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Evaluation of the Performance of Information Systems Implemented at the University of Tripoli, Libya

Evaluating the performance of information systems (ISs) has emerged from the increasing influence of information technology on the effectiveness and efficiency of work processes in an organization (Bryman and Bell 2007). The aim of the overall study is to overcome a lack in the literature regarding the assessment of information systems (IS) in Libyan Higher Education (LHE), especially universities. The aim of this initial article is to focus on the University of Tripoli (UOT), a study that will be extended to other Libyan public universities. A description of the study, its significance and objectives and the methodology followed are presented, together with an analysis of the findings on the basis of appropriately chosen models. Finally, we assess the current level of ISs implemented in UOT by analyzing the findings based on these models. arabic 14 English 86
موقع المنشور

A Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (CD-ERP) Approach in Libyan Higher Education

Like other HE institutes in the world, Libyan universities have continuously been working on developing their own ISs or adopting commercial solutions. Both models have shown negative results to some degree. This research was aimed, therefore, to introduce a new model, called: Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (CD-ERP) to be applied in Libyan Higher Education (LHE). Generally, the model is based on two main principles: ERP packages and community-source. This study comes as the conclusion to a series of studies in a project to assess the CD-ERP model. After investigating the applicability of this model in the Libyan context, a CD-ERP model for LHE is proposed in this paper, including: the business model of the consortium, cloud architecture, alongside several recommendations for successful and efficient transformation from the current systems to the CD-ERP model. arabic 14 English 87
موقع المنشور

Information Management in a Collaboratively-Developed Approach to Enterprise Resource Planning – A Higher Education Perspective

This paper comes as a part of an exploratory study with the goal of investigating the applicability of Collaboratively-Developed Enterprise Resource Planning (the CD-ERP Approach) within Libyan public universities. Since it is being proposed in order to overcome the topical issue of Information System (IS) development in Libyan Higher Education (LHE), Libyan universities were investigated to assess IS performance using the approach of methodological assessment. Accordingly, three public universities were chosen to be studied, namely: the University of Tripoli (UOT), Misurata University (MU) and Sirte University (SU). UOT was run as an initial study to identify practical problems in conducting a formal study. Previous papers have discussed the formal study, in which a methodological assessment of IS performance at Libyan universities was conducted. The findings from all three cases are discussed and analysed on the basis of selected techniques and models. This analysis indicates the low level of the ISs implemented in LHE at university-level, as well as the lack of system development capabilities within these universities. This paper focuses on the management of information flow between universities during student exchange. Business process maps are presented and improvements based on the CD-ERP approach are proposed. arabic 18 English 111
Tareq Almigheerbi(1-2020)
موقع المنشور

تقييم الصفات الظاهرية والإنتاجية لبعض الأصول الوراثية المحلية للقمح الطري ( Triticum aestivum L))

نفذت تجربة حقلية في محطة أبحاث كلية الزراعة بجامعة طرابلس خلال الموسمين الزراعيين 2015/2016 و2016/2017. بهدف تقييم أداء عشرة طرز وراثية من القمح الطري، تم الحصول عليها من المصرف الوطني للمصادر الوراثية النباتية، طرابلس، ليبيا. وفقا لبعض الصفات الظاهرية والإنتاجية. تم تصميم التجربة وفقا لتصميم القطاعات الكاملة العشوائية (RCBD) وبثلاثة مكررات. أظهرت النتائج وجود فروق معنوية في معظم الصفات المدروسة، مما أدى إلى وجود قدر كبير من التباين بين الطرز الوراثية للقمح لكل صفة. حيث لوحظ تفوق الصنف المختار معنويا في معظم الصفات المدروسة تحت ظروف التجربة، وتميز الصنف مكاوي بارتفاع النبات وطول السلامية الأخيرة (80.34، 37.43 سم) علي التوالي، بينما تفوق الصنف بحوث 208 في صفتي طول السفا (7.67) ودليل الحصاد (35.71%). في حين تميز الصنف سيدي المصري بتفوقه بالإنتاج الحيوي وحاصل الحبوب (جم/م2) علي كافة الأصناف الأخرى وبمتوسط قدره (238.8، 74.8 جم/ م2) علي التوالي. أوضحت النتائج وجود علاقة ارتباط موجبة وذات دلالة معنوية بين إنتاجية الحبوب مع كل من طول ورقة العلم (r=0.76*)، عدد الحبوب بالسنبلة الرئيسة (r=0.698*)، وزن الحبوب بالسنبلة الرئيسة والنبات (r=0.66*, 0.85**) على التوالي، والإنتاج الحيوي (r=0.85**). كما تقترح هذه الدراسة إيلاء الاهتمام لهذه الصفات كمؤشر انتخاب لمحصول الحبوب في أي برامج لتربية القمح في المستقبل، بسبب ارتباطها الشديد بالعائد arabic 144 English 17
راضية عمر محمد سالم, حسين سعيد أحمد العجيلي(3-2019)
موقع المنشور

