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ميكانيكية المسابقات المركبة العشاري رجال – السباعي سيدات

مقدمة: تعتبر المسابقات المركبة للرجال او السيدات من الرياضات التنافسية الاساسية التى تحتل مكانة خاصة بين مسابقات الميدان والمضمار لانها تتطلب قدرات بدنية خاصة تتوافر فى افراد قلائل ،تبرز اهمية التدريب على المسابقات المركبة فى شمولها على جانبين مهمين اولهما كونها مسابقات تنافسية تستخدم وفق اسس تخضع الى قواعد تتعامل مع الجنس البشري وتعتمد على قواعد تربوية اما الجنب الثاني فتعتبر المسابقات المركبة من اقسام عروس فعاليات العاب القوى التى تهتم بالصحة العامة للفرد وفى اعمال مختلفة . فالتعليم الجيد والشامل والمتعدد يعتبر مهما فى جميع الالعاب والمسابقات الرياضية من اجل الوصول الى نتائج عالية ،لذلك فالتدريب على مسابقات العشاري للرجال والسيدات تعد من الوسائل المناسبة التى تؤثر على الاجهزة الحيوية وتنظم عمل الاجهزة بالجسم ،فالعدو وسباقات الحواجز والرمي والقفز والوثب تعتبر مكونات خاصة تتجمع لتكون مسابقات مركبة "عشاري رجال –سباعي سيدات ،فضلا عن ذلك فان مثل هذه المسابقات تعتبر من الرياضات الطبيعية فى حياة الانسان ،فالرياضي والطالب فى كليات التربية البدنية يمكن تحسين مستواه اثناء التدريب ،حيث يستطيع الوصول الى بناء الارادة والعزم فى تحقيق طموحات عامة ،وفائدة هذه المسابقات لا تنحصر فى اداء تلك الالعاب فقط بل تساعده فى تحقيق مستويات جيدة فى الالعاب والمسابقات الرياضية الاخرى. وكما هو معروف فان المسابقات المركبة تتكون من مجموعة سباقات للميدان والمضمار يمارس المتسابق خلال البطولة ،حيث يتطلب من الرياضي اكتساب الصفات البدنية الجيدة اضافة الى العوامل والجوانب الاخرى. المؤلفان arabic 106 English 0
د.قاسم حسن حسين - د.محمد علي عبد الرحيم(1-2001)
موقع المنشور

Distinguishing indicators and the percentage of its contribution to the level of achievement of the Libyan national team racers for The long jump

Summary Discriminatory indicators and the percentage of its contribution to the level of achievement of the Libyan national team racers for the long jump Introduction and research problem: - The study of science mechanical movement of the human body leads to identify many of the characteristics and features kinetic detailed minute, Analysis of the tracks kinetic any sporting activity is a guide to deal with all tasks associated with the development of performance for this activity through the recruitment of science related to man and his movement, and where the substance Calendar for any activity athlete is to know the nature and amount of changes that occur as the reform or amendment or guidance are a reaction to the evaluation process. You can use this format for several aspects of the contestants of "psychological, physical Bio-mechanic, INTRO Bo metric , psychology," and take advantage of them in the process of selection or training or guidance to predict the level of the sports national teams in Libya (2007), (2009). And the discriminatory use of indicators for the world champions is regarded as better in comparison between high levels of sports and the minimum level. (1995) (2), (2000) (14). Show the importance of scientific research when the use of documentary information or quantitative data recorded for the optimal performance through the analysis in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses in performance and review the sincerity of assumptions which are on the basis of work organization and development, Valoda the most effective is the one who achieves the highest sports results possible Aim: - To identify some indicators of discriminatory and the proportion of its contribution to the achievement level of the digital runners Libyan national team for the long jump. The most important measures: - Will use a descriptive approach based on imaging and analysis Bio-mechanic through the computer, Procedures study in the sports season 2012, and will be selected sample of the research the way intentional Champions team Libyan Athletics allocate long jump who are not less Distance for "6.5 meters" will analyze the performance of each contestant and extract indicators discriminatory basic (age, age training , weight, total length) and anthropometric indicators of discriminatory patterns of the body, some discriminatory physical indicators as well as indicators and kinematical level digital, and will use statistical package (spss) in light of the nature of the research and objectives. - Reasoning with some references of scientific research and access to the most important results - Identify the most important conclusions and recommendations - The most important references used to research arabic 22 English 123
: Mohamed. Ali. Abd Al Rahim Abd EL kafi. AbdELazez . ahmed Basher. Algntry (5-2014)

