Mr. SaadKhalfalla

Department of Economics faculty of Economy

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Mr. Saad Salem Saad Khalfalla


Master degree

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor


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روابط التواصل


الكل منذ 2017


Bachelor Degree

5 ,2007



Inflation considers one of the monetary policy important tools to control the economic and posh it to a considerable stability. On the other hand, to achieve that goal the economic policy makers have to allow small percentage of inflation. That percent of inflation we will talk about it in this paper. Therefore, we gave some concepts on the causes of the inflation as well as its costs. In addition, the researchers looked to the inflation impacts on the purchasing power and the exchange rates. Further, we looked to the unemployment and how decreased due to allowing that small percent of inflation (inflation targeting).
Mohamed Suliman Abaid, Saad Salem Khalfalla, Osama Ramadan Aboudaya(6-2020)

US outbound direct investment

ملخص الدراسة ان السؤال الذي نحاول الإجابة عليه في هذه الدراسة هو : ما هي المتغيرات التي تؤثر على خيار بعض الشركات الدولية "حول الاستثمار أو عدم الاستثمار في الامريكى ؟ أن قياس ذلك تم عن طريق تكلفة الإنتاج و اضافة كل دولار لتكاليف كل متغير من المتغيرات التي يتوقع ان تكون ذات تأثير على ارتفاع تكلفة الإنتاج على منتج معين ، إن ارتفاع تكلفة الإنتاج تؤدي بالشركات أكثر عرضة للبحث للاستثمار في مكان آخر لإنتاج من أجل أن تكون قادرة على المنافسة في الأسواق العالمية. Abstract The Question that I am trying to answer is; what are the variables that affect a certain international companies’ choice on whether or not to invest in U.S? I am measuring this by cost of production and by the each dollar added to the costs by each of the variables. The higher the cost of production on a given product, the more likely companies will look elsewhere to produce in order to be able to competitive in the international markets. I began by choosing my variables and running the unrestricted regression by using R . Then, I dropped the insignificant variables and ran a restricted regression. I constructed my final model and analyzed my findings.
Saad Salem Saad Khalfalla(3-2017)