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Problems Encountered in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large Classes in Libyan Primary Schools

Abtracts: Large English classes can cause many problems for the teacher and the young learners. It may seem impossible in such classes to organize dynamic and creative teaching and learning sessions. For example, it is impossible for the teacher in such classes to ensure individual participation of the young learners in the process of language practice and language use. Large classes can never be suitable for dealing with the new demands of language teaching. In other words, large classes cannot facilitate accomplishing teaching and learning based on the principles underlying communicative approach adopted in the primary 5 and 6 textbook, which is intended to build up the learner's confidence in going from organizing information to using the different language skills. The study examines the negative effects of the large number of young learners in the classroom. It intends to shed light on problems encountered in teaching English as a foreign language for communication to such classes. Research procedure and techniques to be used to collect data required for this study will be fulfilled by the use of teacher's questionnaire, as well as data drawn from informal interviews with English teachers in some primary schools in Tripoli. The actual teaching environment in primary schools is unsuitable for teaching English as a foreign language to young learners and at the same time, it prevents pupils from learning English properly. This is because most of the classes which have been visited and observed were crowded with large number of pupils. It has been noticed that this situation was problematic and uncomfortable for both the teachers and the pupils. Teaching English as a foreign language for communication to young learners requires small number of pupils in each class for the process to be successful. Young learners need special teachers' care and attention. They need enough time for each learner to practise the language and perform the various activities. Therefore, it has been recommended that large classes must be reduced to normal-size classes.
أسماء محمد أبوصاع (2010)

Effect of Ion Channel Blockers on the Pharmacological Action of Paracetamol Using Albino Mice

Paracetamol is one of the most widely used drug as antipyretic and analgesic for mild to moderate pain. Currently, paracetamol is the first-line choice for pain management and antipyresis. Ion channels are pore-forming proteins that allow the flow of ions across membranes and involved in many cellular processes; drugs acting on ion channels have long been used for the treatment of many diseases. Objective: To estimate the effect of voltage gated ion channel blockers on analgesic activity of Paracetamol and explore the interaction between ion channel blockers and paracetamol on pain behaviour. Materials and Methods: Male albino mice were used. The central antinociceptive activity was determined by hot plate test and formalin test (Phase I; neuropathic pain). Antiinflammatory activity was determined by formalin test (Phase II). Intraperitoneal injection was adopted. Five groups of mice were used. Group 1; control group (1% T80), group 2; treated with (200mg/kg) paracetamol, group 3; treated with different drugs of ion channel blockers, group 4; received standard drugs, Aspirin (200mg/kg) for formalin test (phase II) or tramadol (5mg/kg) for hot plate test and formalin test (phase I), group 5; received combined treatment of ion channel blockers and paracetamol. Results: Pain produced by noxious stimuli (heat and formalin) was significantly reduced by acute administration of paracetamol. Inflammation pain produced by formalin injection was significantly decreased by acute administration of paracetamol. Acute administration of nifedipine showed significant decrease in nociception and inflammation pain. Combined treatment of nifedipine and paracetamol produced antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity but less than the additive effect. Verapamil has no analgesic effect in the two models, and did not change the affect of paracetamol analgesic activity when administered together. Phenytoin produces significant decrease in nociceptive pain using hot plate but not in formalin test (Phase I), and produce significant decrease in inflammatory pain (Phase II). The combined treatment of phenytoin and paracetamol showed analgesic activity less than the additive effect. 4-Aminopyridine produces significant antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity. The combined administration of 4-aminopyridine and paracetamol showed analgesic activity, which is less than the additive effect using formalin test, while paracetamol analgesic activity is potentiated by 4-aminopyridine using hot plate test. Conclusion: Paracetamol has antinociception and anti-inflammatory activity on pain model used (Hot plate test and Formalin test). Ion channel blockers produce antinociception and anti-inflammatory activity. Verapamil has no effect on nociception or inflammation pain and no effect on paracetamol analgesic activity. Nifedipine, phenytoin and 4-aminopyridine interact with paracetamol producing less additive analgesic effect, except 4-aminopyridine in thermal stimuli (Hot plate) is more sensitive compared to chemical stimuli (formalin test – phase I), where potentiates paracetamol action.
هناء مدحت الزقلعي (2014)

