المستودع الرقمي لـجامعة طرابلس

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Hamza, A., Mcafee, A., Ahmad, A. (2022). Diversity of Birds in Bidong Island. In: Chuan, O.M., Martin, M.B., Nurulnadia, M.Y., Afzan Azmi, W. (eds) Bidong Island. Geography of the Physical Environment. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91924-5_8

Bidong Island is one of the least known islands in terms of birds; very few surveys have been conducted on this island. The island is part of a small archipelago called Bidong Laut, located to the northwest of Kuala Terengganu, on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. A total count of 30 bird species, from 19 families and 25 genera were found on this island between 2006 and 2020. Collected data (nine days) were analysed for biodiversity indices. Alpha diversity indices showed variations among sampling years, Simpson 1-D range 0.76–0.89; Shannon (H) range 1.74–2.48; species richness 8–16 species; dominance (D) range 0.11–0.24. Species richness estimators indicate that more species can be added with additional sampling and better coverage of the island area. The relatively low avian species richness compared to other east coast islands is discussed. Further surveys during migration season can reveal the importance of this island as a stop over site for several migratory species.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza, Anuar McAfee, Amiruddin Ahmad(2-2022)
موقع المنشور

Hamza, A., Hisham, A. S., Suratman, S., Bidai, J. A., & Shazili, N. A. B. M. (2021). Trace elements in feathers and eggshells of two tropical seabirds from Malaysia. Marine Ornithology, 49, 335-341.

Seabird feathers and eggshells are used as bio-monitors for trace metal contamination. Eleven trace element concentrations in wing primaries (n = 21) and eggshells (n = 8) are reported herein for two resident seabirds, Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus and Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana, at Pulau Ling and Pulau Tokung Burung, Malaysia. Metal concentration followed the pattern Zn > Cr > Mn > Sr > Cu > Se > Ba > Pb > Cd > Ga > Li. Significant positive correlations existed among all trace metals, except for Cr in Black-naped Tern and Li and Cd in Bridled Tern feathers. We also analyzed metal concentrations in eggshells, and for Bridled Tern, the concentration pattern was Zn > Mn > Se > Sr > Ba > Pb > Co > Cu > Cd, whereas for Black-naped Tern it was Cr > Zn > Mn > Ba > Sr > Se > Cu> Co > Pb. A pairwise positive correlation was significant among most trace metals in feather samples, indicating synergistic effects of two or more elements. More studies are needed to build a baseline database of trace metal concentrations in seabirds of Southeast Asia, as little research on this subject has been conducted in this region.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(1-2022)
موقع المنشور

Elkrew, H., Ahmad, A., & Hamza, A. (2021). First Record Of Eriovixia poonaensis (Tikader & Bal, 1981) (Araneae: Araneidae) In Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(6), 123-127.

Mangrove spiders are poorly studied in Malaysia. Available data have been primarily limited to the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In the present work, we report the first record of a spider species for Peninsular Malaysia, the Orb-weaver spider Eriovixia poonaensis (Tikader & Bal, 1981), from Setiu Wetlands in Terengganu state, on the east coast of the peninsula.
Abdulmula Abdumagid Alhadi Hamza(8-2021)

Hamza, A., Khir, M. A. M., Rusli, M. U., & Ibrahim, Y. S. (2020). Microplastic occurrence in seaturtle nesting beach sediments from Terengganu. Malaysia Journal of Green Engineering, 10, 5712-5729.

Data on the microplastic abundance in sea turtle nesting beaches of Southeast Asia are limited. We sampled four sea turtle nesting beaches in the northern and southern coastal areas of Terengganu, Malaysia between October and November 2018, to investigate microplastic abundance, shape, and colour at both high tide swash zone and dry dunes. Using optical observation, we isolated 2,489 microplastic items, belong to four types: Fibres, fragments, foam, and films. We found more microplastics at the high tide swash zone (58%) compared to the dune zone. Fibres were the most common shape (96.18%). Of the nine recognised colours found, black was the most abundant (35.64%) followed by transparent (24.53%). Of the sites investigated, those on the northern beaches had a higher abundance of microplastics. The causes of this difference were discussed. This study provides baseline data on microplastic contamination in Terengganu turtle nesting beaches. It highlights the need for further research to identify the effects on sea turtle nesting in this region
Abdulmaula Hamza(9-2020)

تقييم لمدى إصابة سمكة الصاورو (Linnaeus,1758) Trachurus trachrus بيرقة بالنيماتوداNematoda: Anisakidae) ) في جنوب البحر المتوسط (الساحل الليبي الغربي)

