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The Role of Audit Evidence Source in Enhancing the Quality and Reliability of Libyan Auditor's Report

Purpose-This paper explores the role of audit evidence source collected by Libyan auditor in enhancing the quality and reliability of its report. Design/methodology/approach-A questionnaire was used to collect data regarding the perceptions of the external, internal, state and taxation auditors on the effect of the evidence source on the quality of auditor's report. To confirm and support the questionnaire findings semi-structured interviews were conducted with four target groups. Findings-The results of the study indicate that source of evidence has an impact on the quality of auditor's report. Originality-The research makes a significant contribution to knowledge and practise in the auditing field in emerging countries. This is especially important given the changing economic climate in Libya and findings from this research can be applied to other emerging economies. arabic 16 English 85
Mohamed Zakari , Nassr Saleh Mohamad Ahmad(9-2014)
publisher's website

Does Audit Evidence Type Effects on Quality of Auditor's Opinion?

Purpose-This paper investigates the extent of sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence obtained by auditors in the Libyan context. Particularly, this study examines the effects of the types of evidence on the quality of auditor's decision. Design/methodology/approach-A questionnaire was used to collect data regarding the perceptions of the external, internal, state and taxation auditors on the effect of evidence type on auditor's decision. To confirm and support the questionnaire findings semi-structured interviews were conducted with four target group. Findings-The results of the study indicate that evidence type has an impact on auditor's report. Originality-The research makes a significant contribution to knowledge and practise in the auditing field in emerging countries. This is especially important given the changing economic climate in Libya and findings from this research can be applied to other emerging economies. arabic 11 English 54
Mohamed Zakari(9-2013)
publisher's website

The Challenges of the Quality of Audit Evidence in Libya

This paper attempts to investigate the quality of audit evidence obtained by auditors in the Libyan context. In particular, this study explores the effects of the professional and academic qualifications of the auditor, consistency of evidence, and amount of evidence on the evidence. A questionnaire was used to collect data regarding the perceptions of the external, internal, state and taxation auditors on the effect of the three selected factors on evidence. To confirm and support the questionnaire findings semi-structured interviews were conducted with four target group. The results of the study indicate that professional and academic qualifications of the auditor, consistency of evidence, and amount of evidence all have a direct bearing on quality of evidence. arabic 9 English 47
Mohamed Zakari, Karim Menacere(1-2012)
publisher's website

Accounting and Auditing in Developing Countries - Arab Countries

Purpose - This paper aims to examine the role and significance of accounting and auditing in developing countries - Arab countries in creating transparency and drive for the national economy. It provides contextual background information on the state of Accounting in Arab countries. This paper attempts to show how effective accounting and auditing help in promoting and supporting national competitiveness in today’s globalised and complex world. The paper seeks to critically assess the effectiveness and performance accounting and auditing in Arab countries. It will highlight the factors affecting the role and function of accounting and auditing. Methodology / Approach - The paper is based on data collected from various documents including those published by the authors (such as articles at journals and books), as well as information from business laws that organized accounting in Arab countries. Findings – we found that accounting systems and auditing procedures in most Arab countries were designed to cater for the needs of centrally planned economy and they are currently struggling to keep pace with the developed world. The accounting and auditing systems in developing and Arab countries set clear objectives mainly to provide accounting information, including: (i) financial information; (ii) tax information; and (iii) statistical information. They lack standardization and uniformity as they seem to be applied differently across sectors and industries. Originality: This is the first study (in researcher knowledge) that describes and explains the accounting and auditing in most Arab countries. The paper contributes to the literature by providing a broader picture about the obstacles and problems that effect on developing accounting in Arab countries. Keywords – Accounting, Auditing, Arab Countries, and Education arabic 9 English 55
Mohamed Abulgasem Zakari(2-2013)
publisher's website

Challenges of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption in Libya

This study investigates the challenges that face implementing of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by Libyan firms. In particular, this paper analyses the effect of legal, economic, accounting education and culture structures on adopting of IFRS in the Libyan context. A questionnaire was used to collect data regarding the effect of some selected challenges on IFRS adoption in Libya. The results of the study indicate that IFRS adoption by Libyan companies has faced some obstacles such as accounting education and economic issues. This research extends accounting literature by studying the challenges of IFRS in Libya (a developing country), focusing on the impact of legal, accounting education, economic and culture in IFRS implementation. arabic 11 English 71
Mohamed Zakari(11-2014)
publisher's website

Libyan Companies and Implementing the Board of Directors’ Mechanism – An Empirical Study of the Listed Firms in Libya

