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Creation of Wind Velocity Contour Map to Calculate Design Wind Velocity for Libya


The new trend of development in Libya is building a more high rise buildings (tall buildings) in dense populated cities like Tripoli to limit the horizontal expansion of the cities.Therefore, an accurate estimation of wind load is an important factor for the design of such tall buildings.This research examines the effects of wind on the design of buildings, and explaining wind types dominating territory. The thesis main focus is analysing the wind data collected from 22 meteorological stations distributed around the country.The wind data analysis is carried out by using a probability distribution model that created an estimation of the design wind speed with a return period of 50 – year for each city’s station.The established wind speed is then used to create a design wind speed contour map for the entire country using special software.
محمد بشير أبوهدامة (2009)

Petrophysical Study of the Nubian Sandstones in Concession 59D, E. Sirt Basin, Libya


The Nubian Sandstone Formation is a significant hydrocarbon reservoir in the Concession 59D, Eastern Sirt Basin, Libya. This formation is underlain uncomfortably by granitic basement and/or by the Hercynian unconformity and overlain uncomfortably by Pre-Upper Cretaceous followed by an Early Upper Cretaceous Transition beds. The Nubian formation is a thick sequence comprises mainly of sandstone, siltstone and shale.The Nubian Formation in this area has been subdivided into three stratigraphic members; namely Lower Sandstone, Middle Shale and Upper Sandstone (main reservoir well be focus of this study).The Upper Sandstone is the upper most subdivision of the Nubian Sandstone sequence consists mainly of white, grey to brown sandstones, ranging from fine to medium, locally coarse grained, moderately cemented with straight to concavo convex or slightly sutured grain contacts. This reservoir is a complex of fluvial sands deposited in Braided and Meandering streams.The reservoir fluids are very rich retrograde condensate gas and waxy oil with pressure at slightly above the saturation pressure. Most of this hydrocarbon in this reservoir has been sourced from the Nubian Middle Shale Member, but the Upper Cretaceous shale and Evaporates belonging to the Transition beds sequence have a significant potential source. The trapping mechanism in the field is a combined structural and stratigraphic trap for the Nubian Sandstone with the southern closure against the tight Nubian facies and basement of the Gialo High. Reservoir properties across the North Gialo Study Area vary in terms of porosity, permeability fluid saturation. These variations are indicated through the porosity, permeability and saturation maps and charts based on well log analysis and lab core sample measurements. These properties are discussed in the reservoir characterization part of this thesis.
عواطف عبد الله بودربالة (2012)

Sedimentological and Petrophysical Characterization of Nubian Sandstone; of the Sarir Field, Sirte Basin


The Nubian Sandstone of Lawer Cretaceous Formation is located in Sarir Oil Field, in the Southeastern Sirte Basin in Libya. After conductiog 300 point counts on 24 thin sections from C4 -65&C3 -65. The deposition environment and diagenesis that affected the variability of porosity and permeability within a given lithologic unit. I found the Nubian Sandstone bodies of Sarir-C-North can also be divided on the basis of grian size and sedimentary structure into type: - 1) medium to coarse- grained sandstone 2) very fine grains sandstone. Association in the former lithologic, the siltstone and silty sandstone are grey and usually laminated; while in the latter they form white-grey or reddish siltstone and shaly siltstone beds, commonly intensively burrowed, and locally contain fragments of coal. A different depositional environment deposited each lithology. The Nubian Sandstone is interpreted to include several lithofacies deposited in fluvial environment. It informal these facies controlled both the primary porosity and diagenetic events. Peterophysical properties of formation under study were determined using different well logs. Porosities are calculated using sonic, neutron, and density logs. It is clear that the primary porosity in (well C3 -65) of formation represents dominant one and the secondary is (well C4- 65) of rare.
ليلي المبروك (2008)

The Impact of Mixed Multirate ServicesOn Uplink Capacity -Coverage Product inWCDMA Mobile Networks


The number of mobile service users has been tremendously increased during the last few years, and the types of mobile services are developed from pure voice to data and multimedia services, such as audio/video streaming, e-mail, file transfer, and web browsing. These services have quite different requirements for their quality. 3G WCDMA cellular mobile networks answer this growing demand for these wireless data services. Then it needs to provide a huge capacity and wide area of coverage with acceptable quality of service. Capacity and coverage in WCDMA networks planning are the important issues because they are dependent of each other and related to the services data rate. In this thesis the capacity and coverage of mixed rate services are derived and analyzed. The uplink Capacity Coverage Product (CCP) of mixed rate services is developed by two methods, and three scenarios are assumed. The first method is the exact solution and the second method is the approximate solution. Math lap computer programs are used to get results and curves. Then some parameters affecting the mixed rate CCP are studied and a comparison between the two methods is also performed.The application of CCP in dimensioning and planning of a single service and mixed rate services WCDMA network is presented. A comparison with the conventional planning method is performed.
علي صالح منصور (2008)

