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شروط المجلة

مجلة علمية متخصصة لبحوث ودراسات التربية البدنية والمرتبطة تصدرها دوريا كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة بجامعة طرابلس arabic 22 English 0
المجلة العلمية (1-2021)

Lipid Biochemistry: For Medical Sciences

Lipid biochemistry can seem overwhelming, which is why it needs to be explained in a simple and straightforward manner. Ashour Saleh Eljamil, a renowned professor of biochemistry, has written this textbook for undergraduate students in the medical sciences, but its a resource that anyone can use to bolster their knowledge about this important subject. To fully understand biochemistry, you need to know how biomolecules are structured, which is why the first chapter emphasizes the individual chemical structure of various lipid classes. Youll also learn how dietary lipids are digested and absorbed as well as how their metabolism works in separate chapters focusing on fatty acids synthesis, fatty acid oxidation, acylglycerols and sphingolipids, glycolipids, cholesterol, plasma lipoproteins, steroid hormones, and fat-soluble vitamins. While scientists have studied lipid biochemistry for three centuries, its only in the past few decades that weve begun to understand why its so important. Gain a clearer understanding of the world with insights about bile acids, sterols, carotenoids, sex hormones, vitamin K and much, much more when you dive into the world of Lipid Biochemistry. arabic 5 English 35
Ashour Eljamil(3-2015)

الخصائص النطقية والفيزيائية للصوامت الرنينية في العربية

الكتاب أطروحة الدكتوراه للمؤلف تناول فيها الأصوات البينية (لن عمر) بوصف خصائصها النطقية والفيزيائية مستعينا في ذلك بالتطبيقات الحاسوبية. arabic 104 English 0
محمود فتح الله الصغير(1-2018)

A comparative evaluation of two DNA extraction protocols from whole blood sample

Every organism has deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within their cells. DNA is a complex molecule that contains all of the information needed to build and maintain living organisms. Extraction of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of the most basic and critical steps affecting molecular-based techniques in the study of DNA that allow vast advances in genetic, molecular biology, biotechnology, forensic, and bioinformatics laboratories. Therefore, researchers have been used different modified and optimized protocols for efficient genomic DNA extraction from biological samples. Due to the high amount of genetic material in whole blood samples so it's one of the main sources used to obtain DNA and there are many different protocols available in this issue. In the present study, we optimized, evaluated by comparison to phenol-chloroform (traditional method) and silica column (QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit) DNA extraction procedures. The extracted DNA by these protocols was analyzed according to their time consuming, quality, quantity, cost and toxicity. Extracted DNA with current protocol was qualified using gel electrophoresis, Nanodrop spectrophotometric analysis. Our results showed that there are not significantly differences between these methods about DNA Purity (A260/A280) and DNA yield (ng DNA/μl). In addition, phenol/chloroform (traditional method) was the most toxic method; it takes more time but cheaper than other method; it yielded reasonably good quantities of good quality DNA and would be suitable for large-scale genotyping of blood samples. The silica column method (QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit) was the most expensive among the other method but the least extraction time was required and it was the safest method. arabic 11 English 69
Ghada Salem, Ahmed Zaid(1-2018)

Fostering Quality in the Graduation Research Project at the Libyan Faculties of Education: Libyan Teacher-Educators’ Perspectives

One of the Libyan Faculty of Education exit requirements is the graduation research project. Current literature review indicates the scarcity of literature on the quality of the graduation project in the Libyan context. Thus, the present study addressed this shortcoming by investigating the opinions of the faculty members at the Faculties of Education at various Libyan public universities on achieving quality standards in the graduation research projects. The design of the study was exploratory sequential mixed methods as we gathered both quantitative and qualitative data to get accurate and detailed picture of the Libyan teacher-educators’ views on fostering quality in the graduation research project. The context of the study is the Faculties of Education at eight Libyan universities. The participants were 62 Libyan teacher-educators who were faculty members at the Libyan Faculties of Education. Data were collected through documents, questionnaires, and follow up interviews. The results showed that the participants’ views were opposite to the document analysis and revealed that the participants were not sure whether the regulations covered all the points related to the graduation research projects, so they preferred to be neutral. They also perceived several factors as the issues that hindered the quality of the graduation research projects. The participants suggestions as ways of fostering quality in the graduation research projects included achieving quality by following the quality standards described by the quality assurance department among other suggestions. arabic 21 English 111
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, FUZIA AHMED MOFTAH ELHSAN(3-2021)
موقع المنشور

Screening of Three Exons of PKD1 gene In Five Patients with Autosomal Polycystic Kidney Disease

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common genetic kidney disorders with the incidence of 1 in 1,000 births. ADPKD is genetically heterogeneous with two genes identified: PKD1 (16p13.3, 46 exons) and PKD2 (4q21, 15 exons). Eighty five percent of the patients with ADPKD have at least one mutation in the PKD1 gene and fifteen percent of the patients have one mutation in PKD2 gene. Direct sequencing of one patient and his sequence of PKD1 gene demonstrated a missense mutation GCC----CCC substitution in exon 13 with cause change amino acid of Alanine to Proline at codon 1029. Three brothers have deletion mutation in exon 15, one patient missense mutation GGC---GCC in exon 19 which cause change amino acid of Glycine to Alanine at codon 2530. Molecular diagnostics of ADPKD relies on mutation screening of PKD1 and PKD2, which is complicated by extensive allelic heterogeneity and the presence of six highly homologous sequences of PKD1. PCR strategy was used to screen sequence variants with heteroduplex analysis and several affected individuals were discovered to have clusters of base pair substitutions in exons 13 and 19 with del 20 pb (3601-3620) in exon15. arabic 14 English 81
Refaat Tabagh, Ahmed Zaid(1-2018)

Mutational screening in the PCSK9 gene among Libyan patients presenting familial hypercholesterolemia

Abstract: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder of lipid metabolism, associated with elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDLC), which can lead to premature cardiovascular disease and early death. Early diagnosis and initiation of treatment is important to prevent morbidity and mortality. Autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia (ADH) is largely due to mutations in the low-density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR), the apolipoprotein B-100 gene (APOB), or the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9). In this study, genomic DNA of unrelated Libyan individuals with clinically diagnosed (FH) was analyzed by direct sequencing after dependent specific PCR primers amplification and DNA purification. That led to the identification of PCSK9 gene mutations for the first time in Libyan population which was compare to other populations. All 12 exons of PCSK9 gene and boundaries genotyped polymorphisms were sequenced, including leucine repeats coded in exon 1, by fluorescently tagged markers. We identified an allele for the rs67610340 polymorphism: an in-frame deletion, c.61_63delCTG (L8). We also identified another allele rs67610340 polymorphism: an in frame insertion c.61_63InsCTG (L10). The insertion and deletion alleles were both in exon 1 and could be associated with a risk and severity of coronary artery disease (CAD), suggesting a direct effect of PCSK9 on atherogenesis. arabic 11 English 90
Ghada Salem, Ahmed Zaid(1-2017)

Molecular Genetics of Chronic Granulomatous Disease in Libyan Patients in Benghazi

Introduction: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare inherited primary immune deficiency disease with prevalence of 1 in 250,000 worldwide. It is caused by mutations in the genes that encode the NADPH oxidase enzyme components responsible for the production of super oxide and other free radicals. These mutations lead to the absence or decrease of the microbicidal activity of the phagocytic cells. arabic 10 English 72
Muna Hamed Othman Elramli, Ahmed Zaid(1-2015)