A study on the level of awareness of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students at the University of Tripoli on the myths and facts on Corona Virus (COVID – 19)

The study aimed to determine the level of awareness of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students at the University of Tripoli on the myths & facts on coronavirus (COVID – 19). Specifically, this study answered the following questions: 1)What are the Students’ Demographic profile in terms of Gender and Age? 2) What are the Students’ level of awareness of the myths & facts on coronavirus (COVID-19)? 3) Based on the results of the study, what measures can be formulated to increase the level of awareness of the students on coronavirus (COVID-19). The findings that the researcher was able to extract from the study were: 1) the frequency and percentage of the student’s demographic profile in terms of Gender, shows that female are mostly dominant which is 53 or 66.25% while the male is 27 or 33.75%. In terms of Age, where mostly belongs to the category of 21-23 years of age with 38 respondents or 47.5%, 18-20 years of age, 37 or 46.25% and 24-26 which is 5 or 6.25%.2) the results of the frequency and percentage of the Student’s level of awareness on the Facts and Myths of COVID-19 reveals that mostly 81.40% are aware of the facts on COVID-19, 16.71% are unaware and 1.87% are undecided. Predominantly, 50.20% of students answered “YES” on Myths on COVID-19 making them unaware of the Myths, 46.04% are aware and 3.75% are undecided 3) The measures that could be formulated to increase the level of awareness of the students are to conduct information dissemination campaign through symposiums, research forums and the use of IEC materials. Based on these findings, the researcher was able to conclude that the University of Tripoli - Faculty of Nursing are aware of the FACTS on COVID-19, however, it is worthwhile to note that misconceptions are high on the MYTHS aspect thus there is really an urgent need to correct these misconceptions so as to contribute on measures to end this pandemic. arabic 37 English 128
Maria Cristina Arboleda-Tinay, Dr. Ebtisam Ayad Ben Omran, Evelyn Macasieb, Leonora Tilda Lesaca, Jane Fabian, Lamour Laureta, Joyce Juanita De Vera(1-2020)
موقع المنشور

Risk calculation of developing type 2 diabetes in Libyan adults

The aim of this study was to identify nationals at risk of developing type 2 diabetes within the next 10 years in some areas across Tripoli Health Authority in Libya. In this questionnaire‐based survey, a total of 400 Libyan nationals of both genders were randomly selected from seven areas across the central area of Tripoli Health Authority (Soug El‐Juma, Zawet Dahmani, Al‐Furnaj, Ain Zara, Al‐Madena Centre, Al‐Dhahra Centre, and Noflean). All participants approached (400) completed the study and responded to the items of the survey. Based on a modified Finnish Type 2 Diabetes Risk Score test (FINDRISC), 129 (32.3%) were categorised as either at moderate or at high/very high risk of developing diabetes within the next 10 years of life. Among the 129 participants at risk, body mass index was >25 kg/m2 in 125 (96.9%) and waist circumferences were high (>88 cm for females;>102 cm for males) in almost 45% of the women and 22% of the men. We found that in the sample studied the risk of developing diabetes was clear, and there is no doubt that interventions to reduce such risk are a priority rather than a need. Diabetes has a great impact on the health of the nation and also on the future resources of the country in managing the disease and its complications; a health education/health campaign could be one good answer to tackle the problem. arabic 9 English 54
Hawa Juma El-Shareif(6-2009)
موقع المنشور