ركزت هذه الدراسة على نسبة إصابة الأسماك Trachurus trachrus (بيرقةNematoda: Anisakidae) وعلاقتها بالنمو، وتم تجميع 249 عينة عشوائية من الساحل الغربي الليبي ، وكانت نسبة إصابة الأسماك (بيرقةNematoda: Anisakidae) 91.6%خلال فترة الدراسة، و مدى الطول للأسماك المصابة 14.1-31سم ومدى الوزن 29.5 - 223.85 جم ،و نسبة الإصابة في فصلي الربيع والخريف 100% وفصل الشتاء 86% وفصل الصيف61.5 % ، وجدت أن النمو في الأسماك المصابة باللومتري سالب وغير المصابة باللومتري موجب،كما ظهر أن معامل الحالة الصحية انخفض خلال فصلي الربيع والخريف .
هالة محمد الاسود(5-2022)

دراسة المحتوى الغذائي و نشاط التغذية لنوعين من أسماك الصاورو Trachurus trachurus (Linneaus,758) & Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) في جنوب البحر المتوسط )الساحل الليبي الغربي(.

تم تجميع 235 عينة من النوعين منها 128من النوع Trachurus trachurusو107 منTrachurus mediterraneus من الساحل الغربي الممتد من ساحل مدينة صرمان شرقاً إلى رأس أجدير غرباً ودرس محتوى المعدة والنشاط الغذائي باستخدام مؤشر الأهمية النسبية ومعامل الانفراغ و قياس معامل الحالة الغذائية خلال فصلي الشتاء والربيع ،وجد أن النوع T. trachurus يتغذى على القشريات (shrimp , isopoda) و يرقة Megalop larvae و الديدان الحلقية (polychaeta)، اما النوع T.mediterraneus يتغذى على Teleostei،و القشريات و يرقاتها Shirmp,Isopoda,megalop larvae) ) , كان الغذاء الرئيسي للنوعين القشريات والغذاء العرضي الديدان متعددة الأشواك ، كما أن نشاط التغذية ونوع الغذاء يتأثر بتغير الفصل .
هالة محمد الاسود(12-2021)

تصنيف الأخطبوط في الساحل الغربي الليبي لمدينتي صرمان وصبراتة.

هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى معرفة الأنواع المنتشرة في الساحل الغربي الليبي ، وتحديد النسبة بين الجنسين ( ذكور و إناث )، وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود ثلاثة أنواع من الأخطبوطات في الساحل الغربي لمدنيتي صرمان،وصبراتة وهي: Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier,1797)و Eledonemoschata (Lamarck,798)وPteroctopustetracirr-hus (DelleChiaje,1830) و كان مدى الأطوال الكلي لها 18-78سم، 29- 46سم ،32- 71سم على التوالي،وكان النوع O.vulgaris أكثر انتشاراً،وكانت نسبة الإناث أعلى من الذكور .
هالة محمد الاسود(9-2020)

Isolation and Molecular Identification of Vibrio spp. by Sequencing of 16S rDNA from Seafood, Meat and Meat Products in Libya: A Descriptive Study

The main objective of this study was to characterize bacteria isolated from seafood, meat and meat products that may cause foodborne illnesses. We plan to use this data to help create a baseline for future research into foodborne illness in Libya. Several food-borne organisms in the genus Vibrio produce a variety of clinical disorders, including septicemia, cholera, and milder types of gastroenteritis. Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus are among the Vibrio spp. that are usually related with food-borne transmission. A total of 93 samples (Table 1) of seafood, meat and meat products that includes 21 of shrimps; 5 of clam; 20 of fish; 34 samples of raw meat (10 beef, 9 camel meat, 6 mutton and 9 chickens) and 13 samples of meat products (2 beef sausages, 5 beef burgers, 5 chicken burgers and 1 kebab) were randomly collected from different geographic localities in Libya [Tripoli, Regdalin (120 km west of Tripoli), Janzour (30 km west of Tripoli) and Tobruk (1400 km east of Tripoli)]. Each sample was 250 g in weight. Out of the 93 cultured samples only 48 (51.6%) yielded colonies on Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salt agar (TCBS) with culture characteristics of Vibrio spp. More than half (n=27) of processed seafood samples (n=46) yielded colonies on TCBS, while only 44.6% of samples of meat and meat products showed colonies on TCBS. Among cultured seafood samples, the highest bacterial count was recorded in clam with a count of 3.8 х10 4 CFU\g. Chicken burger samples showed the highest bacterial count with 6.5 х10 4 CFU\g. Molecular analysis of the isolates obtained in this study, showed that 11 samples out of 48 (22.9%) were Vibrio spp. Vibrio parahemolyticus was isolated from camel meat for the
Salah M. Azwai(1-2022)
موقع المنشور