Prevalence of Gram-negative Bacterial Infections among Preterm Neonates in Tripoli-Libya

Preterm neonates are highly vulnerable and most susceptible to Infections. Gram-negative bacterial (GNB) infection is an increasing problem among hospitalized neonates. It is showing periodic and geographic variations in the distribution and antibiotics resistance which necessitate continuous surveillance. In present study surveillance of Gram-negative bacterial colonization and infection among preterm neonates was carried out between July, 2008 and January, 2009 at AL Jala Hospital of Obstetric and Gynecology, Tripoli. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Gram negative infections among preterm neonates, correlate colonization with the onset of subsequent infection, and to determine the antibiotics susceptibility of Gram-negative isolates. Surveillance swabs from mouth, nose, rectum, axilla and umbilicus were collected from 112 preterm neonates twice at first week, the first swab was taken before the preterm receive any antibiotics, then once per week. Clinical samples from preterm neonates who developed infection were collected according to the site of suspected infection. Samples transport, isolation and identification of GNB were conducted according to standard microbiological methods. Infection is the cause of death in 25% of cases. 19.6% of neonates colonized at the first day, 63.2% at third day and 66.7% at the second week. 25 of 74 colonized neonates and one of 38 noncolonized neonates developed infection. Rectum was the commonest site of colonization. A. baumannii is a permanent colonizer, K. pneumoniae and E. coli are early colonizers and E. cloacae and Pseudomonas spp. are late colonizers. Isolates specially K. pneumoniae and E. coli showed high resistance to most used antibiotics mainly ampicillin and gentamicin. 26 (23%) neonates developed infection mainly caused by E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Only eight cases using microbiological culture proved infections. In conclusion Gram-negative infection could be a major cause of death among preterm neonates. Acquisition of GNB increased with hospitalization and it is an important step in developing infection. Preterm neonates were heavily colonized at 3rd day of hospitalization by most GNB. K. pneumoniae and E. coli were found to be the most resistant strain to antibiotics and were associated with high rate of infection. Rectum could be used as a surveillance site instead of the other sites.
زينب عبد الله كريمه (2013)

