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A novel Bluetongue virus serotype 3 strain in Tunisia, November 2016

Since 1998, southern Europe has experienced multiple incursions of different serotypes and topotypes of Bluetongue virus, a vector-borne transmitted virus, the causative agent of Bluetongue (BT), a major disease of ruminants. Some of these incursions originated from northern Africa, likely because of wind-blown dissemination of infected midges. In this report, we describe the detection and whole genome characterization of a novel BTV-3 strain identified in a symptomatic sheep in Tunisia. Sequences were immediately deposited with the GenBank Database under Accession Nos KY432369-KY432378. Alert and preparedness are requested to face the next vector seasons in northern Africa and the potential incursion of this novel strain in southern Europe arabic 11 English 57
Abdusalam Sharef Abdusalam Mahmoud(1-2021)

Regulation of genomic imprinting at the human 11p15 region

The human 11p15 region is divided into two independent imprinted domains, the H19/IGF2 and CDKN1C/KCNQ1 domains. Each domain is regulated by its own imprinting control regions, ICR1 and ICR2, which carry opposite germline imprints. The expression of 11p15 imprinted genes is regulated by two major mechanisms. ICR1 binds a zinc finger protein (CTCF) on the unmethylated maternal allele and acts as a chromatin insulator, whereas ICR2 is unmethylated on the paternal allele and serves as a promoter for a regulatory non-coding RNA (KCNQ1OT1). Dysregulation of 11p15 genomic imprinting results in two human foetal growth disorders: the Beckwith-Wiedemann (BWS) and the Silver-Russell (SRS) syndromes, which display opposite growth phenotypes. Various 11p15 epigenetic and genetic defects result in BWS and SRS. Gain or loss of DNA methylation account for 60% of BWS and SRS and, in most cases, the mechanism of the DNA methylation defect is unknown. The overall aim of this thesis was to decipher the mechanisms resulting in loss or gain of DNA methylation at ICR1 or ICR2 by investigating large cohorts of BWS and SRS patients displaying a “primary” DNA methylation defect. We aimed at establishing what was the incidence of copy number variations (CNVs) (duplications, deletions and segmental uniparental isodisomies) confined to one or one part of the H19/IGF2 or CDKN1C/KCNQ1 domains. We also screened extensively the ICR1 imprinting control region in BWS and SRS patients to identify new genetic defects. We show in this work that genetic defects in cis account for a significant proportion (approximately 30%) of BWS patients with ICR1 gain of DNA methylation but are rare in SRS and BWS patients with loss of DNA methylation at ICR1 and ICR2, respectively. We describe novel small gain and loss CNVs involving only part of the two domains in BWS and SRS. We also describe, for the first time, mutations and small deletions involving binding sites for the OCT4 and SOX2 pluripotency factors. Those defects account for approximately 14% of BWS cases and result in a BWS phenotype upon maternal transmission. We further characterize the role of OCT4/SOX2 pluripotency factors in the maintenance of genomic imprinting at the H19/IGF2 domain in mouse embryonic stem cells. By screening the whole 11p15 region for susceptibility alleles for loss or gain of DNA methylation, our group identified a novel 4.5 kb cis-regulatory region within the CDKN1C/KCNQ1 domain. A specific 4.5 kb haplotype confers, upon maternal transmission, a risk of ICR2 loss of DNA methylation in BWS patients. This study investigated the mechanism involved in the risk of ICR2 loss of DNA methylation in BWS and showed that within this 4.5 kb region, two SNPs (rs11823023 and rs179436) affect CTCF occupancy at DNA motifs flanking the CTCF 20 bp core motifs. This study identifies a new cis-regulatory region and highlights the crucial role of CTCF for the regulation of genomic imprinting at the CDKN1C/KCNQ1 domain. These recent findings bring new insights in the regulation of genomic imprinting at both the IGF2/H19 and CDKN1C/KCNQ1 domains. arabic 8 English 50
Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela(9-2014)

انتشار داء المقوسات القندية عند النساء الحوامل في مدين مسلاته بليبيا وعلاقته بالأجهاض

تهدف هذه الدراسة الي تقييم نسبة الأصابة بداء المقوسات القندية مابين النساء الحوامل بمدينة مسلاته وهي تقع في شمال غرب ليبيا نسبة السكان فيها 24,000 وتوجد عوامل خطورة في أصابة السكان بداء المقوسات القندية . لاتوجد اي معلومات حاليا عن نسبة انتشار هذا المرض في المدينة . تم جمع عينات دم من النساء الحوامل اللاتي يترددن بانتظام علي المستشفي المركزي بمسلاته لمتابعة فترة الحمل حيث تمت عملية المسح لتحديد مدي انتشار المرض ؛ وذلك بتجميع 170 عينة عشوائيا في المرحلة العمرية مابين 17_ 49 عاما ، وقد تم أخضاع كل العينات لإختبار التراص السريع Latex agglutination test والعينات الموجبة تم تاكيد الاصابة وذلك باستخدام اختبار الاليزا (اختبار الامتصاص المناعي لمادة مرتبطة مع انزيم ) ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) وقد اظهرت النتائج ان النسبة المئوية لي انتشار المرض باستخدام اختبار التراص المناعي (40.59 %) بحيث كانت النسبة المئوية لوجود الأجسام المضادة IgG (25.88% ) بينما كانت نسبة تواجد الأجسام المضادة IgM والتي تعبر عن الحالة الحادة للمرض هي (34.71%) تدل نتائج هذه الدراسة على أن هناك نسبة لا بأس بها من الإصابة بداء المقوسات القندية بين النساء الحوامل بمسلاتة و هو ما يدعم الاعتقاد بأن النساء بالمنطقة أصبحن معرضات للإصابة بهذا الطفيل،مما يحث على البدء في برامج للتثقيف الصحي للنساء الحوامل لمنع الإصابة الأولية بطفيل التوكسوبلازما أثناء فترة الحمل والتي قد تؤدى إلى مضاعفات وخيمة على الجنين . arabic 159 English 0
سارة عبد العزيز بن زقلام (1-2017)