This paper aims to investigate the extent to which board of directors’ mechanism is implemented in Libyan listed companies. This includes a consideration of composition, duties and responsibilities of the board directors. This study employed a questionnaire survey to collect required data from four key stakeholder groups: Boards of Directors (BD), Executive Managers (EM), Regulators and External Auditors (RE) and Other Stakeholders (OS). The results of this study provided evidence that Libyan listed companies generally comply with the Libyan Corporate Governance Code (LCGC) requirements regarding the board composition: the findings assert that most boards have between three and eleven members, the majority of whom are non-executives and at least two or one-third of whom (whichever is greater) are independent. Moreover, the results indicate that general assemblies in Libyan listed companies are practically committed to the LCGC’s requirements regarding the appointment of board members and their length of tenure. The findings provide evidence that boards in Libyan listed companies are carrying out their duties and responsibilities in accordance with internal regulations and laws, as well as the stipulations of the LCGC (2007). Furthermore, the stakeholder groups were broadly satisfied that board members are devoting sufficient time and effort to discharge these duties and responsibilities properly. This study helps to enrich our understanding and knowledge of the current practice of corporate boards as a significant mechanism of corporate governance (CG) by being the first to address the board of directors’ mechanism in Libyan listed companies. arabic 24 English 97
Mohamed Zakari, Jill Atkins, Ismail Elshahoubi(1-2018)
publisher's website

Density functional theory study of substitutional oxygen in diamond

A few studies have been recently presented for the existence of oxygen in diamond, for example, the N3 EPR centres have been theoretically and experimentally assigned the model made up from complex of substitutional nitrogen and substitutional oxygen as nearest neighbours. We present ab initio calculations of substitutional oxygen in diamond in terms of stability, electronic structures, geometry and hyperfine interaction and show that substitutional oxygen with C$_{2v}\,$, $S=1$ is the ground state configuration. We find that oxygen produces either a donor or acceptor level depending on the position of the Fermi level. arabic 8 English 59
Khaled Mohamed Ramadan Etmimi(12-2015)

دور الموارد في توطين الصناعة بإقليم فزان

يعاني إقليم فزان من التخلف الاقتصادي، وضعف النشاط الصناعي، وتدني المستوى المعيشي، في الوقت الذي يتمتع فيه الإقليم بالعديد من الثروات الطبيعية الداعمة لعملية التنمية الاقتصادية والصناعية في الإقليم إذا ما تم العمل وفق استراتيجيات وسياسات مدروسة، وخاصة اذا علمنا بأن أهم ركائز تطور التنمية الاقتصادية هي التنمية الصناعية الــتي تعتبر العمود الفقري في كثير من اقتصاديات بلدان العالم في هذا العصر، عصر الصناعة و التكنولوجيا. هذا وأن أية جهود جدية رامية لحل هذه المشكلة تعد نقطة تحول إيجابية في الحياة الاجتماعية والثقافية والاقتصادية في الإقليم والاقتصاد الليبي بشكل عام. اقتصر البحث على عرض الموارد المتوفرة والداعمة لتوطين الصناعة، ولكن هذا لا يعني إمكانية إقامة الصناعة دون دراسة المعوقات التي تحول دون إقامة هذه الصناعة في إقليم فزان والتي ستكون عنوان المقال القادم إن شاء الله، ومع ذلك يمكن استخلاص عدد من النتائج من هذه الورقة كالتالي: 1. تركزت الصناعة في المناطق الساحلية حيث توافرت الهياكل الأساسية ومراكز التمويل والأسواق و الأيدي العاملة الماهرة نسبياً و تسبب ذلك في عدد من المساوئ الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية انعكست آثارها على الاقتصاد بشكل عام. 2. تحول إقليم فزان الى منطقة طاردة فقد تدفق سكانه على شكل هجرة غير منتظمة إلى المدن الساحلية التي تحولت بسبب توافر فرص العمل و بسبب البريق الحضاري الذي تتمتع به إلى مناطق جذب حيث عملوا في أعمال غير منتجة، و شكلوا بذلك عنصر ضغط على الخدمات والمرافق المتاحة من تعليم و صحة و نظافة و طرق و وسائل نقل و مواصلات و اتصال، وهكذا تحولت المدن الساحلية والعاصمة طرابلس على وجه الخصوص إلى مدن مكتظة بالسكان وبالمساكن و المتاجر و المصانع، و تفتقر إلى وسائل الراحة و الترفيه و تشكو من الضوضاء و التلوث و قلة النظافة و نقص بالخدمات و كثرة الحوادث . 3. يتمتع إقليم فزان بتوافر العديد من المواد الخام الداعمة لقيام صناعات مختلفة توفر للاقتصاد الليبي الكثير من السلع الصناعية. 4. ضعف إنتاج وتنوع الصناعات المعتمدة على المواد الخام المحلية أدى إلى زيادة استيرادها من الخارج محدثة عجزا في الميزان التجـاري واختلالا في ميزان المدفوعات وضعف الناتج المحلي. 5. يفتقر إقليم فزان إلى مراكز بحثية أو مكاتب استشارية توفر المناخ والمعلومات لقيام مشاريع اقتصادية، فتوافر الامكانيات وحده دون وجود جهات تسوق لهذه الامكانيات لن يجدي نفعاً. 6. موقع إقليم فزان في قلب الصحراء دون توفر شبكة طرق جيدة وخطوط سكك الحديد نتج عنه عدم استغلال الموارد المتوفرة في هذا الإقليم. 7. ضعف مستوى وأداء القطاع الصناعي على مستوى الدولة الليبية نتيجة العديد من العوامــل السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية أدى إلى ضعف مساهمته فـي الناتج المحلي وإحداث اخـتلالات هيكلية فــي القطاعات الاقتصادية الأخرى وفي البنية الاقتصادية بشكل عام. arabic 75 English 0
صابر المهدى على الوحش(1-2015)