles, one of which is the limited range of printable concretes. To tackle this limitation, extensive studies on developing creative approaches for formulating alkali-activated materials (AAMs) for 3DPCT for modern building applications have been conducted. AAMs are maintainable substitutive binders to ordinary Portland cement. Therefore, the need to undertake a comprehensive literature review on the current status of AAM performance on 3D-printable concretes for building applications is substantial. This article comprehensively reviews the quality requirements, advantages, disadvantages, common techniques, delivery, and placement of 3DCP. This literature also delivers indepth reviews on the behaviors and the properties of AAM-based concrete composites used in 3D-printed construction. Moreover, research trends are moving toward a wide-ranging understanding concerning the economic benefits and the environmental footprints of 3DCP for building applications with AAMs as suitable concrete materials for the emerging robust eco-friendly concrete composite for digital construction constructions nowadays. Given the merits of the study, several hotspot research topics for future investigations are also provided for facilitating the wide use of 3DPCT in real applications to address rapidly the gap between demand and supply for smart and cost-effective homes for upcoming generations.
Hakim S. Abdelgader(2-2022)
موقع المنشور

الأمن الانساني في ليبيا: المفهوم والأبعاد

يعود الاهتمام بموضوع الامن الانساني الي منشورات البرنامج الانمائي للأمم المتحدة منذ تسعينيات القرن الماضي (1994)، حيث خصص قسم ملحوظ من تقارير التنمية البشرية لذلك الغرض. كما يشرف البرنامج الانمائي للأمم المتحدة على اصدار تقرير التنمية الانسانية العربية (أخر طبعة 2016) بقصد تسريع عملية التنمية البشرية العربية، لكن اصدراته غير منتظمة بسبب عدم الاستقرار في المنطقة العربية. ويركز مفهوم الأمن الانساني الذي يعني حماية البشر من اية مخاوف او تهديدات تمس حياتهم اليومية في المجالات المختلفة وذلك على مستويين هما: 1- الوقاية من الاحداث اليومية التي تهدد حياة البشر 2- الوقاية من التهديدات المتعلقة بحياة وحاجات الافراد اليومية المشكلة محل الدراسة: يشير تقرير اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر إلي مشكلة الأمن الانساني في ليبيا في الاتي: 1,3 مليون شخص يحتاجون إلى مساعدات إنسانية. وأكثر من 200000 شخص (3% من السكان) نازحون داخليًا حسب التقديرات ؛ فقد العديد منهم منازلهم بسبب الضربات الجوية واستخدام المدفعية الثقيلة في المناطق المأهولة بالسكان. كما تعاني المستشفيات نقصًا مزمنًا في الإمدادات الطبية، بل وخرج 20% منها من الخدمة. وتصاعدت الأنشطة الإجرامية، بما فيها الخطف والتهريب والاتجار بالبشر والاحتجاز لطلب الفدية، في جميع أنحاء البلاد. عليه يمكن الاشارة الي اشكالية الدراسة في مجموعة الاسئلة التالية: هل هناك انعدام للأمن الانساني في ليبيا؟ وما هي مكامن ضعف وتحديات الامن الانساني في ليبيا؟ وما هي سيناريوهات الامن الانساني في ليبيا؟ وللإجابة على الاسئلة السالفة الذكر، سيتم تقسيم الورقة إلي الي المحاور الأربعة التالية: أولا، مفهوم الأمن الانساني أو البشري. ثانيا، علاقة ليبيا كدولة شبه فاشلة بالأمن الانساني في ليبيا. ثالثا، بيئة الأمن الإنساني في ليبيا ما بعد القدافي. رابعا، سيناريوهات الأمن البشري في ليبيا
مصطفى عبد الله خشيم(12-2021)
موقع المنشور

Combating Illegal Migration: MoU Between Libya and Italy

The Politics of irregular immigration in Italy is a dynamic process since the early 1990s when human trafficking and illegal migration became salient issues on the national, regional, and global levels. Italy’s migration policy interacts and adapts to the internal and external variables. Immediate questions may ask by scholars, such as what are the internal and external dimensions of Italy’s migration policy? Is the Libyan crisis affects the Politics of Irregular Immigration in Italy? Is Italy’s national interest navigates its migration policy more than its regional and global commitments? This study assumes that the Libyan crisis influences Italy’s migration policy. While this study deals with the Libyan crisis as the independent variable, Italy’s immigration policy deals with it as the dependent variable. Accordingly, this study is dividing into four main sections: Italy’s migration policy, the external dimension of Italy’s migration policy, the impact of Libya’s crisis on Italy’s migration policy, and a conclusion.
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(12-2021)
موقع المنشور