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Traffic Analysis of Cellular Network with Voice and Data Services

The introduction of new services with different bandwidth requirements, e.g., data and multimedia, to cellular mobile radio networks makes many of the traditional mechanisms unusable or less efficient. The call admission control and the handover handling are the most sensitive issues to this extension. The performance of all services including the traditional voice and the new services can be dramatically effected if no appropriate schemes are used. In this research work, a new call admission and handover handling schemes for a cellular mobile network that offers two service types: voice and data is proposed. The data connections are assumed to be transmitted at different data rates, which are an integer multiple to that of one traffic channels, which are full speed(Cd1) & reduced peed(Cd2). In order to reduce the handover failure probability of data connections, the data mobile terminals (MT) are assumed to have the capability of transmitting at two different data rates. If the handover request can not be satisfied by the base station of the destination cell due to unavailable free traffic channels, the data mobile terminals tries with a lower data rate. The handover fails if the network is incapable on providing the minimum data rate at which the mobile terminal can transmit. The reduced data connection or data rate can be speeded up to full data rate or full speed as soon as enough bandwidth is available. The effect of different traffic and configuration parameters on the performance of the different models for two cell model with equal input traffic intensity, two cell model with different input traffic intensity, and two cell model with equal input traffic intensity considering the congestion rate for the highway model are studied as the models of this research. These models are built using MOSEL language (Modeling Specification and Evaluation Language). The results of investigating the mentioned models showed the effect of the handover, and speed of data on these different models.
W. ABUGHRES(1-2000)
موقع المنشور

simulation of 3g cellular mobile networks

In this paper, we present a simulation model for the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS). For validation purposes, we have developed a much more detailed simulation of the system written in C language. The results of a previous mathematical model showed that, the product form holds in the case of two cells, and the objective of this paper is to prove the same result using simulation, and to show that the behavior of the system is similar to that in the previous work done in the mathematical model. Once the product form of Jackson's Theorem is Shown to hold, then it is possible to go to a more advanced stage to analyze the 3G network, and to get the performance measures, which will help in making decisions at the design stage
W. S. Abughres(3-2006)
موقع المنشور

An algorithm for distributing users in Virtual zones in a 3G Cellular network

In this paper, we present an algorithm to generate and distribute Z users in Z virtual zones. In3G networks we have dynamic capacity that depends on the interference levels in the covered areaand the number of active users. This implies that the distance of the mobile user from the basestation is also an important factor because of the signal fading. An algorithm is presented basedon the queuing traffic models for 3G cell written in c++ programming language that distributesusers in different zones assuming that the cell area is virtually divided into Z zones depending onthe number of users (1) (PDF) An algorithm for distributing users in virtual zones in a 3g cellular network. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317949812_An_algorithm_for_distributing_users_in_virtual_zones_in_a_3g_cellular_network [accessed May 17 2022].
w. s. abughres, mikee. woodward(10-2006)
موقع المنشور

A product form queuing model for a 3G cellular mobile network

In this paper, we present an analytical traffic model for the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS). In 3G networks we have dynamic capacity that depends on the interference levels in the covered area and the number of active users. This implies that the distance of the mobile user from the base station is also an important factor because of the signal fading. The first part of this paper is an algorithm written in c++ programming language that distributes users in different zones assuming that the cell area is virtually divided into Z zones depending on the number of users. The last part of this paper we build a mathematical model of a 3G cell using the above assumption , and to prove, that the product form holds in the case of two cells with uniform and non uniform traffic. By this result more complicated networks can be analyzed, to calculate the performance measures of the network.
موقع المنشور

A product form queueing model for a 3G cellular mobile network

In this paper, we present an analytical traffic model for the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS). In 3G networks we have dynamic capacity that depends on the interference levels in the covered area and the number of active users. This implies that the distance of the mobile user from the base station is also an important factor because of the signal fading. The first part of this paper is an algorithm written in c++ programming language that distributes users in different zones assuming that the cell area is virtually divided into Z zones depending on the number of users. The last part of this paper we build a mathematical model of a 3G cell using the above assumption , and to prove, that the product form holds in the case of two cells with uniform and non uniform traffic. By this result more complicated networks can be analyzed, to calculate the performance measures of the network.
wael s. Abughres, Mike E. Woodward(3-2006)
موقع المنشور

