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Pym’s ‘Translation Archaeology & Application; his Intercultural Model (EN)

While approaches related to Descriptive Translation Studies are mainly designed to analyze translated work (the product), Anthony Pym’s approach to Translation archeology, humanization and the intercultural model tends to produce much more focus on translators (the producers) and the context in which those translators worked within or what Pym calls ‘intercultural space’, a concept used to denote to a cross-cultural/ multicultural social space. This paper is to reflect this intercultural model over Al-Andalus, the Arabic name for the Islamic Iberian Peninsula, where the Arabs settled for four centuries bringing with them their own social, political and cultural framework study and where the Arab Islamic culture had flourished. Based on this model, the research is to spot light on the ‘human translator’, address questions such as why such translations were produced in this particular place and time ‘the social causation’, the nature of the relationship of those translators to their patrons and clients their ‘social entourage’ (Pym1998) and to spot light on the social roles played by translators in mediating between cultures and the transmission of Arabic knowledge/science to Europe during the Medieval ages. I believe that putting focus on Pym’s archeology of translation would provide guidance for two types of translation historians: researchers who are interested in intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration and those who study regional histories that have received little attention by scholars of translation, besides providing us with answers to what translation can tell us about a given historical context. On the other hand, the analysis of this period in specific would help bring this important era of translation history out from the shadows and give it the visibility that it deserves. arabic 19 English 60
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(12-2017)
publisher's website

Lexical & Syntactic Characteristics of English Legal Texts & Methodology of Achieving Translation Equivalence in Target Language

Legal translation is considered as part of the technical translation in the field of law. Legal discourse is characterized by the presence of a wide-range terminology which is easy to people familiar with it and difficult to those who are unfamiliar with and with its unique lexical/syntactic features. Translators of legal-related material are expected to hold knowledge of the characteristics of such discourse and methods for achieving equivalence in the target language. This paper is to put focus on the common lexical and syntactic problematic aspects of English legal texts, and to spot light on the methodology of legal translation & process of achieving equivalencein target language, with special reference to functional equivalence being suggested by many theoreticians for reproducing the „legal effect‟ in the target text while preserving the fidelity of the source.Text-foreignization /domestication strategies,the intersemiotic and intrasemiotic translation procedures and the principle of fidelity to the source legal text are some other aspects to be tackled arabic 18 English 110
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(2-2018)


Language vocabulary can be changed and expanded in order to cop with the infinite world and state-of the art terminology medical innovations. New words can be added, and the meaning of already existing words can be altered. Accordingly, new words can enter a language by means of the process of word formation rules This paper is to discuss derivation morphemes in the filed of medical terminology, and the process of translating them into Arabic. These medical morphemes are complicated so that understanding what derivation morphemes are is important. The paper then is to spotlight on neologisms, hyphenated medical compounds, and process of translating them with special reference to the theory of Meaning-Based Translation arabic 13 English 72
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(12-2017)
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Small ruminant contribution in meat production in Libya

Egyptian Journal of sheep & Goat Sciences Vol. 10, (1) P: 13-18 – 2015 Small ruminant contribution in meat production in Libya Abdulkarim Ahtash Abstract: Sheep and Goat are considered the important agriculture activity overall grazing areas in Libya, since natural range represent the important parts of feed and forages for those animals. Barbary sheep and local goats breeds proved their potentiality through ability to withstand the adverse conditions such as drought, sub- maintenance feeding, heat stress, disease and poor management. Libyan Barbary sheep represents the dominant Libyan sheep breed (95%) in which their population is 6.5 million heads raised for meat and wool production. Local goats (Mahali) represents more than 90% of the number of goats in Libya (1.5 – 2.0 million). Sheep and goat flocks were spread overall the country specially the coast. Extensive production system was the main system used at semi-arid grazing area and mountain. Statistics showed that sheep and goat contribution of meat production during 1998-2009 ranged from 67 – 80.5%. It looks that Libya does not reach self-sufficient of meat production from small ruminants though the wide spread of these animals. It has recognized that production deficiency percentages from sheep and goats’ meat ranged from 49% to 55% during the same period. Key words: small ruminant, meat production, self-sufficient. arabic 7 English 48
Abdulkarim Ahtash(4-2015)
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وزن الميلاد والوزن عند عمر 70 يوماً ووزن الفطام وما بعد الفطام في الضأن البربري الليبي

