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Study of caffeine consumption rate and concentration in different food and beverages consumed by children

Caffeine has dose-dependent effects on mood, attention, and physiology. Behavioral effects of caffeine in humans have also been well documented. This article aimed to study the effect of different caffeine concentrations on behavior and motor activity of mice. The experiments was carried out using 24 male mice (25-30gm). Plus maze was used for screening of antianxiety effect of caffeine. While swimming maze was used to test antidepressant effect. Statistical analysis were performed using computer program SPSS (version 22). At dose of 100 mg/kg, caffeine acted as anxiolytic compound. Caffeine increased motor activity at dose of 25mg/kg and decreased motor activity at dose of 200mg/kg. At dose of 100mg/kg, caffeine acted as antidepressant. In conclusion, caffeine can act as stimulant, while in over dose it acts as depressant. Caffeine showed to have anxiolytic effect in certain doses. arabic 14 English 91
Sakina Salem Mohammed Saadawi, ٍSuhera Mehemed Abdulsalam Aburawi, SUMAYA ESEDEEG ABDALLAH BAAIO(4-2018)

Study of Caffeine Consumption Rate and Concentration in Different Food and Beverages Consumed by Libyan Children

Caffeine is the most commonly used psychoactive substance throughout the world. It is found in coffee, black tea, and chocolate, as it is produced naturally in the beans and leaves of the plants used to manufacture these products. This study aimed to make a survey study among children 2-11 years in some Tripoli, Libya schools to determine caffeine concentration in number of beverages and foods consumed by studied children. About 313 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to students to be filled by their parents. Caffeine was extracted from samples using dichloromethane. Purity of isolated caffeine was estimated by using TLC method.Quantitative analysis of caffeine was performed by using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer. Chocolate biscuits, chocolate cake, cocoa milk and chocolate ice cream were the highest consumed products among the studied children (81%, 79%, 67% and 63% respectively). The highest side effects of caffeine consumption was hyperactivity was the highest side effect in children (76%). Some children also suffered from severe side effects such as panic attack (14%). Naseem ice cream sample showed the highest caffeine content (28 mg/serving) among solid samples.Whereas in the beverages, energy drink samples Red pull, XIR and Shark were 268, 262 and 250 mg/serving respectively. In conclusion, there was excessive consumption of caffeine among the studied group of children and some of them showed side effects and even severe side effects. Variety of tested foods and beverages under the study contained uncontrolled concentrations of caffeine. In addition, chocolate milk (Al Rayhan), contained no caffeine. arabic 15 English 97
Sakina S. Saadawi, Khairi A. Alennabi, AMAL .A ABOALLA AMMAR, , , ٍSuhera Mehemed Abdulsalam Aburawi(9-2019)

Microscopical Characters, Heavy Metals Level and Histopathological Effects of Lawsonia inermis L. Leaves in Female Mice

Aims: The study is intended to compare the freshly collected henna (Lawsonia inermis L.) and the market henna in term of microscopical key elements and heavy metals contamination. Moreover, this study is aimed to investigate the effect of henna and its oily additives on kidney histology in female mice. Study Design: Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tripoli and Animals House, Biotechnology Research Center in 2010. Methodology: The powders of collected and market henna have been subjected to a microscopical study with magnification of 5x then 40 x to investigate the henna key elements, which are calcium oxalate clusters, anomocytic stomata, starch grains and fibers. Three elements: arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pd) were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAs) for the collected and market henna. For histopathological study, an aqueous extracts of L. inermis leaves and L. inermis leaves-oils were prepared by maceration. Eighteen female Albino Wister mice (3-4-months, 20-25 gm) were injected with the prepared extracts subcutaneously by dose 50 ml/kg/day for 5 days. Kidneys were collected and subjected to histopathological study. Results: From this study, the microscopical investigation exhibited the presence of some elements which are never mentioned as the henna key elements. Both market and collected henna were contaminated with a high level of heavy metals specially lead (Pd). The histopathological findings implied that there are many histological changes on the kidney tissues such as aggregation of round cells and congestion of blood vessels. Conclusion: The market henna might be adulterated with other types of plant. The presence of a high concentration of lead (Pd) in the collected henna as well as the market henna might be considered as the cause of some L. inermis adverse effects. L. inermis leaves and L. inermis leaves-oils aqueous extracts implied many abnormalities in the kidney tissues. arabic 17 English 102
Sakina S. Saadawi, Hanin N. Mughrbi, Mukhtar R. Haman, Surur A. Ahmed, Laila A. Ghashout, Elsayed R. Elattar(5-2020)

