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Mode of Cell Death in Mouse Brain Following Early Exposure to Low-Dose Trichloroethane: Apoptosis or Necrosis

The goal of this study was to investigate, in-vivo, the predominant mechanism of cell death, apoptosis versus necrosis, in the mature mouse brain exposed early to a ubiquitous environmental toxicant trichloroethane (TCE). A subset of male albino mice was injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400µg/kg). All animals were followed up for signs of toxicity and mortality. Changes in neural tissues were histpathologically evaluated. Biomarkers of brain cell number were also studied. The results showed that TCE insult triggered significant alterations in the microstructure of the brain tissues compared to controls. Mitotic figures and apoptotic changes such as chromatin condensation and nuclear fragments were also identified. Cell death analysis demonstrates that cell apoptosis with necrosis was evident in the TCE-treated groups. The percent of necrosis was quantified as 20.09 ± 2.57% at 100µg/kg TCE, 30.57 ± 5.18% at 400µg/kg TCE, and 12.67 ± 1.25% in controls. However, the percent of apoptosis was quantified as 29.18 ± 1.51% at 100µg/kg TCE, 20.14 ± 2.12% at 400µg/kg TCE, and 8 ± 1.25% in controls. There was also a significant reduction in the brain DNA content in the TCE-treated groups. Agarose gel electrophoresis is also provided further biochemical evidence of apoptosis by showing internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. These results correlated with neurobehavioral impairment. These findings indicate that TCE induces degeneration and apoptotic cell death in mouse brain, suggesting a crucial role played by apoptosis in TCE neurotoxicity.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Abdul Hakim Elnfati, Naser M. Salama, Massaud S. Maamar, Soad A. Treesh, Taher Shaibi(10-2015)
موقع المنشور

دور إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين أداء مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي

تهدف هذه الورقة إلى التعرف على إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وتأثيرها في تحسين أداء مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي والعالم العربي، وبيان الانعكاسات الايجابية في الأداء نتيجة لتطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة المتمثلة في (التحسين المستمر، واعتماد الإدارة على المعلومات عند اتخاذ القارارت، ودعم الإدارة العليا لتطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وتركيز الجهود على تلبية حاجات ورغبات الزبائن). إذ توضح هذه الورقة أن إدارة الجودة الشاملة هي أسلوب إداري حديث متميز، ويتطلب من جميع الباحثين في المؤسسات التعليمية في ليبيا، رفع مستوي المنتج التعليمي من خرجين، وبحوث ودارسات، بما يتناسب مع متطلبات مجتمعاتها كما تهدف هذه الورقة لتوضيح مدى تحقيق جودة التعليم حيث ا عتمد ، العالي في المؤسسات التعليمية العربية والليبية من خلال منهج نظري وصفي يستعرض في هذه الورقة الباحثين في هذه الورقة على الأدبيات، والدارسات السابقة المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مفهوم إدارة الجودة الشاملة في التعليم العالي، ومميازته، ومتطلباته، ومعوقاته، والتحديات التي تواجه التعليم العالي في العالم العربي بما فيهم دولة ليبيا بالتحديد. كما تتجلي أهمية الدارسة من خلال تناولها لموضوع يتسم بالحداثة ويعد تطبيق المبادئ والأساليب الحديثة على مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي في غاية الأهمية، وذلك من أجل الارتقاء بها إلى معدلات عالية من الأداء والجودة ورفع كفاءة الخدمات المقدمة للطلبة والعاملين والباحثين وأعضاء هيئة التدريس. من خلال هذه الدارسة التي قام بها الباحثين تم استخلاص نتيجة مفادها ان تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة يساهم في تعزيز القدارت التنافسية للمؤسسات وبالدرجة التي تمكنها من تحقيق أداء متميز لمواجهة حدة المنافسة التي يتميز بها عصرنا الحالي. وقد توصل الباحثين في هذه الورقة من خلال الدارسات السابقة لاقتارح عدد من التوصيات من أهمها: نشر ثقافة الجودة، الاهتمام بدعم البحث العلمي، دعم الإدارة العليا لتطبيق معايير وا جارءات اعتماد مؤسسات التعليم العالي الليبي الصادرة من المركز الوطني لضمان الجودة.
محمد عبدالسلام محمد القريو , , (12-2018)
موقع المنشور

