المستودع الرقمي لـجامعة طرابلس

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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in milk and dairy products from Libya: Isolation and molecular identification by partial sequencing of 16S rDNA

Aim: The aim of this work was to isolate and molecularly identify enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157 in milk and dairy products in Libya, in addition; to clear the accuracy of cultural and biochemical identification as compared with molecular identification by partial sequencing of 16S rDNA for the existing isolates. Materials and Methods: A total of 108 samples of raw milk (cow, she-camel, and goat) and locally made dairy products (fermented cow’s milk, Maasora, Ricotta and ice cream) were collected from some regions (Janzour, Tripoli, Kremiya, Tajoura and Tobruk) in Libya. Samples were subjected to microbiological analysis for isolation of E. coli that was detected by conventional cultural and molecular method using polymerase chain reaction and partial sequencing of 16S rDNA. Results: Out of 108 samples, only 27 isolates were found to be EHEC O157 based on their cultural characteristics (Tellurite- Cefixime-Sorbitol MacConkey) that include 3 isolates from cow’s milk (11%), 3 isolates from she-camel’s milk (11%), two isolates from goat’s milk (7.4%) and 7 isolates from fermented raw milk samples (26%), isolates from fresh locally made soft cheeses (Maasora and Ricotta) were 9 (33%) and 3 (11%), respectively, while none of the ice cream samples revealed any growth. However, out of these 27 isolates, only 11 were confirmed to be E. coli by partial sequencing of 16S rDNA and E. coli O157 Latex agglutination test. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that majority of local E. coli isolates were related to E. coli O157:H7 FRIK944 strain. Conclusion: These results can be used for further studies on EHEC O157 as an emerging foodborne pathogen and its role in human infection in Libya.
Hesham Taher Naas(11-2016)
موقع المنشور

Comparison between Two Different Conventional Methods for Coliform count in Raw Milk and Locally Made Soft Cheese in Tripoli, Libya

Seventy five random samples were collected (25 raw milk, 50 local different made soft cheeses) from different supermarkets in Tripoli- Libya. The Objectives of this study were: (i)- to clear the incidence rate and count of coliforms as an indicator microorganisms for fecal contamination in raw milk and locally made soft cheese samples manufactured by traditional methods and (ii)- to make comparison between the most famous two conventional methods used for counting of such group of microorganisms. Coliforms were recovered from all the raw milk samples using the two methods (most probable number using liquid lauryl sulphate broth and sold plating method using violet red bile agar). The mean count for the former media was 28x106 while for the later one was 15x106 cfu/ml. For cheese samples (locally made Ricotta and Maasora), positive samples were 78% (39 samples) using MPN method, while 76% (38 samples) using sold plating media VRBA. The mean coliform count for positive samples using MPN was 18x107 cfu/g, while for VRBA plates the mean count for positive samples was 21x106 cfu/g. all counts were higher using MPN than VRBA for the same sample in both raw milk and cheese samples, although, clear difference in count between the two methods was recorded in cheese than that in raw milk, conditions that may affect the count in both raw milk and cheese were discussed. Factors that may limit
Hesham Taher Naas(1-2007)

Effect of combining nisin with modified atmosphere packaging on inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat turkey bologna

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nisin in combination with different types of packaging on the survival of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat low-fat turkey bologna. Bologna was inoculated with L. monocytogenes exposed to 1 of 6 treatments: 3 packaging treatments (100% CO2, air, vacuum), each with and without nisin. Bologna was refrigerated and sampled 9 times over 42 d. Nisin reduced initial L. monocytogenes populations by 1.5 to 2 log cycles and 100% CO2 packaging prevented outgrowth throughout 42 d of storage, whereas non-CO2 packaging displayed a 2-log increase in population during storage. Nisin (500 IU/mL) combined with 100% CO2 was effective in reducing Listeria and preventing outgrowth on bologna over 42 d of refrigerated storage.
Hesham Taher Naas(3-2013)
موقع المنشور

Bacteriological Quality of Mozzarella Cheese Sold in Tripoli Governorate

Thirty samples of Mozzarella cheese (15 made traditionally from raw milk in Tripoli city (Libya) and other 15 imported samples sold in markets related to different brand names) were examined bacteriologically for their total bacterial count, psychrophilic count, coliform count (MPN/g), presumptive Staphylococcus aureus count, as well as enterococci count. Higher counts were found in locally manufactured Mozzarella cheese. Salmonellae were absent in all examined samples for both types, while Escherichia coli were isolated from 3 samples (20%) of locally made samples. According to the suggested Libyan Standards of such samples, most of examined locally manufactured Mozzarella cheese samples were found unacceptable.
Hesham Taher Naas(1-2007)