Effect of Caffeine at Different Concentrations on Behavior and Motor Activity in Mice

Aims: This article aimed to study the effect of different caffeine concentrations on behaviour and motor activity of mice. Place and Duration of Study: This study took place in Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tripoli, and was conducted between 2017 to 2018. Methodology: The experiment was carried out using 24 male mice (25-30 gm). Plus maze was used for screening antianxiety effect of caffeine. While swimming maze was used to test the antidepressant effect. Descriptive statistics was performed using SPSS (version 22), followed by one sample Kolmogorov-Simirnov test. One-Way ANOVA was applied to compare between groups and Post Hoc test (LSD). Results: At a dose of 100 mg/kg, caffeine produce significant decrease in the duration of immobility using forced swimming maze; while the lower (25 mg/kg) and the higher (200 mg/kg) doses did not produce any changes compared to the control. In plus maze, Caffeine decreases the anxiety measure at the dose used of 100 mg/kg; but did not change the anxiety measure when lower (25 mg/kg) or higher (200 mg/kg) doses used compared to the control. The spontaneous motor activity was decreased significantly after administration of the higher dose of 200 mg/kg; the lower dose (25 mg/kg) showed insignificant increase, while the dose of 100 mg/kg produce insignificant decrease in the spontaneous motor activity. Conclusion: Caffeine has dose dependent effect, in a dose 100 mg/kg it produce anxiolytic and antidepressant like action, while lower (25 mg/kg) and higher (200 mg/kg) doses did not show any changes. Caffeine also produce dose dependent decrease in the spontaneous motor activity, this indicate that caffeine produce CNS depression with higher doses. arabic 12 English 73
Sakina S. Saadawi, Khairi A. Alennabi, Sumaya Baayo, Amera Fares, Najwa Alosta, Suher M. Aburawi(3-2020)

Physical Properties, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties of Raw South Africa Shea Butter against Samples from Libyan Market

Vigorous research has been conducted into the phenology of the shea tree, its usage and that of the shea butter extracted from the nuts of the shea fruit. Shea butter is the most valuable product in the Shea tree and its use as raw or in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products was expanded in the last years. The aim was to carry out comparative study between imported South African raw Shea Butter, one sample from Poland and samples from Libyan market on their physical properties (organoleptic), thin layer chromatography (TLC) chromatogram, phytochemical screening and diphenylpicrylhydrazil (DPPH) scavenging activity. As well as antimicrobial screening. Organoleptic test was carried out by comparing color and odor. TLC chromatogram was performed by spotting solution of samples in hexane on TLC plate and eluted twice in hexane: ethylacetate 8:2 to get good separation. Phytochemical screening was performed to determine the presence of carbohydrates (Fehling test), steroids, and triterpens (Salkwiski test). DPPH assay was carried out by spraying TLC sample spots by 0.2% DPPH methanolic solution. Antimicrobial test was conducted on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Mueller-Hinton agar was used with ciprofolxacin as +ve control and DMSO as–ve control. As a result, Shea Butter samples showed wide diversity in color and odor which considered normal except two white samples that might undergo refining process, while spreadability and TLC chromatograms were similar. Samples and control showed presence of carbohydrates, steroids and triterpens. Control and samples had DPPH scavenging activity. Shea Butter control and samples had no antimicrobial activities against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. arabic 17 English 111
Sakina Salem Saadawi, Khairi Ali Alennabi, Hanin Nafed Mughrbi, Kholoud Lotfi, Nesrin Saleh Ali Abdulnabi(4-2020)

Evaluation of Thoracic Limb Loads, Elbow Movement, and Morphology in Dogs Before and After Arthroscopic Management of Unilateral Medial Coronoid Process Disease