Fertility and Reproductive Outcome in Mice Following Trichloroethane (TCE) Exposure

Exposure to trichloroethane (TCE), an industrial solvent, has been shown to be negatively associated with reproductive performance. The present study was performed to assess the effects of TCE exposure on the reproductive performance and outcome in mice during a critical developmental window of later reproductive life. A group of female mice were injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400 µg/kg). Mice were followed up for signs of toxicity and death. Changes in uterine tissues have also been investigated by histopathology. The results showed that TCE exposure has reduced the number of F0 fertile females comparing to controls. Moreover, TCE exposure resulted in a decreased pups number and changed sex ratio in the litter of F0 TCE­treated dams. Histopathological examination revealed a TCE­induced uterine toxicity appeared as a severe endometrial hyperplasia with squamous cell metaplasia and adenomyosis. These results indicate that TCE exposure during a critical reproductive developmental window could affect the fertility and interfere with the reproductive outcome in mice.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Seham A. Azreg, Emad M. Bennour, Salem A. El-Mahgiubi, Ali R. Al-Attar, Naser M. Salama, Abdul Hakim Elnfati(10-2015)
موقع المنشور

Critical Success Factors of ISO/IEC 17025 Implementation within Arabic Countries: A Case Study of Libyan Research Centres and Laboratories - LRCL

Aim– This paper aims to review the existing literature relevant to the subject of ISO/IEC 17025 within Arabic countries and Libyan Research Centres Laboratories (LRCL), especially to the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that effect the implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Therefore, a review of the literature revealed a major gap in studies in this area of quality standards for testing and calibration laboratories. Methodology– The aspects listed were based on a review of the literature. This paper summaries the key findings result within LRCL using SWOT and Template analysis to analyse the data collected from existing literature and LRCL data. Findings –The findings revealed that despite some organisations have faced challenges undertaking ISO/IEC 17025 implementations, many others have enjoyed the benefits that the systems have brought to the organisations. Outcomes of the research are important for Arabic and Libyan organisations implementing ISO/IEC 17025 systems and for consulting companies assisting with ISO/IEC 17025 implementation. The distribution of the current study results will lead to knowledge transfer and help organisations, among Arabic and developing countries including Libya, in the process of achieving standardisation. Originality, Value – The novelty of this research paper stems from the realisation of critical factors determining a successful implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 within research centers and Laboratories in Arabic countries and LRCL. The originality and value of this research paper is to fill the gap in knowledge in this area, which is explicit to the Arabic countries and Libya in particular. In addition, it contributes to the literature and professional practice by offering new insights into the CSFs for the implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 in Arabic countries and LRCL.
Anwar Salih Ali Al-mijrab, Maged Elmabruk Elgharib, Mohamed A. Al-Griw(5-2019)
موقع المنشور

Improving Quality of Education in Extreme Adversities-The case of Libya

Evidence based medicine, clinical reasoning, self-directed critical thinking and problem solving approach are mandatory in order to acquire better retained and usable knowledge in a clinical context through student-centered teaching, and team interpersonal skills promotion. Adoption of new and high standards methods of teaching such as 3D models [24,25], along with updated responsive teaching materials are mandatory and represent pre-requirements for accredited medical schools
Aisha Nasef, Mohamed A Al-Griw, Adel El Taguri(5-2020)
موقع المنشور

Cell Death in Mouse Brain following Early Exposure to Trichloroethane (TCE)

