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A Comparative Study Using Monte Carlo Codes for the Simulation of Photons Emitted by the Elekta Sl-25 Linear Accelerator at the Tripoli Medical Center


: A 6MV and 15MV electron beams produced by the Elekta precise SL-25 linear accelerator at the Tripoli Medical Center (TMC) were modeled using the MCNP-4C code. Firstly the photon beam energies are tuned by comparison to experimental results previously performed at the TMC. Only the beam energy of the 6MV is modified to 6.2MV. Secondly the percent depth dose curves and beam profiles are calculated for the two energies in different field sizes in the water phantom. Matching with experiment is within an acceptable published allowance of 2%. The distances at which the maximum depth dose in the water phantom is reached are calculated as (1.5cm -1.7cm) for the 6.2MV setting and (2.7cm-3cm) for the 15MVsetting.
خديجة عمر بن ابراهيم (2011)

الكشف عن فيروس مرض الانفلونزا وفيروس مرض النيوكاسل من مسحات القصبات الهوائية والمذرقية للدواجن المنزلية في طرابلس، ليبيا Detection of avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus from tracheal and cloacal swabs of backyard poultry in Tripoli – Libya


: In Libyan state, the history of backyard poultry rearing goes back to several lapsing decades in which the human life style was still in its simpler forms. The uncontrolled rearing of backyard poultry has resulted in catastrophic spread of viral diseases in many countries throughout the world. In this study a new questioner by Mobil software “EpiCollect plus” was used for the first time in Libya. It is an easy program to use and can store information about all farms and samples in the phone during sample collections at field “without internet connection”, then send to the computer via the network. The surveillance of backyard poultry for both avian influenza type a virus (AIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) has covered four main geographical regions throughout the greater city of Tripoli. The surveillance was fulfilled through testing the cloacal and tracheal swabs for the presence of viral antigens using the direct ELISA for AIV and RT-PCR techniques for NDV. A total number of 500 samples from non-vaccinated backyard poultry flocks were collected from different geographical locations within the area of Tripoli (Qasr Ben Ghashier, Alsawani, Souq Al-Gomaa, Tajourah, and Einzara). Samples were collected mainly from local breed chicken (244) and native ducks (6). Results have indicated that incidences of infection with AIV in backyard poultry populations during the summer season 2013 were 0%. During early winter 2013, the AIV has been detected in 11 out of 90 samples with an incidence of 12.2%. Among the 11 positive samples: 3 samples were from Souq Al-Gomaa, 4 from Tajourah, 1 from Qasr Ben Ghashier and 3 from Al-sawany. In contrast to AIV during summer 2013, NDV were detected from the backyard chickens, 104 out of 154 backyard poultry were found positive for the virus (67.5 %). Positive samples were distributed over various regions into: 14 from Tajourah, 60 from Qasr Ben Ghashier and 30 from Al-sawany. In the early winter 2013, 21 out of 90 samples were positive for NDV (23.3%). Among the 21 positive samples: 3 were from Tajourah, 13 were from Qasr Ben Ghashier and 5 from Al-sawany. It is obvious that the southern region is the most affected regions within the greater Tripoli. In the Greater Tripoli, many local districts are well known for their dense distribution of commercial poultry farms as well as backyard poultry rearing. Most of poultry farms in Tripoli are found in Tajourah, Qasr Ben-Ghashier, and Al-sawany. Thus, it is expected to face the problems of avian diseases with special concerns to viral diseases such as AI and ND among both commercial and backyard populations in such districts.
هشام عبدالجليل الصيد (2015)

