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Prevalence of Mutations in TAL1 Gene in Individuals With T-ALL and T-NHL

Mutations in the TAL1 (T-cell acute leukemia 1) gene were recently described in patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) and in those with lymphoblastic T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (T-NHL). The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the prevalence of mutations in TAL1 gene in T-ALL and TNHL. DNA samples from 15 unrelated healthy controls, 20 T-ALL patients, and 10 T-NHL patients were analyzed using DNA-PCR and direct DNA sequencing to identify sequence genetic variations in TAL1 gene (exons 2 and 3). TAL1 exon 2 mutations were identified in 7.7% adult and 12.5% adolescent T-ALL patients analyzed. TAL1 exon 2 mutations were detected in 16.7% of the adult TNHL patients analyzed. Sequencing of TAL1 exon 3 showed no sequence variation for the T-ALL and T-NHL cancer patients analyzed. No sex difference where observed in the incidences of TAL1 exons 2 mutations between T-ALL and T-NHL patients with and without TAL1 mutations. TAL1 exon 2 missense and frame-shift mutations were present in 44.4% (4/9) and 55.6% (5/9) of T-ALL patients, respectively. However, the frame-shift and missense mutations in the T-NHL patients accounted for, where respectively, 60% (3/5) and 40% (4/5) of all TAL1 exon 2 mutations. Comparing the clinical features showed that there are no differences in PLT and WBC counts as well as the average age between T-ALL and T-NHL patients with and without TAL1 mutations. Overall, these findings indicate that TAL1 mutations are too rare to be of clinical relevance, and do not seem to be significantly associated with the increased T-ALL and T-NHL susceptibility, implying different pathways with respect to TAL1 genetic polymorphisms as a risk factor for T-ALL and T-NHL at least in this population of Libyans.
Amal E. Elarifi, Othman A. El-Ansari, Mohamed A. Al-Griw(12-2016)
موقع المنشور

CYP1A1 Genetic Variations and Lung Cancer Risk in a Population of Libyan Males

Alterations in genes encoding the xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes contribute to the variability in susceptibility to various cancers. In this study, we assessed the possible association between the CYP1A1 variants and lung cancer (LC) risk in a population of Libyan males. For this study, we selected 20 unrelated healthy controls and 32 patients with LC. DNA samples from the controls and patients were screened by DNA-PCR and direct DNA sequence analysis to search for genetic sequence variations in CYP1A1 gene (exon 7 and 3’ non-coding region). CYP1A1 mutations were identified in 11.5 % adult subjects and cases analyzed, and all were males. Overall, 11 CYP1A1 mutations were documented in this study implicating exon 7 and 3’ non-coding region. Nonsense, missense, and frame-shift mutations accounted for, respectively, 27.3 %, 63.6 % and 9.1 % of all CYP1A1 mutations. Three missense mutations namely CYP1A1*2B/m2 (rs1048943), CYP1A1*4/m4 (rs1799814), and CYP1A1*2A/m1 (rs4646903) have already been reported. The remaining mutations have not been described previously. We observed two apparently heterozygous carriers of mutation CYP1A1*2B/m2 (CYP1A1 4889A/G [642Ile/Val] genotype) in control group. We also observed two heterozygotic genotypes one containing mutation m4 (CYP1A1 4887C/A [461Thr/Asp]) and another containing mutation m1 (6235T/C) in cancer group. The mutations m2, m4, and m1 accounted for, respectively, 18.2 %, 9.1 % and 9.1 % of all CYP1A1 mutations. Comparing the clinical features showed that PLT and WBC counts were lower in CYP1A1 mutant than in CYP1A1 wild type, but they have not reached statistical significant (P > 0.05). The average age of CYP1A1 mutant was lower than in CYP1A1 wild type. Overall, these findings suggest that genetic alterations in the metabolic gene CYP1A1 are too rare to be of clinical relevance in this study, implying different pathways for the LC risk with respect to CYP1A1 polymorphisms as a risk factor for LC at least in this study.
Najah A. Fares, Othman A. El-Ansari, Mohamed A. Al-Griw(4-2017)
موقع المنشور

Cellular and molecular etiology of hepatocyte injury in a murine model of environmentally induced liver abnormality