إعداد وتحضير وتقييم النشاء العشبي كمادة مضافة للشكل الدوائي الصلب


The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry.Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of .rbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index. The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The objective of the study is to find a substitute for corn starch and find various options for pharmaceutical industry. Three types of grains were used which were “Hordeum vulgare “Barlay., Orchis mascula” Salep” pannistum americanum “ Pearl millet” starch was extracted from the grains and their disintegration time was measured.Physiochemical screening were used for determining the total value, moisture, protein, fat, fiber, pH, melting point, loss on drying, optical rotation, I.R, solubility, organoleptic evaluation, microbial contamination, swelling index, content of carbohydrate.Pharmaceutical evaluation was used for determine bulk density, tapped density, average diameter and particle size distribution, starch powder flow properties “angle repose, Hausner’s ratio and cars index.The powder was transformed into granules with the usage of super disintegrant (poly vinyl pyrolidin P.V.P) for many concentrations, the pharmaceutical evaluations above-mentioned were used to measure the disintegration time, and the best result was 7.5% of (P.V.P), this concentration was used in the other formulas. The granules were pressed into tablets by the usage of Apress of 15KN in order to determine the disintegration time. The granules were prepared by wet and dry granulation techniques. The concentrations of the starch were (3%, 9%). Then they were evaluated by pharmaceutical evaluations previously mentioned.The granule was transformed into tablets weight variation, thickness, hardness and disintegration times were determined. From the study results, we noticed that the results of the physiochemical screening are similar to the parameters of Syrian Arab Organization and Metrology. The results revealed the contamination of the starch because of its hygroscopic nature.The results of the wet granulation method was better than dry granulation method and the results of pharmaceutical evaluation were acceptable.The sample with the largest particle size the shortest disintegration time, decrease the concentration of starch lead to rapid penetration of water and an increase in disintegration time.The result of dissolution test was good within the limit of British pharmacopeia
بثينة يوسف مهنى (2016)

Dielectric Relaxation and Dipole Moments of Four Hydrogen Bonded Heterocyclic Compounds in Chloroform


The permittivities and dielectric losses of 2-Piperedone, -Caprolactam, 2-Azacyclooctanone and 2-Azacyclononanone have been studied in chloroform solutions. They have been measured using Q meter at frequency range 150KHz to 15MHz.Both 2-Piperedone and -Caprolactam solutions were studied at concentration range 0.05 to 0.25M and over temperatures range of -10 to 45 and. The dielectric studies of 2-Azacyclooctanone solutions cover a concentration range 0.05 to 0.125M and over temperature range of -10 to 45, while that of 2-Azacyclononanone solutions were studied at concentration range 0.01 to 0.075M and over temperature range of -10 to 45. The permittivities at higher concentrated solutions up to 1.5M of 2-Pipere-done, -Caprolactam and 2-Azacyclononanone were also measured at 2MHz using dipole meter DM01 over the temperature rang -10 to 45.The static permittivities for the four systems were discussed as the affect concentration, temperature and the number of CH2 group in the cyclic amides. All show normal behaviour except that the CH2 does not show clear affect. Single relaxation process were observed for the studied compound in the chloroform solutions ( =10-9 sec). All cases, the presence of a relaxation process was established at frequencies higher than used here. These relaxation processes were discussed in terms of their relation to concentration and the number of CH2 group. The dielectric activation energies were calculated using Eyring equation. The obtained values were discussed also in terms of concentration affect. A dependence of on concentration was observed. The dipole moments for the four studied compounds in solutions were evaluated using of Cole-Cole a semicircle plots, which considered to be associated with the relaxation process and other dipole moments were evaluated using =. This was assigned as an apparent dipole moment. All these dipole moments were discussed in terms of concentration and temperature affect. The obtained dipole moments in all studied case were much larger than those expected for planer dimers association. So they assigned to the presence of dimers and trimer or tetramers association in the studied solutions.Kirkwood correlation factor for the studied systems were calculated and discussed as a function of concentration. All values of g are less than unity and were assigned to a cyclic association form.
لطفية صادق حسن المجدوب (2010)

Analysis and Interpretation of the petrophysical properties of Mamuniyat reservoir in El-Feel Oil Field, western part of Murzuk Basin, NC-174, Libya


The sandstone of Upper Ordovician Mamuminyat Formation represents part of stratigraphic column in Murzuq Basin, south west Libya. It is the primary reservoir target in the basin, soursed and caped by Lower Silurian Tanezzuft Shale (Sola, 2000). The Mammuniyat reservoir in Murzuq Basin is characterized by lateral and vertical variation of petrophysical properties duo to lateral change of depositional environment and the digenetic effect on the formation load various facies deposition quality. The Concession NC174 is discovered in 1997 by Lasmo Grand Maghreb Limited then On the 26th October 2003 the development drilling campaign started by MOG till thepresent time. The El feel field is the major discovery in NC174. Porosity range is 16-18% and permeability some hundreds millidarcys. The Net thickness/Gross thickness ratio varies from 20% to 95% with an average value of 70%. The sedimentary fill in the Murzuq basin is mainly Paleozoic to Mesozoic in age and reaches a thickness of about 4000 meters in the depocenter. The sedimentary sequence is punctuated by several regional unconformities corresponding to successive tectonic activity phases. In the area of NC174, the tectonic phases developed anticlines and fault bounded anticlines generally super-imposed and re-actived through time. The resulting structural style is characterized mainly by poli-history sub-vertical reverse faults with different directions (N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW), these faults bound most of the prospects apparently superimposed on subtle anticlines oriented SSWNNE along which the culminations are aligne.
خالد مسعود الزوام (2014)