Portrayals of the Orphan and Child Labour in Charles Dickens' Novels

The aim of this thesis was to examine the harsh childhood intwonovels of Charles Dickens.In the previous chapters the researcher provided an analytical description of the conditions of orphan and child labour as described in Dickens' Oliver Twist and Great Expectations. Trying to highlight the problem that occurred because of losing parents or poverty in that era through Dickens' novels, in addition to, explaining the family background effects on adults' treatment of children.Searching for the factors beyond this common theme in the Victorian age, the researcher found out that the bad treatment of orphan and child labourwas due to some factors which affected children's life. Such factors include: - The social and economic conditions of the Victorian agesuch as, the poverty, the industrial revolution and the over-population. - Unjust environment represented by cruel laws of the poor and social classes in that era. It has been concluded that the main factors that helped to create the child labour phenomenon in the Victorian age was the industrial revolution which created a great need for cheap work force to support the capitalist employers. In addition, a great many people suffered fromvery low standard of living in the Victorian society especially the people who emigrated from the rural areas to the urbanized cities such as London. Moreover, there was tremendous increase of population which made the poor families force their children to work in factories and mills to earn their living. Dickens as the greatest English novelist in the Victorian era came to the very suitable moment to depict the very sever living conditions of the poor class in London and to fight the unjust treatment of the employers and the unjust laws of the poor. Dickens himself suffered a hard experience in his childhood when his father was imprisoned and Dickens himself was separated from his family and forced to work in a blacking warehouse. This in addition to his deep feelings of the poor's sufferings together with his true faith injustice for all human beings especially the poor, made him this great author of such masterpieces like Oliver Twist and Great Expectations. After analyzing the two novels of Dickens, it can be said that Dickens was a realistic author in his novels where he depicted his characters depending on reality of the English society of his time. Another aim was to shed light on the problems that occurred in that era because of losing parents or sever poverty especially child labour. The English society in the Victorian age had double standard view on the children. High classes children were considered to be beautiful innocent creatures who should be highly looked after whereas in law classes children were abused and treated harshly as bad creatures produced by lazy people who deserved to be punished not helped. Accordingly, the situation for poor and orphaned children was inhuman. According to the previous analysis, the researcher found out some similarities and some differences between the two protagonists. Both of main characters are orphans from the beginning of the novel where Oliver's mother dies directly after he is born and Pip is seen in his family's grave. So the reader doesn't have a clear picture about their mothers and fathers. We can find another similarity between Oliver and Pip in that they are both from the poor low class. Oliver and Pip are similar in working at an early age as child labour. The two protagonists lived a harsh life because of cruel treatments of the adults who usually look down at children as being inferior creatures. Oliver is badly treated in the workhouse, with the undertaker and by Fagin (the head of the gang) whereas Pip also is abused by his heartless sister Mrs. Joe, Miss Havisham and Estella.In fact, not all adults usually abuse the protagonists where some of them such as Joe and Magwich who give hand to Pip, and Mr. Brownlow who adopts Oliver. These adults represent the examples of orphan domestic stability were the real families are replaced by substitutes because they are broken. Both Pip and Oliver's reaction to the abuse and oppression of the society is to separate themselves from the natural stream of their society so they both lead up normal social life and they are marginalized and feel isolated from other people. Accordingly, Oliver escapes to London out of starvation and loneliness as well as undertaker wife's mistreatment together with other labourerswhereas Pip leaves his sister and her husband's house to London in order to get rid of his unexpected social status and his poverty. Pip and Oliver get into special relationships with convicts and receive some kind of care from these criminals where Magwich becomes Pip's benefactor and Fagin protects Oliver from misery and starvation providing him with a place to live in. On the other hand, there are some differences between the two protagonists. One of these differences is that Pip has got a blood tie represented by his sister, but Oliver from the first moment lives among other orphans in the workhouse. The environment in which Pip is raised is home like where he receives some kind treatment from Mr. Joe - his brother in law. Oliver is raised "from the first moment", in an orphanage and then in a workhouse. There is another difference between Oliver and Pip regarding to leaving their original place in that Oliver searches for safety while Pip searches for a higher social status. The two novels are narrated differently. On the one hand Oliver Twist is narrated by the omniscient narrator on the other hand Great Expectations is narrated by the first person through Pip's point of view. It can be said that Pip's narration gives the reader actions development through Pip's point of view and his own feelings. Whereas concerning Oliver we find that the writer tries to criticize the society through third person narration. Through reading the two novels of Charles Dickens, we can extract some important lessons. However, Dickens left valuable literature full of moral lessons concerning human life. He treated very essential issueswhich are heart touching, trying through his works to reform his society. Accordingly, his readers can easily extract useful lessons from his gorgeous novels. In this thesis, the researcher introduces some of them through the two novels. In Oliver Twist, we find that Oliver struggles to keep his goodness in spite of the opposing circumstances where he has lived among evil characters. So we know that a human being should face his difficulties and do not let himself bend before them. We learn from Oliver behavior that it is necessary to be hopeful and do not let despair beat us. So we should not blame others for our misfortune rather we should think positively and try to be optimistic.It is logical not to let our past mistakes to be a heavy burden that prevents us from looking for a better and cleaner life and accordingly we should not judge others by their past. Dickens tried through Oliver Twist to convey the idea that evil is not necessarily inherited by poor generations because of poverty. The significant moral of Great Expectationsis that affection, loyalty and conscience are more important than social status and wealth. Pip himself realizes this lesson through trying his ideas of ambition and self-improvement. His trials to improve himself give him the hope to achieve his great Expectations. So, the reader learn that wealth does not usually make people happier as well as the outer appearance may give false ideas about the true conditions. For example, is "Satis House", Pip is shocked by the miserable people inside this big house. Those rich people live unhappy life and cannot love others whereas the convict Magwich becomes a compassionate man who supports Pip. Of course wealth can change people, but in most cases, to the worse. We should preserve our moral values when we get rich and also we should treat others according to high moral standards even though we turn to have a higher status. Pip in some situation is affected by the self-improvement and starts to feel ashamed of his friends, which is a good lesson for the reader to be aware of his character transformation. It is not necessary for high class people to be more intelligent and generous. Such morals can be found in all classes. On the contrary, wealthy people tend to exploit other and be ungrateful to them.This fact is shown by the conduct of Miss Havisham, Estella and even Pip for sometime. To sum up, we can say that the figure of the orphan and child labour is dispersed throughout the pages of Dickens' novels. His orphan characters were similarly remembered as Charles Dickens. It can be said that Dickens is author of his time where he gives a clear picture about the harsh conditions of the 19th century England. Dickens portraits lonely orphans and abused children in which the orphan is the main character who is innocent, helpless and often adopted by a wealthy benefactor. Dickens as a critic. Social novelist tries through his novels to criticize and reform the English society. He tries to shed light on the exploited children in the Victorian era. Children work different kinds of jobsin many places which used them as a child labour in factories, coal mines, cotton spinning machine, textile mills, forges… etc. The others are chimney sweeper, boot blacking, shoe makers, newspaper seller, street cleaner and even criminals. Dickens touchingly expresses suffering of poor children focusing on the poverty-stricken parts of London. He depicts sad faces of children and how they are neglected and badly treated by cold and hard hearted abuse.
إيمان جمعة عويص (2016)