Exposures to a wide variety of environmental substances are negatively associated with many biological cell systems both in humans and rodents. Trichloroethane (TCE), a ubiquitous environmental toxicant, is used in large quantities as a dissolvent, metal degreaser, chemical intermediate, and component of consumer products. This increases the likelihood of human exposure to these compounds through dermal, inhalation and oral routes. The present in vivo study was aimed to investigate the possible cellular and molecular etiology of liver abnormality induced by early exposure to TCE using a murine model. The results showed a significant increase in liver weight. Histopathological examination revealed a TCE-induced hepatotoxicity which appeared as heavily congested central vein and blood sinusoids as well as leukocytic infiltration. Mitotic figures and apoptotic changes such as chromatin condensation and nuclear fragments were also identified. Cell death analysis demonstrates hepatocellular apoptosis was evident in the treated mice compared to control. TCE was also found to induce oxidative stress as indicated by an increase in the levels of lipid peroxidation, an oxidative stress marker. There was also a significant decrease in the DNA content of the hepatocytes of the treated groups compared to control. Agarose gel electrophoresis also provided further biochemical evidence of apoptosis by showing internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in the liver cells, indicating oxidative stress as the cause of DNA damage. These results suggest the need for a complete risk assessment of any new chemical prior to its arrival into the consumer market.
Mohamed M. Al-Griw, Rabia O. Alghazeer, S. A. Al-Azreg, Emad M. Bennour(9-2016)
موقع المنشور

Effects of storage temperature on the quantity and integrity of genomic DNA extracted from mice tissues: A comparison of recovery methods

Efficient extraction of genomic DNA (gDNA) from biological materials found in harsh environments is the first step for successful forensic DNA profiling. This study aimed to evaluate two methods for DNA recovery from animal tissues (livers, muscles), focusing on the best storage temperature for DNA yield in term of quality, quantity, and integrity for use in several downstream molecular techniques. Six male Swiss albino mice were sacrificed, liver and muscle tissues (n=32) were then harvested and stored for one week in different temperatures, -20C, 4C, 25C and 40C. The conditioned animal tissues were used for DNA extraction by Chelex-100 method or NucleoSpin Blood and Tissue kit. The extracted gDNA was visualized on 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis to determine the quality of gDNA and analysed spectrophotometrically to determine the DNA concentration and the purity. Both methods, Chelex-100 and NucleoSpin Blood and Tissue kit found to be appropriate for yielding high quantity of gDNA, with the Chelex100 method yielding a greater quantity (P < 0.045) than the kit. At -20C, 4C, and 25C temperatures, the concentration of DNA yield was numerically lower than at 40C. The NucleoSpin Blood and Tissue kit produced a higher (P=0.031) purity product than the Chelex-100 method, particularly for muscle tissues. The Chelex-100 method is cheap, fast, effective, and is a crucial tool for yielding DNA from animal tissues (livers, muscles) exposed to harsh environment with little limitations.
Huda H. Al-Griw, Zena A. Zraba, Salsabiel K. Al-Muntaser, Marwan M. Draid, Aisha M. Zaidi, Refaat M. Tabagh , Mohamed A. Al-Griw(8-2017)
موقع المنشور

Environmentally toxicant exposures induced intragenerational transmission of liver abnormalities in mice

Environmental toxicants such as chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides have been shown to promote transgenerational inheritance of abnormal phenotypes and/or diseases to multiple subsequent generations following parental and/ or ancestral exposures. This study was designed to examine the potential transgenerational action of the environmental toxicant trichloroethane (TCE) on transmission of liver abnormality, and to elucidate the molecular etiology of hepatocyte cell damage. A total of thirty two healthy immature female albino mice were randomly divided into three equal groups as follows: a sham group, which did not receive any treatment; a vehicle group, which received corn oil alone, and TCE treated group (3 weeks, 100 μg/kg i.p., every 4th day). The F0 and F1 generation control and TCE populations were sacrificed at the age of four months, and various abnormalities histpathologically investigated. Cell death and oxidative stress indices were also measured. The present study provides experimental evidence for the inheritance of environmentally induced liver abnormalities in mice. The results of this study show that exposure to the TCE promoted adult onset liver abnormalities in F0 female mice as well as unexposed F1 generation offspring. It is the first study to report a transgenerational liver abnormalities in the F1 generation mice through maternal line prior to gestation. This finding was based on careful evaluation of liver histopathological abnormalities, apoptosis of hepatocytes, and measurements of oxidative stress biomarkers (lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, and nitric oxide) in control and TCE populations. There was an increase in liver histopathological abnormalities, cell death, and oxidative lipid damage in F0 and F1 hepatic tissues of TCE treated group. In conclusion, this study showed that the biological and health impacts of environmental toxicant TCE do not end in maternal adults, but are passed on to offspring generations. Hence, linking observed liver abnormality in the offspring to environmental exposure of their parental line. This study also illustrated that oxidative stress and apoptosis appear to be a molecular component of the hepatocyte cell injury.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw , Soad A. Treesh, Rabia O. Alghazeer, Sassia O. Regeai (7-2017)
موقع المنشور

