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  • 303

    Conference paper

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    PhD Thesis

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    Master Thesis

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  • 5


A Simulation based analysis study for DDoS attacks on Computer Networks

A denial of service attacks are usually employed to interrupt the system's activity by getting a large number of fake requests, which leads to slowing down and stopping information system or network operations. This paper outlines the basic principles of DDoS attacks, explains how DDoS attack works. The paper presents an experimental using OPNET simulation tool in which traffic from three different applications VoIP, FTP, and HTTP is used to make the practical model with a firewall shield to model and simulate DDoS over Internet. However, three scenarios have been developed to illustrate different aspects of the DDoS over networks. The results clearly demonstrate how firewalls can be configured to mitigate DDoS attacks
Azeddien M. Sllame, Reema A. Saed, Mariam Abojella Msaad(5-2021)
publisher's website

QoS of Communication Networks Using MPLS protocol

This book chapter describes the place of MPLS in current state-of-the-art computer networking systems which emphasis the use of MPLS as a quality of service technique in different networking environments such as data centers and multimedia networking as a backbone networks. The chapter also includes practical experiments; which applied using OPNET network simulation tool; about transmitting multimedia over IP/MPLS networks and a fat tree data center architecture that employing MPLS. The examples show the feasibility of MPLS as a quality of service tool compared to best-effort IP networks. In addition, this chapter describes an effort of designing a network-on-chip system engaging MPLS mechanism as on-chip communication method which has been completely developed in C++. However, all results clearly confirm that MPLS is an efficient quality of service tool.
Azeddien M. Sllame(4-2021)
publisher's website

Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Streaming Applications in MPLS Networks Using OPNET

This paper describes the place of MPLS in current state-of-the-art networking as a quality of service means through performing performance analysis of VoIP and video conferencing applications by comparing the effect of different protocols (OSPF, IS-IS, EIRGP) and the effect of various queuing techniques (PQ, WFQ, MWRR) in order to find the good combination of MPLS, routing, and queuing type that provides efficient suitable quality of service levels. The obtained results illustrate a competent combination of MPLS with queuing discipline, and routing could be achieved for each application, such as MPLS and EIGRP with WFQ queuing is an efficient arrangement for video conferencing application
Azeddien M. Sllame, Reema A. Saad, Mariam Abojella Msaad(5-2021)
publisher's website

ضوابط مبدأ التناسب في مجال التجريم و العقاب

يسعى هذا البحث إلى تحديد الإطار الذي يضبط مبدأ التناسب بين الجريمة و العقوبة،، فلا مجال للحديث عن تشريع جنائي يحقق المصلحة المبتغاة دون الالتزام بتطبيق هذا المبدأ.
ليلى امحمد إبراهيم أبوبكر (4-2022)

كفاءة دمج ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في المدارس الابتدائية من وجهة نظر المعلمين بحسب الجنس والعمر

هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على الفروق بين التلاميذ من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في كفاءة الدمج بالمدارس الابتدائية وفقا لمتغير الجنس والعمر (مدى كفاءة المعلم - مدى توفر الامكانيات التعليمية - مدى تكيف وتوافق التلميذ - مدى ملائمة المنهج للتلميذ).
سميرة سالم العربي الهنقاري(2-2022)

الأثار النفسية والاجتماعية الناجمة عن الحرب

هدفت الدراسة الى معرفة مستوى الاضطرابات النفسية وانتشارها لدى طلاب الجامعة و تبعات الخلل الاجتماعي الذي خلفته الحرب.
سميرة سالم العربي الهنقاري(2-2022)

المظاهر السلوكية لدى أطفال التوحد من وجهة نظر المشرفات ببعض مراكز التربية الخاصة بمدينة زليتن

هدف البحث الى التعرف على ترتيب المظاهر السلوكية حسب الأكثر شيوعا بين أطفال التوحد من وجهة نظر المشرفات ببعض مراكز التربية الخاصة بمدينة زليتن الى جانب التعرف ما اذا كان هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين وجهات نظر المشرفات ببعض مراكز التربية الخاصة بمدينة زليتن حول المظاهر السلوكية.
سميرة سالم العربي الهنقاري, حنان رمضان على الديب(7-2020)

Duality in Languages and Identity. Morocco as an Example

The field of language and identity has obtained importance within social culture and linguistic reality. This paper examines the relation between bilingualism or duality in languages and identity. Previous work on bilingualism has suggested a variety of significant in specific structural and language environments. However, the present study concludes that speaking to languages or more in a country may hurt and affect the identity and the culture of that country. Moreover, research investigating speech perception abilities of bilingual adults indicate that some bilinguals are capable of attaining equal or ultimate attainment abilities in their second language (Brice & Brice, 2008).. Finally, we realized that Moroccans people are more likely to speak French rather than Arabic. Then I will provide the theoretical compatibility of identity with the main theory of social system: social identity theory, hence providing a theoretical justification for the effect of identity. I think the effect in an identity is philosophically compatible with the current theories of identities and languages which influence today's identities. In fact, I believe the duality in languages can help give the social identity theory new meaning and rehabilitate their basic values and purpose. … Read more
Najib Erhuma(3-2015)
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