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أثر العمليات الإلكترونية على الأداء المالي لمصرف الجمهورية


Based upon the several benefits of electronic operations including speedy services which in its turn was reflected on financial performance of banks. Therefore, this study (Impact of electronic operations on financial performance of Jamhouria Bank) aims to detect the nature and type of relation between electronic operations and financial performance of Jamhouria Bank. Theoretically, the researcher has adopted the inductive method while in field study he has adopted the analytical descriptive method in studying the phenomena and in testing study assumption to obtain the results and recommendations.Through financial analyses of the study, I came to the conclusion that the bank is able to pay its debts and obligations especially short term debts. The bank is improving in the sense that cash profit revenues were increase, and the administration of circulated assets and cash debts was efficient. As for the questionnaire, the impact of electronic operations on financial performance of the bank as well as the existence of a coordinative relation between branch administrations of the bank via the unified system which was within the required level, in addition to the impact of media (rationalization) on the clients causing increase of withdrawals by cheques with less concentration on electronic operation. Use of electronic cards is limited on self withdrawals only without using the same in purchase and sell operations the matter which affects the financial performance of the bank. Since the researcher has recommended more concentration on electronic operations in rendering services to clients. Furthermore, to allocate a budget for electronic operations. Plus the efforts which should be concerted for increasing the awareness of the clients on how to use electronic cards by the media.Moreover automatic withdrawal machines must be increased to reduce crowding in front of windows, as well as more use of electronic cards in purchase and selling activities etc…, and not to be limited for automatic withdrawals only
مصطفى مصباح سعيد إمسيلخ (2012)

Flexural Vibrations Of Beams


Finite element method is used to analyze the flexural vibrations of beams using Galerkin approach for both Bernoulli and Timoshenko theories.The methodology is started by integral formulation of the partial differential equations for the physical problem, and then the element stiffness, mass matrices and load vector have been obtained. Free vibrations analysis is used for the predictions of natural frequencies and mode shapes for, first flexural vibrations by classical theory, second flexural vibrations by including the effect of shear deformation and rotary inertia in the analysis. Finally, the axial and torsional vibrations, in addition to flexural vibrations, in both transverse and lateral directions together have been taken into consideration, thus the finite element equations and the element stiffness, mass, and load vector matrices have been developed for axial, torsional, and flexural vibration together.The natural frequencies are tabulated for all classical types of classical boundary conditions. The mode shapes corresponding to the natural frequencies were presented graphically. The exact solutions and results obtained by other standard methods are used for comparison with the current numerical results. The forced vibrations were introduced for the analysis of dynamic behavior of beams under several types of loading. The finite element code with Taylor series method and mode superposition for the Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams has been carried out. Numerical results are presented in the form of comparisons between the Bernoulli and Timoshenko and demonstrate how the effect of shear deformation reduced the displacement response with increasing the excitation frequency, excitation amplitude, and length of the beam. Comparisons are made with the exact and existing classical methods and checked with those obtained IVusing standard methods (ANSYS package) and are found in good agreement. It should be noted that all models of beams have always convergence to the correct solution.
أمنة احمد القلفاط (2009)

استخدام تقنيات المواصلات في تحسين التشغيل لمنظومة النقل البري في مدينة طرابلس


Fire is one of the greatest risks for every building and particularly for high-rise buildings. Usually, a building fire causes not only hazard to the occupants in a floor, but also a possible threat to the occupants in other floors and in particular to those located at upper storeys, with rising temperature and with killer smoke. Fire simulation can be performed using software packages designed for such a task. The fire simulation can often include aspects of hazard identification, fire growth and smoke movement, egress assessment, structural fire performance, sprinkler and fire detection system design, and smoke management system specification.The present thesis examines the up-to-date technologies available within the context of fire engineering simulation. This work gives an overview of available software packages that are used today in fire engineering simulation. It presents the procedure of fire simulation inside a high-rise building by using an advanced computer program named the Consolidated Model of Fire Growth and Smoke Transport ) CFAST for short. The CFAST program simulates fire action by calculating fire gases, the evolving distribution of smoke and temperature throughout a building during fire. This computer program is based on solving a set of equations that predict the state variables such as pressure and temperature. These equations are derived from the conservation equations for energy mass and the ideal gas law. It is important to know that the resulting errors, which might result, does not come from these equations, but rather they come from numerical analysis representation of the equations or from the simplifying assumption.
خالد عبد الونيس السكوري (2010)