Bactericidal Effects of Natural Tenderizing Enzymes on Escherichia Coli and Listeria monocytogenes

The objective of this study was to determine the antimicrobial activity of proteolytic, meat-tenderizing enzymes (papain and bromelain) against E. coli and L. monocytogenes at three different temperatures (5, 25 and 35°C). Two overnight cultures of E. coli JM109 and L. monocytogenes were separately suspended in 1% peptone water and exposed to a proteolytic enzyme (papain or bromelain) at three different temperatures. Bromelain concentrations (4 mg/ml) and (1 mg/ml) tested at 25°C against E. coli and L. monocytogenes, respectively, were the most effective concentrations tested reducing populations by 3.37 and 5.7 log CFU/ml after 48 h, respectively. Papain levels of (0.0625 mg/ml) and (0.5 mg/ml) were the most effective concentration tested at 25°C against E. coli and L. monocytogenes, respectively, reducing populations by 4.94 and 6.58log CFU/ml after 48h, respectively. Interestingly, the lower papain concentration tested (0.0625 mg/ml) was more effective than the higher concentration (0.5 mg/ml) against E. coli at all three temperatures. As expected, the temperature was directly related to enzyme efficacy against both E. coli and L. monocytogenes.
Hesham Taher Naas(1-2013)
موقع المنشور

Bacillus cereus as an Emerging Public Health Concern in Libya: Isolation and Antibiogram from Food of Animal Origin

Background: This study was conducted to investigate the presence of Bacillus cereus in meat, meat products, and some seafood in Libya. Materials and Methods: One hundred and thirty‑one samples were collected from different geographic localities in Libya. The samples were subjected to microbiological analysis for enumeration and isolation of B. cereus by conventional cultural, biochemical, and molecular identification using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and partial sequencing of 16S rDNA techniques. Results: Of 131 samples, only 38 (29%) isolates were found to be B. cereus based on their cultural characteristics on Mannitol Egg‑Yolk Polymyxin (MYP) medium that included 30% beef, 38.2% beef products (minced, burger, kabab, and sausage), 31.8% camel meat, and 48% chicken products (burger, sausage, kabab, and liver). However, B. cereus was not detected from mutton and seafood samples. Seventeen isolates were subjected to molecular identification using PCR and partial sequencing of 16S rDNA technique and confirmed to be B. cereus. The confirmed B. cereus strains were tested for their antibiotic sensitivity profiles and showed a high percentage of multiresistance phenotype. Conclusions: The results provide a better understanding of B. cereus isolated from food of animal origin in Libya and suggest that meat and meat products might play an important role in the spreading of B. cereus through the food chain with antimicrobial resistance characteristics.
Hesham Taher Naas(6-2018)
موقع المنشور

Antibacterial effects of natural tenderizing enzymes on different strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on beef

This study determined the efficacy of actinidin and papain on reducing Listeria monocytogenes and three mixed strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7 populations on beef. The average reduction of E. coli O157:H7 was greater than that of L. monocytogenes and higher concentrations of either protease yielded greater reduction in bacterial populations. For instance, actinidin at 700 mg/ml significantly (p ≤ 0.05) reduced the population of L. monocytogenes by 1.49 log cfu/ml meat rinse after 3 h at 25 & 35 °C, and by 1.45 log cfu/ml rinse after 24 h at 5 °C, while the same actinidin concentration significantly reduced the populations of three mixed strains of E. coli O157:H7 by 1.81 log cfu/ml rinse after 3 h at 25 & 35 °C, and 1.94 log cfu/ml rinse after 24 h at 5 °C. These findings suggest that, in addition to improving the sensory attributes of beef, proteolytic enzymes can enhance meat safety when stored at suitable temperatures.
Hesham Taher Naas(12-2013)
موقع المنشور

قراءاة نقدية لدراسة عن -جودة الحياة في ظل التحولات التنموية : دراسة سوسيولوجية مطبقة على ولاية الدقم بسلطنة عُمان

صدر عن مجلة دراسات الخليج والجزيرة العربية التي تصدر عن مجلس النشر العلمي– جامعة الكويت في في عدد خاص رقم المجلد (47)، ورقم العدد ( 183) لسنة (2021)، دراسة للأستاذ الدكتور منير كرادشة وآخرون، بعنوان:"جودة الحياة في ظل التحولات التنموية : دراسة سوسيولوجية مطبقة على ولاية الدقم بسلطنة عُمان". وتقع الدراسة في (85) صفحة، من الحجم المتوسط، والدكتور كرداشة هو أستاذ علم الاجتماع بجامعة اليرموك، ويعد من المختصين بالشأن العُماني، له عدة كتب ودراسات اجتماعية متخصصة عن سلطنة عُمان.
حسين سالم مرجين (5-2022)
موقع المنشور