دليل الوصف المورفولوجي وتصنيف قطاع التربة في الحقل

بتوفيق من الله تم إعداد هذا الكتيب لمساعدة المهندسين والطلبة والباحثين الذين يقومون بإجراء وصف قطاعات التربة في الحقل أثناء دراسات التربة الحقلية أوإجراء بعض البحوث في هذا المجال, حيث أن الكم الهائل من المعلومات والملاحظات التي يجب تدوينها وتجميعها من خلال الوصف الحقلي لقطاع التربة وكذلك المصطلحات العلمية التي يتعذر في كثير من الأحيان تذكرها بصورة مرتبة. عليه ،،،،،،،،،،،،،، لقد حاولنا أن نضع كافة خبرتنا المتواضعة التى اكتسبناها لتسهيل المهمة ويكون هذا الدليل بين أيدي طلبة قسم التربة والمياه والمهتمين بهذا المجال , وذلك لمساعدتهم في إختيارالمصطلحات العلمية المطلوبة والمناسبة ووضعها في مكانها الصحيح مع توحيد هذه المصطلحات وتعريبها بين المستخدمين في هذا المجال. كما يوضح هذا الكتيب الخطوات العلمية الصحيحة لوصف قطاع التربة في الحقل. حيث أنه كلما كان وصف قطاع التربة في الحقل دقيقاً والمصطلحات المستخدمة في مكانها الصحيح كان تصنيف التربة أقرب إلى الواقع ، وبالتالي يكون تقييم خصائص التربة المختلفة واقعياً حتى يتم استخدامها الاستخدام الأمثل والتعرف على مشاكلها بصورة صحيحة , وكذلك وضع برامج الإدارة الفنية المناسبة للتربة للحد من مشاكل أستزراعها. ولقد تم التركيز أيضاً في هذا الكتيب على تصنيف الترب السائدة بكامل أرجاء ليبيا وهي في مجموعها 6 رتب من مجموع 12 رتبة على مستوى العالم وذلك وفق النظام الأمريكي الحديث لتصنيف التربة والمعتمد في دراسات تصنيف التربة فى ليبيا. ويوضح هذا الكتيب أيضاً مستوى تحت الرتب التي يمكن التعرف عليها في الحقل من خلال الوصف المورفولوجي لقطاع التربة والبيئة المحيطة به. كذلك يركز هذا الكتيب على ترتيب ونوعية الآفاق الوراثية أو البيدوجينية بمستوى تحت الرتب المتواجدة بالبيئة الليبية مع تحديد الأفاق التشخيصية السطحية وتحت السطحية المميزة بهذه المستويات مع وضع رسومات توضيحية كلما أمكن ذلك. كما يرفق مع هذا الكتيب النموذج المعتمد لوصف قطاع التربة بالحقل والبيئة المحيطة به وكذلك نموذج تفسير النتائج. والله ولي التوفيق المؤلفان
د.عزالدين الطيب الحويج , مختار محمود مختار العالم(5-2012)

A Comparison of Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point Methods for Evaluating Land Suitability

This article compares two fuzzy approaches to land suitability evaluations, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Ideal Point. The methods were evaluated using a case study which models the opportunities for wheat production under irrigation conditions in the north‐western region of Jeffara Plain, Libya. A number of relevant soil and landscape criteria were identified through a review of the literature and their weights specified as a result of discussions with local experts. The results of the Fuzzy AHP showed that the majority of the study area has membership values to the set of suitability between 0.40 and 0.50, while the results of the Ideal Point approach revealed most of the study area to have membership values between 0.30 and 0.40. While the Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point approaches accommodate the continuous nature of many soil properties and produce more intuitive distributions of land suitabilities values, the Fuzzy AHP approach was found to be better than Fuzzy Ideal Point. This was due to the latter's tendency to be biased towards positive and negative ideal values
Mukhtar Elaalem, Alexis Comber, Pete Fisher(6-2011)
موقع المنشور

A Comparison of Parametric and Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Methods for Evaluating Land Suitability for Olive in Jeffara Plain of Libya

Boolean approaches to land suitability treat both the spatial units and the value ranges as clearly defined. This is to ignore the continuous nature of land properties as well as the differences and uncertainties in measurement. The objective of this paper was to compare two approaches to land suitability evaluations; Parametric and Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Methods to model the opportunities for olive production in Jeffara Plain of Libya. In this paper a number of soil and landscape criteria were identified and their weights specified as a result of discussions with local experts. The Fuzzy MCE approach was found to be better than the parametric approach. The Fuzzy MCE approaches accommodate the continuous nature of many soil properties and produce more intuitive distributions of land suitabilities value for olive. The results of Fuzzy MCE showed that the majority of the study area is highly suitable for olive production, while the results obtained from the use the parametric method showed that most of the study area is moderately suitable for olive production.
Mukhtar Mahmud Elaalem(1-2013)
موقع المنشور