Agent Based Computing Technique for Epidemiological Disease Modelling

Agent-Based Models (ABM) have become popular as tools for epidemiological simulations due to their ability to model real life phenomena at individual entity levels. ABM is a relatively new area for modelling as compared to the classical modelling methods. Many different fields use agentbased models including ecology, demography, geography, political science and epidemiology. Recently, an abundance of literature has presented applications of agent-based modeling in the biological systems. In this paper, the authors present an agent-based model attempts to simulate an epidemiological disease known as Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL). The model is developed to investigate the ability of ABM in modelling a disease that keeps speeding in Libya. The methodology used for describing and designing CL model is derived from nature of the disease mechanism. The ABM model involves three types of agents: Human, Rodent and Sand-fly. Each agent has its own properties, in addition to other global parameters which affect the human infection processes. The main parameter used for monitoring the model's performance is the number of people infected. The model experiments are designed to investigate ABM’s performance in modeling CL disease. Simulation results show that human infection rate is increasing or decreasing dependent on number of sand-fly vectors, number of host rodents, and human population awareness level arabic 7 English 62
Rudwan A. Husain, Hala Shaar, Marwa Solla, Hassan A. H. Ebrahem(3-2019)
موقع المنشور

Sero-prevalence and epidemiology of peste des petits ruminants in Libya

We conducted a cross-sectional study during 2013 to quantify the serological prevalence of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) infection and to investigate host factors associated with PPR infection in small ruminants in Libya. A two-stage sampling design was carried out. A total number of 148 flocks owning at least 100 heads each were randomly selected. Sixteen to forty-eight samples were collected from each selected flock. A total number of 3,508 serum samples from unvaccinated animals were collected and analysed at IZSLER Brescia, Italy, by using competitive ELISA, IDvet innovative diagnostics (IDvet 310, France). The overall serological prevalence among SR was 33% (95% CI: 31.4–34.5). Significant differences between the prevalence in the geographical branches were observed. The lowest prevalence level was observed in Zawiyah branch (16.1%), whereas the highest value was obtained for the Sabha branch (56.8%). Considering the age, a serological prevalence of 24.7%, 31.5% and 42.1% was observed in SR
Abdulwahab Kammon, A. Dayhum, M. Sharif, I. Eldaghayes, P. Calistri, M. L. Danzetta, D. Di Sabatino , A. Petrini, G. Ferrari, S. Grazioli, G. Pezzoni, E. Brocchi(3-2017)
موقع المنشور

The Future Use of Medicinal Plants as Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Health and Production

Editorial arabic 15 English 83
Abdulwahab Kammon(9-2017)
موقع المنشور

Identification of phenolic compounds, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of raisin extracts

Abstract In this study, antibacterial, antioxidant and phenolic compounds of raisin extracts was evaluated. Different solvent extraction methods were utilized to extract phenolic compounds from raisin. The phenolic compounds of raisin extracts was determined using HPLC and three compounds were found, catechin, quercetin and rutin. The antibacterial activity of the acetonic extract was tested against four bacterial pathogens viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli using both disk diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) methods. The acetonic extract exhibited the highest activity against Staphylococcus aureus with zone of inhibition of 14mm and the MIC of 25 mg/ml. However, there was a little activity against E. coli and S. typhimurium. The methanolic extract showed good antioxidant activity as indicated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical assay (DPPH). In conclusion, raisin contains potent phenolic compounds and their application might function as promising natural preservative and antimicrobial agents in food industry and also good antioxidant food that helps to minimize the risk of degenerative diseases. arabic 11 English 86
Abdulwahab Kammon, Yousef M. Abouzeed, Faraj Zgheel, Abdurrezagh Abdalla Elfahem, Mohammed Saad Almagarhe, Abdulgader Dhawi, Abdulkareem Elbaz, Murad A. Hiblu, Mohamed O. Ahmed (12-2018)
موقع المنشور