Study of Dose Distribution around a PET Facility in a Nuclear Medicine Clinic


: Modern PET/CT clinics consist of a scanner room housing PET/CT unit and a control area, two or more waiting rooms where patients rest prior to scanning, and a hot lab where doses are prepared. The 511 keV photons from the PET positron emitting isotopes are the source term for the waiting rooms and the hot lab, while both the 511 keV photons and the polyenergtic spectrum of x-rays from the CT unit must be considered in the scanning roomThis study is intended to estimate dose distribution resulting from using a FDG procedure (555 MBq). The dose distribution is evaluated in injection room, waiting room, and scanning room using two methods. The first method is the analytical method whids is based on AAPM report № 108, while in the second method the dose distribution was simulated using the Monte Carlo code EGSXYZnrc .In the Monte Carlo method some parameters such as the optimal number of histories and the cut off energy of the electron are found to have a significant effect on the results. These parameters are tested and those values with less statistical error are adapted for the calculations.A good agreement between the two methods has been achieved. The dose distribution in the uptake room , waitting room and the scanning room appears to be below the annually dose limit and does not exceed 1% at the adjacent areas.
مريومة البهلول القرقني (2009)

The Lady in Black


: The Lady in black is a narrative fiction novel of imaginative events and imaginative characters that are given a scope and a breathing space in real places to express their feelings and to make decisions of their own. Rami and his daughter, Rosalinda or the referred to as the Lady in black, are the main characters of this novel. Rami, the only son of the Libyan Sunni’s family made a journey to Palermo / Italy that resulted in getting his MD with honors, getting married to the Italian Lucia Ricci, the birth of his daughter, Rosalinda and his assassination in Rome. After having discovered that her father was not the Italian Bruno as she had thought for so long but the Libyan Rami, she broke up with the Bruno’s family and promised to revenge her biological father’s death. She accompanied the Palermo group in their sail to Libya not with the intention as they did to participate in the 2011 February liberation war, but mainly to find the assassins of her father and to revenge his death. She, however, found herself in the middle of the Libyans war and could not get anywhere and had to fight for her life, but she was arrested by the Gaddafi’s militia and was transferred to Rexes hotel in Tripoli. There she met the assassin face to face and shut him dead, declaring in her Libyan grandparents’ residence that her war was done and had to mix with action once more.
منار مبروك الأسطى (2014)

Curriculum Deficiencies in T.T. Institutes to Train and Prepare the Professionally Qualified Teachers, to Teach English for Specific Purposes in Secondary Schools in Tripoli


: The main concern of this thesis is to examine the deficiencies of very important role of curriculum and syllabus plans in Tripoli Teacher Institutes to train and prepare the professionally qualified teachers to teach English for Specific Purposes in secondary schools in Tripoli. This study intended to investigate whether the curriculum and syllabus plans used in Teacher Training Institutes are adequate for training and preparing professional English for Specific Purposes teachers in secondary schools in Tripoli. Curriculum includes the philosophy, purposes, design, and implementation of the whole program. In this study a questionnaire and interview (of fifteen items) were distributed to two hundred and twenty five students who were enrolled in the 6th, 7th, and 8th semesters in the English department in Tripoli, Ganzour, and Bin- Ghesher in three Teaching Training, a questionnaire of twelve items was distributed to twenty secondary school teachers in various secondary schools in (Tripoli, Ganzour, and Bin- Ghesher ) schools, and interviews to twenty institute teachers in three institutes in Tripoli for investigation of curriculum and syllabus plans.
محجوبة أبوبكر الزيدي (2012)

دراسات لبعض مستويات الإكتروليتات ( الشوارد) في مصل الإبل ذي السنام الواحد في ليبيا Studies of Serum Levels of Some Electrolyte of One-Humped Camel (Camelus Dromedarius) in Libya


