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The Voting Behavior of UN Clusters: A Conceptual Dimension of Voting Cohesion

A Conceptual Dimension of Voting Cohesion help scholars to understand the dynamic interactions among voting clusters on the one hand and the United Nations politics on the other hand. Thus, this study developed a theoretical framework to understand the voting behavior of different clusters on the levels of the UN, group, and state. The voting behavior may be described and analyzed according to sub-groups, issue clusters, voting agreement, and voting distinctiveness arabic 12 English 65
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1992)

The Voting Agreement Within the African Sub-groups: The Influence of Ideological Factors

The African Countries do not vote in the UN General Assembly as a one block all the time ; thus, the data of this study indicates the impact of ideology in this regard. Accordingly, there are three subgroups, namely African revolutionary, moderate and conservative voting clusters. arabic 13 English 75
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1991)

The Relationship Between Perception and Voting Patterns: The Afro-Arab Delegates in the Period 1956-1981

This study summarizes the results of a delivered mail questionnaire by the author on the African and Arab missions in New York. The attitudes of the representatives compared with their countries voting patterns, and a strong correlation between attitudes and voting behavior is recorded. arabic 16 English 88
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1991)

The Influence of the International System on the Afro-Arab Cohesion at the UN

The Influence of the International System on the Afro-Arab Cohesion at the UN. When the détente among the big powers is the rule, the Afro-Arab states lose leverage and maneuver and vice versa. When tension between the two superpowers prevail, the African and Arab states are stronger. arabic 14 English 64
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1990)

The Impact of Regional Collaboration Upon the Solidarity of Afro-Arab States in the UN

The African and Arab states are involved in high level of coordination and collaboration in and out the United Nations circle to vote cohesively on issues of common interests. Their meeting before the session of the General Assembly is crucial, because their differences are minimized to the lowest possible level. arabic 14 English 72
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-1990)

The Arab Sub-Groups Within the UN General Assembly: The Impact of Ideology

This study classifies the Arab group on the basis of ideological factor; thus, revolutionaries states exhibit a voting behavior different from that achieved by conservative Arab countries> A third group is also identified by this study. Each subgroup has different ideological belief; thus, their position from the UN agenda can be predicted according to their ideological identification> arabic 13 English 61
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2021)

Issues Clusters and UN Voting Behavior: The Voting Patterns of Afro-Arab States

The Voting Patterns of Afro-Arab States is effected by the types of issues before the UN General Assembly; therefore, they coordinate their position towards common and divergent cases. When issues of common interests are involved a high level of voting cohesion is achieved and vice versa. Nevertheless, in cases of partial and divergent interest, lower levels of voting consistency is the ultimate result. arabic 13 English 66
Mustafa A. A. Kashiem(1-2021)

تأثير العولمة على السياسة العامة الليبية للاستثمار

تمثل فوائض دخل النفط فرصة للاستثمار الخارجي وذلك بقصد تنويع مصادر الدخل في ليبيا. ولقد ساهمت العولمة في انتشارات الاستثمارات الخارجية في قارات العالم المختلفة. arabic 94 English 0
د. مصطفى عبدالله أبوالقاسم خشيم(1-2009)