معالجة الصحف العربية الدولية للعلاقات الليبية- الايطالية دراسة تحليلية لصحيفة العرب الدولية

The issue of bilateral relations between countries is of great importance, speciallythe relations betweenLibya and Italy, which both have a long history. Based on thisand due to the importance of the media in general and press in particular, in highlighting those relationships for local and international blic opinion, this study aims at the following goals:To know the type and more related areas of the Libyan-Italian relations treated by the International Al-Arab Newspaper during the period under study. To know how much care the International Al-Arab Newspaper pays towards the Libyan-Italian relations through highlighting the elements used. Surveyingthe journalistic arts the International Al-Arab Newspaper has manipulated to present the Libyan-Italian relations, and more important to identify the most prominent of these arts during the time period under study. To identify the most important methods of persuasion employed by the International Al-ArabNewspaperin reating the published materialsthatfocus on the relations between the two countries. To identify the sources on which the newspaper depended when covering the events relating to the subject of the study. The researcher has relied on approaches, namely (the historical approach) in covering the theoretical aspect of the study, and the survey approach in which the sample was used, survey analytical and the content-analysis approach in analyzing the sample of the issuesof the Al-Arab International, which were selected from the study population.The tools used by the researcher were the sources and references or the so-called (the Office Approach)as well as personal interviews with a number of eminent scientists and professionalsin order to cover the aspects that have to be clarified in the theoretical framework of the study.He also usedthe form of content analysis which was designed to collect and compile data on the subject of studyduring the period from 01.07.1998to31.07.2009.The researcherused the industrial cycle (bimonthly) forselecting the sample, whereonly two issues a month were selected; i.e. 264 in number.Finally, the study found a number of results, the most important of:The political relationship between the two countries was the topic of the study (Libya and Italy) was in first place at a percentage of 42.1%. Al-Arab International did not give the topic of the Libyan-Italia relations the amount of attention deserved as an international relationship in terms of highlighting componentssuch as area, photos, graphics, frames, or headings - and locationsdevoted for material of the newspaper that analyzes the topic.All these components were very weak.The journal newswas an art that got the first rank among the journalistic arts used by the paper in the coverage of the Libyan-Italian relations.Thelogical objective logical style supported by the arguments and evidence came in the first place of the methods of persuasion used by the international Al-Arab Newspaper in dealing with the topic of the study by at 51.2%.The reporter wasthe sources relied upon by the international Arab newspaper for gettingthe pieces of news and topics related the Libyan-Italianrelations.
علي سالم صالح عاشور (2010)

