Dr. DalendaNasef

Physics Faculty of Science

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Dr. Dalenda Mohamed Ali Nasef


Doctor of Phiosophy

Academic Rank



Dalenda Nasef is one of the staff members at the department of 2 faculty of 1.She is working as a since 2008-09-02. She teaches several subjects in her major and has several publications in the field of her interest.

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الكل منذ 2017


دراسة خصائص نظائر الاريبيوم الشفعية - شفعية باستخدام نموذج البوزونات المتفاعلة 2

تم في هذا البحث حساب مستويات الطاقة لبعض نظائر الاريبيوم الشفعية - شفعية ذات الاعداد الكتلية من 156-162 باستخدام نموذج المفاعلة البوزونية 2 كما تم ايجاد عزم القصور الذاتي ومربع طاقة الفوتون المنبعث للقيم المعملية والمحسوبة ورسم العلاقة البيانية بينهما وكذلك إيجاد النسبة E2/E4 ومقارنتها مع التحديدات الثلاث U(5), O(6), SU(3) وايضا رسم منحنيات EGama/I كدالة في البرم لنظائر Er المذكورة ومقارنتها بالمنح نيات المعيارية E-GOS على النطاق الطبيعي تبين ان للنظيرين Er158, Er156 عند قيم برمية منخفضة خصائص غاما الغير مستبرة وبارتفاع قيم البرم انتقلت هذه الخصائص الى الحالة الدورانية، بطنما أظهرت حالة النظيرين Er162, Er160 خصائص دورانيه
دلندة محمد علي ناصف , سعاد محمد بوقرين , عياد الهادي الزوام , الصادق محمد القاضي, نجاة الشفتري (6-2021)
موقع المنشور

the study of some nuclear properties of even-even Cd 114-120 isotpes using IBM1

In this study, we have determind the most appropriate Hamiltonian for the study of even-even Cd 114-120 to calculate, its energy levels using the interacting boson model IBM1. In addition, the backbending (moment of inertia as a function of (hw) of the energy levels for each isotope was indicated through the experimental and calculated values of the energy levels. A simulation program with MATLAP-18 has been built for this purpose, the results were compared with previous experimental data and it was observed that they were on a good agreement.
Dalenda M. Nasef , Suad M. Bograin, Najat Eshaftri , Ayad Ezwam , Sadek Elkadi (10-2021)
Publisher's website

Structural Evolution of 146–158 Nd Isotopes Using IBM-2 Hamiltonian

: Neodymium isotopes (Z=60) lie in the traditional rotational to transitional-spherical region that occurs at the range of deformed nuclei. The identity of 146−158 Neodymium nuclei have been determined in framework of Interacting Boson Model-2, a simulation program with NPBOS has been used to obtain the theoretical energy levels for Neodymium isotopes. The parameters of the best fit to the measured data are determined. The energy positive parity bands of those isotopes were calculated using (IBM-2) and then it compared with the experimental values. The mentioned isotopes ratios (E(4_1^+))/(E(2_1^+)) have calculated and also E-GOS curves (( E_γ)/I) have drawn as a function of the spin I, to classify symmetry of the nuclei. The electromagnetic transition probabilities B(E2) of these nuclei was calculated as well, where a good agreement for low lying energy states were obtained between experimental results and theoretical calculations. The results have been shown that the interested nuclei 152-158Nd have rotational characters SU (3), and O (6) symmetry is substantiated for 146-148Nd, as well as the critical point X (5) has been determined for 150Nd isotope.
D. Nasef, Najat S. Eshaftri, Ayad E. Ezwam, Suad M. Bogrin, Asma A. Elbendag, Sadiq M. El-kadi(12-2021)
Publisher's website