Facebook Games for English Language Learning: What Student-Teachers Say?

This exploratory case study aimed at investigating the studentteachers’ views on using Facebook games for language learning. The participants were 48 student-teachers at the EFL Department of the Faculty of Education at a Libyan public university. They were required to play Facebook games for two weeks and then present their experiences through oral presentations and reflective journals. Data were collected through student-teachers’ presentations and reflective journals. Data were analyzed qualitatively using a thematic inductive approach. Although few student-teachers had negative views, most of the student-teachers had positive views on using Facebook games for learning. They believed that Facebook games teach players following instructions and provide opportunities for language improvement, especially for vocabulary learning. We expect that our findings would provide teachers and practitioners with ideas for classroom research and encourage researchers to conduct further and more rigorous testing on integrating Facebook games into the EFL classroom. arabic 11 English 61
Entisar Elsherif, fatma alhammali ali dreid(2-2021)
موقع المنشور

Comparative effect of flaxseed oil and fish oil in acetic acidinduced colitis in rats.

Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible protective effect of flaxseed oil and to compare this effect with fish oil in experimental ulcerative colitis (UC).Methods: Rats were equally divided into five groups of six animals each. Sham control group (corn oil, 1 ml), acetic acid group (normal saline, 1 ml), flaxseed oil group (FSO, 1 ml), fish oil group (FO, 1 ml) and mesalamine-treated group (3 ml ) as a positive control. All drugs were administered intrarectally (IR). One hour following treatment in the acetic acid group, FSO group, FO group and mesalamine group, 1 ml of 4% acetic acid was introduced as an enema. Rats were sacrificed after 24 hrs and histopathological scores of the all colonic specimens were assessed by microscope. Colonic weight/length ratio was also evaluated.Results: Microscopical improvement as manifested by the reduction in the inflammatory score and normalization of intestinal mucosal architecture was observed in fish oil pretreated rats compared to acetic acid group but there was no significant difference in flaxseed oil pretreated group. The decrease in weight/length ratio was statistically significant in fish oil-treated group compared with acetic acid group, but there was no significant difference between flaxseed oil-treated and acetic acid group.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that fish oil but not flaxseed oil could ameliorate the mucosal damage in experimentally induced ulcerative colitis in rats when given in the form of an enema. arabic 15 English 72
Aisha Mohamed Dugani(6-2012)
موقع المنشور

Protective Effect of the Methanolic Extract of Malva parviflora L. leaves on Acetic Acid-induced Ulcerative Colitis in Rats

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general term describing chronic, idiopathic relapsing, inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown etiology. Previous studies have indicated that Malva parviflora leaf extract possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiulcerogenic activity. activity. This work aimed to investigatee the anti-inflammatory effect of the methanolic (MEMP) and aqueous (AEMP) extracts of M. parviflora leaves on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats. arabic 19 English 104
Aisha Mohamed Dugani, Soad Treesh(5-2016)
موقع المنشور

Effects of the oil and mucilage from flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) on gastric lesions induced by ethanol in rats

The anti-ulcer activity of the oil and mucilage obtained from flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) was evaluated in a rat model of ethanol-induced gastric ulcer. Our results show that pretreatment of rats with flaxseed oil and flaxseed mucilage significantly reduced the number and length of gastric ulcers induced by ethanol. Flaxseed oil was more effective than flaxseed mucilage in reducing the number of ulcers. The reduction in ulcer severity (cumulative length in mm) provided by an oral dose of flaxseed oil (5 ml/kg) was more prominent than that obtained by ranitidine (50 mg/kg). This study indicates that both flaxseed oil and flaxseed mucilage can provide a cytoprotective effect against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. arabic 19 English 94
A Dugani, Aisha Mohamed Ali Dugali(1-2008)
موقع المنشور

Preliminary Survey to Understand the Epidemiology of COVID-19 and Its Socio-economic Impacts in Libya

Background: During the last three decades there are many viral infections emerging and re-emerge with high socio-economic and public health impacts worldwide. The Coronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in China in late December 2019. Later, on 30th Jan 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has constituted the COVID-19 as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). arabic 15 English 86
Abdusalam Sharef Mahmoud, Abdulgader Dhawi Alfitouri Dhawi, Aziza Sulieman Mayouf , Ahlam Masaud Ellafi(3-2021)
موقع المنشور