Sedimentological Aspects of the Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field, Southeastern Sirt Basin, Libya


The Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field are of Lower Cretaceous ageAptian Alpian and occur in the subsurface of the eastern part of the Messla high in the southeast Sirt Basin. The Sarir Sandstone interpret as fluvial and alluvial fan deposits whereas the Lower Sarir Sandstone were deposited in a braided system as inter-channel bars. The Upper Sarir Sandstone were deposited in the meandering belt of the fluvial system. The Sarir Sandstone is on-lapping Formation and wedge out against Rakb Group. The Sarir Sandstone is unconformable overlies the Pre-Cambrian Basement and unconformable overlain by the Upper-Cretaceous Rakb Group where it is pinching (wedging) out against the Bald Basement; Messla High)). Lithostratigraphic correlations of borehole logs ((well logs)) in concession 65 suggests that deposits gradually downed a fault controlled topographic surface increased in thickness on the down-thrown side of a fault controlled the topographic surface of Pre-Upper Cretaceous Unconformity. IV M. Sc. Hassin Haweel “Sedimentological Aspects of the Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field”, 2015 Core Samples record mainly sandstone units interbedded with sandstone and shale and minor streaks and the Red Shale Unit. Estimation of depositional environment has thus been made from grain size analyses using thin sections. Petrographic studies show that the Sarir Sandstone in composition from (subarkose to arkosic arenite). The Sandstones range from texturally immature to submature, however, much of the clay content is diagenetic in origin and not a function of the depositional regime. Diagenetic studies reveal a gnite complex paragenesis. During early diagenesis, the Sarir Sandstones were modified by Calcite, dolomite, and locally pyrite, diagenesis process; replacements of corroded silica by carbonates. Cementation fluvial sandstones Intrastratal dissolution and precipitation of kaolinite in the resulting pore space. Deformation of micas between more resistant grainy pre-dates one phase of quartz overgrowth, probably the carbonates.The purpose of this study was to investigate in detail the characteristics of the Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field. Another aim was to find out the relation to the adjacent area. The method of this study was conducted with the review of the previousworks in Messla Oil Field; published papers, the open file of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO), well files for the data to be used in constructing maps, cross sections and profiles. Four cored wells (418 feet) V M. Sc. Hassin Haweel “Sedimentological Aspects of the Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field”, 2015 were used for the core descriptions and cut samples that represent the Sarir Sandstone and (130) thin sections were used for the Petrographic analysis with polarized and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). On the other hand, XRD and XRF were not available. The results of the study were: Subsurface investigations including cores (conventional and side walls), petrographic analysis, and wire-line logs suggested that this formation (Sarir Sandstone) can be divided in to three main units in Messla Oil Field; these units are: The Lower Sarir Sandstone, the Red Shale, and the Upper Sarir Sandstone. In the adjacent area Sarir Formation was divided in to five members; Pre-Upper Cretaceous Member-1 unconformably overlying Pre-Cambrian Basement, and upwards; Member 2, Member 3, Member 4, and Member 5 unconformably overlain by Rakb Group. The Lower Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field is characterized by the presence of gravely sandstone, gradually changes in to the Red Shale. Also, from the core descriptions plotted sheets, and the well logs it is finning upwards. The quarzitic sandstones of (the Lower and the Upper Sarir Sandstones) are considered to be the main producing horizons where quartz grains have undergone a complex diagenetic history, including: Authigenesis, quartz and feldspar overgrowths, dissolution, carbonates cementation, and replacement. The principal conclusion was that: the gravelly sandstone unit at the Lower part of the Lower Sarir Sandstone was deposited, most likely in a braided system as inter-channel bars. The sandstone unit of the Upper Sarir VI M. Sc. Hassin Haweel “Sedimentological Aspects of the Sarir Sandstone in Messla Oil Field”, 2015 Sandstone was deposited in the meandering belt of the fluvial system. The shale facies of the Red Shale unit represents a well-developed break between the Lower Sarir Sandstone and Upper Sarir Sandstone units; it also provides a good seal for the underlying sandstone of the Lower Sarir Sandstone. The nature of the shale facies, (i.e. lack of organic content, and presence of oxidizing conditions indicated by iron oxides color, indicate that they are not a significant source of hydrocarbons. On the other hand, the Rakb Shale isthe only source rock in the studied and adjacent areas.
حسين محمد علي حويل (2015)