: The objective of this study was to determine the Serum levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphorus were determined in one-humped camels (Camelus Dromedarius) of different age, sex and maternal status of female camels. Eighty-seven of apparently healthy one-humped camels aged from less than two years old to fifteen years old were used in this study. Animals were categorized into three age groups [< 2years (23), 2-5 years (14) and > 5 years (50)], two sex groups [males (37) and females (50)] and three maternal status groups [non-pregnant (13), pregnant (12), lactating (12)]. The total levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate were 148.1, 6.4, 112.3, 9.4, 2.2 and 7.2, respectively. The age of camel was found to be significantly effect the level of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. While, the sex of camel had a significant effect on phosphorus. Meanwhile, the maternal status of female did not affect the blood electrolytes. It conclude that, the calcium, magnesium and phosphorus concentration change with advance age. While, sex of animal had only a significant effect on phosphorus.
أنس عبدالله احمد سلامه (2016)

القولونيات في الحليب و بعض منتجات الألبان المباعة بأسواق طربلس مع إشارة خاصة إلى الاشريكية القولونية الممرضة Coliforms in Milk and Some Dairy Products Sold in Tripoli Markets with Special Reference to Pathogenic Escherichia coli


: This study was carried out to detect different coliforms members with special reference to the occurrence of the pathogenic Escherichia coli existing in raw cow`s milk and some dairy products. 105 samples (35 raw milk, 35 fermented milk, and 35 ricotta cheeses) were randomly collected from different markets in Tripoli-city /Libya. In this study, two methods for coliform counting were used. The first one was the most probable number technique MPN using liquid Lauryl Sulphate Tryptone broth (LST) with a three-tube series and the second method was the plate count method using violet red bile lactose agar VRBA. Also different techniques were used to find comparative results by using the BD phoenix system, the VITEK® 2 Compact system and KB003Hi25™ Enterobacteriaceae Identification Kit methods for coliform counts in raw milk, fermented milk and ricotta chesses. The coliform bacteria were positive in all 35 (100%) samples of both raw milk and fermented milk, while 33 (94.3%) samples out of 35of ricotta cheese by using MPN-technique. Whereas, Coliform bacteria were positive in 25 (71.4%) samples of raw milk, 34 (97.1%) samples of fermented milk and in 22 (62.9%) samples of ricotta cheese by using VRBA-technique. However, the fecal Coliform bacteria were recorded in 30 (85.7%) samples of raw milk, 32 (91.4%) samples of fermented milk and in 24 (68.6%) samples of ricotta by the used MPN-technique. Whereas, fecal Coliform bacteria were detected in 11 (31.4%) samples of raw milk, 19 (54.3%) samples of fermented milk and in only 9 (25.7%) samples of ricotta cheese by the VRBA-technique. Moreover, the most commonly identified important pathogenic bacteria Gram-negative isolated the highest overall incidence rate was for Escherichia coli 117(58.5%) and Klebsiella pneumonia spp pneumonia 47(23.5%) out of 200 randomly selected from 900 isolates. These findings results revealed that a high number of bacteria, which provide an evidence for the lack of milk hygiene either during milking or transporting and storages Statistical analyses revealed significant T-test at level P
خديجة مختار التواتي (2015)

Causes of Problems Encountered by 3rd Year Preparatory Libyan Pupils in Learning how to Write English


: With limited classroom, time, in appropriate approaches used in dealing with writing, can cause many problems for teachers and learners. In addition, in the perception of many teachers and some learners writing in English, is not within the scope of their objectives in the first place. A language program and teachers using it may not view time used in writing in classes as well time spent, preferring the time to be spent on more active aspects of language learning, such as learning the language grammar and vocabulary. Unlike speaking and reading, writing is generally a silent reflective activity, “especially productive writing”. Also, many teachers regard emphasizing the development of the learners writing ability as something that takes care of itself, or as a side matter that can be taken care of in the form of an occasional homework. In fewer words writing is less fortunate as well as the other productive skill “speaking in relation to the perceptive skill" listening and speaking "in teaching language. This research attempts to find an answer to the following question: “why do English learners in preparatory schools in Libya fail to learn to write? Therefore, it aims at finding, and pointing out the causes of the problems that face 3rd year preparatory learners in acquiring the ability to write English properly, that is, from the linguistic and educational perspective.
نجاة علي بن غزالة (2012)