Exposure to chemicals has been shown to adversely affect CNS health in rodents and humans. The objective was to evaluate, in-vivo, the effects of trichloroethane (TCE), a ubiquitous environmental contaminant, on the integrity of neural cells. A group of albino mice was injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400 µg/kg). Animals were followed up for signs of toxicity and death. Alterations in neural tissues have also been investigated by histopathology The results showed a large number of degenerative neural cells (pyknosis of nuclei, DNA fragmentation, chromatin condensation) in the 100 and 400 µg/kg TCE-treated groups comparing to controls. Although there were no significant effect on the neural cell counts, the pattern of increased degenerative cells in TCE-treated groups was higher compared to controls. The results also showed that TCE led to a significant increase in the percent of degenerative neurons. There was also a significant reduction in the percent of neurons. These results correlated with the increase in the percent of glia. This study indicates that TCE exposure had detrimental impact on neural cells, and that neurons are more vulnerable to TCE than glia in this in-vivo mouse model.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Naser M. Salama, Soad A. Treesh, Lubna N. Algadi, Abdul hakim Elnfati(7-2015)
موقع المنشور

Oxidative Stress Mediated Cytotoxicity of Trichloroethane in a Model of Murine Splenic Injury

The present in vivo murine study was aimed to investigate the long-term effect of repeated administration of low-dose of the environmental toxicant trichloroethane (TCE) over three weeks on the spleen and peripheral blood cells, and the possible role of oxidative stress in TCE-induced toxicity. The results showed neither adverse clinical signs nor mortality on the TCE-treated mice. However, significant changes were noticed in the spleen of those animals. Grossly, the spleen of TCE-treated group was congested and enlarged (splenomegaly). Histpathologically, the splenic tissues of TCE-treated mice showed signs of toxicity as highly activated germinal centers of the white pulp with minimal apoptotic reaction as well as a prominent megakarocytosis and infiltration of the red pulp by comparatively increased number of eosinophiIs and mature lymphocytes were detected. In addition, lymphocyte numbers were decreased in peripheral blood as well as basophils. In contrast, there was an increase in monocyte numbers in the peripheral circulation. In addition, lipid peroxidation/ malondialdehyde formation, a biomarker of oxidative stress, was significantly induced by TCE treatment in the sera and spleen of mice, suggesting an overall increase in oxidative stress. These results provide further support to a role of oxidative stress in TCE-induced cell death, which could result in an impaired spleen function. This study concludes that attenuation of TCE-induced splenic damage in mice provides an approach for preventive and/or therapeutic strategies
Massaud S. Maamar, Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Rabia O. Al-Ghazeer, Seham A. Al-Azreg, Naser M. Salama, Emad M. Bennour(3-2016)
موقع المنشور

Cerebellar Organotypic Slice Culture System: A Model of Developing Brain Ischaemia

Ischaemic injury during brain development correlates with long-term neurological problems resulting in part from oligodendrocytes (OL) damage and a loss of appropriate myelination. The molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible remain partially understood and there is no effective clinical treatment. Here we develop and characterise an ex-vivo slice culture ischaemia model to elucidate the cellular mechanisms to aid the search for therapeutic interventions. Cerebellar slices from 7 day-old rats were cultured for 10 days and their developmental profile in culture and their response to oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) was assessed. During the culture period development of white matter progressed as in-vivo, the numbers of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) decreased and the numbers of mature OLs increased and there was extensive myelination of axons as judged by colocalisation of myelin basic protein and neurofilament. Cultured slices were exposed to a short period of OGD at 7 days in-vitro and reperfused to mimic in-vivo conditions. Twenty minutes of OGD was found to result in significant injury as judged by a 58.6% reduction in cell viability 3 days post-injury. Treatment of cultures with OGD resulted in a loss of OLs and a loss of myelination of axons. In summary we have developed a paradigm for studying the damage to OLs and loss of myelination associated with ischaemic periods during development which should facilitate the search for understanding the mechanisms responsible and identifying potential therapeutic interventions.
Mohamed A M Al Griw , Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Ian C. Wood, Michael G. Salter(11-2017)
موقع المنشور