Epic Contractors Selection Using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)

This research aims to build a model application of decision-making tools to solve problems associated with the contractor selection for Engineering, procurement and Construction (EPC) projects in the Oil and Gas sector. Taking into consideration the complexity of Oil & Gas projects in terms of technical, safety and environmental aspects, it is critical to choose a competent contractor to build quality plants as per scope specifications and within the specified time and budget. This study also covers problems associated with contractor short listing without proper contractors screening and pre qualifications activities, this might result in low cost bidding from non-competent bidders. Because current local tendering practices favors lowest price regardless of quality, this resulted in enormous problems when executing Oil & Gas projects such as projects failures and delays coupled with the absence of interest in our local market from reputed international EPC contractors. Because contractors screening and bid slate selection is a complex exercise that requires large amount of contractors data gathering and the associated analysis to achieve the required bidders short listing. Therefore, a model for contractors screening and selection was developed in this study where each contractor data base are gathered and analyzed. Such data includes discipline, previous activities, financial exposure, geographical locations, works backlogs and engineering capabilities. The Model called Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was designed to improve contractor selection process based on established criteria. In this regard, 48 criteria and categories (mainly contractor capabilities financial, management, technical, resources etc.) were identified. They were mainly drawn from literature reviews, the author previous experience, lessons learned from past projects and NOC’s & IOC’s experience. The 48 categories, and based on subsequent meetings and discussions with several respected local Oil & Gas projects expertise, were divided based on relative importance to contractor selection process into two parts, Primary (7 categories) and Secondary (remaining categories). AHP is a compensatory decision methodology because alternatives that are deficient with respect to one or more objectives can compensate by their performance with respect to other objectives. AHP allows for the application of data, experience insight, and intuition in a logical and thorough way and enabling decision-makers to structure complexity and exercise judgment and allows them to incorporate both Goal Objectives (criteria), Sub-Objectives Alternatives objective and subjective considerations in the decision process. AHP enables decision-makers to derive ratio scale priorities or weights as opposed to arbitrarily assigning them. In so doing, in this research, (MS Excel) was used in addition to (Expert Choice), one of the prepackaged software that was utilized to study the sensitivity of the results and a case study of selecting a contractor. The AHP model is flexible and user friendly and can be applied at different stages of contractor selection process. In addition it can be utilized as a decision-making for a working group by analyzing the inputs of the working group members and highlighting deviations, biases, results and advising corrections. Utilizing AHP model encourages and promotes contracting good practice of national companies and institutions and enhances the decision-making capabilities and provides for a fair guidance while contracting for major Oil & Gas projects in Libya.
حسن محمد الشاوش (2009)

المحافظة على نبات بلح الصحراء (Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. المهدد بالإنقراض من البيئة الليبية بتقنية زراعة الأنسجة))