الإدارة الإلكترونية مدخل لتحقيق الجودة الشاملة بالتعليم حالة خاصة (جامعة طرابلس ليبيا)

يمر العالم بمرحلة انتقالية تموج بتحولات جذرية عميقة وشاملة في كافة المجالات، مرحلة تنكسر فيھا القيود وتلغى الحدود وتنفتح الأسواق ، وتشتعل المنافسة، ويتعاظم دور التكنولوجيا الحديثة التي تلعب دوراً رئيسا ً في إحداث ھذه التحولات وأھمھا التحول من الأساليب التقليدية في الإدارة إلى الأساليب الإلكترونية، وبات مصطلح الحكومة الإلكترونية ھو عنصر تميز المؤسسات والهيئات والدول. يسعى هذا البحت إلى إتاحة المحتوى العلمي للإدارة الإلكترونية وذلك من خلال سرد لمحة تاريخية عنها ومميزاتها وسبيل الإستفادة منها بجميع المجالات وخاصة بمجال التعليم والتطرق الي جامعة طرابلس كحالة دراسية.
وائل صالح محمد أبوغريس, عطية محمود البحباح, محمد أحمد مغيدر(6-2022)
موقع المنشور


Since Open Education Resources (OER) approved in the early 2000s, it has grown as a major source of free learning materials for higher education; it is available for anyone to reuse, revise and redistribute based on the Creative Commons (CC), ready to give people worldwide equal access to collective knowledge and quality education by making good quality lectures, curricula, and books. In this paper, a brief history of OER is stated, then focused on categories of OER, ending with a discussion of the impact on reducing spending money on books compared to (Open Access) OA and OER
wael saleh mohamed abughres, عطية محمود البحباح, Mohamed A. Mgheder(6-2020)
موقع المنشور

تطور مفهوم المواطنة في الفكر السوسيولوجي دراسة حالة في المجتمع الليبي

يهدف البحث إلى استعراض تطور مفهوم المواطنة في الفكر السوسيولوجي ، باعتباره موضوعاً للجدل حول الحقوق المدنية والسياسية والاجتماعية، وهي الحقوق التي تعطي لكل فرد في كل مجتمع صفة المواطن، من خلال المشاركة الواعية في جو من الديمقراطية الحقيقية. وجاء تشخيص للحالة الليبية في هذا البحث من الفترة الممتدة من الحكم العثماني وحتى أحداث 2011 فبراير، للوقوف على الحياة السياسة والاجتماعية، وانعكاسها على روح المواطنة فيها، مع ما شاهده الشعب خلالها من حركات ضد الاستبداد، وصراع من أجل حياة يسودها جو من الديمقراطية والسيادة. وتوصل البحث إلى نتائج: ارتباط المواطنة بالعدالة والمساواة والحرية، أصبحت المواطنة في السنوات الأخيرة من المواضيع ذات الأهمية التي ترتبط بمسألة الهوية والانتماء، لا يمكن تصور نظام يحمي حقوق المواطن خارج نطاق الديمقراطية كنظام سياسي، جاء الواقع الليبي تشخيصا لهذه العلاقة، أن النموذجين الليبرالي والجمهوري وضعا تصوراً للمواطنة انطلاقا من معتقدهما الخاص، ولكنهما مكملون لبعضهما، أن كل النقاشات التي أثارها المفكرون حول المواطنة أعطت لأبعادها عمقاً ووضوحاً فلسفياً وحقوقياً وقانونياً وسياسياً.
تطور مفهوم المواطنة في الفكر السوسيولوجي دراسة حالة في المجتمع الليبي(1-2021)
موقع المنشور