مجلة العلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية 2007 وزن الميلاد والوزن عند عمر 70 يوم ووزن الفطام وما بعد الفطام في الضأن البربري الليبي عبدالكريم أحتاش و عياد مجيد و محمد صنام و نورالدين الجعودي الملخص: تضمنت الدراسة سجلات لمعدلات النمو لعدد 514 رأساً من حملان الضأن البربري الليبي التابعة لمحطة بئر الغنم البحثية (مركز بحوث الثروة الحيوانية). تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم معدلات النمو في حملان البربري الليبي من خلال الوزن عند الميلاد والوزن عند عمر 70 يوماً والوزن عند الفطام والوزن الشهري ما بعد الفطام لمدة ثلاثة شهور، بالاضافة إلى دراسة تأثير جنس الحيوان في هذه الصفات. بينت نتائج الدراسة أن متوسط الوزن عند الميلاد والوزن عند عمر 70 يوم والوزن عند الفطام والأوزان الشهرية ما بعد الفطام لحملان البربري الليبي كان 3.17 كجم و 15.99 كجم و 23.48 كجم و 25.71 كجم و 28.86 كجم و 34.28 كجم على التوالي. وكان معدل الزيادة اليومية قبل الفطام لحملان البربري الليبي 169 جم/ اليوم. وكان تأثير جنس الحيوان معنويا على جميع الصفات المدروسة، حيث تفوقت الحملان الذكور على الإناث في وزن الميلاد بـ 0.120 كجم والوزن عند عمر 70 يوم بـ 1.40 كجم والوزن عند الفطام بـ 2.700 كجم. arabic 153 English 2
عبدالكريم امحمد احمد احتاش, عياد مجيد, محمد صنام, نورالدين الجعودي(10-2007)

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Smoking among Pharmacy Students: Findings from a Public University

Introduction: Smoking causes substantial preventable morbidity, mortality and financial burdens. It is the main risk factor for many diseases and a significant cause of death. Smoking prevalence is high internationally and in Malaysia, especially among males. Smoking cessation is essential to reduce tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. Aim: To evaluate knowledge, attitude towards and practice of smoking among pharmacy students in the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a validated structured self-administered questionnaire among a sample of IIUM pharmacy students (n=251) from November 2012 to December 2012. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarise data and to examine the relationship between variables. Results: A total of 251 IIUM pharmacy students have participated in the survey. The median age of the participants was 21-23 years; 23.9% of them were males and 76.1% were females. The percentage of current smokers and ex-smokers was 0.4%, 0.8%, respectively. About 43% of the respondents had a good knowledge (score >16), more than half of them had a positive attitude (score >17), and about 38.4% had a good practice (score >11). Conclusion: Smoking prevalence among pharmacy students in IIUM is very low. However, conducting training and educational programs to improve knowledge, attitudes and practice of pharmacy students is highly recommended to assist their contribution to smoking cessation interventions in the future. arabic 15 English 87
Eman Ali .M Dyab(12-2018)
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Exploration of Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers towards Medication Error Reporting in a Tertiary Health Care Facility: A Qualitative Approach

Medication error reporting (MER) is an effective way used to identify the causes of Medication Errors (MEs) and to prevent repeating them in future. The underreporting of MEs is a challenge generally in all MER systems. The current research aimed to explore nurses’ knowledge on MER by determining their attitudes towards reporting and studying the implicated barriers and facilitators. A total of 23 nurses were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The saturation point was attained after 21 interviews. All the interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim, and analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Four major themes and 17 sub-themes were identified. Almost all the interviewees were aware about the existence of the MER system. They showed a positive attitude towards MER. The main barriers for MER were the impacts of time and workload, fear of investigation, impacts on the job, and negative reactions from the person in charge. The nurses were knowledgeable about MER but there was uncertainty towards reporting harmless MEs, thus indicating the need for an educational program to highlight the benefits of near-miss reporting. To improve participation strategies, a blameless reporting culture, reporting anonymously, and a simplified MER process should be considered. arabic 26 English 137
Eman Ali M. Dyab(11-2018)
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كثافة ألياف الصوف ونسبة الفقد في صوف الضأن البربري الليبي

مجلة العلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية 2004 كثافة ألياف الصوف ونسبة الفقد في صوف الضأن البربري الليبي عبدالكريم أحتاش الملخص أجريت هذه الدراسة على عدد 18 رأس من الضأن البربري الليبي التابع لمزرعة الأغنام بمحطة أبحاث كلية الزراعة. كان متوسط وزن الجزة الخام 2.34 ± 0.21 كجم، وكان متوسط وزن الجزة الخام أثقل في الذكور من الإناث (3.31 ± 0.73 كجم، 1.72 ± 0.13 كجم على التوالي). كان متوسط نسبة الفقد في الصوف 29.7 ±0.26 % ، وكان تأثير عامل الجنس غير معنوي على هذه الصفة، ويعزى انخفاض نسبة الفقد إلى إجراء عملية التغطيس قبل الجز. وكان متوسط عدد ألياف الصوف في وحدة المساحة للضأن البربري الليبي 651 ± 22.2 ليفة/سم2 ، حيث كان تاثير الجنس على هذه الصفة معنوياً ( (P< 0.05 ، فقد بلغ متوسط عدد ألياف الصوف في الذكور والإناث 761 ± 25.6 ليفة/سم2 و 629 ± 19.5 ليفة/سم2 على التوالي. arabic 105 English 0
عبدالكريم امحمد احمد احتاش(12-2004)