Objective To (1) evaluate thoracic limb loads and symmetry, and elbow function and morphology, before and after arthroscopic treatment of unilateral medial coronoid process disease (MCPD), and (2) determine if functional variables correlate with morphologic findings.Study DesignProspective case series.AnimalsDogs (n = 14) with thoracic limb lameness.Methods Dogs were included when unilateral MCPD was confirmed as the cause of lameness. Kinetic analysis of both thoracic limbs, along with kinematic analysis and goniometry of both elbows were carried out before, and 60, 120, and 180 days after partial coronoidectomy by arthroscopy. Radiography and computed tomography of both elbows were performed before and 180 days after arthroscopy.ResultsA nonsignificant (P = .11) increase in the peak vertical loads (PFz), and a significant (P = .022) increase in the vertical impulse (iFz) applied by the affected limb were seen. Symmetry indices improved, with significant differences between sessions (PFz: P = .019; iFz: P = .003). Kinematic variables showed no significant differences, between sessions or when comparing both elbows within sessions. Goniometry revealed no significant differences between sessions, but some significant differences were identified when comparing both elbows within sessions. Osteophytosis and degree of lameness showed no correlation, before (rs = −0.077; P = .79) or after arthroscopy (rs = 0.27; P = .35).Conclusions Kinetic variables improved after arthroscopy, without full restoration of function. Kinematic variables did not change significantly. Osteoarthritis and goniometric measurements in the affected joint worsened. Functional variables did not correlate with morphologic findings. arabic 23 English 137
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(7-2004)
publisher's website

Fore-Aft Ground Force Adaptations to Induced Forelimb Lameness in Walking and Trotting Dogs

Animals alter their locomotor mechanics to adapt to a loss of limb function. To better understand their compensatory mechanisms, this study evaluated the changes in the fore-aft ground forces to forelimb lameness and tested the hypothesis that dogs unload the affected limb by producing a nose-up pitching moment via the exertion of a net-propulsive force when the lame limb is on the ground. Seven healthy Beagles walked and trotted at steady speed on an instrumented treadmill while horizontal force data were collected before and after a moderate lameness was induced. Peak, mean and summed braking and propulsive forces as well as the duration each force was exerted and the time to reach maximum force were evaluated for both the sound and the lame condition. Compared with the sound condition, a net-propulsive force was produced by the lame diagonal limbs due to a reduced braking force in the affected forelimb and an increased propulsive force in the contralateral hindlimb when the dogs walked and trotted. To regain pitch stability and ensure steady speed for a given locomotor cycle, the dogs produced a net-braking force when the sound diagonal limbs were on the ground by exerting greater braking forces in both limbs during walking and additionally reducing the propulsive force in the hindlimb during trotting. Consistent with the proposed mechanism, dogs maximize their double support phases when walking. Likely associated with the fore-aft force adaptations to lameness are changes in muscle recruitment that potentially result in short- and long-term effects on the limb and trunk muscles. arabic 13 English 78
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(12-2012)
publisher's website

Load redistribution in walking and trotting Beagles with induced forelimb lameness

Objective: To evaluate the load redistribution mechanisms in walking and trotting dogs with induced forelimb lameness. Animals: 7 healthy adult Beagles. Procedures: Dogs walked and trotted on an instrumented treadmill to determine control values for peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse for all 4 limbs. A small sphere was attached to the ventral pad of the right forelimb paw to induce a reversible lameness, and recordings were repeated for both gaits. Additionally, footfall patterns were assessed to test for changes in temporal gait variables. Results: During walking and trotting, peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse were decreased in the ipsilateral forelimb, increased in the contralateral hind limb, and remained unchanged in the ipsilateral hind limb after lameness was induced. All 3 variables were increased in the contralateral forelimb during trotting, whereas only mean vertical force and vertical impulse were increased during walking. Stance phase duration increased in the contralateral forelimb and hind limb during walking but not during trotting. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Analysis of the results suggested that compensatory load redistribution mechanisms in dogs depend on the gait. All 4 limbs should be evaluated in basic research and clinical studies to determine the effects of lameness on the entire body. Further studies are necessary to elucidate specific mechanisms for unloading of the affected limb and to determine the long-term effects of load changes in animals with chronic lameness arabic 10 English 72
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(1-2013)
publisher's website