Prognostic indices for hospital mortality among Libyan diabetic patients

The pattern of diabetic deaths in the medical wards of Tripoli Medical Centre was retrospectively studied. During a three‐year period, 575 diabetic deaths occurred, accounting for 26.2% of all medical deaths. The mean age at death was 65.33±12.7 years. Cardiovascular disease (183 [31.8%]), cerebrovascular accidents (102 [17.7%]) and infection (83 [14.4%]) were the most common complications associated with diabetic deaths. Other causes were malignancy (10%), liver cirrhosis (5.6%), and acute diabetic complications (5%). Forty‐five (7.8%) deaths unaccountable for may be due to other unknown causes. Factors predictive of mortality, such as admission diagnosis of hyperosmolar non‐ketotic state, cerebrovascular disease, acute coronary syndromes or infection were associated with poor prognosis. Admission hyperglycaemia, old age, renal dysfunction and prior stroke were also associated with poor admission outcome. The excess mortality, mainly due to atherosclerotic complications, is potentially preventable through implementation of serious approaches to the management of cardiovascular risk factors. arabic 8 English 64
Hawa Juma El-Shareif(7-2010)
موقع المنشور

Evaluation of risk factors in acute myocardial infarction patients admitted to the coronary care unit, Tripoli Medical Centre, Libya

The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in patients attending Tripoli Medical Centre, Libya. Records were reviewed for 622 patients with a mean age of 58.3 (SD 12.9) years. Diabetes mellitus (48.2%), hypertension (35.7%) and smoking (50.6%) were among the risk factors reported. There were 110 patients (17.7%) who died during hospitalization, mainly suffering cardiogenic shock (48.0%). The rate of use of thrombolytic therapy was low in patients who were female (40.4% versus 58.4% for males), older age (31.6% for those > 85 years versus 63.3% for patients < 55 years), diabetics (45.3% versus 62.0% for non-diabetic patients) and hypertensives (47.3% versus 57.8% for non-hypertensive patients). Prevention strategies should be implemented in order to improve the long-term prognosis and decrease overall morbidity and mortality from coronary artery disease in Libyan patients. arabic 20 English 112
Hawa Juma El-Shareif(4-2012)
موقع المنشور

Assessment of diabetes-related knowledge among nursing staff in a hospital setting

This study aimed to identify areas of deficient knowledge among hospital nurses regarding diabetes management; the ultimate goal was to improve the quality of care for people with diabetes who are admitted to hospital for other medical reasons. Diabetes-related knowledge was assessed in 116 nurses using a 66-item questionnaire; the mean total score was 48.5±15.1. Knowledge was highest for nurses working in paediatrics (62.0±5.5; P
Hawa Juma El-Shareif(7-2013)
موقع المنشور

المسار الدستوري الليبي 2014 _2018

كان واضعو الإعلان الدستوري المؤقت الصادر بتاريخ 3 أغسطس 2011م يعتقدون أن وضع دستور للبلاد أمر سهل المنال، وأن مفاصل البناء الدستوري واضحة وبينة، ولا خلاف عميق بشأنها، وأن العملية الدستورية في ليبيا عملية بعيدة عن كل التعقيدات. ولهذا نص الإعلان الدستوري ـ في المادة الثلاثين منه قبل تعديلها ـ على تعيين الهيئة التأسيسية لصياغة مشروع الدستور، واشترط عليها الإنتهاء من عملها خلال ستين يوما، من تاريخ انعقاد أول اجتماع لها، على أن يطرح المشروع للإستفتاء، خلال ثلاثين يوما، من تاريخ اعتماده من المؤتمر الوطني العام. ودون أن يتضمن النص أي ضوابط دستورية، لاختيار أعضاء الهيئة، ودون أي اشتراطات تتعلق بنصاب اتخاذها لقراراتها، أو بإقرار مشروع الدستور في الاستفتاء العام. arabic 45 English 8
الهادي علي يوسف أبوحمرة(2-2019)