آجريت هذه الدراسة خلال الفترة من 2009-2010 ف بمختبرات زراعة الأنسجة النباتية بكل من مركز بحوث التقنيات الحيوية وقسم البستنة وقسم علم النبات – جامعة الفاتح بالتعاون مع مركز البحوث الزراعية، وتهدف إلى المحافظة على نبات بلح الصحراء aegyptiaca(L) Del. Balanites المهدد بالانقراض من البيئة الليبية باستعمال تقنية زراعة الأنسجة. جمعت العينات من أغصان وبذور أشجار بلح الصحراء البرية النامية بالأودية الصحراوية حول واحة غات خلال موسم الشتاء لسنة 2009 ف، حيث تمت دراسة سكون البذور واختبار حيويتها. كما تم دراسة عدة مسارات للاكثار الدقيق شملت الإكثار غير المباشر للنبات عن طريق تكوين خلايا الكلس، ومسار التكشف المباشر للنبات تحت تأثير أنواع وتراكيز مختلفة من منظمات النمو.بينت النتائج أن نسبة حيوية البذور تراوحت بين 88-90%، وأن بذور هذا النبات تمُر بمرحلتين من السكون، السكون الخارجى والداخلي. وكانت المعاملة الأفضل للتغلب على السكون الخارجى هي الكسر الميكانيكي للقشرة الداخلية للثمرة ونزع البذور منها، كما تم كسر السكون الداخلي بزراعة البذور على وسط مغذى MS مدعم بمنظم النمو حامض الجبرلين بتركيز 2 ملجم/لتر، ونتج عن تلك المعاملات نسبة انبات وصلت الى 90%.كما تناولت هذه الدراسة تأثير نوع المستأصل على نسبة ووزن خلايا الكلس المتكونة منها، حيث كانت أعلى نسبة استجابة لتكوين خلايا الكلس قد وقعت من مستأصلات الأوراق المزروعة على وسط MS مضاف إليه 2 ملجم/لتر من منظم النمو (2,4-D) 2,4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid، حيث وصلت نسبة الاستجابة إلى 100%، بينما سجلت مستأصلات الفلقات أعلى متوسط وزن لخلايا الكلس وبلغت 1.98جم، كما أوضحت الدراسة أن بعض قمم الجذور التي حضّنت في الظلام على وسط MS خالٍ من منظمات النمو تكشفت مباشرة إلى أفرخ نسيجية.أوضحت نتائج الدراسة أن أفضل تأثير لمنظم النمو بنزايل آدينين على التكشف المباشر لمستأصلات من الجذور كان عند تركيز 0.5 ملجم/لتر بالنسبة لعدد الأفرخ وطولها وعدد الأوراق المتكونة والذي بلغ 1.66 فرخ ، 1.38سم ، 1.47 ورقة على التوالى. كما بينت نتائج الدراسة أن زراعة العقد المفردة على وسط مغذي يحتوي على تركيز 0.5 ملجم/لتر من منظم النموBezyl Adenine (BA) قد أظهر أعلى متوسط لعدد الأفرخ وطولها حيث بلغت 2.90 فرخ، 5.15 سم على التوالى، بينما كان أعلى متوسط لعدد الأوراق قد نتج عند تركيز 1 ملجم/لتر بعدد 15.75 ورقة. أما بالنسبة لتأثير منظم النمو كاينتن على تكشّف العقد المفردة، فقد أظهر تركيز 1.5 ملجم/لتر منه أعلى متوسط لعدد الأفرخ وطولها وعدد الأوراق المتكوّنة والذي بلغ 2.50 فرخ، 3.25 سم، 14.7 ورقة على التوالي. كما بينت نتائج التجذير أن زراعة أفرخ نبات بلح الصحراء على نصف تركيز الوسط Murashig & Skoog (MS) قد أظهرت أعلى نسبة تجذير حيث بلغت 100%، كما وصلت نسبة بقاء النبيتات حية بعد فترة الأقلمة إلى 80% تحت ظروف صوبة بلاستيكية بدون تحكم في العوامل البيئية.