Order Structures of One-point Extensions of Locally Compact Spaces


For a locally compact space, we define an order-anti-isomorphism from the set of all one-point extensions of onto the set of all nonempty closed subsets of . We consider various sets of one-point extensions, including the set of all one-point locally compact extensions of , the set of all one-point Lindelöf extensions of , the set of all one-point pseudocompact extensions of , and the set of all one-point Cech-complete extensions of , among others. We study how these sets of one-point extensions are related, and investigate the relationship between their order structure, and the topology of subspaces of , we also study the relationship between various subsets of one-point extensions, the existence of minimal and maximal elements in various sets of one point extensions, and we show how some of our results may be applied to obtain relations between the order structure of certain subfamilies of ideals of partially ordered with inclusion, and the topology of subspaces of .
مسعودة سعد نجم (2009)

Assessment Study of Energy Consumption in Ras Lanuf Refinery by pinch Analysis


Here asphaltene precipitation in petroleum reservoirs during natural depletion and miscible gas injection is modeled for two distinct and new methods (polymer solution and Scott-Magat theory). The first model is based on the polymer solution theory, which is a combination of Miller's combinatorial term with a modified residual term of the original Flory-Huggins theory. The second one is based on the Scott Magat theory to represent solid-liquid equilibria. The models has also been coupled with Peng Robinson equation of state (PR EOS) to describe the phase behavior of asphaltene compounds in crude oil and predict the amount of asphaltene precipitation during injection of carbon dioxide for the miscible displacement of asphaltic crudes. The model treats asphaltene within crude oil as a single pseudocomponent represented by an average molecular weight and molar volume and solubility parameter . The results of both models show an acceptable and good agreement between the real data (field and experimental) and those of the models. As it can be seen from the obtained results of those of the two models, it seems that application of the lattice or polymer solution theories (based on The Miller's combinatorial term) could give better results that are more close to real data.
وداد بلعيد حميدات (2009)

الإدارة الهندسية والمساهمة في حل مشاكل تنفيذ المشاريع الهندسية بليبيا


History of project management return to ancient times since the construction of the great projects that immortalized in history like pyramids, Wall of China, the Gardens of Babylon And many more projects that still witness to the civilizations until today. And for certainly, that difficult and complex project needed many equipment, materials, and human resources... And there is no doubt, that it had been using an administrative system in these projects, but so far, no historian has found any documented information about how they did it! Our present time of competition and development in all fields, specially industry, which it’s measurement is the most important criteria for measuring the development of any community, and there is many types of industries, including the construction industry, which has grown clearly on all parts of Libya, whether in infrastructure projects or investment projects. Despite the important role of construction projects in Libya, but it is suffering through it’s life cycle to a many of problems, leading to delay the completion of these projects. And in this thesis a study applied on construction projects to obtain depending on the questionnaire prepared in advance in compliance with elements of the academic view, and then doing the necessary statistical and computer-aided analysis and the use of modern software then discuss the results in details. Thesis includes the explanation and the analysis of findings that has been done for the problems and determines the impact of these problems on construction projects on (duration, cost and quality)
محمد رمضان المشري (2013)

Scheduling Algorithms for Core-Based SOC Systems


In this thesis, we present a set of scheduling algorithms that are used in designing core-based system-on-chips. Related techniques such as hardware /software codesign, and High-level-synthesis are defined. However, we selected some algorithms at system level and core level to implement them. They combined in system design methodology. Therefore, we used them for design exploration process. The methodology able to explore designs by scheduling them partitioning systems, and pipelining.Finally results obtained are encouraging to use the selected algorithm in designing efficient core-based system-on-chip systems.
مفيدة رمضان علي بلال (2010)

حول تقدير الخطأ في الحلوول العددية للمعادلات التفاضلية العادية الخطية


In this thesis, we study different numerical methods used to solve ordinary differential equations of the first and second orders and where related important definitions are given . We will concentrate first on Differential Equations of the first order and the truncation errors which are derived for various methods and those compared with the expected errors , whenever possible . Two applications were given in science of biology and physics which were studied in details . Finally we draw our attention to ordinary differential equations of the second order where we study initial-value problems and boundary-value problems with the application of the wellknown numerical procedures :the shooting method and the finite difference method . The important conclusion we came up with is that the truncation error is always greater than the expected error for all methods used, and this which was expected .
عفاف احمد الجطلاوي (2014)