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Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome caused by maternally inherited mutation of an OCT-binding motif in the IGF2/H19-imprinting control region, ICR1.

The imprinted expression of the IGF2 and H19 genes is controlled by the imprinting control region 1 (ICR1) located at chromosome 11p15.5. DNA methylation defects involving ICR1 result in two growth disorders with opposite phenotypes: an overgrowth disorder, the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (maternal ICR1 hypermethylation in 10% of BWS cases) and a growth retardation disorder, the Silver-Russell syndrome (paternal ICR1 loss of methylation in 60% of SRS cases). In familial BWS, hypermethylation of ICR1 has been found in association with microdeletion of repetitive DNA motifs within ICR1 that bind the zinc finger protein CTCF; but more recently, ICR1 point mutations were described in BWS pedigrees. We present a case report of two brothers with BWS and prolonged post-pubertal growth resulting in very large stature. A maternally inherited point mutation was identified in ICR1 in both brothers, which altered binding of OCT transcription factors. The same mutation was present on the paternally inherited allele of their unaffected mother. This is a second report of a point mutation causing ICR1 hypermethylation by altering an OCT-binding motif. The atypical growth phenotype of the brothers may be connected to the unusual underlying cause of their BWS. arabic 24 English 118
Rebecca L Poole, Donald J Leith, Louise E Docherty, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Christine Gicquel,, Miranda Splitt, I Karen Temple, Deborah J G Mackay(2-2012)
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A Model and Tool Features for Collaborative Artifact Inspection and Review

Inspection offers an opportunity to detect and remove defects at various points during software development. Early detection will reduce the effect of propagation and amplification of defects into the later phases of software development. Collaborative inspection on the web aims to eliminate the time factor needed to assemble the inspection or review team at a physical location. Through the collaborative mode, software teams can perform software inspection and review from geographically separated places asynchronously. These newly introduced practices have proven that collaborative inspection and review of artifacts on the web is feasible. This paper provides a model for collaborative inspection and review including possible features of model and tool that will support collaborative inspection and review on the web. arabic 10 English 64
Abdusalam Nwesri, Khairuddin Hashim(10-2008)

Capturing Variants of Transliterated Arabic Names in English Text

Transliteration is the process of representing words of one language into another using corresponding equivalent phonemes. For example, “Mohammed”, “Mohammad”, or “Muhammed” are three valid transliterations to the Arabic proper noun “محمد”. Transliteration from Arabic to English usually results in several different versions for the same Arabic name causing some names to have more than 40 different versions. Finding transliterated names is a problem in most languages. In English, this problem has been studied by researchers and many techniques have been developed to find transliterated names referring to the same foreign name. Techniques such as string matching and phonetic matching have been used to find similar names. However, some of these techniques were designed to find similar names of English origin and not a specific transliterated names. In this paper we review current techniques used to find variants of the same name and introduce a new technique we specifically developed to find transliterated Arabic names in English text. We developed a data set of more than 25,000 transliterated Arabic names and tested the effectiveness of current and the new technique on finding 115 names within that list. Our results show that our technique is superior to all other techniques. We also present an online system that we developed to find transliterated Arabic names on the web using our technique. arabic 8 English 57
Abdusalam F. Ahmad Nwesri, Nabila Al-Mabrouk S. Shinbir(9-2009)

"أثر الرفع المالي على أداء المصارف التجارية الليبية"

دراسة تطبيقية على مصرف الوحدة arabic 95 English 0
د. الصادق عبدالله & محمد الطربان(1-2021)
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اثر استخدام الخدمات المصرفية الآلية على تطوير وتحسين الخدمات المصرفية بالمصارف التجارية الليبية دراسة تحليلية لآراء العاملين وعملاء أربع مصارف تجارية بمدينة طرابلس

ورقة علمية منشورة بمجلة علمية محكمة
د. الصادق عبدالله(1-2015)
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مبادئ التمويل

تناول الكتار خمسة فصول دراسية / الفصل الأول : ماهية التمويل ,الفصل الثاني :مصادر التمويل قصير الأجل ,الفصل الثالث : مصادر التمويل متوسط الأجل , الفصل الرابع : مصادر التمويل طويل الأجل, الفصل الخامس : مصادر التمويل الإسلامي arabic 26 English 0
د. الصادق امحمد عبدالله (1-2020)

الادارة المالية والتحليل المالي

الحقائق المثبتة والمستندة على النظريات والمبادئ والمفاهيم فيما يتعلق بالقرار المالي في إدارة الأموال .حیث یتكون الكتاب من ثلاثة عشر فصلا یتناول كل فصل مجموعة مواضیع خاصة بنظریة التمویل وشرح ذلك بطریقة مبسطة ووضع أمثلة محلولة ومبسطة, حيث تناول الفصل الأول : ماهية الإدارة المالية,الفصل الثاني : التحليل المالي,الفصل الثالث : أدوات التحليل المالي, الفصل الرابع : تقرير المساهمين وقائمة التدفقات النقدية, الفصل الخامس : إدارة الأصول المتداولة, والفصل السادس: الفائدة , والفصل السابع : القيمة الزمنية للنقود و أشكال شركات الأعمال, والفصل الثامن: أساليب الموازنة الرأسمالية , الفصل التاسع : العائد والمخاطرة , والفصل العاشر : الملائمة بين السيولة والربحية والفصل الحادي عشر :التنبؤ المالي و الفشل المالي , والفصل الثاني عشر :الموازنة الرأسمالية , والفصل الثالث عشر : سياسات توزيع الأرباح.
الصادق امحمد بلقاسم عبدالله(1-2019)

Study of Multipath Transmission Control Protocol

Multipath Transmission Control Protocol (MPTCP) has been proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working group, in order to get benefit of the interfaces in the network devices, as most of these network devices are equipped with more than one interface. MPTCP splits a single data stream across multiple paths. This has obvious benefits for reliability, and it can also lead to more efficient use of network resources. The main aim of this paper is to study the main mechanism of the MPTCP and some of the multipath transmission protocols. arabic 5 English 43
Mariam Abojela Msaad, Taha Arabi , Amer R. Zerek(1-2013)