This study was carried out during 2009-2010 in plant tissue culture laboratories of Biotechnology Research Centre and Laboratories in Al-Fatah University in departments of Botany and Horticulture with cooperation of the the Agricultural Research Centre. The aim of the study was the conservation through micropropagation of the plant species Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del which is facing extinction from the Libya desert habitat. Samples including branches and seeds of wild Balanites aegyptiaca were collected from plants growing desert valleys around the oasis of Ghat during winter, 2009. Seed dormancy and viability were tested as well as some of the micropropagation methods including indirect micropropagation by formation of callus cells and direct micropropagation under the effect of several concentrations of a number of plant growth regulators.The results showed that the seed viability was between 88 and 90%, moreover, the seeds were under two dormancy stages, internal and external. The best treatment to overcome the external dormancy was through getting the seeds out of the endocarp by a mechanical treatment. The internal dormancy, however; was overcome by cultivating the seeds on MS medium supported by Gibberellic Acid at a concentration of (2 mg/L); this treatment revealed a germination percent of 90%.This study also included the effect of the type of explant on response percentage and weight of the callus cells formed. The highest percentage of callus cells formed was obtained from leaf explants cultured on MS medium containing 2, 4-D in a concentration of (2 mg/L), where the response was 100%. Cotyledon explants recorded highest callus cells of mean weight of (1.979 g) per callus. This study also has illustrated that some of the root tips incubated in dark at MS medium free of plant regulators have directly differentiated into shoots. The results of this study have demonstrated that the best effect of Benzyl adenine (BA) plant regulator on direct differentiation of root explants was at 0.5mg/L for all the three studied parameter; which were the mean of shoot number (1.66), mean of shoot length (1.38 cm) and mean of number of formed leaves (1.47). The results of the culture of single node on MS medium containing BA (0.5mg/L) have shown that the highest mean of shoot number and shoot length were 2.9 shoots and 5.15 cm in length. Whereas, the highest mean of number of leaves (15.75 leaves) was recorded when 1mg/L of BA was used. The effect of Kinetin (Kin) on differentiation of single nodes revealed that the concentration of 1.5 mg/L has produced the highest mean of shoot number (2.5 shoots), shoot length (3.25 cm) and leave number (14.7 leaves), Results have also revealed that the rooting percentage wqs 100% when using ½ MS (Murashig & Skoog). Survival percentage of plantlets has reached 80% under a plstic green house with no control of the environmental conditions.A summary of the best micropropagation protocol of treatments from fruit (seeds) to acclimated plantlets is illustrated in Figure (31).
زينب جمعة الدائخ (2011)

Reengineering the Organizing and Structuring In Governmental Companies

أتسمت السنوات الماضية بتطورات وتحديات عديدة كان لها آثار مباشرة على القطاع العام، ومن أهم هذه التحديات اختلاف دور الدولة في المجتمع ، والتغيرات البيئية ، والتخصيص ، وتطور تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، والعولمة. ومن أجل أن يتمكن القطاع العام من مواجهة هذه التغيرات الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية والبيئية ينبغي الاستفادة من التطورات الحديثة في الإدارة في كيفية التعامل مع مثل هذه الشئون. ويعتبر أسلوب إعادة الهندسة من أحد أبرز الظواهر الإدارية الحديثة من بداية التسعينات. يشكل توطيد الأساليب الفعالة للنجاح أحد المجالات الأساسية التي تستلزم البحث والدراسة في مجال إعادة الهندسة.يتلخص مجال البحث في تدني مستوي أداء الشركة محل الدراسة نتيجة لانخفاض كفاءة عملياتها الحالية، لاستبعاد الإدارة العليا لمدى أهمية إعادة الهندسة في تطوير وتحسين الأداء. لذا فان الدراسة تهدف إلى إمكانية التعرف على الأسباب التي تحول دون تطبيق مفهوم إعادة الهندسة كأداة لرفع أداء الشركة العامة للكهرباء فى ليبيا. ولكي نتمكن من دراسة هذه المشكلة واقتراح الحلول اعتمد الباحث الأسلوب الكمي للبحث من خلال تصميم صحيفة استبيان وتوزيعها على عينة عشوائية بنسبة 50% من مجتمع الدراسة،والمتمثلة في ثلاثة إدارات تابعة للشركة العامة للكهرباء،وهي إدارة الموارد البشرية، وإدارة شؤون العاملين،وإدارة المعلوماتية حيث تكونت هذه العينة من 98 مفردة تم اختيارها عشوائيا لاختبار صحة الفرضيتين الآتيتين :استبعاد الإدارة العليا للشركة لمفهوم إعادة الهندسة يؤثر تأثيرا كبيرا على أداء الشركة محل الدراسة.قلة الكفاءات الفنية لتطبيق أسلوب إعادة الهندسة بالشركة محل الدراسة يؤدي إلى القصور في تطبيق هذا الأسلوب وبالتالي تدني أداء الشركة وعدم تطورها.تم إجراء التحليلات الإحصائية ، للبيانات التي تم تجميعها من صحيفة الاستبيان، واختبار الفرضيتين باستخدام البرنامج الإحصائي الشهير (SPSS) و باستخدام اختبار T test ، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج من أهمها أن استبعاد الإدارة العليا لأهمية تطبيق أسلوب إعادة الهندسة يؤثر على أداء الشركة ، كما أن العاملين بالشركة ينقصهم الوعي والإدراك بمتطلبات التحسين، وكذلك الرغبة والقدرة لإنجاز الأهداف المرجوة من عمليات التغيير لتحسين وتطوير الأداء، وخلصت الدراسة إلى تقديم بعض التوصيات لعل من أهمها:- لفت نظر القائمين على الإدارة العليا بالشركة محل الدراسة إلى أهمية استخدام نموذج إعادة الهندسة لتحسين مستوى أداء الأعمال بالشركة.دعم الشركة بالعناصر المؤهلة والقادرة على تبني أسلوب إعادة الهندسة لتطوير وتحسين أداء عمليات الشركة لتحقيق مستهدفاتها في زيادة الأرباح من خلال تقديم أفضل المنتجات والخدمات للعملاء عبر احدث وسائل تكنولوجيا المعلومات.


The past years were characterized with many developments and challenges which had a direct impact on the public sector. Among the most important of these challenges, the divergence of the State’s role in the society, environmental changes, privatization, development of information technology and communication and globalization. In order for the public sector to face these economic changes, technological and environmental, advantage should be taken of recent developments in management to deal with such changes and developments , as re-engineering is considered one of the most prominent phenomena of modern management in the early nineties. The consolidation of the critical factors for success is one of the key areas for research and study in the field of re-engineering. The main problem of the research is briefed in the low level of the company's performance under study as a result of the low efficiency of its existing operations. This may be a result of exclusion of the senior management to the importance of re-engineering in the development and upgrading of performance. Therefore, the study aims at the possibility to identify reasons that prevent the application of re-engineering concept as a tool to upgrade the performance of the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL). In order to study this problem and propose solutions, the researcher adopted the quantitative method to search through the design of a questionnaire distributed to a random sample of 50% of the study community representing three departments belonging to the General Electricity Company; Human Resources Department, Personnel Department and information Department. This sample consists of 98 items, randomly selected to test the validity of the following two hypotheses The exclusion of the company senior management to re-engineering concept to affect the performance of the company subject matter of present study 2. Lack of technical competencies to apply the method of re-engineering in the company subject matter of study leads to deficiencies in the application of this method and hence the low performance of the company. The statistical analyzes of the data that was assembled through the questionnaire and the T test of the above two hypotheses using the well known statistical software (SPSS), were conducted. The study showed the exclusion of company senior management of the importance of applying re-engineering which affects the performance of the company. It also showed that the employees of the company lacked awareness and understanding of the requirements of the improvements as well as the desire and ability to achieve the desired goals of the processes of change and development to improve company Performance Company. This study concluded many recommendations, the most notably are: 1. raising awareness among those in charge of the senior management at the company under study to the importance of application of re- engineering model to improve the business performance of the company. 2. Providing the company by qualified personnel that are able to adopt re-engineering in the company to develop and upgrade the performance of the company's operations so as to achieve its objectives in increasing its profits though providing the best products and services for the customers though up-to-date information technology means.
رجب صالح سليمان (2013)